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So how is it that Shiori can do all these creative projects like VNs and shit but mane-chan stopped Ame with an iron fist for any creative endeavors outside of zatsus and game streams?
ame limited herself by not fucking streaming
There's something funky going on with Henma and Shiori. He was infamously absent from most ENs before Advent came along, he's still supposed to help several girls but the only one that seems to get any results is Shiori. And the way she talks about him and the amount is really off putting.

And yeah Henma was supposed to be Ame's manager for the longest time. He was basically a no show and Ame struggled to even get replies from him. And no I'm not implying they're fucking, its just some weird power play Shori managed to tap on or something.
Shiori is struggling.
Ame is not struggling.
Management wanted Ame to just stream and sing and all would be fine.
Management wanted Shiori to branch out because she needs to increase views somehow by trying to tap the creative niche.
>why are you giving help to someone who needs it
For the first 2 years Ame streamed a normal amount, if above average. She was always around the top 3 of hours streamed from EN. It wasn't until the third year that she started to exhibit trouble and it got extreme this last year but that one has a clear explanation now. Anyway, Ame wasn't getting any help when she was streaming and she wasn't getting any help when she wasn't streaming (which one could argue could be an option for Cover to try and keep her)
Shiori probably autistically sends Henma a message every single day about shit he hasn't done yet, pretty much tardwrangling him.
Ame probably sent one message once then bitched whenever he missed it.
is this narrative still a thing? no hate for dooby, she is fine doing whatever she wants, but the narrative of blaming management doesn't really work for now since she hasn't done anything different yet.
There's a pretty good reason why he is so involved with her, and why she talks openly to him on stream all the time. If you take a second and think about it, you'll realize why she stopped all of the affectionate stuff while teasing him every chance she gets during streams and why he is so involved with Shiori specifically. Remember, Henma is also Mumei's and ERB's manager, but he isn't nearly invested with them as much as Shiori nor give them as much freedom and help as Shiori. This "power play" bullshit is just delusions to not have to face the truth of what's going on between the two.
It may also be that they're all still a little afraid of her. Considering what her PL was like, maybe she just has no tolerance for bullshit anymore and makes sure they know it.
Anon, we are not even seeing 30% of all the creative projects Shiori wants to release. She just deals with it because, unlike Ame, she's new and has no options.
>Not giving her all the freedom she wants to do anything she wants
If it was that obvious, Cover would have known and fired both of them. but go on, this rrat is so weak that i don't care about it being alive as an entertainment
Oh look a new thread using the "creative" topic to make a new rrat to shit on Shiori.

This has gone from "how do we save her" > "why nobody watch her" > "why hasn't she graduate yet" > "she might be pregnant due to her weird diet" and now is "she must be in a relation ship with Henma bcs she get all the attention" rrat.

Let she what will they come up for a next "new rrat to shit on Shiori using trust me bro source" thread.
Damn you figured it out dude
She is fucking her married manager, I can't believe nobody else thought to fuck him before she came along
> Not giving Mumei and ERB the freedom to do everthing they wanted.

> Mumei barely stream but if she does it either FPS / Karaoke and collab stream and then she fly away for a few month again.

> ERB doing only Karaoke and few gaming stream. Always missing bcs she got other hidden project to do for the company.

>>> Henma must in a relationship with Shiori bcs she get all the atention from him and like the only creative one that he's managing out of those 2 singer above.

God you are giga retard in a very funny way.
>Shori managed to tap on or something.
Shiori ties with Hololive are unironically a rabbit hole that makes you sound like a schizo and wins you 3 days of ban.

But I don't think it's a power play, she's simply persistent and headstrong. See what happened with the enreco cover, she refused to change it to the mandated one, was forced to, and was passive aggressive about it.
She isn't lazy as Ame is, simple as.
Perhaps it had nothing to do with management, just a guess.
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Why has she got such strong op-sec? A decade of experience?
Mumei was trying to do a lot but kept getting fucked by management. She probably just got tired of it.

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