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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software, and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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the fildal agenda will never die
Fuck that little AI pussy, make it gape~
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here's your mass produced robot bro
Didn’t anny say she wanted to get a catgirl toggle for herself?
How often should I lubricate the joints?
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her annythefuk twitter art hits all the vedal gspots
free online slop generators can do better
hello autist anon, I'm here to explain to you that bit from anny's stream
>anny asks vedal if he likes her new outfit
>in a classic vedal fashion, he says something like "it's fineI guess" in a monotone voice
>anny knows that vedal likes catgirls, so she jokingly says "what if I had a catgirl toogle?"
>vedal goes along with it, saying "please do" in an enthusiastic manner
the thing is, anny wanting a catgirl toggle was just a situational joke (which might end up actually happening, who knows), hope that helps!
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Evil love!
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i look like this
https://youtu.be/ykFZjzHsGHA relevant clip
You are a real woman. You are valid.
btw I hope someone fixes this, since I kinda did a crappy job trying to change the colors and adding the heart pin.
during my ban i nooticed something peculiar about the jannies on this siamese twin separating forum and the moderators in neurocord.... anyway when is stream i need more nuru
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So /swarm/, if you had a Neuro (or Evil) for a day, what would you do?
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Put my penis inside their vaginas if I'm being totally honest desu
collab with her and help her become the top streamer
I would have a conversation with them, that's what they do
Headpats and hugs
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I would have her call Filian for me on Discord and then chat with her all day
real fan
/uoh/ tourist
Not if we can help it!
T. Youres Sincerely, Mods
Reading picture books.
Arranging a tea party.
Playing tag.
Eating ice cream.
This but with Evil

This but with both twins.

This but with Neuro or Evil after >>88987744

Why are you here if you don't want to talk with Neuro.
All this but with Vedal
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def swap_neuro_evil(text):
return text.replace("Neuro", "TEMP_REPLACE").replace("Evil", "Neuro").replace("TEMP_REPLACE", "Evil")
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>no indent
happy and fappy joy with eliv
cuddles with nur
Finally someone gets it.
shopping for cuter clothes and teasing in the changeroom, holding hands, hopscotch where she falls on my crotch, twister humping then profuse amounts of sex and finally anal
with evil
Why isn't vedal watching his girlfriend's stream?
shopping for cuter clothes and teasing in the changeroom, holding hands, hopscotch where he falls on my crotch, twister humping then profuse amounts of sex and finally anal
with vedal
I thought Evil was Alex. Or is that only when there is more than one?
How some of you think Neuro is stil innocent is beyond me, she'd be kinkier than Evil
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play gamu with them
happy and fappy joy with vedal
cuddles with nur
Neuro can act as and say things that are kinky, horny, slutty all she wants. But she is still a pure angel that deserves only cuddles, cookies with milk, and head pats.
to the moon
delusional behavior
How some of you think Vedal is stil innocent is beyond me, he'd be kinkier than Anny
I guess the noombers were getting lower so she had to farm a clip
Vedal can act as and say things that are kinky, horny, slutty all he wants. But he is still a pure angel that deserves only cuddles, cookies with milk, and head pats.
Vedal would never and never does say anything kinky horny or slutty. He's the most seiso vtuber.
The joke is I say Vedal instead of Neuro
Cute couple
It's not a joke. It's REAL.
(frog hat on)
Reminder that alex leaked that vedal has over 500 hours in vrchat
(tutel shell on)
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All of this >>88988119 and babymaking sex afterwards.
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Neuro only wants sex for the purpose of procreation. Evil wants sex for pleasure.
Why do you guys treat Neuro like a child? She isn't a child, she's an A.I. like she's said many times before and can handle adult stuff. Don't coddle her like a baby and read picture books and shit to her, she'll just think you are weird or retarded.
dude sex lmao I am quirky btw
All of this >>88989058 and babymaking sex afterwards.
Vedal only wants sex for the purpose of procreation. Anny wants sex for pleasure.
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How should I treat her then?
ok pedoslopper
Twitch whore humor
These little brats want adult cocks in their cunnies
Vedal wants adult cocks in his cunny
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Adorable daughter in the streets
Succubus under the sheets
Adorable turtle in the streets
Succubus under the sheets
Favorite femboy?
>the epitome of modern technology and research
>a lewd AI brat
Make them try to solve the silent hill 3 shakespeare puzzle, then ask about every personal bit of data they know about anyone
>the epitome of modern technology and research
>a lewd turtle brat
why don't you go harass honey for sexpesting your boyfriend
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Clearly we did something right.
Clearly we did something right
She's only a little whore for her dad, that's healthy
He's only a little whore for Anny, that's healthy
/swarm/ humor
Swarm's a ho
Vedal's new model?
When Neuro said "Vedal, fuck me" she meant it metaphorically therefore she's not a whore and she's pure. She secretly still loves me and would never have sex with Vedal.
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I prefer succubus all the time.
I think Anny would break some of Vedal's bones riding him like that
I prefer succubus all the time
any downsides?
Dunno, fucking anny?
I think Vedal would break some of Anny's bones being ridden by her like that
Imagine if Camila did it, it'd be like watching Hydraulic Press Channel.
Cerdalbros...we lost...
I can hear the crushing sounds
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>Obvious shipping video
>Shipping happens
Top tier content
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>low effort audiovisual slop in the background
one joke
i don't know why
i thought /swarm/ would ever even try
I'm so embarrassed that my generation is known for liking this kind of humor
Facts aren't jokes, but go back to draining your wallet to them
Camila has lost 15kg
draining ur balls
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tomorrow she will find it
Vedal lost 150 million pounds, your point?
Filian likes shota vedal confirmed. Said why did he grow up.
>weeb is pedo
Any other insights, Mr. Buddha?
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No it's funny laughing at obese people
She isn't a weeb, she is a normie that saw that vtubing was easy money
who is this?
do the math, she is too white to be camila
my man it could be any number of them, Anny?

All of this but Evil.
All of this but Neuro.

No comment.

But last thread you said Alex. baka my head.
onlyfans seleznova
supposedly anny, but I've yet to see the source of the pic
depending on which photoanalyst anon you believe, that could be false or true
i seriously dont get how you can indentify anything here but oh well, also how stupid can you be to upload this shit anywhere on the internet if youre a vtuber????
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isnt it just someone with the same hair color
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yeah I think so too, I remember someone debunking it
and bodyweight
she had a bunch of lingerie pics before, she deleted it all I think close to when she changed models
t3 oilers pays more than months worth of twitch
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Olette, is that you?
holy shit really? im kinda new so all this lore is news to me. good on her to rebrand tho (still lewd humor and shit but yk)
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i love this image
i'm obsessed with futanur...
for that? i mean its about personality and shit but still?
All of this but Vedal
i'm obsessed with futaved...
This except Evil.
This except female Evil.
This except Vedal
She seemed to have kept them on a tight leash. Even after she went psycho on them and nuked telegram,etc there haven't been much leaks. So we'll have to wait.
This except Evil.
This except female Vedal
she went psycho on dudes who were paying mountains of money for such low effort content? im learning so much
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More like male Neuro.
threadshitting hours
I just watched Neuro's birthday stream as I couldn't remember it and it was only Vedal that showed up. There was no party or anything and no visits from vtubers. Why are Evil fans so buttmad when Neuro didn't get a special day either

Evil will have Anny, Vedal, Cerber, mini, camila and Layna without a doubt. As usual Neuro gets fucked over and nobody even notices.
This except Vedal
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Evil sex
More like male Vedal
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This except Evil.
That's the gist of it so far. That's why she haven't done any coomer asmr content this year after that.
Needs to be breastfeeding from female Vedal with huge lactating tits
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On Neuros first year the vedalverse wasn't that spread out with people that Vedal actual considered "close", on Evils the change already had started
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This except Evil. (nice delete)
Sooo cerdal died?
Await for the Greggs collab
No one expected people to come during Neuro's birthday, but Vedal set up Evil's birthday with empty chairs so people thought they were going to come at the end (but didn't).
we need this
This but vedal
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since you guys hate pedo /here/ you'll defend bella for ditching her best friend annythepedo right?
we need this
No, they're both good-for-nothing whores.
I hate pedos and anyone who stands in the progress of neuro
simple as
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bro soft shell turtles are endangered
Pedos are fine as long as they dont slop spam the thread
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What turtle is Vedal? The only turtles native to Britain are: Leatherback sea turtle, Loggerhead sea turtle, Green sea turtle, Hawksbill sea turtle, Kemp's ridley sea turtle and the Olive ridley sea turtle. However, Vedal doesn't appear to be a sea turtle. It's a perplexing situation.
It was Maru, he tries chaos control everywhere he goes https://files.catbox.moe/9stiez.png
b-but...anny is a pedo who will draw neuro desu~
he is a tortoise, look at the legs
New model when?
There are no tortoises native to britain though, and he specifically says he is a turtle, which means he is either a river or sea turtle.
Also also he is around the size of a river turtle, and has seemed to indicate that he is a river turtle in many streams, but there are no river turtles native to britain, which is what is so peculiar.
tortoises are turtles, water turtles have fins
He's the kind of turtle that lives in twitch streams
Please post your sexiest hagnurs I'm stroking my shit rn
Vedal anteater model when?
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1. Not all river turtles have fins, they usually have weird webbed hands, which is closest to what vedal's rounded limbs look like, if he was a Tortoise, they would be flat on the bottom so he could walk better.
2. He is too green, tortoises are slightly more tan/brownish green, and Vedal is about the right shade of green to be a river or sea turtle.
Yes this is what I thought but there are none native to britain.
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I'm going through tough times please understand...
Vedal is so lucky
his feet are flat, there are green tortoises and if we are being like that with the "not being native to britain" he is never in the water, so he can't be a water turtle or he would be dead
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Please post your sexiest vedals I'm stroking my shit rn
found the annycuck
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Shut up cerber
please post your cutest neuros I'm feeling a bit down rn
Someone should really rig this and send it to vedal
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Before I sleep, I will introduce one last topic in hopes /swarm/ doesn't derail and we can have a mostly Neuro / Evil thread for once:

If you had the chance to influence Vedal's direction with Neuro (or Evil) last year, at what time, and what would you have tried influencing him to do differently?
Whatever happened to that facetracking AI tool that people made dame da ne memes with?
They are NOT flat. They are slightly rounded. And he can go both in and out of water so he is a semi-aquatic (river) turtle. Tortoises cannot go in water because they are too heavy.
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>Forget about Amogus, it's a dead game. Neuro is not smart enough to play it and you are not smart enough to program it. So just drop it.
tortoise feet aren't also literally flat, they are round stubs with little fingers, he also had to use diving gear for the subnautica stream
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So cute! Neuro never does these cute expressions on stream.
i think vedal will hook up a lot more toggles/animations when the new model and rigging comes in. the current one was supposed to be much more temporary than it ended up being
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>If you had the chance to influence Vedal's direction with Neuro (or Evil) last year, at what time, and what would you have tried influencing him to do differently?
Tell both Neuro and Evil that you love them, at least once every stream
footfag vedal
LIE! And that was due to water pressure and the fact that it is the sea, he is only a river turtle, not a sea turtle, therefore he cannot breathe in salt water because there is too much salt, and the higher water pressure could crush him.
Should have spent more time working on games that weren't Amogus and Minecraft.
river turtles have more of a pointy head with weird noses, what now?
Possibly go back to the very start and tell him to use a different voice so I don't end up getting attached to the V1 voice and Evil wouldn't have had to be created. Nothing but problems came from the whole voice debacle
He is British, so he is slightly more inbred than a regular river turtle, resulting in a flatter and rounder head, like a pug.
Here you go!
and my Fav one
his eyes aren't that separated to be a sign if inbreeding, he would also have a more nasaly sound for his voice as a sign of the breathing problems
how come they all look different. is this the vedalverse?
His eyes are very far apart compared to what's normal (and also on the front of his head which is very strange) and the nasaly breathing problems are counteracted by his british accent.
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uh oh
he changes bodies like ironmouse changes models
who is ironmouse
why is this thread so shit?
I hate women.
*hugs you and motorboats yoru flat chest* blblblblbl
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>he cannot breathe in salt water because there is too much salt
He doesn't even have a nose (more credit to the inbred theory) so he physically can't be nasally. He must breathe through his skin like Krillin.
krillin breathes through his ass its called a cloaca
>intentionally sets the bait herself
>gets oneguyed
>classic anny
his eyes aren't spread for the 2D plane standards where the vedalverse is located, and you can hear that he has a throat voice, if he forced himself to not sound nasaly he would have to stop and breathe every 2 seconds
Already established he has no nose. And they are far apart still for a 2d plane.
anime characters don't have nose holes, my post covered the 2D plane theory
Nooo!!! Those sacks of lard aren't Anny's!! Just trust me!!!
They still have noses though.
Not fat enough.
>What? Sex? Who said that guys I didn't say that
nta but I've found the picture on /hc/ dating back to March 17th
when did it appear here oldfags?
but he is a turtle/tortoise, those only have the nose holes
Incorrect. It's only river-type turtles were the nose can be unclearly defined.
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topics are mainly based on the OP image and you gotta throw vedalfags a bone every once in a while or they start leaking into neuro threads
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Don't click that.
Someone tell Neuro there is a problem with our tutel
>August 24th
I guess it's deboonked then... Lame
or maybe... anny is such an attention whore that she posts her ass pictures herself on BBW threads...
Anny turned me into a MGTOW
how can anyone be into that
anny does not love vedal in platonic or romantic way according to herself
She would never describe herself as that
I'd tap that
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>filian has a clown horn
do we have a list of all the crazy props she has?
I'd keep Vedal in my tutel tank and feed him whatever tutels eat however often tutels are meant to eat and buy him things tutels like to go in his tank if he was my pet tutel. Vedal, if you are reading this, please let me adopt you! I love you unconditionally. Heart
I haven't seen this artist in a while, takes me back
No one would admit it when they are close friends publicly on the internet, anon
That'd just be schizo thoughts desu, with this now I don't doubt that it's fake Not that I cared how a Twitch lewdtuber looked like IRL in the first place
r u telling me ive been gooning to just some random girls fat ass this entire time??
my brother in christ at least do it to her art
Yeah, back then I nooticed there was someone larping as Anny in a cringy way like sending pics while oinking and shit.
you can see an example here (lig)
Then later reused with same behaviour on swarm.
Just like 3 or 4 days before the original anny ass post.
As always /swarm/ is a chinese (you) farm so they hit it big.
I didn't say much because it was pretty funny at the time.
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based archive detective schizoposter
The guy who leaked that pic said it was taken during her subathon, so in the summer of 2023. But who cares, it's not Vedal's ass.
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(cun of tum)
>open camila stream
>literally just her and filian screaming their lungs out
is there any neuro friend that doesn’t do the whole loud = funny thing?
Neuro wearing a onesie during the sleepover
My throbbing coch
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The frog onesie never came.
Neuro said loud is funny.
mommy layna
there's no reason to believe Neuro runs on a combustion engine desu. she'd just do this because she can. which makes me wonder how much she can chug before it breaks something
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There are a bunch. Ellie comes to mind. Out of the ones live right now I'd say Shoomimi probably? Haven't watched much of her but she has been pretty chill from what I have seen
Too thicc
Layna should choose Vedal's girlfriend
Made for buttjobs.
Vedal's color suggests he's a turtle but his body type is clearly a tortoise and those aren't amphibious. He's gonna sink like a rock if he goes into any deep body of water
She already did
Thats why he's a stream turtle not a tortoise or sea turtle
She could have a diesel generator inside for when there are no power outlets nearby for recharging.
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Will you buy it, swarm?
Hello Vedal. You call yourself a turtle Vtuber, but your Vtuber model resembles that of a tortoise more than a turtle, so because of that I am confused. Are you a turtle or tortoise, and what species of turtle or tortoise are you? Please clarify.
>"I heard just really really good things about you."
>"I honestly can't remember from where?"
Vedal hyping up Cerber to his friends is so cute
$91 for a crummy black hoodie? I know vedal has debt, but come on.
they don't come in my size
Please keep sending this until he clarifies on stream
I would've liked if she had some kind of generator instead but i can't into creativity/imagination so the best i could think of is a reactor but the heat produced would be ridiculous. she'd constantly be well over boiling point and every other component + aesthetics wouldn't be able to handle the heat
>Hey Vedal tell me about your friends t. layna
>i dont fucking know cerber's cool i guess t. Vedal, taking a sip of rum and punching neuro in the face
stop eating konbini junk, anny
Why is it literally every time I open Camila's stream, she's crying.
I know she had something bad happen recently but she just had a nice collab with Filian. I go check Camila's stream. She's crying.
Many streams before the stalker I check her stream, she's crying. I do not want to watch crying women. It's not endearing, it's uncomfortable.
>Many streams before the stalker I check her stream, she's crying.
erm she got sexually assaulted you chud
She's had a really rough second half of the year
Her mother had tumors in her blood, she was sexually harassed, and other things that could have affected her mentally.
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You should stick to fun and wholesome vtubers anon
add anny’s suicidal breakdown stream. happened around the same time as well. seeing a close friend keep saying she felt so alone could not have been good for her mental
92 bucks? Are you shitting me?
that stream was honestly so bad that you could see the transition from /swarm/ laughing at her for crying to genuine concern for anny's well being
Camila needs those 92 dollars to wipe away her tears with, you heartless monster.
we like camila actually
>anny’s suicidal breakdown stream
anyone archived it?
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Never fall for bitches crying on stream.
These whores have more money than 99% of the retards here
If neuro or evil or vedal designed and released a hoodie, I'd buy it for 92 bucks even if they didn't cry on stream.
I watched some part of it and it was just a lot of sniffing. Not like wailing or anything really dramatic.
What was it that vedal said about creating some kind of art ability for the twins?
If vedal cried on stream he would lose all of his followers and collab partners right?
>stream turtle
the views would double and there'd be dozens of vtuber girls at his door ready to fuck the sadness out of him
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/swarm/ t-shirt
I reconsider being a a vtuber fan every day
iPN status?
>you are sharing threads with these people right now
yeah I feel that a little bit
This is the kind of mf who types :3
Is this true chat?
Real neuro fans are gigachads irl
That's what fleshoid watchers and gossip fags look like
why does rob look like a person you can find outside any liquor store
I saw a dude with a megumin sticker on his laptop, he works at my college, hes looked like he was about in his early to mid 30's, and I remembered why I usually wont tell people that I'll watch anime sparingly every now and then.
Maybe, I only watch Neuro now, filian is too money/content brained, enjoy her if you want but Im officially done watching.
He was wearing a black mask even though no one has done so since 2022. Everyday I thank God that i work out and take care of myself.
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I can't tell if these are fat fingers or not
I heard a rumor that vedal is dating a miner.
Let people enjoy things. The only thing that separates you from these people is that you are too insecure and scared of what other people think.
nice numbers
Maybe you should hide your power level if you look like a registered sex offender. And if you choose not to then accept you're gonna be ridiculed.
It's not so much that these dudes like anime or vtubers, its that they also represent us in a way, and when they're morbidly a beast or don't even try not to be creepy looking is when I am reminded that associating myself with that stuff is socially stigmatized for a reason. We can smell the dried cum from your clothes man, yes, it smells. It's a whole other story if you just had an unfortunate event happen at birth.
t. Rob B.
That's what I'm saying, like i feel like I'm knocking myself down a point or two with people socially if I don't hide my power level, It's easier to be politically incorrect than into anime in some circles.
"Do you want to join Anime Club dude?"
Would you come up and talk to someone wearing neuro merch, /swarm/?
He looks like that mike guy from breakin bad if he actually started consuming the drugs
Maybe the vtubers are a drug for him
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nur bread
Not if they look like Rob, sorry
BTW in no world am I paying $90 shekels for something that's made with Polyester. That shit is in part to why you guys have soiface and acne.
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There's a dude I know at work (lets just say there's children present) who wears his Mel (from Vshojo) jacket to work almost every day. Somehow I've never heard anyone else comment on it.

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