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Really? This bitch is making up another controversy for pity points?
he was just trying to unbeach the whale
Parasocial fuck.
Which one of you fuckers did this
Bro fuck you. You made me spill my choccy milk.
How do these people keep finding chuubas' homes? Do the girls just have an Iron Man 3 moment at some point?
It was me. I stole her ID.
She did a flesh stream like literally this week she mustve leaked something
if he lives near her then he probably just stream sniped her and then followed her home.
yeah that totally happened
god forgive my soul but there's a clip of the fact here
how dare you assume that this brave soul made up a story about installing a "panic button" and presumably having a separate team of physical security personnel to have been alerted by said button presses so they could promptly confront the threat, instead of just calling the emergency number on ye olde cell phone like everyone else
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in reality the cops won't do shit and he'll be back at it again soon enough.
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I know the culprit
What's that noise that spurred her concern? It sounds like a digitized explosion.
>We finished talking to the officer

wait... who is this "we" ??

why is the chat blaming wawa??
Why can't these women just buy a trained guard dog?
Damn people are desperate, lose some weight and there’s already stalkers
What is this sound supposed to be? It's so short and abrupt that I can't think of anything that makes sense. It couldn't be someone punching at her garage door, right?
>rape is imminent
Sounds like a kick against some sort of metal sheet or grate.
You just don't know
dogs are high maintenance. cameras and guns are the better option.
I think it's supposed to be someone drilling her door lock
They would just end up fucking them
I have seen lock drilling in person before, unless she has a giant padlock it shouldn't sound like that.
Sounds like when you let an empty plastic bucket drop onto the floor from 3 feet in the air.
She's shown her face before and she isn't even attractive and on top of it fat. Has a mega chin and a jewish-like hook nose. Without makeup she basically look like a guy. Makeup should be illegal for real.
she constantly goes to cons. literally anyone could do it.
They would have to get up and go on a walk multiple times a day. The horror.
Lord knows some of them are in desperate need of it. So a dog would be killing 2 birds.
Yeah, it was the pizza delivery guy wondering how she's going to pay for her 12 extra large pepperoni pizzas.
camila isn't white

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