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WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D: That's so weird, I think any one who appealed to youtube have never encountered anything like this before ToT did you received a confirmation from manesan before getting striked?
Isn't this the second time you post this
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as much as schadenfreude as i'm feeling about this it makes me scared for the asmr vtubers that i actually like. i need to buy more storage so i can archive stuff...
Isn't ASMR sound-based, so avoid weird visuals and only focus on sound?
Deserved. What goes around comes around, Cuntillie.
Enna must be in ecstasy right now her racist accent about filipinos will be buried
even better: finana now can't go back to making dick sucking asmr and soon will be too broke to continue vtubing.
Nothing new, nothing new.
Youtube's automatic content flagging is broken and retarded and nobody fucking cares because entire system is automated and there's barely any people to even notice the issue.
The only way to change it would be probably finding the Poonesian bing-bong current CEO asshole and beating him to near death.
what the fuck kissing is banned now?
they manually reviewed it retard
>they manually reviewed it retard
No, really. He actually believes this. "I'm sure he is baiting". No, he is not.
It's impossible for vtubers to deduce what is getting ASMR struck because the timestamp they give with the strike as the "reason" is seemingly picked at random.
lmao even
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>manual review
This is not the first, nor will it be the last, entirely innocuous ASMR video/stream to get hit.
That reply in the OP is automated and you can find dozens of identical ones. YT Support is automated and they catered the bot's spelling/grammar to look more "human" so less people realize it.

Almost all of YT is run by bots, including their legal.
The likelihood of anyone reaching an actual human at YouTube decreases by the day.
Meanwhile «ear eating»
Make some ASMR you retard moff
stfu millie! finana is the only one who should do ASMR
>tfw I have to preemptively archive literally all my favorite chuuba asmr channels because advertisers are mad they can't run their shitty extremely loud ads every 5 minutes on all channels so they made it illegal to upload it altogether
can't have shit anymore
Will she keep her promise?
based based.
ill report all of her asmr as nudity from now on
this comes straight up from the anti thread. aka the numerical simians
The sound is what gets ASMR flagged.
iirc YT made some change to their algorithm to detect sexual noises, some months ago and ASMRist are getting hit hard by it.
thye didn't. those are pajeet bots. even the twitter account that replies is a bot.
holy based
>Ruined the board with liggers to own da nijikeks.
>Supporting ASMR bans to own da Nijikeks.
You retards realize that you have Niji Derangement Syndrome on par with every hysterical orange man bad commie right?
Something something all sins are forgiven for shitting on niji something.
feels good seeing Enna suffer
this is what they deserve
whatever, generic Nijiwhore
i can´t remember all the names, who cares
>we hear your frustration
She breathed in the mic. That's literally it. You can be as sussy as you want with ASMR, so long as you don't breathe it's fine.

It's a very poorly trained AI bot. They threw a bunch of sussy ASMR at it to train it, and it discovered that the unifying thing for all the sussy ASMR is that it's done by women and women breathe. So it thinks that breathing is banworthy, and it goes around banning people left and right for breathing in the mic.
I have never watched a Niji stream in my life. Just telling people what's what.
Funny that sounds just like what a seething nijinigger would say
And you sound like an absolute moron.
and you sound like a nijinigger
wait, so if this happens 2 more times her entire channel is deleted?
ASMR should be released to members as downloadable content. It doesn't need a live chat.
That reply literally doesn't answer her question so no. It's a loop.
Time to report her videos so that the onlyhats happen, I wanna throw money at her if she finally drops the act and goes full whore.
but then it's some stupid scripted garbage, read stiffly into the mic, and is only 10 minutes long. i don't know why, but nobody does long form downloadable ASMRs you can fall asleep to, at least in the EN sphere that I've ever seen. it's all scripted crap written by a third party that's over before you can pull your dick out or fall asleep, depending on what you're using it for
YouTube is striking asmr videos for random reasons at the moment. I've seen strikes for breathing, eating, and pets sniffing.
Poor Millie, now she has to earn money on her streams nobody watches
Why do they write like that?
Poor millie. Uuuu
melt in the sun you ugly snowman
still funny
It's pretty funny how bad the detection is. Someone got a video taken down because her cat jumped in her lap suddenly and the noise she made from being surprised was why
Probably a falseflag
when will she pop out her fat tits at, thats what i want not these gay ass ero asmr bullshit
1st strike = warning
2nd strike = can't upload for a week
3rd strike = can't upload for 2 weeks
4th strike = channel deleted
Strikes go away after 90 days
>playing with her pussy on stream
>ASMR taken down
Sounds like the system is working as intended?
kek, I'll never get tired of this meme
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Anyone saved the timestamp?
I don't give a shit about millie but this concerns me about the future of ASMR
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I thought Millie graduated already.
I don't watch Nijisanji.
kys OP, bullying Millie for trying to help her friend figure out a strange occurrence
Thats why you don't fuck with Doki, Nijicuck
>pajeet bots
How can a bot have a nationality?
This would unironically be a good thing, for all vtubers (not just Niji EN vtubers) who want to do ASMR streams. Not only would they be able to do the ASMR streams they want to do and that their fans want without worrying that it will be wrongfully taken down for sexual content due to a false positive by the AI, but they actually can do sexual content if they want to.
If Millie were to do ASMR streams on OF or Fansly, they'd probably be the same seiso, comfy and relaxing ASMR streams that she had been doing on YT all along, and which she had been doing without incident until the AI decided that vtuber ASMR streams are inherently sexual. She wouldn't do lewd ASMR on the blue platforms, at least not at first.

Now if Millie were to start doing ASMR streams on OF/Fansly/other platforms which allow horny content, and Finana and Twisty were to follow suit....
They would make more money doing it that way.
of course it is, you disgusting fuck. when you're not even married yet??? only wholesome ASMR is allowed
>but nobody does long form downloadable ASMRs you can fall asleep to
that's dlsite territory, I wish more EN content creators uploaded to it
the timestamp on these asmr strikes is always nothing
v4mirai already has some members who do their asmr on alternate sites
I doubt they would do horny content considering that they're still leashed to niji, it could be possible if they're desperate though.
>v4mirai already has some members who do their asmr on alternate sites
Or they had been planning to. They're still allowed to, but apparently either V4M management of Brave management told the girls that no matter what platform they use, the only place they'd be allowed to stream stuff too spicy for a public Youtube stream would be their Youtube memberships - this in spite of the fact that the community guidelines (nominally) apply equally to public and membership content, and in spite of the fact that the algorithm has decided that drawing breath is inherently sexual.
In other words, they can stream on Cytube (as Mono did once or twice), or on Fansly or Pornhub; but the stream must be safe enough to put the unedited vod on Youtube without putting it as membership content or getting it age-restricted.

In other other words, Mono is no longer allowed to provide Idol Honey™ for her fans. Her roommate might be able to, but Mono herself cannot.

Sure, they may have corporate limiters that would stop them from doing R-18 content. But they can still do R-17.999 content.
Remember Millie did a ton of ASMR's filled with kissing sounds. Every time someone donates she does kissing noises for them.
Any of those ASMR's could be flagged. If she gets 2 more strikes her channel is banned completely
So you hate Trump and based Nijisanji NijiGods.

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