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>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
EIEN Extended: >>>/vt//eiex/
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/
VSPO! EN + Specialite: >>>/vt//fpspec/

Previous thread: >>88923483
Blair sex
Elia hate but not rape
That's illegal. Procreation isn't optional anymore!
What the hell happened to /vnug/??
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I ate it
So many extended generals...
Is /pkg/ next or are their resident schizos going to stop baking?
new one hasn't been baked yet
>Is /pkg/ next or are their resident schizos going to stop baking?
kek he already wasted more than a year shitting up that general i doubt they'll stop
give it five minutes
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Pandora Live! Day 6.
not enough Lofi
I love Echo Lyne!
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Did I dream that KK was somehow involved with Heavenrend?? I can't find anything about it but the thought is in my brain for some reason. I'm guessing it was just the artist overlap?
wait I'm in the wrong thread
But I do love her!
Acti streaming today. I NEED TO GOON!
We know her as Blair around these here parts
for me it's Menace asmr tonight
mozzu went back to sideprojectposting
We’ve been getting streams at least. I won’t get negative until she starts canceling again.
anyone archived ekko twitter space?
Act(ing) late
Choco cat sexo
Acti voice is ruined! I can not fap to this! I hate mic anon! yes Acti put the tongue out to drink my semen!
her new mouth animation looks like she is having strokes
Acting is munching my balls, that is what she is eating
/acti/ time. so she got the vbridger rigging
Actively balls deep in my daughterwife's chocopussy
that oily leg in acti model? my semen from last night
I hate your new mic cause you sound better Acti, show your thighs again
the mouth's just a liiiiittle bit too high and some of the shapes aren't quite the right kind of cute
makes her look like a huge nerd with downs
also god compress and eq that mic already, they're so dead out of the box
skin indentation, skindentation. acti
I want to hit that choco cat womb so badly let me eat you up all night Acti
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DUUURRRRR im acti, a big dumb doodoo head durrrr
that busy day? the inauguration of her new model in our trad bed in service to our trad marriage.
I am not the same schizo in the other thread I am just horny for you.
>/pkg/ made Acti start hating all the kawaii girls
>acti explaining the /pkg/ schizo
Acti the guy didnt get mad at you because of you. They got irritated because they are trying to control the entire thread, and after the raid, people started mentioning you and said that they should add you to their friends section.
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/pkg/ is my anti thread, acti bucko
I have the double the mental illness but I am not the same schizo, depresso anxious choco lunatic with some huge horny need to say how badly I want to ravage your choc catpussy Acti
I am the better schizo, the one who wants to rape you Acti
There are 3 kawaii girls with almost consitent 100 + ccv, and /pkg/ has always been a semi-dead thread. Kawaii fans are NOT on 4chan. You need to understand that.
A few TRUE fans are on 4chan but they are not completely schizo. Most of us are mature.
ok but benpires should oshihen to acti
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She has been thinking about loose anuses today.
>Most of us are mature.
you take that back
Stop giving him attention you retarded hoe, that's literally what keeps the imbecile going.
there is no way this girl becoming 4chanpilled is good for her career
I got my anus checked should I add another oshi mark? the doctor used no lub at all
as long she takes the good advice like the kiss and mic is all good, Acti will learn to filter banter and provocative posting in time
She's not 4chanpilled she just sees this as le funny place where people act deranged
Won't be so funny when she gets a real schizo though
>Some of us know how to read and wipe our asses.
why not? what exactly is dangerous about it? better than being an aspie
I'm a kawaii fan and I just wanna say that your voice and accent are very very cute. Keep doing your thing and dont give trolls attention. That is literally why they are doing it, for attention.
why are all the threads i use on this board going schizo today??
fagpires and charlatrans recognize acti as a kawaii friend
I am getting mixed reactions Acti, you do like horny posting right?
most /vt/ users are election tourists
vtubers need to be tied up more
american elections last night
Acti has 10 friends, whore.
this is your trad wife Acti bros?
>When I was in school
Acti still goes to school? How old is this girl? Jesus Christ...
>elections and 0 moderation
old enough to carry my child Acti loving rape
she's a college student. She talks about classes frequently, and we have posted
/eiex/ told me she mentions having lunch with a man in this, so i refuse to listen
Out of 10
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Koha struck again...
Airi playing Age of Mythology
I love her when she plays these strategy games, just like old times
it's clearly "their's"
but go off, there's better shit to anti her over
going to school = going to any class/course/college
aster will walk in on her
calm down, buoy. and go suck off valle
Here's my theory outside of the typical schizo thing. Kawaii had quite a few girls that used kawaii as a stepping stone and then walked out with paypigs and ccv. So now whenever someone is in touch with kawaii and especially if they are a SMALLER vtuber, they think she just wants to grift and use them.
what's her major?
>still on about it
she really got hit hard huh?
Acti give me one night in your bed and you will forget all about it and in nine months you will be happier than ever
Age of RAPE-ology!!!
Airi... your CCV...
like what
this is peak girlfriend experience she is just bitching about it non stop for multiple streams, good job Acti
You guys are ACTIvely ruining the thread.
Get it? Get it???
>shaped like her panties
acti I want to eat it too
acti BROKE you
fr tho if you can't listen to your streamer complain about inane shit, you can never groom them.
acti's arm is tired from all milking she's done to my dick, gloveless
Acti keeps making lewd noises... how much semen you want to take from me your devilish choc cat?
it is great, happy she took my post in good faith and is feeling better about it.
>still hung up
>ACTIng really sad about it
>esl rambling
I want to fuck the cat
First time watching Acti. I am just glad that she is one of the vtubers that zatsus a lot before the game. Theres nothing worse than opening the stream with the games loading screen already there. No one cares about the actual gameplay, I hope vtubers understand that. We want to hear them yap about random shit because we are lonely.
I'm not lonely
Yeah, how dare they get in the way of thread shitting and the thread dying by live posting. Who even watches streams, am I right fag?
you are lonlidood
she has the makings of a good vtuber, shame she will abandon this model once big corpo poaches her, she already did multiple interviews before getting accepted so why would she stop at small corpo?
>love sex too
acti bros... this is your trad wife? sex is for reproductive purposes only
everyone thinks their small corpo girl will get poached it's hilarious
anon I don't think. I know.
With her language and lack of filter she's currently toxic to any mid-large company even if for some reason they did want her and there's no real benefit to jumping around small corpos
>did weed yesterday
>voice sounds rough
>love sex too
you guys know how Acti payed for it right? cuck bros we are so in!
It's the /vrt/ schizo.
It's the /pkg/ schizo.
grim for actikeks
>Debut 3 months ago
>Already past her prime and anything larger than a Phone gambling vtuber front for embezzlement will take her.
>She will never get better.

Damn, this hobby sucks.
>loves "papers"
trad wife bros... acti...
I'm watching Miori Celesta from MyHolo TV. Ask me anything.
How hard did you stroke it when she said she wasn't wearing anything on top?
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is she cucking you?
Acti does not wear anything bellow they should off collab
minor spelling mistake...
I'm watching her genmate this Bellerose girl, no talent, graduation soon and back to wageslaving
Same with this Umio girl, so fucking boring and full of herself
is okay Acti is esl and will read this the way I mean it
Happy birthday Mero
>why she ego searching?
why are you Acti?
>full of herself
This turns me on. What chuubas for this?
But they can't be boring.
Enna, and I don't even hate her
I think your model is very sexy and I prefer you broken mic voice Acti, would marry you for the good dessert after dinner alone but then again I am close to hitting 30.
She's all but said she's not into older dudes.
Don't believe her lies, she's just trying to pander to the lonely ojisans /here/ (me)
I won't fall for it
she is a girl you take her out enough times to good places and she is good as yours just do not go overboard or she will just coast and enjoy, girls like Acti you take to church life and groom her into becoming good christians. she wants a dad so she is willing to listen to your grooming if you phrase it in good ways.
shut the fuck up Gino
>why would women lie on the internet
I wont believe you until you post an audio cumming to ojisans
grim for acti
you are not an agency vtuber when you are posting in 4chan
nobody would know it's you here
if Acti does a breast reduction I will marry her before having sex with her I am the anon who watches her because I can fap to her
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>mero can't transfer ownership of her channel from yume+ because youtube sucks
>Acti wants gyaru fanart
yeah with me
No girl will actually admit it but most girls are into "daddies". And having an older boyfriend is like a badge of honor in their circles. I know a on of girls that have or had boyfriends like 10 years older than them.
lol Acti "I'm into Oji sans with no kids".
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Acti you're a great yapper but I think your game commentary is poor, almost non existent. Especially with a game like this, seeing as you're mentally ill cutter yourself, and have probably done drugs, you should be talking about how you relate to KAngel and stuff like that. I don't care if you don't want to hear this btw, take the criticism and improve yourself.
Also I got all the achievements in this game you're playing.
Acti name starting with W is very christian core
he's right
nobody is ever there for the game, it's just a foil
How do you make gyaru art with a girl that’s already tan
>bad streamer
you are not bad, just retarded
I like you Acti. The other anon is right though, work on your commentary
sorry but if you're streaming a semi popular game and have nothing to say then what's the point
do the gyaru with white spots in her eyes, in her case would be better to show her applying make up in front of a mirror or something
you think she is like, black all the way through
Acti is really good when she talks about school
she actually told us the colors two streams or so ago the nipples are not the same color of her vulva
>sex all night
give me one night acti
>that is not what happens when you have sex
used goods...
trad wife bros...
acti used goods...
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exactly, all good content is react content else we'd just watch longplays or play it ourselves
half the shit streamers play we've already played/seen half a dozen times over anyway unless it's fotm and then it's probably predictable slop
don't know how you train that, though, other than just sitting down with something that resonates and intentionally practicing it, maybe watch someone else that has a similar vibe and really hone in on what sets them off and how/why
so anon use /corpo/ as chat because they're pussies?
kek this is the best Acti post that will ever be created
I am bummed out about her not being pure and virgin but if she repents like a good christian I will invest in Acti coin again
>all good content is react content
how many of you who want to have sex with acti are virgin yourselves?
i dont expect to be someone's first time past college age
I only had sex with one girl, I was her first boyfriend
How many spicy membership streams does Acti have? Just a hentai tags tier?
sex with ojisans stream
she deleted the other one with her favorite chatters commentary
hentai tier list and asmr
I want to hear Acti moaning softly in the mic one day
That was public, I got it archived
I will keep it as anti ammo for when she gets into Phase
shut the fuck up
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it's really too bad about the IPs. she has an entertaining voice, but her corpo vs indie design are on completely different levels
just needs a minto makeover and she'll be right as rain
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Elia your streams are always 3x as long when you're playing games with other men while you ignore your chat.
Did Acti say what color she's wearing today?
Acti, what color are you wearing today?
nuKilia is already being GFE
mozzu also had a thing about holding her piss
I figured it was just her but maybe women are just wired weird
Fine, keep your pantsu color a secret, see if I care.
Good girl.
trying to make up for the discord debacle I see
Acti getting one guy'd literally ALL THE TIME is the reason I stopped watching her.
She lets some meaningless retard take control of her streams and I can spend my time better elsewhere.
you dumb fuck she is not wearing anything
Poor girl, can't even afford pantsu. I'll take her on a shopping trip.
Acti, what is your opinion on holding hands in the first date?
The best and most kino ending for this game is the one that goes on for the last 5 days, you get it on day 25 I believe. Don't know if you already got it, but I think the requirements were annoying to get without a guide.
that is the best part about her minus the apartment, she can actually use the help, wish she would put cute clothes (not whorish ones) on throne for us to buy her (without the intent of posting flesh)
It's a thing: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/pee-orgasm

That's why matsuri of hololive did it too
>would not hold hands in the first date
not beating the trad wife christian girl allegations miss W Acti
>every time she says bye I panic thinking she will end stream
my ass knows she will keep going for at least 5 hours but I am scared of losing her so early
'Internet Overdose'
You need to increase her stress cap to 120 by having her cut herself
But don't reach 120 or you'll get another bad ending
And then keep her stress on 80+ until Day 25
this thread is /pyon/ 2.0 now
oh I see, dumb cat you kinda ruined it by loading in the middle of the ending
is great how dumb she is, I want to both headpat and fuck her roughly
But with a likeable chuuba
The more Acti pisses, the less I get to drink it for her.
>I lost gallons to you
I am a good schizo
that is what I hear every night btw
complain and moan Acti...
>just 3 hours
Acti has fallen off
Acti would never post like that, she only uses lazy emotes not a single artistic post from her
Anon's ex-sharkwife
do guerrilla after you eat choco cat, do asmr too... I want some Acti sex
newfags can't chococat
>we do not have sex we go to therapy
Acti is the type to not have sex to "work on her marriage"
fuckin hell
All women are like this
gosh I love how esl she is...
Acti... marry me in real life
kay that is actually cool, nice work of her rigger
do it! do guerrilla! I like your lower body...
I do cum here somewhat often, yes
I do not care for games or what you have to talk about them, I much prefer hearing you say how you hate that one teacher and how you want my babies
Why you fag(s) pretend to care about this girl's stream quality and then kill it by being too retarded to just use a chat?
different posters
I am here to cum and Acti delivers she takes good care of my dick
Acti you dumb bitch
oh no wonder i'm enjoying the acri discussion so much
>Acti crying on stream
shit is so hot
imo the best way to train this would to watch non vtubers
>she sounds better in French with the new mic
I hate mic anon a little less now
hey! kisses! HEY! KISSES!
>no kiss
she hates us, Acti is done with her fans
>we will get kisses at the end
we are so back Acti bros
that frog? me while I insert myself inside Acti butt
acti part 2
Acti's thigh squish is so hot. Cant wait for synthetic women so I can model my own exactly how I like it and not deal with these roasties anymore.
her karaoke went from 80 to 100 with the new mic lol
Every woman should be ESL. They are just way cuter that way.
sing one of the frenchies for me sweet cat
take on me
that old song, but also take me Acti
>she actualy got the schizo following her now
kek thanks acti
I want you to date me...
also please sing California Girls
coldplay the scientist needs to be next Acti
mind goblins
if she keeps singing french songs I will not last the night and will lose another gallon to Acti
Acti sing the pokerap
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how much zinc are you fucker taking
>one good thing
that your marvelously hot body...
>purposely asking for hard songs so she stands out and improve with time
>she mumbles a lot
>I find it incredibly hot
never change Acti... you surpass my wildest wet dreams of esl choco cat wife
>>89002194 (me)
I understand, I will keep married to you in my dreams being waked up by your delicious food early in the morning, cuddling and having steamy love dovey intercourse until you go stream and I go to work so I can provide your expensive taste in hair blowers for food
Uptown Girl by Billy Joel, even if you never heard it, it is a very fun song, if you can sing the collab song you did with that fella too
>it is sex time
yeah it is... with me!
Acti is my sexy hot wife
Burnice Song? or anything you like from Bruno Mars
Chicken Attack the meme song Acti
>main character syndrome
this girl keeps getting better how the she does that? my list of things I want in girls is almost all crossed out
>no Edith Piaf yet
I will have to spank you later Acti
>she wants to get spanked
this unruly brat!
blackpink shut down Acti, release the kpop fan inside you
karaoke is to have fun Acti, you can do that one yeah
does she know how my dick reacts to her french point blank like this? I think she likes having my dick hard for her
take your meds Acti (eat first) when you are done sing Mamma Mia by Abba
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HypeBoy newjeans acti, bring it out, the kpopper inside
if you doing Kpop throw me a bone and sing Wannabe by ITZY or any TWICE song you know
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Anal Queen Shiki is gonna blow it out of the park
>such a weeb the only songs I can sing along are the kpop ones
I do not know how to feel about this
hololive JP dev_is gen 2

why does it matter? because catalog
wrong thread bro try global
her tail keeps spooking me like something in creeping up on her, it needs more moments idk
>>89008635 (me)
also sing can't touch this
my immortal by evanescence Acti
Goddam, that is a badass cat.
This Nexas girl plays some interesting games
Mirthwood now
my latina wife nano in left ear my dark mistress acti in other llife is good
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I fucking love unity
this sounds like sarcasm but I do, I really enjoy seeing girls being happy together
I understand daughter fags now
I want to both care for and fuck my daughter wife
>she ends with french
same, as long as it's not elia
pic of your latina wife?
is it wrong if I find french hotter on her specifically because she is brown?
No, brown women are sex
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this but acti
do it, coward
Acti nobody is going to hate you because of one schizo, you need two for that raid them or the girl anon just linked, show him how better as wife you would be instead of mistress, I dare you!
acti is my chocolate goddess
mindbroken by schizo -kun
>I wanted to have them
do you really?
>wanna stab you in the stomach
ok I want that and I get it by anting Acti? what a deal!
I got up to piss what happened
I love you Acti, do what you think you are not going to regret later.
Today, Good Boys won.
imagine how amazing this girl is in bed
coming up with new ways to please her husband
I get hard just imagining it
I'm missing context, did the arean princess actually call her the nword or is she genuinely worrying about the one (1) schizo?
literally one schizo, Acti still gets one guyed even with fun posting
she is getting oneguyd by the SEAnig
I am going to help you, W popular canadian french names in the last 20 years
so, no w
it's so fucking easy
that's some sexy art
guerrilla stream please Acti, ASMR... sex ASMR...
the fact that her model is even sexier makes my dick double hard
I love that cat
>kisses and purr
I am in love with a vtuber...
>raided a loli
>she likes loli
I am going to cheat on you Acti but my conscience will be heavy, you will forgive me right?
release merch I can put in jars and I will upload my progress for you to see while browsing 4chan acti

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