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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy.
You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>88610924
(Where we discussed Vampires but not that one, Haikus, Rat physiology, thread clippers, and pronunciation.)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Story Anchor
Post em if you got em
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story Recap. There was one story posted last thread:

Ars Amatoria. Vol 3 >>88695021
Tags: Murasaki Shion, Romance, Fluff, Fantasy, School life, Drama.
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The /wg/'s Fall / Halloween 2024 Contest is over. Thank you to all the writers who participated. The entries can be found at rentry.org/wgoctober
Voting is currently ongoing and will end on Nov. 5th. Please do your civic duty give them a read and vote!
Voting form can be found at: https://forms.gle/YWjY89asjpPd7fqn6
Bodyswap my beloved...put girl in their oshi's bodies so they spend a lot of time taking nude selfies and masturbating
Chloe bodyswapping right as Shion is about to get mating pressed by an oji-san...
You get the ultimate and final cuck: Your oshi genuinely loves somebody else.

No mindbreaking, no blackmail, just a guy who's a better fit for your oshi because you took her for granted.
Cue when you see pictures of her in her socials with a happy marriage and a baby on the way.
>the ultimate and final cuck
Aqua daughter falling in love with a kirito clone/type?
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Sexual intercourse with this thing
Luna is a cute princess, not a thing
Marine attends the kindergarten in a bear costume because she loves it, but needs help taking it off to go pee. You, the caretaker, help her.

You take this opportunity to do unspeakable things.
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Tower of Tattle is entirely hosted on Github, it's the only story that's hosted there but given that it's a really major work I figured it was worth spending the effort to archive it.

There were a few links I didn't bother with because of the complexity and how rare they are. There's a story on Pixiv and another on Deviantart that are nightmarish to programmatically extract, and since it's just two it didn't feel like a good use of time.
>Wuffians! Welcome to the stream! Baubau!
>Un un!
>Today is a vewy special day for Moco-chan!
>Today she gets bred by a dirty stray dog!
>Un-! W-Whaet-?
>Hard cut to a feral mutt jumping on top of Mocochan, and thrusting until his cock is rammed right up her asshole, paws off the floor and clinging to Mococo's meaty thighs
>One Mococo is a mess, with her hair frizzed and the dog drags her to the floor for the knot to shrink, the wet pop of the knot exiting Mococo's asshole echoes through the room
>F-Fuwawae... Whae-!?
>Oh, Mogo-john, I said breed! Now you have to do it again!
>A second mutt rushes Mococo while she is in the floor. Mococo screams as a second dog cock fucks her pussy
>The audience roars in laughter and claps.
>Marine being forced to be the reasonable one as (You) are in hysterics over the mere idea of Aqua dating
>Aqua dating? No! I don't want that! I want her to be single for the rest of her career! Even after she graduates I want her to stay single for awhile! Ten years at least!
Having your supply of oxygen cut off by Miko's plump arse!
>Be you, dying in a hospital
>Miko's fat ass accidentally unplugs your machine
>Death by booty, in the worst possible way.
Thank you for your service.
I love older-looking Ayames
Not what I was expecting but I hate that you brought an actual smile on my face just imagining that dumb scenario.
>Aqua standing there awkwardly with her diploma
>"So are you proud of me... or...?"
Can you believe she's only 89 years old?
That's still a young brat in oni years....
She told me she was 1500 at least
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I'd gently lick her sphincter, wriggle my tongue in and nibble on her stubborn butt nuggets. Can I get a hell yeah?
Wow, that Oni's '89' years old!? (Small picture of Ayame's face)
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Don't forget to vote
The zoomer republic has my vote!
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So uhhh anyone got anything to say about any stories?
Word processor?
Instant ramen?
Video essay of something I literally know nothing about?
Edgy leather jacket?
Flushed down the toilet.

Yup, it's writing time.
I recently re-read brat correction and I felt like writing a fan chapter.
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yes, especially in the chest area
any names you might wanna share? or is it chicken again?
What's even there to write a fan chapter about? Continuing the molesting by Kiara?
>Kiara invites Mori over, and of course, (you) are there because big sis Kiara offered to take you off your parent's hands.
>By now it's regular for you to come to Kiara's place, and she does get touchy, sometimes against your will, but even if she will slap you to put you in your place she will lovebomb you afterwards
>Mori acts all cool even if she's a bit autistic, but she's always nice to you and you're all ove her when she's over
>Naturally, since you're such a young innocent, totally not molested shota, she doesn't feel weird about having her massive fucking tits hidden with no bra
>She tries to set some boundaries, like asking you to step out of the room while she and Kiara change, but Kiara insists that, again, you're an innocent, pure shota and that you don't look at girls that way
>"Or do you wanna step out, Anon? Hmm?" Kiara asks, almost like a test
>You can spota hint of jealousy in her voice, but you decide to stay, even if looking away
>You hear Mori's clothes rustling and those things flop, and while trying to peek it's Kiara who tells you to keep looking at a corner. She herself stays topless a bit more just to mess with you
>Mori sneaks up on you scares you and laughs her ass off at your flushed reaction
>Kiara then says that you should change too, because of how sweaty your clothes are
>Except you haven't been playing
>Now Mori gets flustered
>Kiara forces you, makes sure that Mori can see your little erection
>With a sadistic smile, flops your little cock onto your belly and says 'Look at you-! Ohhh, oh, you're naughty!' Before dressing you back up.
>Mori is suddenly super awkward around you whenever she's over and you're there
>Kiara slowly grooms her into the idea of trying you herself, and shows off just how obedient you are.
I keep getting boners in the middle of my writing
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I'm getting a bit burnt out on White December and it's definitely affecting the overall quality, so I'm going to actually start really writing a story about Choco grooming Iofi into a poly sex cult. I wanted to to Mel but she didn't feel like the right fit for this one. Plus, Yopi doesn't get enough content for how much a sweetpea she is.

It's going to be less of a fap piece and more of an Apple of Her Eye piece as well. Been a while since I wrote something with some weight to it.
>poly sex cult
So like sister-wives with the cult leader or free love/free use cult type?
Not bad. My idea ( that i wouldnt write just because i dont do well with fan chapters) would be that Mori is the one that introduced Kiara into the shotacon fetish but has never acted.
Until Kiara tells her and shows her a video of anon fucking her on her bed.
This prompts Mori to try and hunt for one for herself, getting a more "active" kid that also is named anon? dunno

If you get goofy you could write an entire friend circle of shotacons getting each of the archetypes lmao
The general premise (that I have so far) is that Choco is going to groom Iofi into joining this "club" to help people recovering from mental illness and gradually work her way up into doing more and more inappropriate sexual things while also employing blackmail and manipulation to keep her locked into it.

I'm still very much sorting out how I want it to go but for now I have enough of an idea for a few chapters. I usually get an idea for a full plot two-three chapters in.
But I guess to answer your question because for some reason I got caught in the details, it's going to probably be both. Choco is going to have favorites and maybe some "wives." But that may change as the story continues, I'm still not fully committed to what kind of cult it's going to be.

it won't be something like weird sacrifice religion or anything. Just an excuse to fuck, basically.
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>weird sacrifice religion
>Choco sacrificing the milk and cum of their ritualistic orgies in order to summon the new demon queen
I wanted to like the ratcest fic but I felt like it jumped to the actual smut far too quickly.
Also we need more fics with older sisters
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Not to downplay any burnout you might be feeling, since it can be very real and come at the most inopportune times, but I'm curious to how you feel the quality is being affected from your point of view. You just were pretty jazzed up and blew out that latest chapter in what seemed like a short time frame, and that was a nice read.

It sounds more like you are more entranced by your sex cult grooming thing and want to focus more on that since it might seem more fun to you in this moment. Which is also valid and fine. Sometimes a shift of focus is just what we need.
I read For We May or Might Never recently and it fucked me up pretty hard, kudos to the author if he's still around
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I can feel myself wanting to rush through the bottleneck a bit. We're reaching the halfway point in the story and I want to be as delicate and as careful as I can to make the midpoint climax really nail it home and make the final half all the more meaningful as a result. It may just be a small and temporary thing but I want to make sure that urge to rush things settles a bit so I can make this as good as I envision. I felt that the conversation Botan had with the old couple and Civia's interrogation were not nearly as good as I wanted them to be so I think it may be a good idea to take a brief break so I can put the breaks on a little if that makes sense. I definitely haven't lost my passion for it, I am so eager to launch the second half but that eagerness shouldn't make this half suffer.

I find having two projects you can shift between benefits both in my case. Building Block Doll was helped by this immensely. Whenever the well dried up, I bounced to the other project I was doing at the time and vise versa. It benefited immensely from it because I didn't force out chapters. Rest assured though, my passion for WD hasn't died, I am actually so enthusiastic about the interest you have in it. I have worked super hard on making sure it's just right.
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i really wish i wasnt commited to a WIP because im listening to Nerissa yap and call me "so smaaart" and "so braave" and i want to bully orgasms out of this pillow princess.

Something like involuntary NNN where you had to go for a trip and when you are back your dumb bird wife is waiting for you to do the deed because how dare you not attend to her
King shit. Whatchu writing about?
That's a good sign, try to hold off on cooming so you can keep the horny buff for longer
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>video essay while writing
Do zoomers really?
Related, which chuuba would force you to fail NNN quickest? Who would tease you all month long? Who would encourage you so after the month long wait you two can have extremely intense lovemaking afterword?
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>which chuuba would force you to fail NNN quickest?
You'd wake up the morning of Nov 1st, and she'd already have taken care of your morning wood
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combine the last two into Zeta
>Whispering on your ear that is day 23 and its not long until you can use her like a toy
>Pretending to be nonchalant but is clearly horny and wants you to give in the tentation before her
One shark, two dicks, and an adventure soon cumming to you
You don't watch videos of serial killers brutalizing and raping their victims while writing fluff? How do you it?
I'm doing my part!
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You encouter Marine's doppelganger, Warine! She's her mirror image, her inverted opposite. She is everything Marine is not, in all the ways that are bad and all the ways that are good.
>Warine the 03 year-old navy admiral, as flat and tall as a stick with a negative sex drive.
I read The Last September and while I like the theme/subject matter it tackles to use of a certain name isn't exactly gelling with me. I don't really think NOT using is possible given the subject matter but man, the fic straddles a line.
Are there any good sports fics
I hated that fic. Pretending that a chuuba would want to be anally impregnated by you is one thing, but implanting your rrats about a real person's life decisions into their head is frankly just weird.
That's a better compliment than you think it is, because hearing "Yeah the first fic you wrote for anything ever holds up" surprises me whenever I hear it. Still no clue what the hell I was thinking with the formatting, but nevertheless thank you for the shout!
I'm a little more lenient on that stuff, its fiction after all and you need some kind of narrative for the themes to make sense and what are rrats but narratives? I did roll my eyes at the IPO thing though.
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anon that's a doll
What's it about?
yes, a very fuckable one
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Felt wrong to make my vote without at least sharing some thoughts so here:
>Anon survives?
Meh, felt too generically yandere/ thread meme rather than a good chuuba fic.
>A Chance Encounter By The Moonlight
Too much bloodborne, not enough of its own original spin.
>Let's Go Back to Those Peaceful Days
Standard Amesame angst but somehow the most chuuba ficish fic so far. I like it, even if this is rather standard fare for the ship.
>The Last September
Man... I know it's kind of the point to use roommate-san names here but using actual people names just makes this uncomfortable from a fic reader pov. On some artitstic level I kind of get that being the point but still, I dislike the use of it.
>Black and Wright
Unconventional, and honestly not good outside of the gimmick (which isn't even fully comitted to given that it doesn't try and do full rhyme). Like it's a fun fic don't get me wrong but there''s not much to it outside of that.
>The Midnight Sea
Another anon mentioned how 'stuffy' the prose felt and I have to agree. The dream sequence felt like it should have been a rapidfire skim through the consciousness but instead it felt like it was getting dragged through the water. Even after that it kind of feels like it could have all gone through an editing pass to cut down words and make the prose flow better.
I still like despite that, even if the gags in the latter half aren't as smooth flowing due to the prose.
>Stinky and the Brain
Gigi talking this smart feels weird.
I disliked the central gimmick of absolute buffoon talks without a 'straight man' to counterbalance.
Cecilia dressing like the stinkiest girl at my highschool's smoke pit

Not even a good stink either it was the 'I don't bathe so my relatives don't rape me' stink that truly is stomach churning
I would personally like to see midnight sea win overall, black and wright is sweeping the other categories anyway
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I know. It's why my cock got caught in her groin ball joint. But do I care? No. Why? Because I chose to.
And I will choose to get my cock pinched by that same ball joint again!
Does this bird Rissa have a cloaca now?
I'm ashamed to admit it, but CC has given me a newfound doll fetish
I'm not ashamed to admit it, CC had given me a humilliaton fetish.
Oh, that CC.
It's foolish to think that you're getting cucked if you marry off your daughter to someone else. You need powerful allies if you want to conquer the world and blood ties are the ultimate way to gain them.
meant to quote >>88851951
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Which one
Our resident cuckold. I want an absolute stacy of a chuuba to make me cry and then have her pamper me.
If I had sum it up? Vtuber identity. It's one of the contest entries so go read it.
chapter 2 did a real number on you, eh? I wonder if chapter 3 is coming any time soon
Couldn't help it. I don't consider myself a cuckold, but the scenes where Chloe demeans Anon and everything threads on this fine line between psychological abuse that would make him kill himself, and 'I love you so much I can only think of you when I'm getting plowed by someone else' is such an exotic, fascinating feeling to me.

I personally like my NTR with the girl getting emotionally stolen, so SD showing it from the perspective of Anon's insecurities was peak.
You find out that Mio, the perfect wife, was an absolute whore in her youth, and there's video evidence if you dig deep enough.
>Negative sex drive
Marine is such a femcel that it makes me believe her evil twin would be an absolute beast.
>there's video evidence if you dig deep enough.
>Digging deep, you find the source
>A black and white documentary from the early 1900s about wolves mating in captivity.
>Despite the age you recognize Mio in wolf form
Ability to get sex does not always equate to sex drive. Mirror Marine might be a smooth operator, but the difference might be that she has to be 100% into whoever her partner might be.
Begging your girlfriend Kronii to use her time powers so you can have a threesome with various alternate timeline versions of herself
>Needing to beg
She would have done that the first chance she got, and probably hasn't invited you before.
Well yeah SHE has done it (with herself), this is more about her letting you join. Even though you're not cheating as you're still fucking 'Kronii', I think she'd still be jealous and not super open to the idea.
Nah, as long as she gets to make out with her double, you're probably free to do whatever you want.
>Proton notification
>It's a TOS update
What a beautiful millennia old demon
Unintentionally relevant reply?
Who is your side-character oshi and from what fic?
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First time posting a story here, I wrote a very self indulgent smut fic, please let me know what you think if you feel like it
Tags: Natsuiro Matsuri, Tokoyami Towa, NSFW, bondage, yandere, noncon
After a lot of research and analysis, I can definitely assert: Suisei is pure sex.
I'm on siesta
Just read it. What a weird fic and it's not weird in the ha ha funny way like Paradise Lost or Shrunken Troubles, but weird in a creepy way. What a strange fic. I'm surprised it didn't mention Mori's unfinished webcomic.
Are there any good fic fics
I'm not sure there are any.
Omelas had a few fan sequels right?
Hello, new friend. You're welcome to post here, but yuri fics don't tend to attract a lot of attention. You might want to look into other sites to cross post to if you plan to keep writing them. But anyway, here are some thoughts I wrote down while reading:

1. Typos are inevitable, but try not to have one in the first sentence lol
2. This fic probably would have benefitted greatly from some more set up and/or back story, especially when Towa is so OOC.
3. The descriptions of sex are sometimes a bit mechanical and rushed.
4. There are many ways to show us how a character feels without just telling us what emotions they're feeling. For example:
"Matsuri was feeling very conflicted. She very much had a bondage fetish and had dreamed of being bound and used like a toy by someone, and she couldn’t lie, she had thought Towa was hot..."
If you remove this paragraphs first sentence, it still conveys the same information. If the reader knows the characters thoughts, they shouldn't need to be told how they feel.
5. Some of this dialogue is a bit much even for porn.

I'm not that into yuri or bondage so I'm not exactly your target audience, but it was overall fine. Probably needed to be a bit longer for proper pacing.
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What fics from the archive have you read so far?
I see for the yuri fics. Yeah, from the few times I read this thead, vtuber x viewer seem more frequent here?
Argh, I should have reread the fic another time for typos lol.
Yeah, Towa is very ooc here. The main reason I picked her and Matsuri is because I like their dynamics of Matsuri pursuing her casually and towa rejecting her bluntly while still being friends and thought exploring a what if case where towa's response was only a front could be interesting, but it resulted in her acting very different than usual
For 3 yeah, I felt like I drew some blanks when it was time to describe stuff, so I reused a lot of terms instead of giving myself more time to find the right words.
Thanks for 4, I'll keep that in mind.
By 5, do you mean that the dialogue is really unrealistic?
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Super Nenechi fights Godzilla!
She flies to the moon, grabs it, and brings it down to dunk it into Godzilla!
I'm for it, sounds like a fun and silly idea.

But mainly because I want another giantess fic
Super Nenechi gets possessed by Baby and becomes Super Baby Nenechi!
Yes, the majority is male self insert stuff, usually written in 2nd person because I think the thread was started by internet boomers or something. Though there does recently seem to be increased interest in female self insert fics.
Lines like
>I’m so sorry for kidnapping you and hurting you, I promise you I’ll talk to you about any problems I have before doing this kind of thing again.
are very over the top, in my opinion.
What was the other one?
nice back
I'm not ready for Nene to BOOYAHHH all over the place.
With Nenechi? No, but there was a guy writing one with Ao a little while ago.
i suddenly want more chloe content for some reason, namely her suplexing me through a table so for a mere moment i get a gimpse up her skirt before my skull meets the ground
Kanata from Lost and Found. She and Anon have good chemistry.
Towa is my lsot and found oshi. Guess we'll have to fight to the death
Kiara from holoslavia. I love powerful women that can sic death squads on my ass
Coco in SGS because I loved watching her suffer.
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Flame paizuri......
Rushia from Holofantasy if only because AA got the essence of her pre-yab character down but also unintentionally screwed her over for screentime.
>The flame doesn't actually burn the tip of your dick
>Instead it feels like running your dick into a warm feather duster. It's all smooth and fluffy, with many tips of downy blue fire brushing your head from all sides.
>The flame is actually ERB's erogenous zone
>You rub it, and it's like some kind of flaming clit
>She doesn't know this, so she freaks out and gets overwhelmed by pleasure when you accidentally rub it
This but 90% of the fic is her standing international trial for thoughtlessly disrupting our orbit and tides
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I guess so.
I want to read more chuuni fics where kanata fights demons and whatnot, bonus points if she eventually gives into temptation and becomes a fallen angel
>Lost and Found
>Lost And Found Side A: Angel of the office
>Lost And Found Side B: Underground Devil
>LAF: Boys day out
>LAF: Shojo hen(told from Bae's perspective)
Hello. its me, john japanese media industry and i ask of you to come up with like 40 different spinoffs to a fic to mil-i mean give fans what they want
A fic where Kanata is a recurring antagonist, only to jump in your defense at the last second in the last battle as she "falls" and her theme becomes "Runaway" by Linkin Park.

The fic that creates the cultural reset
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>gives into temptation and becomes a fallen angel
Nah that's old hat. Kanata should instead slowly lose her humanity as she becomes more and more filled with righteous, holy fervor.
>gives into temptation and becomes a fallen angel
Yes... Becoming a fallen angel to cock by abandoning her pure yuri love.
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what if it was an angst fic about your wife/best friend/girlfriend/Whatever Kanata getting chosen as an angeland slowly eroding her humanity away as she turns more and more into a servant of the heavens until she can no longer feel emotions because those will impede in judgement
Make it more tragic.
Have Kanata be assigned as your "divine partner in the heavens" but she's still a dead fish even in heavenly sheets.
The Twaa comes in
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Best overall fic:
The Last September

Autumn Leaves Award:
Black and Wright

La Creatividad Award:
Black and Wright

Thanks to everyone that participated!
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Untastefully edgy AND trying to shoehorn a dead horse concept? Good grief this guy STINKS!
I like the idea but I'm not so sold on the "chosen" aspect. To me, the tragedy/angst should come from the two of you demon hunters unknowingly causing Kanata to slowly lose herself to her very nature. A compromise would be Kanata always having Angel blood that manifests. But I like the idea of Kanata being "assigned" to you and the two of you fight demons because "demons bad" until you realize too late what is happening.
To God, Angels are tools to be used.
Ummm where are my graphs???
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Pachi pachi
Congrats to the winners!
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The Last September winning Best Overall is one hell of a surprise to me but congrats!
>12 votes
Maybe /wg/ really is dying...
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I'm gonna be super honest I didn't really like any of the fics I read so voting seemed like a waste of my time
>12 votes
All me.
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>Bite the bullet and make an outline for my series
>It's over a thousand words
I was keeping all that in my noggin? Shit.
nice of god/the universe/evolution to gift us the same fleshy hardware as the greatest creators in history
In all fairness, we can't be 100% certain if Shakespeare had a frontal lobe or not.

It's not over for the AnencephalyAnons out there!
Just wait until you start making those character/setting/plot notes, Anon. You ain't seen nothing yet
Its a beautiful day to write about chuubas being raped!
I'd rather they rape me...
To be honest at the end I just wanted to wrap up the fic and move on so I rushed it, yeah it certainly could have used a bit more time in the oven
I read A Brat's Punishment before and really liked it, and a Mio fic I couldn't recall the name of for the life of me
I was going to vote but it closed too soon. I assumed it would close at midnight UTC -12.
i didn't feel like I earned my citizenship yet
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Service guarantees citizenship and all that, get to writing.
Is fascism REALLY that bad, when you think about it?
It's not bad when cute girls are the ones in charge
No when it's hot bitches in leather suits whispering "Belle für mich" in my ear
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Yep because when suddenly Da Leader decides (You) are the next undesirable to be cast out, it often tends to be a not-so-pleasant experience.
If the "Kemono Menace" were to be wiped out today, who's to say they wouldn't wipe out the "Anon-ian Menace" tomorrow?
>B-B-But I'm one of da good Anons...!
You're neighbors with Storm Brigade Officer ERB and you happen to look at her chest flame the wrong way one morning while she was drunk. She immediately calls Geschultzpoopenkommandant Kiara and Il Duce Tutti Frutti Regimentatta Raora, suggesting you could be put to “good use” in the state’s popcorn fields.
Your fate is sealed when, at dawn, the FuwaMocoStaffel knock at your door and they say you will be arrested TODAY and banished to Camp Auschsandwich TODAAAY~!
The charges against you? Crimes against the state: wrongthink, thoughtcrime, crimethought, and - worst of all - the crime of whistling I’m Your Treasure Box out of tune two years ago.
And while they haul you away, the full weight of fascist caprice dawns upon you. It no longer matters if you were "one of the good Anons." No previous loyalty, compliance, or small acts of patriotism will save you from the whims of a regime that defines loyalty as obedience to a human and thus ever-shifting standard.
Western fascists would probably ban anime because it's "tranime"
We need 731% yamato damashii otaku fascism
S-Seriesanons doko???
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