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Bae a cute.
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hey man
Zeta redemption arc
the towa thread
Sicilians have been mentioned multiple times in the thread, the heck are they even
And now greedy IRyS is hitting on the shota too
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>Towa thread
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Koyo did it!
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>yesterday because of Mass Effect 3 ending
Irys your PC is shit.
Is IRyS playing on PS5
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Lapsama my friend
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Very important image
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Just realized that Nerissa is the only one in this 8 person collab that only speaks one language.
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Is this the Towa thread?
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My Ina!
First they were Greeks, then they became Italian.
part eggplant
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Just don’t be a coomer. Why do you have to jack off to your own character any time you play a game?
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Bae cute!
You know how Italy’s a boot? The triangle its kicking is Sicily
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>slop effect 3 ending
MHW being the flavor of the month while Ina can't stream is gonna turn her into the Joker.
Is mococo actually afraid of the dark? I've noticed she screams in games whenever the lights go out. The image of her using a night light is cracking me up
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Zeta has a perfect body
It's not even out til next year
that's hot
she is playing on a dell
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They are pros now
>2 wins
Who's gonna graduate out of all of them?
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SexRys makes my dickHardRys
Mococo is stuck in a hole...
I will ruin it with white children
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how come its ok for women to make male characters wearing bright pink super revealing swimsuits in front of thousands of viewers but when i make a female character with a bright pink super revealing swimsuit alone in my room by myself im a degenerate and a pervert
GG speaks Chinese
>Kronii playing TCG has higher graphical fidelity than IRyS playing Monhun Wilds
No worries, game doesn't come up until like March
Fusion might not be beloved by main but it was my first metroid and it has a special place in my heart flaws and all.
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this is true
maybe you should try streaming to thousands of viewers
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its pretty good isnt it
Both are degenerate. IRyS is a degenerate.
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because the church of twitter said so, and twitter is the law now

they're not gonna get a single one
Yeah Mumei would top
"zeta" is a vtuber
why wouldn't she have a perfect body?
Eat shit!
She flat
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What would Ame use if she played Wilds, hypothetically?
mmm tasty
Cute girls can do no wrong
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What Mario-universe character is each girl's equivalent? I know that Ina for example always picks Waluigi, so the answer is obviously Waluigi and Mumei usually is Donkey Kong. These are the type of statistics that we need.

Flavor of the week. Beta closes tomorrow. Besides, there's only 4 monsters to hunt and nothing carries over besides your character's appearance data. She's not missing anything.
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Pretty sure Twitter 100% supports people LARPing as the opposite sex
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a gun
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mori is donkey kong
I misread, I was making a joke about how she's perfect because of her "flat" chest because she's 2D
>they were doing secret practice
IRyS is thinking about wincest again...
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Whichever weapon is the worst, most universally hated
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Either bow or heavy bowgun
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fauna coworker
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IRyS should try being not cute for just one second (impossible).
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Cute prompt!
hunting horn
This fucking scantily clad bishonen talking to children
Why is she streaming fomo behind membership
gigi has been monty every time
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Mori is og DK
Mumei is DK Jr
Koyo FFX has been great. I want her to drink my mayonnaise cum.
that's because Gigi is Da Beaver
Same. It's got some cool stuff.
oh NOW she'll show off her ass, huh?! I'm not jacking off to her anymore until I get to see her asshole
She'll try bow, get filtered. Move over to chat's suggestion of charge blade, get even more filtered, until finally settling on hunting horn.
mococo really is like one of those swedish fairies who live in caves, sleep under your floorboards, and eat your leftover scraps for sustenance.
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Mori should raid Mococo so Fuwawa feels bad
she's donkey kong
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Gura cute Gura cute!
why are they doing the kusoge coop mode? can you not play the good modes with 8 people?
da beaver?
Okayu is lewd??????
you call that an ass? it looks pretty flat, even with that pose and angle
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That sounds scary
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This is genuinely one of my favorite fan arts. It's one of only a handful that I've actually saved.
This fucking Fuwawa should stop making bread
Why is everyone here watching IRyS instead of the collab?
Insect glaive because she likes bugs
Where does this come from
Nerissa sounds like Bae sometimes. I thought that yawn was her.
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Thanks Okayu very cool.
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ccgg 7dtd
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i'm watching the collab
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I can't remember exactly why, but in the first CCGG 7DtD collab GG decided she was a beaver
>fuwawa spent an entire hour sorting... four chests
fucking kek
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Zeta... my dumbass wife Zeta...
4 max I think
Classic Nintendo
Yeah, I'm thinking smooch
Raora is my actual wife. No I will not prove it. But rest assured it's the truth.
FAT (compliment).
kek rissa
she likes munching wood
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She has a cute perky butt. Could be bigger.
what the fuck do you mean what are sicilians? lol
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hey girl
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god I wish I was impostor bowser
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I love Towa!
I wonder if someone theoretically posted proof that they were actually married to a Holo if they'd get banned for doxx
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post some SOUL thumbnails
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Perfect ass size!
I like how Ollie says Bowser as "bah-zer"
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Wikipedia tells me they're Italian but why were people making fun of em
Did you guys know that Napoleon Bonaparte was a Sicilian?
this is like telling a girl with B cups that she has cute perky breasts
Chat is this real
How would that not be doxx anon
this is why they only get one paycheck and have to do so much homework and other shit to earn the extra money they need so both of them can survive in Japan
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t. Irish
Corsican, anon
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>CC and GG carrying
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Speaking from experience?
pyonkichi is really cute >_<
He was Corsican. Wrong island.
Top performers of this collab
>Round 1: Mori
>Round 2: Nerissa
>Round 3: Justice
Total EN domination
mmm that was another good fwmc minecraft adventure. What's IRyS doin? What's MNOZGCAR doin?
it's that james bond villain! Longjaw!
It would be weird to get banned for posting proof of your own relationship is all I mean
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Zeta is announcing her pregnancy
Rightful clay of Sicily

Is Zeta ogey? She was so silent today
it would be off topic
I want to put on 3 condoms so I can have sex with Zeta’s spicy vagina
Do SEA people have short flat jaws or something?
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I want to rape Zeta
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Make sure to cum to Zeta's 3D live everybody
Yup, that's a man.
I don't normally watvh Zeta... Does her brain work?
that was a collab I guess
course he can what?
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Not so soon
not at all
Stop it Anya. I don't want to get horny from your little girl feet.
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I wish I could find a beached whale this attractive...
Fortunately, no!
Nerissa is selling coffee!
Cats have tiny brains.
I'm lost, did Mori win? Is a graduation on the way?
wow holy shit

For the boomers in the thread.
Sabrina Carpenter!?
The American singer and actress!?
Fuck Zeta softly.
Oh nice more English covers
Nerissa is releasing a carpet covers?
What's wrong with perky breasts?
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What song is that?
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I'm Latino...
Finally a relevant cover
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>Sabrina Carpenter

I have literally never heard of this person before until this summer. Is she an industry plant?
Damn that's pretty sweet Rissa
them fucking thighs
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I don't think this is the first time they've shitposted over a normal looking jaw
Oh this song.
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Who are the most depressed Holos besides Kronii and Nene?
might as well say i have a wonderful personality
I will be there no matter what
not everyone is a plant just cause you're getting old
I kneel to whatever employee figured out the western music cover perms
Oh my god ERB opened the floodgates for western covers
why aren't there more zeta lewds
>Use big collabs to promote multiple songs
Okay that's a good idea. How come they never did it before?
Prrroink is necessary
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Femanon, I bet you have nice breasts.
talkin bout me every night oh isnt that sweet i guess so
she's legit fucking stupid
worse an ex-Disney channel child star
haven't heard matryoshka in years damn
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I need context for almost any song after 1973.
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>everyone has an announcement except Anya
Does Ollie really have to use as shrill of a voice as possible when cheering? Really, truly, honestly?
Is Nene graduating after all?
the girls were usually too shy to mention their own shit
they're okay, they could be bigger.
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Keep Kovic away from Holomem
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Rara is so cute!
Please god let them have pulled it off for all the branches and not just EN
Zeta and Bae should leglock each other to seduce me.
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I still regret not downloading the soundpost one anon did which had this video, some stream ripped moans and fucking squeaky toy noises lel
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Someone post the wierd cat fukken thing
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Zeta isn't a very good saleswoman. She should have sold her 3D better.
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Imagine a threesome with IRyS and Zeta.
yes Sabrina carpenter is selenfag
This is the first time they have prepared thumbnails for the promotions.
not even close
theyre not your friends mori dont lie its cringe and sad
I'm gonna give Kronii a fucking swirlie
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Sabrina Carpenter has a cute butt.
Kronii isn’t even depressed anymore. She’s in a pretty good place.
Zeta's voice was practically non existent as she was talking about her live
Wait they can cover songs that aren't 4 decades old? oh wow
Okayu... that was the first boss.
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I mean most of us would say the same about our weewees, so don't feel too bad.
why would an american make a song about the british broadcasting corporation?
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GG gone...
I bet Bruce would love Holocure
Stop being jealous
Ex-Disney so most zoomers and gen alpha know her
She's the zoomer equivalent of Ariana Grande
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I fucking despise Anya.
Isn't it jazz themed or something? She should've mentioned that
this is a smallie and flattie cult thread
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She's Bart Simpson's niece
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Since it's coop does that mean everyone is safe from the curse since nobody lost
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>Collabs with u
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oh i think i saw this over some ryan gosling clips
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Yes, it's fucking cute
hah good one
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gigi gonathon...
FuwaMoco's first EN collab, one and a half years in
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Thank goodness they only played co-op so that way no one lost, and thus the curse has been deftly avoided with no dire consequences.
wait what were Ollie and Anya's announcements?
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Anon the White Album came out 58 years ago.
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Dick and balls
>Raided into IRyS
wait fuck I don't wanna be spoiled on the new MH game before it comes out
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Why is everybody collabing with CC? She needs to prepare for her birthday.
by far the funniest part of her 3D was having Mumei and Gozaru just to show that her thighs are twice as large as either of them
Okay, Kiara.
it's ok, she sells her body to me already
This is fucked up
Why is Monster hunter so fucking boring to watch....I wish this shit never got popular
Anya announced her and I's marriage
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Gigi gone...
gigi gone.. waht do
>raiding into retardation
Why is IRyS talking like that?
good shit
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>got redirected to IRyS
Gomen, I can't physically watch nuMH streams.
Would you let this creature in? It might hump your leg or something.
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IRyS' brain is overheating already...
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That she's cute
IRyS sounds kinda dumb today
The funlance seems fun
>Won 3 rounds
finally I can breed this thing
its funny because its real
I think a holo should get perms for that schizophrenic AI Minecraft thing that's been going around on Twitter. I want to see someone try and beat the ender dragon in it.
I never thought it was even that fun to play but people obviously like it. I bet it’s more fun with friends online obviously
How did Mumei become so SEX again...?
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got redirected to IRyS so i'm watching her now.
they have been in multiple collabs what are you talking about?
>game tells Irys two things at once
>OMG they're telling me too many things at once i cannot process this
Came from the raid. Is Irys... like, you know?
Holy sex.
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Time to rail IRyS
That bed must stink of cum
Kiara, it's too early for you to be here
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Risu covering practically any english song would be incredible
Is Irys a Gunlance main or is she just trying it out?
IRyS was the dumbest holomem until Raora came and took her crown
CCCGG 7 days to die she was roleplaying and dropped her best line "if I was a beaver I'd be eating so good right now"
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ok mario party collab done, so who's graduating?
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I don’t get it either. It’s “okay” to play, but it’s an absolutely terrible game to spectate.
Actual retard KEK
IRyS is cumming
>liar's bar
this will be EXTRA retarded
going to watch okayu now i guess,
Is this a trap? She's going to leave us hanging for a few days huh
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IRyS weapon looks cool, looks like a cursed M1 garand with a bayonet
Not a very tense game compared to regular mario party, but the announcements and prroinks were cool
this is that new minecraft mob, right?
she was a swaxe main in world. but she wants to try gl and bow
The mode was boring, but the girls were cute/10 regular Mario party would've been better
I think she used switchaxe in world
ERB becomes Project HOPE 2
Just trying it out. She mained Switch Axe in World.
She has even less of an idea of what she's doing than usual.
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Congrats on surviving 2 days of NNN brothers
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How can Nerissa secure the perms to cover a recent Top 40 song?
Sometimes people lie on the internet to trick people into replying to them.
it's pretty catchy, but the nintendo part really throws me off
Yeah, literally the only thing I heard from her was "3D"
Gay Bowser
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Wtf are these PS2 looking ass textures?
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Too bad someone else ate her wood.
cover has bought a 2nd fax machine
I just got done with like 12 hours of drinking, I don't think I'll be able to get up tomorrow........I think I'll sleep in tomorrow and watch gozaru's stream in the morning.
So long!
Ooooh, this one. Not sure where I even heard it, kek
It's gonna sound great in Nerissa's voice.
Who the fuck is Bijou?
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>Risu is now a GG anti
it's over....
it's literally just the first hour of the game
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Ollie, to becoming my wife.
>Why is Monster hunter so fucking boring to watch
Because you're watching people who aren't very good lol
I love the Funlance but it's definitely got a learning curve.
Azki is like the perfect wife who you want to have sex with 5 times a day but also isn’t annoying and you want to spend time hanging out with her in between the rough passionate baby making.
Wait, Mori's doing another Mario Party collab? Uh oh...
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>There goes your butthole
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whats the maripas score
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The guy who denies everything they wanna do is gonna have to work twice as hard now, they'll have to hire a second one...
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I'm startint to thing this weapon is too complex for IRyS...
Also butthole mention kek
It's not fun to watch high level gameplay either, this type of game is only fun to play.
What is IRyS doing to buttholes?
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spoilers:you hunt monsters
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Have good night lads and remember to fap to hags for NSNN.
Okayu should lock (you) in a chastity belt
It really got boring and eaasier the more it went on, Im not sure if they tackled all the minigames, probably couldve done that, unless they really had a strict under 2 hour time limit, or at least chat a bit more after.
It's literally not that hard. Just combo and then shoot at the then reload. It's just a lance with a gun.
She'll be fine after a few hunts
See >>88772007
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on PC the game is an unoptimized shitfest on which the monsters can even turn into 32bits looking ass models if your rig dares to wheeze a little.
Then again I wouldn't know, shit crashes in my machine and fucking dies as soon as the fucking menu drops
She was thinking about Kronii's butthole after the incident
>IRyS is being a smellfag
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Who would they be?
I drank forty ounces of water in the last hour, how fucked is my bladder?
Do you watch Gura >>88772221
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Surely they will fix that with the beta... r-right?
which holo had the best outer wilds playthrough? fauna? gigi?
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hololive en it was nice while lasted
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How many fucking smell fags and feet fags are in Hololive? This is getting ridiculous
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who? i dont watch indies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDIZ8uF4nAw This is what the 20 man mode is like FYI. It's not normal Mario Party.
it's only water
just piss
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The blonde one...
Past Ina
her gen lilika festival tower and ame
It's probably a jab at them calling things "first" when it's not.
Nobody. Mori didn't win.
just piss it out. Drinking a liter of water isn't an issue unless you're a woman that gets turned on holding her pee.
Why does Irys refuse to upgrade her PC?
Finally, a viewer called out Fuwawa bullying Mococo in an SC
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As much as they're hidden toilet/scat fags in Hololive......
I think your liver probably hates you.
Actually, in the Round where Mori was top performer, Zeta had the lowest. In the other two rounds, Anya was the worst performer, but Mori didnt become top performer
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Whose butthole was mentioned? Tell me urgently.
have you never heard of edward 40 hands?
Who is IRyS cosplaying and why is he naked
She's beyond lazy.
More like the first 15 min
Who's that blonde slut?
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armor doesn't matter if you're good enough
Oh my God...At least the German Holo hasn't mention poop
Hopefully not a single other ID. Nothing against them but I'm sick of the branch being so insular with their lives
Seeing as she still uses an super old iPhone she prolly uses stuff until it is absolutely broken
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They all won and they all lost... so everyone is graduating...
>this is my ideal
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Fauna was very cute today
My penis
gigi's was great because she went into it with an open mind and assumed nothing
Kaworu. And she just wanted him to be naked for some reason
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speedrunning hyponatremia, says the voices
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I didn't know they were still making ps3 games
the dialogue is hilarious
I been hoping for more EN/JP guests on the ID lives for ages
Why is IRyS crossdressing?
Would be funny if Mori for some odd reason.
really reminds me of those PS vita games that got ported to ps3/ps4
I don't know who to watch with Ina gone
thats way too much, anon.
>Healthy adult kidneys can eliminate about 1 liter (l) or 0.2 gallons (gl) of water per hour. Although no specific amount of fluids can cause overhydration for a person, it’s a good idea not to drink more than your kidneys can handle.
At the very least I'd assume kobo and kaela are a given
I've seen better textures on the PS2
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Fat fuck.
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Hell, they're still making N64 games.
this looks soulful
This >>88773221 with the exception of Risu
jesas... the barber was fucking trashed
>the monster has a giant womb tattoo
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The new handler seems like she'd be into anal
But wait there's more
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is anyone manlier than this dude
She looks like she's about to give a lecture on queer gender theory.
>just a little off the top
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Is Monster hunter usually this story heavy?
I thought you were just a hillbilly hunting thingies for money and buying food from cats
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thats it?
They can't get a 4th?
Ame > GG > Fauna

Ina just started, so hopefully it's a good playthrough, but also she's a terrible actor, so if she looked something up beforehand or was somehow spoiled, it's not gonna be the same as someone going in completely blind. Which I think she already was spoiled on the sun exploding and time travel, since she decided to hang around out in the open and stare at the sun right when the music started
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I want to see this retard try and understand hunting horn.
And would then proceed to show you her butthole
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Okayu is saying some crazy stuff today, she's way too horny
They really couldn't find a 4th player???
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Just don't cross the 5-6 liter limit, otherwise you will literally have internal water flooding and your organs and blood will fucking quickly decompose
>this story heavy
in the beginning, yeah, but once it opens up the story drops off and is just about hunting monsters
No, Ina's just the type of dope to destroy her retinas staring at the sun.
Can't understand them so...
its only worlds and wilds that focuses a bit more on the story
is that a tako (forma de dark wacko)
Not really. This is the first game where your character talks.
The store page literally says the game is a timeloop, and she was outside playing with the signalscope when the ending music started an kept doing it
They probably wanted a gen collab
It's what happens when you try to take his cookies away.
There's a story initially but after that it's just hunting monsters while reading monster lore in the beastiaries.
thank god I only drink soda
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You're too cooked
Thank god Biboo turned that off asap
World's story never stops being annoying. Hopefully this is better.
indonesian is easier to learn than japanese, by a lot
imagine her trying to remember all the note combos if it was pre world...
>Now cum to me
Mumei, Iroha, uhhh, Anya?
>Hopefully this is better.
I think we all know it won't be.
Sorry my cum is reserved for Towa.
That sounds comfy
Zeta's safe, Mori wouldn't hurt a cat
wilds seems a little more story focused than worlds, imo. a little too much for my liking so far. i loved how the story of worlds was basically like, "how fucking sick are these monsters? isn't ecology cool?" but wilds seems like some indian boy is mad at a dragon or something gay like that, kinda boring.
She can't even remember what single buttons do, she'd have no chance.
>Kaela stops streaming to take a vacation
>body immediately becomes unwell
I don't think that GG understood how much fisting that she would need to do after joining yurilive
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4u main story was pretty good
wait that monster biting your weapon animation wasn't just trailer fluff? you can actually do that in game? wtf
MonHon is just fantasy British traveling to the Galapagos islands looking for turtles to eat.
Considering Mori found out Zeta just moved to Japan, I don't think so, since that would have been brought up during rehearsal
IRyS Fucking died
i dont like that the cute kitties can talk now
I'm not going to magically learn it when you say that.
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unchi lol
I want to have children with Koyori.
enough is enough i need to marry Lui now
They at least didn't go full retard and you can turn them back to meowing.
Will you buy a house and live on the windswept plains of Ohio?
thank god
Did Kronii send her blood poop to her
Japanese is easy to learn.
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AZKi is starting with her 2nd year of training her baseball team
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there is waaaay more story than the games ever touch but pretty much all of it is in external media and japan exclusive, like the fact that in canon hunters are considered weirdos and a minority of what was left of the human race after an implied nuclear war
IRyS’ character looks like a fag
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I'd like to eat 2Bae's ass
Crapcom scrapped their god-tier MT Framework engine for the garbage RE Engine.
Also fuck daylight savings time.
I already live in the general great lakes region why not
So where did the monsters come from?
this is why cats should be the only one cooking
how was the orange woman collab, was it KINO?
cute hag
from your mom
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It still looks really stupid in cutscenes because they talk in full sentences and only let out a little meow. I want to hear the constant MREOOWWWRR like when we're hunting.
no Gigi pov so I didn't watch
>>88773735 (me)
has my brain short circuited wtf
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I mastered Japanese in a single week.
What is Kronii doing in the TCG game? Where are the Kronies?
How did you guys convince IRyS to try gunlance and what the fuck is up with her character?
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Peko star runs so fasst it looks like she's teleporting between the bases
CC's in?
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CC cute
it's the most manly weapon to go along with her manly character
RE Engine is fine for small locations it just sucks ass at open world. It's like the engine literally cannot cope with having to LOD anything.
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I really really really really miss Mumei.....
Does the POV really matter for that collab?
the kronies are all in remission after being hit by her gastric blood barrage(bloody farts)
It pokes and erupts yeah that tracks.
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can't get any rawer than this
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Mutated from normal animals a la Godzilla supposedly, same with the hunters who are pretty much descendants from super soldiers who fought during war times. Then again, wouldn't surprise me if this isn't canon anymore because it's translated info from when MH Tri was new on the Wii.
cute and comfy background noise
She's actually more interested in running the shop than pulling cards
yes, of course
rawer :3
Maybe if she didn't spend all her money on keyboards, she would have been able to afford a 4090
Use your blain.
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eh, sounds kinda retarded
just let fantasy worlds be fantasy worlds
duck goose
She got to smack Mori's ass, but just once
maybe she'll use her halloween cheebs
Why does AZKi always look like she's having fun?
until exploded.
I hurt myself the last time I did that...
IRyS is giving monsters gender reassignment
it's basically a chatting collab so I would disagree, unless you're an actual gameplayfag which I hope you're not
But why do cats talk bro?
she's an excellent entertainer
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Yes. If you're a schizo, Kiara's POV will cause you to seethe here.
Has she not upgrade her pc in awhile, I am a tako and I know Ina's upgrade at least twice in 4 years.
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Don't think about it
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Moona is also fast as fuck, now all the bases are loaded for Towa
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Me too..
never lose your optimism you're on a whole level above everyone
My favorite Justice member
cats already talk why wouldnt they talk in monster hunter too
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is DQ10 one of the good ones
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Good post.
When will she finish DoraKe jesus christ what a boring game. I don't get why japs like it so much
She's had this pc since before she joined hololive.
She said was was gonna wrap it up like 20 minutes ago and is having fun playing shop owner
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I'm vibing
is she doing an actual match? or just practice
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DQ is just brain smoothing material for me.
Kronies are persona non grata here newfag
They're all the good ones
it's the summer tournament, not a practice match
sorry IRyStocrats, i had to turn the stream off, YT kept buffering for some reason
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catcher Towa
I'm just baffled by Japs' cultural fascination with DQ, someone should do a study.
Anon, I...
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Leave it to Crapcom to make a convoluted mess out of anything regarding lore and stories, honestly
i miss 2014 Inside Gaming so much
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I'm gonna post my Ina and sleep now. Can a nice anon wish me a good night please?
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have a good night tako!
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I've lost gallons to Subaru.
let's goooooo
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Aim better
Suba should be the next to get official breast enhancement like Fubuki.
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Mori just retweeted a 9am animation from last year
comfy but chaotic
she's here
I need him to return so i can get more 9am mooms
RIP Gawr Goomba
but It seems to be over now
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Gura graduation soon
Gura graduation incoming.
god I fucking hate 9*m
the commander in chiefs voice is very well suited for her personality i would say
>Festival in jeta's 3D
Since when did matsuri and jeta get close?
I REALLY want to bully a 9am Laplus
What are you on about
I just tuned into Okayu, is she enjoying Fusion?
2 run homerun let's goooo
Uh did you miss their sex date
The writing is on the wall.
She's cooking
He just REALLY wants to get all of that $20 he spent on a pass
Just get in here and finish a load, no question asked.
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9AMs artstyle is nothing special and other holoanimators make better and cuter animations
pinged on discord
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>dad built her a recording studio at age 10
>her aunt voices bart fucking simpson
>on chinese television and already doing tv and movie and voice acting 2 years before disney channel role
no one in the entertainment industry is an organic, grassroots talent
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Posting the Koyo
What about the sand?
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Gura cute Gura cute!
that's where my head is
Matsuri has been raping her since she started living in Japan
Wait could you always roll out of waterblight?
This is true!
>9AMs artstyle is nothing special and other holoanimators make better and cuter animations
Is she actually in love with her brother or is that just /tg/ shitposting?
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I believe in a CCLamy drinking collab
i thought fauna was the nl holo
Koyo owes me paizuri and so does every other Holo.
dunno what /tg/ is but she's gay as hell
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I guess you can roll out of dragon/ice blight as well, I wonder why I never tried when I roll for fire/blast.
the gays
/tg/ is for board games and d&d so idk what he's talking about
kronii needs to be tied up more
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we need wagie holos
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towa global
What is Azki drying to accomplish?
>no tail
fake Gigi
>what is definition of gundam
okay I'm clicking off this stream lmao
>cast in girl meets world(2013)
I bet goob was watching this show for ten year olds and pedophiles way after it was normal for a girl her age to be doing so. Same with bluey
GOD the fucking mosnter model jerking looked so painful...IRyS trying to move the camera away
so I can fuck this one no problem right
stop posting the version with the hands, it's awful
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check this out
FWMC would rather raid Fauna's VOD than IRyS
stream lmao
switching out fielders?
I thought everyone knew La+ was a brocon since her debut month
8+1am moom
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I really like this song
It's the best one retard
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what's stopping you from fucking real Gigi?
It was weird that Bae didn't talk about Gura at all when watching their performance, right?
You want a handless moom? Sick fuck.
I mean a lot of siblings have feelings for each other but it's not really serious
much better
>biboo collab at the crack of dawn
>All you Need is Help
qrd on this game?
damn their schedule looks weird without FWMC morning...
kaela pitching
gigi isn't working at the local maccas
that grem scarf is very cute
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For real? Wonder if they have since grudge against IRyS
neither is fake Gigi!
It's a puzzle game where you play as tetris blocks. I liked it, it's a baby game and I played with my nieces.
those kneepits are insanely erotic
I was hoping we might get a Darktide or Vermintide stream instead of Left 4 Dead 2 but this is fine too
they don't like Kiara, IRyS, and Bae
why do FWMC hate IRyS so much???
gimmie da rrats
She's on the way out
don't see her
marketing would never lie
Are they done with it?
They were always at 5 am for me so I didn't see the last one
IRyS crying and begging to not be kill stolen was HOT
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is this a shitpost or my youtube thumbnail is fucked up
because those three all did successfully what FWMC tried to do before Holo and failed
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metaslop just came out a couple weeks ago and it looks like a PS2 game.
IRyS told them she thinks girl-on-girl incest is gross
They collabed with Bae so you're wrong about that one
they put it on paws because they don't care about their EN audience bau bau
JPbros have called for retribution against Kronii for confusing the Guren from Code Geass with Gurren from Gurren Lagaan and saying all mecha are Gundam
Just Fuwawa, and because she's a real Japanese girl
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on hiatus until after fes
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Feels like every RE Engine game has this grey tint over everything.
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Consider Kobo
And then they overlapped her live with a shitpost stream. Maybe they were on good terms at some point, but they aren't anymore.
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AZKi won 7-2 on her first summer game
I think Ina and Gigi should run a sim save of NHL 2004 Dynasty Mode with the current roster mod that'd be so fun
yesterday's was the last one, they put it om hiatus since they needed to cut the time for homework. They won't be continuing it until march, but at my age that's like two weeks from now.
pfff nice ass
They raided part way
yeah, at like 90% done
They only did that because they were at the studio to do something else and they felt sorry her not having anyone else dropping by except Haachama. Sorry buddy, but they think Bae is a joke.
Is IRyS the first girl to ever like gunlance?
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MHWilds is so fun. All HoloEN should play more
Good night mister Reap
back in new york they had a "heated anime discussion" with IRyS
they hate each other since then
reminds me i saw a video before talking about that and it's just some artistic choice or whatever
I heard metaphor gets crazy at the end and is actually good or is that not true
Oh shit is that Ong?
Why would they bother at all if they hated her? Keep moving goal posts
They also streamed today just to be able to overlap the watchalong of her live.
They raided when there was only 10 mins left.
Biboo liked it earlier today. Not gonna main it though
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If they don't fucking fix it it'll be the worst marketing Capcom could have with all these big chuubas playing an N64 game
doesn't aki main gunlance?
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Koyo's about to watch the sphere
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>gtx 1650
>minimum settings
>laptop fans at full speed
oh yeah, its gaming time
i dont need to see what the monster actually looks like to land TCS
no it's Engg
IRyS ate all the food from that donut place
So IRyS told Fuwacoco YWNBJ copypasta and then, and then they got angry yes.
Rate my rrat I made it the fuck up
I wish I saved that Watamelon edit of the earth benders.
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Anon...kun eto https://ibp.gg/shiorin
They were taunting her
that's bullshit, but i believe it / 10
they're all hapas so that'd be weird
next Mori youtube shorts will be made by 9am
Kronii is just now going through the "song lyrics can mean something" phase
baby steps

I believe it
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Can CB not go directly into SAED anymore?
Raffians this is some strong delusion
Well mine isn't a rrat because they started disliking Kiara ever since she got them mixed up during the EN Reco announcement stream.
why is there an eggcord for the dogs now
Good enough for the catalog and the twitter fags, have fun.
FWMC are 0% asian
how could she get them mixed up?
Fuwawa is the fuzzy one
Mococo is the fluffy one
easy easy bau bau
I think Kiara also said the same thing to them at some point
to salvage their image? it didn't work. but yeah them staring at a pause screen is totally more important than the live their senpai spent 8 months working on
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IRyS is full Asian
Genuine autistic
in their hearts they turn that 0% into 100% bau bau
what are they, downies?
Well, she did. Go and check out the stream.
MMM bros, is it our time???
fwmc /became/ japanese, them getting sick so much when they first moved to japan was their bodies rejecting the transplant
think you have to do a bomb gp into it now if you want to do it for wakeups because they make you do aed first in wilds
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I thought ER was bad with the delayed attacks.
IRyS has Japanese blood in her veins naturally. FWMC have to go through gene replacement therapy to slowly become biologically Japanese.
>le fanbase wars
Anon melting down
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Update: Koyo is crying.
Guys... Fauna is streaming too...
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game 2 is starting
still? is she still playing dredge?
But she did?
im not japanese but i can put a little asian in them if you're catching what im releasing
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>not a single holo girl likes sword and shield
She's gonna play nuinui quest full ver
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>Mococoeh loves Kronii
>Fuwawa hates Kronii
She finished Dredge. She switched to member's and is currently doing ASMR test runs.
Wasn't Beebs playing it
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Pekostar struck out...
ah, that's why no one is talking about it, then
Fuwawa really is the Fauna of Advent...
And then Kiara hates CC because she stole her nieche about being european, but uhh she also likes Raora and ERB despite Italy and England because UHHH
Reasons and Austria and Germany are literally the same so uhh yes. I made 2nd RRAT
Please rate it I also made it the fuck up
For the first time Fuwawa is on the right
Kronii doesn't pass the sniff test
She should seriously consider graduating
biboo uses charge blade dumbass
will this be the stream she plays mmm
>IRyS loves Mococo
>IRyS hates Fuwawa
Charge blade is a a sword and shield that morphs into a axe. So its not a SnS or a switch axe hope that clears things up.
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now post her without makeup
>Trick or treating
>In November

>Ohtani does nothing in the playoffs
>Pekora does nothing in the playoffs
Koyori will cry more when she hears Someday the dream will end...
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>So IRyS told Fuwacoco YWNBJ copypasta and then, and then they said thank God for protecting Japan
fixed it for you, sister
FWMC are half-retards, yeah.
They look like men without makeup kek
The pride of Japan
That scene always gets me...
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Thanks brother, have a mighty KEK
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fuwawa is the retard half
late reply, but obligatory
so what's the admixture if 0% asian
Who's the Freddie Freeman on AZKi's team?
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Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina Ina
>holo vs holo raid into doxx
It really is dog eggs
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Whaet's wrong with IRyS' graphics???
is this thing on?
FWMC are shintoist, sister
Imagine your oshi cooks this and offers it to you....Would you eat it?
Her computer has ligma...
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Goodnight thread, i'm off for sleeps
we had a fun time today!
I believe it because I'm a hapless loser who only watch clips. I rather have a fanbase text battle than genuinely enjoy my oshi.
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PSA: theres something really fucking stupid going around with shadowbans, youtube is being way more sensitive than usual, so people are getting shadowbanned on their computers, but shadowbans are apparently handled different based on device, so if youre shadowbanned on PC, you can still chat on mobile.
IRyS is playing the Switch version
I like the dynamic stuff that happens during fights. A lightning/sand storm started up in the middle of one of my hunts.
why are women incapable of looking at the top right of the screen where it shows all the controls?
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Sword and Shield sucks and introduced the worst mechanic game freak has made. Scarlet and Violet were much better despite all the graphical issues.
pokegirl designs were peak though
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This fanart should be destroyed
Am I all alone?
how many wins does azki need to qualify again?
for some reason advent are all catholic specifically
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These shitposters got it wrong
At least shit on someone actually hated by /hlgg/ like Kronii
those heights cannot be right
is anyone there?
youre not special lil bro
What is a "Pyonkichi?"
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Tears and mayonnaise...
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AZKi is in a pinch
I drank two bottles of sake what do I do now
I need a bigger gun.
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No, Sword and Shield, or in Japan, the One-Handed Sword; the most kino weapon in the series.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sold out already
restock when
July 2025
It's weird watching the girls play Wilds after playing Polygon Hunter myself on PC.
The zappy dragon actually looks pretty cool when it isn't just a bunch of triangles.
Ina is so sexable.
I was in Japan for the high school tournament and man it was insane people go crazy for that the amount of free food and drinks I got for talking with people about it was absurd
Yes, and Ayame is collabing with Ina
Help if you can.
how the fuck is that a matching style
Sorry, I'm retarded and got my boards mixed up.
It is my belief that she put let's play in the thumbnail as a result of seeing >>88714304
Ayame unironically wants to collab with Ina after they met up.
Matsuri used SnS in world
I will pick spear as main weapon in any game because it's historically superior. Lance in MH Wilds then
Ayame LOVES Ina
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They're kurushitan, actually
They visit Isukiri's grave yearly
Please wake me up.
You are not a real gamer if you don't pick the worst or most joke weapon in the game
what the fuck! what are they doing?
AZKi is finished...
I wish there was an actual spear weapon. An offensive lance, essentially. No shield and a lot more mobility.
Why not a spear with a gun attached?
>Point stick break
>Now have more
You literally can't lose
its just inas 6 inch heels
Uhh why did my clock go from 1:59 to 1:00???
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But now it's time for Ina to be racist
bayonets are lame as hell
just when I thought we were free from the losing streak....
Holo flatties
She does, unironically. She's kinda like Risu.
Ina would never get discriminated by the Japanese inmigration office
more like holo baddies am i right
when in doubt just bunt
Holy zoomer
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I wish there were Halberts in more games, that to me is the superior historical weapon
Good ol' bunt
not to sound cliche.
Pekora struck out again wtf
I rather have ina's thigh highs
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But this world sucks.
anon this is a blue board
I think there are some IG models that are halberds.
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what would you do?
isnt a glaive a spear?
you've unlocked time travel, congratulations!
now it's time for you to get us back in the RIGHT timeline
kill Pero
Sex with just Fuwawa. Mococo can watch if she wants.
Why does nerissa always gets cucked
Lui should play power pros again
fuck mococo while pero tongues my ass
fuwawa is there too I guess
Stick my finger up Mococo's nose.
Stuck in my head
oh god it's Subaru....
Consider this, Shiori Shovella.
This captures her essence
Suck on fuwawa's tiddies while mococo do a sloppy
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a sloppy what?
wilds ig so far is kinda what i'd want a spear to play like cause of how much more grounded it plays
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Please don't play with my feelings. Is this real?
Kill Fuwawa, eat Pero and adopt Mococo
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Consider this
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That sounds interesting. I fucking hated how gay faggot cock suckingly stupid IG's normal playstyle is, but if it's a more normal grounded playstyle in Wilds then I may actually pay attention to it now.
I could see her going into the men's restroom to see if Gloryhole sushi is a real thing and just find two gay guys going at it and this is her just smugly watching without them knowing.
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you better not be lying
azki is so lucky
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>they fell for if
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stop looking at me like that
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>all these poors in this thread with worse PCs than IRyS
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IRyS should get naked again
Wave the japanese flag around to make them wet
Would any holo be autistic enough to play Elin or Haven and Hearth? Both recently released on Steam.
man if modern power pros was in english
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I hate you.
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i said stop
>irys gpu 3070

should Wild run fine with normal textures if she wasnt streaming?
why did the thread get so quiet all of a sudden
What’s that weird line at the bottom. Noticed it happens with twitter pics a lot too
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So close Iwys....
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Probably, but remember that World was also a buggy unoptimized piece of shit that barely worked on launch so I wouldn't be surprised if Wilds is the same.
her main detriment is having a 10900k tbdesu, the 3070 is fine
capcom says no
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Yeah the texture settings don't change much, it's way more dependent on the cpu.
sorry guys this is a towa appreciation thread now i don't make the rules
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WTF as soon as i posted this a lot of people started posting
you guys aren't just messing with me right
lulls in posting are normal when shitposters shut up
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