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Super Duper Expressions Edition

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
No females or female only related drama is allowed, you have the entire board for that.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt instead.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, falseflaggers and don't derail the thread with fighting. Fujoshi, yumejoshi, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>88740087
first for little boys
Why is all criticism bad? He even made those jokes about spying on his fans with his plushie. Why did his ccv went from over 1k to mid 600s? There were fans who came back hopeful that he had changed but turns out he's still the exact same. All those rules for nothing. He probably has a private discord just for key diva, kara, etc while he ignores others
Why is there furry ai porn ads now
Cute puppet man goes nyoom with Chocobos
Men are degenerates. Unlike us cultured stacies who enjoy only the utmost purest forms of art
That's just one type, isn't it? There's also the cute innocent type who aren't bratty at all.
why would you want a shota that isnt at least a little bit bratty?
monster shotas
i never said that all criticism is bad. heck, i even criticized him on things if i believe that he was wrong for that. i think he has changed by setting the record straight rather than beating around the bush the first time. and no, he does not have a private discord with those people because i am friends with those people themselves. another thing, why do you care about his ccv so much? if he doesn’t care that much, why should you?
as he said, he’d rather grow slowly than go suddenly all out viral overnight and that’s a good mindset to have too. it shouldn’t be about ccv and chasing that certain high.
good shotas
monster shotas that are trying to fight their evil nature and be good
Because his ccv is dropping. It's not growing slowly or fast. It's dropping. A clear indicator that more and more people are checking out.
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nta but this is actually one of my favorite tropes with guys in general and why Vox's 3rd form appeals to me so much. I like when guys try to hold back from being monsters, both literally and figuratively
and then you get to tempt them to let loose on you
Thanks, anon! I'll be checking those and doing my homework!
thank you for the bake. This general thread always dies out without bake around this time. so thanks anon.
just because it is dropping does not mean he can’t rise again, though. he’ll find the right audience someday. maybe not in the usual vtuber sphere, but outside. that’s just me though.
just get him on guerillas for a month, see where his muse takes him
as is he's a corpo without a corpo behind him.
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This is the appeal. You understand it. I want more monster boys that have this kind of appeal.
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No problem, always happy to bake! I'll make the news post after work.
i dont think ive seen this trope done for a shota before, another trait on my list for an eldritch shota vtuber i wish existed
Is that some new drug?
Get him on jenkem and nitrous
He should have gotten a professional like doki to help him get up to speed for like 1 month or so
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Kaz Jiyou Ryuji DBD
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I want to brush my cute artist boyfriend's teeth.
I immediately thought of the Monogatari gif....
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New cover by Shinomiya and Kagemaru
Zanny zatsu
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Zanny being cute is just what I needed this morning. Ugh, work is agonizing sometimes but at least cute boys exist to help me power through it.
>Zanny being self aware about his whorishness
We love smart sluts in here
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showing off his donut hole... shameless slut...
en corpo shota when?
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kyriocifer twitch partner celebration then late homework gameplay!

I've only seen one clip of Kira and I think I'm already addicted to him
cute boy addiction is a serious problem
>couldn't even get 800ccv on special occasion.
It will be really nice if he did a laugh after doing these weird bits. They sound extra strange in his deep and slow voice.
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I'm scared he'll pull a quinn.
i need more weird freaky eldritch abomination boys
Ryuji VRChat
Jiyou DBD
Thanks Goodness Zanny's Here
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Gale Madison VR
More like a solution to my problem.
My problem being that I am very menhera and cute boy energy suppresses it. Temporarily.
are you me?
We. Are. Venom.
Would you actually watch a bald vtuber? And not bald as a joke I mean he chooses to have no hair on his head and it's completely serious
Ah, poor Gale. Hope this doesn't stress him too much. I really wish vtubers would learn that you don't need to feel pressured to always play a game. Zatsus are fine.
What happened?
northernlion my kinoshi...
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They look kind of smug
He actually has hair on the back of his head. It's like reverse male pattern baldness
Game being dumb. Keeps happening every time he plays Madison VR. Looks like he's playing Card Shop Simulator now.
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Dewdrops taste like Baja Blast?
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My pirate boyfriend hasn't had sex with me in months. All he does is open card packs. I miss him.
Gale is gonna succ me!!!
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Ruze Vampire Survivors
Fast Food Simulator with Uki, Fuuchan, and Doppio this Saturday! Ahh I need Avallum FFS collab NOW I need it I need it I need it.
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I don't mind Ruze covering the game because now I can see all of his glorious tits.
Speaking of, here's a clip with Kira & Kaoru flirting:


it doesn't matter because Kaoru's model doesn't appear on the clip, but I always wondered if babiniku models were considered off topic... I assumed they are but not sure
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Lucien Lore Talk with Rosco
Damn there's even reasons and meanings behind the names and spellings. Rosco put a lot of thought into the lores.
I will save Luci's loneliness by going out with him.
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Oh my god
Oh my fucking god
Sex with demon lords

Also Altare is live with MonHun
Luci's background looks a bit like Gale's dream background. Hmmmm....
Also Luci's song is available on Spotify! Couldn't be posted yet but it's available for streaming!
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Da boyz!!!
>posted by the FSP twitter
New boys soon new boys soon! Cass’s waters will break any day now
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The structure seems to be the same as Avallum's with the spikes but it's definitely a completely different logo. That's definitely gen 2's logo

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Someone buy him a nesting kit
Shu Mouthwashing

Hakka art stream

Ryoma Apex

Uki Animal Crossing
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That's a much better shot than I got. It looks menacing. We're gonna get some edgy dudes aren't we?
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I voted for the next president and VP.
I knew Zanny's 3D being so far away was sus
Altare calling out for Axel is so cute T o T
True, but like I said those were just examples from the top of my head. I do love cute innocent types but personally bratty types really make me audibly say UUOOOHH

Good luck with your studies! Altare making up cool attack names in his Monster Hunter stream is very shota-coded to me too. Feel free to ask any more questions or spark any discussions you want to talk about!
that was such a scream
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Can’t wait!
It's two weeks in advance thank fuck
I can request the next day off to meme and shitpost and draw lewds after the debuts
im in love with red guy already. I LOVE HOW TWINK HE LOOKS.
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I hope one of these new boys stream and fit in my schedule. I enjoy Dobi but it’s such a shame I can’t usually catch him live or find the time to watch his archives
Their theme song sounds badass too. FSP knows how to make some good ass music.
>alien guy has short hair
It's over....
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I can't see shit
>no mention of the new debuts anywhere on the catalog or news threads
All right mane-san let's keep it that way this time around!
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Thought this was a Vox schedule for a second kek
I want to say that Avallum had another promo vid where they revealed their voices, I hope we get one soon.
On it, will be 'clipping' any containment breakers. Over
Rosco Crime Scene Cleaner! He still can't say much even now about the new gen!
I like giving advice to indie vtubers. Feels like a Build-A-Cute-Boy Factory.
Speaking of advice, what would you tell the new gen 2 boys if they happen to be /here/?
I remember an anon saying how guys should straight up say what games they actually like and put it on stream instead of the usual popular games to get other people’s attention like Dobi. Ofc it’s a different story if they actually like those games but I hope they do that
wtf Rosco HATES his kouhai already
tsundere senpai baka
>news thread
way to jinx it
I am so sorry, I will now naked dogeza as an apology
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pick your fsp gen2 boys anons.
my eyes shot to the pink left but purple left looks like he has a horn so I am automatically interested
I want alien boy but his hair is so short. Same with tech boy. They'd better be showing some skin to make up for it. I wonder who their mamas will be?
Uooooh scared Rosco T o T
If Kira isn't off-topic, I don't see why Kaoru would be off-topic. His model is also a crossdressing guy, not a female.
Rosco is doing a good job!!!
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their base designs have literally already been revealed with the audition, why were you expecting something different
I'll need another teaser with their full models and voices to decide but for now, teal based on vibe alone.
Rosco admits hes a lil meow meow thats crazy.
i love cute boys
I'm secretly hoping for Keki (Rio and Leo's mama) because they're one of my fav artists and it would be funny because there's a joke about Leo being an honorary Avallum.
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I was right about kyrio. Many of the silent fans are leaving because of this. I cropped out the name of person.
Because it could be slightly changed or different. Cass' concept had a bunch of tattoos but he doesn’t have anything now.
Interesting. I wish we had some OG sickling/kaleidoscope to explain what this is all about. I do agree that he's a bit of a narcissist from what little I've seen of him.
we know bait when we see it
I just want to know what exactly happened back then. Others have also said the same thing. Particularly about him playing favourites among the 'bad ones'. As far as I remember only Denise and some other guy was involved.
did u forgor the pic anon?
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Check on your cute boy that's in burgerland today.
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My cute artist boyfriend is being beaten up by merciless Pikachus!
I think they're both just crossdressers/traps, not babinikus. Babis have a full female model and I believe call themselves female and have a full on male voice.
We survived 4 years, we can survive 4 more. It is what it is. I just hope mods go hard on anyone breaking rules in chat.
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News post is quite a long once again this time, so I'll have to finish the rest when I'm off work today. Agh I can't wait to request some days off.
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thank you for your hardworks news anon
French husband jumpscare! I’m so happy he’s back
Alban Doki Doki AI Interrogation
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Izumi Shinomiya Wednesday collab. This time Shinomiya is back.
Welcome back to these two cute boys!
Thank Goodness Cass is Here
It was obvious when he backstabbed zaion and brought up his trauma to demonise her further. He is a manipulative person who always takes the path of least resistance and shirks responsibility. Good thing is that he's also stupid and doesn't realise that one day this will do him in.
Zanny and Gale
It was purple who sat on Zanny's lap btw.
purple on purple action ... whores ...
i hope the new fsp boys are very molestable
I knew it
Also thanks for liveposting, I'm sick bring a wagie
Good on them for leaving, no point trying to follow and love a toxic guy like him
Yeah. He claimed to not wanna do bfe but still flirts with his chat and gives nicknames to individual members, especially his paypigs. I hope more kaleidoscope see him for he is and switch to better oshis. Thankfully many who expected him to improve did and his ccv dropped in half after that.
I'm honestly so unbearably curious about Gen 2 boys that I'd wanna search their PLs but I know that'd be a futile effort
>being a doxxmonkey
This is why female fans have a bad rep
we still know how to spot bait, the real ones don't respond to it
You mean you are part of his 'special group' who he gave nicknames to and bully other fans that try to get close to him?
Don’t forget to cut yourself for him
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is it still okay to post if oshi is live…

kyriocifer crowded. followed gameplay

what a guy
i hope he plays gaems
ill explain properly as an og sickling / kaleidoscope because ppl have seem to antagonize him right from the get-go without knowing the full fucking thing because personally, i am done with my oshi being constantly antagonized fully. i don’t care if i’m replying now but it has to be said. trust me on the source. i have seen every single fucking side.

so, this is one issue because there are two separate issues:

one person (who now deleted said thread) exposed a group of people who were some of his usual regulars were shittalking other community members and being jealous and being pieces of shit in general talking shit about other members’ who are not in their small group projects and everyone were just in paranoid mode. H addressed it explaining in general terms that he will do harder to enforce his rules and REMINDED THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN and all and even added much stricter mods to get the ball rolling but the problem is that these bullies do not know how to accept defeat and leave the community and still refuses to take accountability and say “why did you expose us? its a private discord, we can talk shit all we want” something like that. based on how he addressed it, it is a high chance that HE did not know the specific names on who did the bullying because the thread was privated AND deleted quite quickly.

the denise and another guy issue is a SEPARATE issue outside the bullies and the group where this guy kept on pestering a girl named denise to commit suicide and constantly harassing her, and then denise’s account shows that their friend logged on and said she died, and apparently with evidence popping out suddenly, it was exposed to show that she faked the suicide and kyrio had to address that (during wendy’s era)

so yes. this is the jist of everything and overall, the problem with the community is that kyrio has SAID SO MANY times on his boundaries and shit and yet these people won’t listen and still chooses to have… no accountability and still stay in the community pretending that nothing happened when they are actual horrible people.

ngl i still want to support kyrio because i genuinely want to see him succeed, but i am tired of people man. i choose to watch him at my own pace instead. it’s much healthier for me.
He will keep bleeding viewers if doesn't deal with the bullies in his chat like Melrose and melchan
the problem is that the thread was deleted and there is no way he would know the full names of people who did the bullying. these bullies are just twofaced to him pretending to be nice in chat and shit and then behind the scenes be assholes, its out of kyrio’s control atp if they just keep on being two faced, because he did remind them again and again. they were doing the bullying outside the chat, not the within.

melchan was not one of the bullies. i have the list myself in my brain.
The thing is, people have complained that he is friendly with those people. Specifically people like heyitsmelrose, melchan and guricifet. And just in previous stream he made a mommy joke to heyitsmelrose. Basically their issue is that it invalidates their discomfort because he doesn't address these people and no modding will prevent that because they will take the bullying outside the chat. The least they ask that he distance himself from people like that or at least address that but he just runs away from responsibility.
guri is not one of the bullies either. there is a specific group and its what melrose is a part of. there’s a clue. keydiva and kara are not part of this group. and how will kyrio ban them if he does not know the specific name of the bullies? he can remind the chat in general again and again to be nice to one another but if these people choose to still stay and pretend theyre not one of the bullies, unfortunately, they’ll still be mentioned. kyrio said again and again that once he knows the names of the bullies, they will be banned and all, even they are LONG TIME supporters.
however, the name of the bullies are just spread in private, or not publicized anymore, so there is no way kyrio could have known the specific names, thus, could still think that theyre nice and have not done anything wrong.

him not knowing the names is out of his control because of how fast it was deleted + just privatized these names are. but whats more embarrassing is that these bullies still choose to stay in the community pretending nothing has happened despite being ostracized. so blame the bullies for this.
All boys are. And if boys don't present themselves as presentable, that makes it even better to imagine them being molested.
>he doesn't know
Not even Melrose? Who he called mommy?
Many fans have said they have communicated the names of bullies to him with receipts but he doesn't take action because he thinks they are his friends. People have sent him streamlabs but he doesn't take action. His ccv dropped again so pretending everything is okay is foolishness.
You made them mad with that kek but good on you for not replying to samefags
the man has no glasses, i'm concerned and aroused in equal measure
he called her one as a joke. (still don’t like her, though.)

how sure are you that he does not read it. are you his friend or his pc or something? i dont think you can send photos in streamlabs either. if they sent a link with it, the original link is deleted so quickly too so either way if he did read it, it might be most likely be deleted already and he is unable to see it.

honestly, i am more invested in other media anyways aside from kyrio so like, that helped me enjoy my oshi at my own pace. if ever i do leave the community and find “better oshis” as you said, i hope you’re happy. it may happen one day. but i’m just savoring the good times while i can before i no longer get interested with himZ
it shows his pretty eyeliner more, God Bless.
So you do see him for who he is, and are slowly preparing to leave? Good on you. I thought you'd double down and defend him. He deserves to be a 2 view shitter.
molesting a stuck up boy who refuses to be perverted ToT
i never said that i agree with you about kyrio by the way. how will he block those bullies, if he was sent the link but he does not see the names anymore? you’re not answering my question here even.

i’m just saying nothing lasts forever and things come and go one day and sometimes its because of a genuine loss of interest and there’s no ill harm.

i don’t care if youre a dramafag, numberfag or schizo or whatever, i just wanna set things straight, because as an og sickling/kaleidoscope, its unfair to judge kyrio for things he can’t control when he get the opportunity to know the names.
when **he doesn’t (stupid fucking typo)
Fair enough. However, many kaleidoscope don't feel that way and may simply dip out of the community silently.
he is a rabbit if you know what I mean
I am in fact, every single kaleidoscope. I have not left, nor have I stayed, what am i?
that’s fair too. if they wanted to find other oshis with a better fanbase who they don’t have to walk in eggshells everytime, i’m not stopping them from doing so. that’s why i’m just doing my thing here and trying to put pieces together while doing my best to support oshi as much as i can before i’ll lose interest one day.

i took a long break from the community and reflected on things, then returned just recently, hoping things are a little better. i use it for sleep aid, personally.
ure still a kaleidoscope as long as u watch kyrio kekw
get him bred asap
every day is a struggle but I'll fill that womb

If guri is one of the good ones, keydiva is good, snuggle, odessa, dahlia, kuzu and fritzie are supposed to be the good ones then who are these people whining about? Because these people are some of the top ones. He doesn't even respond to Melrose all that much. And are these people really causing trouble even now? Wtf?
instead of replying to bad faith, how about reply to me? do you think getting cursed is bad? maybe even getting h
the fact that no one got the joke...
i want icy cold shotas that dont show much emotion so i can make them melt and i want them now
>if they wanted to find other oshis with a better fanbase who they don’t have to walk in eggshells everytime, i’m not stopping them from doing so
NTA but you just perfectly described me when it comes to me coming and going on male VTubers. Just picking up one, get obsessed with him, then lose interest just because or it feels like I’m walking on a minefield when being in their community I’m a whore ik
One day the newfag Kyrio fan will learn to not reply. Until that day comes, I shall answer your question. I think it's good to be cursed with being constantly horny. Men seem to do just fine their whole lives being a curse so it can't be that bad.
giving them a big hug and watching them try to hide their face and act natural so you dont notice how much they blush… ToT
Regardless, his fans are leaving. Good thing most of them are SEA so he's better off without them. He should aim for a NA fanbase.
I don't care you obsessed faggot go jerk off to him in the numbermonkey thread with the rest of the trannies you identify with.
That language is not very ladylike. Typical hexsister
>don't care
You don't care he's losing ccv? That he might have to quit streaming because of that? What kind of fan are you?
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A baby waved at me yesterday and it was pretty much the best thing to happen to me. I think if baby Roberu waved at me and went “hiii” that I would be really happy and ascend actually
they all hate us…
peekaboo with baby roberu!
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He looks really slutty without the robe...
he always looks slutty
I still have lots of cleaning to do, so in the meantime I will catch up on the GoldLust collab. I love my based monsterfucker pirate captain
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I've been cleaning too. I want my room to be absolutely perfect for the new debuts and comfy enough to draw all the lewds of the new boys. Hopefully I'll muster up the courage to actually post lewds this time.
Oof typical sister that can’t take criticism when it comes to her precious manchild
New Holostars generation when?
Ironmouse has a daughter.
Kiara has a boyfriend.
That green lady from Hololive I forget her name also has a Chinese boyfriend.
Ban this faggot already you lazy ass SEAnigger jannies.
It'd be nice to get one in 2025. I just hope their designs have more sex appeal like with Vanguard. I want a boy showing as much of his skin and curves as Flayon. I just hope their debuts don't overlap anyone else like what happened with HQ and iLuna lol
Newest gen of First Stage hype. Can't wait to debuts along with this general. It hurts, but I am happy. I also miss cookies.
Hell yeah, hype! Can't wait to see their designs.
>It hurts, but I am happy.
Indie anon.....don't give up. Ganba!! Keep fighting!!!
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Catching up on the GoldLust collab and I have a few questions. Why does Gale look possessed? Does Zanny have hypnotism or mind-control powers and we didn't know? And why does Pip have a lobotomy?
One thing that is a little amazing is how well First Stage has been doing. Two full male gens in a single year is already an achievement, but even more so in the EN sphere. I don't know if any other agency has done it.
>I don't know if any other agency has done it.
That's probably why they're so successful. They decided to be different and cater to an audience who is interested in cute boys instead of the same old formula of females only or mixed gens. They may not have huge instant popularity, but their growth is notable and they're making a name for themselves. I'm really happy about their existence. I've watched years of Niji and years of Holo but I think I can confidently say FSP is my favorite vtuber corpo for multiple reasons.
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Damn, Zanny and the alien are already having sex and he didn't even debut yet.
Purple whores.
>they're all smarter than Avallum
No....please I hope the orange one at least is as dumb as bricks it would be so fitting.
Miyabi Overcooked 2 with Temma, Shien and Uyu
Whale Taylor doing a duet with himself
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Izumi imas
Holy shit Zanny was drugged and almost raped T o T
I will never give up. No such thing as failure, but lessons.
Nta but I'm rooting for you, anon.
Gale's been working on his tiddes!
>the chest is the most prominent feature of a man
Yes. You get me. I love tiddies so much.
If you here I'm glad you failed your audition sorry not sorry
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Caspurr karaoke!
Based. And hey look you've already got yourself a hater, so you must be doing something right!
Lucien Minecraft!
Luci wants to keep aliens out by building a wall!
I would actually love that since I love idol stuff but there would be a lot of seethe from the incels if they grouped the boys under the same group as those girls.
Shu grinding his way to Diamond in Valorant
Lucien moaning over coffee
Why are men such sluts for coffee!!!
>I went too deep
Yeah, in me
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Is it bad that I like imagining angst/comfort scenarios of Matsun?

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