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At first I was like
>yeah whatever, get that bag, girl
But more and more, it feels like they’re doing actual cultural damage that we can’t recover from
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I wonder what beauty, philosophy and higher noble persuits even mean to an American. Is it just bashing other people and then returning to your slop? Because any sense of public sphere has been shattered by muh freedom, muh capitalism and muh masonic founding fathers.
Holy fuck this guy is like a feminist's living strawman of an MRA.
the stereotypical MRA is someone who got raped to death by society™?
>violent thug is flabbergasted his wife left him
I hope she takes a 2 month Hiatus lol
Nice totally real story from reddit.
Fuck off with your retard bait thread.
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ancient societies
>don't give rights to women
ancient religions
>don't give rights to women
ancient philosophers
>don't give rights to women
>hey guys, i just had the greatest idea!
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No, I love pick-mes
Femicide? Are you fucking real?
giving women their own gender-specific special-snowflake version of "homicide" is gender equality, and don't you ever forget it you CHUD!
>survives 18 years of jail
>still wants to kill himself
What an absolute retard. Some people really were not made for real life.
>ancient societies
>ancient religions
>ancient philosophers
All filled to the brim with homosexuals and dead.
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Androcide exists as well.
Not your personal army sister
Femanon have you ever considered not being a huge bitch
God Alana has such a sexy voice and model, I wish she was GFE instead of distanced asmonbald lite
ancient societies
That story can't be real. No one is that clueless right?
>Do not recommend channel
That easy
femanons should fuck off to their respective doxx sites and leave us alone.
i've always ignored these pickme contents but maybe now i'm going to give them my numbers to spite femanons
what is the deal with almost all notable femanons being massive kiwifags and phase orbitters anyways?
You posted a choose-me tho.
Nah that's pretty much it. I've heard other vtuber women casually talk about how they started to actually worry about men in general (when they didn't have to) and somehow that's just a piece of shit bad thing to do.
tell down post
They don't though it's all fake and just acting on stage(stream) to extract as much money as possible from lonely broken men by feigning worry.
it's a channel where a british voice tells you how doomed and woke and shitty everything is 7 days a week
it's ragebait masquerading as social commentary
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>cultural damage
what exactly is a pickme person? Can someone please explain with a non meme answer
They can't be nijisisters anymore, but they still need to regurgitate a hobby into the ground somehow.
A "pickme" is a woman who doesn't treat men like they're trash
Yes, this is the non-meme answer
About that...
>in an atheistic society
That thing died a long time ago.
somebody who females are jealous of because they go against the grain
it's an insult used by femanons who are jealous of other women
>it feels like they’re doing actual cultural damage that we can’t recover from
It's literally the other way around. Sounds like you're mad some men might make it.

Btw dude should have dumped the whore or at least beat HER up apparently. Learn this lesson anons
A Pick-Me Female Vtuber is a woman who plays into Male dominated platforms such as gaming to gain favor and profit in accordance to appeasing to the male populace on top of being sex eye/ear candy.

What's not to understand? If anything both the Supplier and the Demands are at fault if this were to continue.

If you don't want it to continue. Support more Male Vtubers that aren't fucking cancer. I,E not Nuxtaku.
>a woman who plays into Male dominated platforms such as gaming to gain favor and profit
That's literally every woman in male-centered hobbies, anon. Even if they aren't the prettiest. ESPECIALLY if they aren't the prettiest, as /cgl/ shows. Also, ew male chuubas can fuck the right off
Then deal with the shit you spew in your pew.
It's a meme word, so there is no non-meme answer.
religion can't even give culture to america, it's a trashy LARP
Why you always bait with Alana for these threads? There are a bunch of other pickme's doing the exact same shit that are bigger and more popular than her too. Put the spotlight on someone else.
>femanon has baited with smugalana so many times she's now in my recommended tab
not gonna lie her model in both fire and ice versions is really good, I'll give her that
That's just someone who understands that they have a target demographic and cater to it. How's that bad? It's just being a good entertainer.
I'm not a homosexual, I don't want to watch ikemen.
>more Male Vtubers
Males don't need to be handsome to get viewers they just need to be charismatic or entertaining. Being a male vtuber is just gonna be debuff, especially when there's alot of top male streamers and youtubers to choose from which has more of the content that are funny, entertaining or relatable.
What the fuck is wrong with these seething fucking femanons getting upset at
Because men actually like them.
Holy shit! Women that actually like men and don't hate them and think they're evil monsters?
Maybe if you tried being nice to men you'd see a modicum of success.
Only women and trannies call women pickmes as some kind of derogatory statement.
There seems to be a double standard of prostitutes and OF girls being fine because of 'get that bag' only to complain about pickmes just because they gain alot of attention from guys.
OP is a seething feminazi malding because some woman dont hate mens guts just for existing
Jamie, pull up the serial killer pretty boy venn diagram
>Men ain't shit!
>I steal mens money yas kween!
>Men ain't nothing but paypigs I don't care about your feelings
>WTF why can't I find a man? Men are just pigs, they can't handle a strong independent woman.
>Oh and he has to be 6ft5 and a billionaire and be 10/10 in looks. I won't settle I know my worth.
other answers are shit written by men so I'll give you a genuine one
a pickme is a girl who changes her behaviour and personality to get boys to pay attention to her. like she'll fake her interests to vidya when she's not actually interested in it, she'll go on about "oh I'm not friends with girls they're too much drama" when she was fine with them two weeks ago, other girls hate pickmes because they're lying about who they are for dick or even just the public attention from dicks. most grow out of it by the time they hit adulthood but the women that don't are ones to avoid because that's the kind of personality who would have no issues cheating on you if another guy comes along, even if you're better
t. femanon not attracted to men so relatively unbiased about this
Post tits.
There are so many fucking vtubers out there now that you have 0 excuse for not ignoring these hos. You only have yourself to blame for refusing to learn Japanese and finding some 2 view to enjoy.
Degradation of a people
Why the fuck not?
It's a "stealth" ad for her, her bait threads tend to hit the bump limit, /pol/ adjacent shit is popular in this board.
The last part of his post, when these guys realize the pickmes care even less about them they will snap. Who will be the unlucky guy next to them when that happens is the question.
the only man I want looking at my tits is the coroner
dei is coming lmao
>male roleplaying as a female online for clout.
what the fuck man, your pic is not rel whatsoever. Also pickmes are great so kys, they are what all men want. They dont exist, and its just a facade to milk cash, but who cares, it gives lonely guys their ideal girl to watch so whats the harm in that?
Fuck you OP.
Alana is just filling a niche that exists, and she does a damn good job at it.
That's dumb. Show us so we can give you praise and confidence and jerk off to your tits and make you feel validated.
Unless you're transexual in which case really don't.
Cool advertisement idiot
We tried to warn you gullible faggots about pickmes but you just call everyone a jealous sister. This is your own fault. Now will if you excuse me, I need to practice my fake anime girl voice so I can do 4 hours of GFE ASMR and make thousands of dollars from lonely incels that I've told "how hard they have it by being a man".
Nice try sister.
Fucking clockwork
Hey I like hentai and yuri and I think the male suicide rate is awful. Getting a date is hard for men :( now give me a thousand dollars.
hey bby u sound pretty based
drop your twitch I'll give u a sub how bout that ;)
Send Paypal.
c'mon, don't waste them. You can be 4ch Queen for the night and get so many (YOU)s, think of the clout! Just give us a peek.
Blame their negative iq fans first
>We need to stop pickmetubers
(You) need to stop posting.
This is the only good post itt
But post tits
femanon is most likely morbidly obese with A cups
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I think it's funny you're trying this strat considering what the post is about
except I'm neither female nor support culture warriors of either side
>Verification not required.
Western culture is cancerous, especially mutt
>woman expresses sympathy for men
>she's a pickme
Blame the pink rabbit whore
I know you're not female because women know that cup size isn't an accurate description of tit size without including the band measurement
Lonely female seething at women loved by men
>Support more Male Vtubers
Why watch those sexpests when I can watch normal, more popular male streamer? Men don't need beauty to be popular
As they said, women are their worst enemy
it's not like someone with A "cups" needs a bra
That feel like something kronii would has done if she was indie
Asmonbald is not normal.
He's more normal than the typical game journo or breadtuber, that's why he's more popular than them.
>that falseflag comment
>the influx of alanahate threads masked as pickmetuberhate
Go back to **dit, ExcaliburUmbraREEE
There's too much porn for him to jerk off to there, he comes here to cool off.
>falseflag comment
You mean the one that 1.3k people agreed with?
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At first I was like
>yeah I agree with OP these grifts are annoying
But more and more, OP has gain resemblance to a current brownfeet.
/snow/ is leaking, anon. they just can't help themselves.
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too bad there's zero porn of alana LMAO
More women should do asmr and play Good Games. I don't see the problem
because alana is too stingy to cough up money to buy an ad, so she keeps making these threads
hi alana, I know you're getting more paranoid because of the camila thing, but you should give me paizuri RIGHT NOW
cooked chatter detected
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A lot of actual seething sisters in this thread. People bitching about pickmes, assuming they're all fake, even though I've known women who were more comfortable around men than other women. Tomboys and whatnot. It's not that wildly rare. And if a particular "pickme" tuber is fake, so what? It's the vtubing industry. They aren't actually cat girls and shit, retards. It's all fake to some degree.
futa coochie will not fuck you for making this thread
Pickmetubers rigged the fucking election
the second someone makes some good alana porn I will lose NNN and my balls will explode
This is why you lost.
I want to lose my nut to alana but nobody makes porn of her

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