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Have you witnessed any vtubers feeling endangered, helpless and literally shaking recently?
The best cure for sadness is laughter, let's laugh with and at some of our virtual friends!
>watching EN vtubers
i shiggydiggy
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you heard wolfboy here, America is over. pACK- your bags and move to Canada
>Male Vtuber
Sometimes you gotta know when to quit life
>thought I was gonna hurt myself in traffic earlier
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>posting suicide hotlines
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Wow she seems happy
Only nijeets do that
And I hate nijeets
Based, so zased.
weird how her Austrian friend is the opposite political color
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while I fully agree it's funny to laugh at vtweeters in general
life is going to become a lot more difficult for a lot of people. 15% of america is going to lose health insurance and a huge number of those are self employed (aka indie vtubers) so if your burger oshi gets sick she with something serious she might die. no joke or exaggeration. economists have predicted priced for everything will shoot sky high and that will likely be a global issue, so if you see a lot of graduations it's because vtubers aren't able to support themselves due to the economy as a direct result of this election
mfers won't believe any of what I'm posting but I guess just try and remember what I said a year from now
>america is going to lose health insurance
why do burgers make up future doomsday scenarios in their head, too many sci fi movies?
people who have no horse in this race and don't even live in the US deserve to engagement bait have their voice heard too!
Hope all of these troons neck themselves. These are some of the lowest of the low effort grifters ever.
>Give me money just because I exist as a cute anime girl on the screen
Eat shit and die trash. Go work for your money.
Pretty much this
Remember when all they feared happened in 2016?
>36 y/o
>being a vtuber
>not being comfortable enough that you don't give a fuck about politics anymore
>crying like a bitch on social media
I used to believe in single moms but holy fuck their kids are absolute fucking failures.
What is the worse that can happen now?
Being too much of a Jew slave he starts shit with Iran while also being inspired by idiots like Tucker (who interviewed and praised a man who wrote in his book that it was necessary to fool and sabotage Americans whenever possible) to get a bad deal for Ukraine, and doing some pro Russian choices, in hopes they will counter China (why would they lol).
Also environment shit is a wild card.
Prices go up, wars end. Then americans complain that things are getting more expensive and demand to start the wars again cause they prefer it that way.
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Why do the avatar looks worse than the IRL person lmao. I guess I just don't like the looks of young/teen blacks over middle aged blacks but also that western style avatar is just disgusting.
our friends at VShojo stand for understanding and peaceful coexistence
seanigger monkey flip here
if orangeman proves me wrong considering he started the Kung Flu Virus meme thing, i will be happy
but regardless of that
>Russia gets Ukraine
>trust in US is gone after seeing Ukraine
>large chunks especially in EU start considering the rushto get nukes
the main problem would be when china invades Taiwan and PH while US does nothing
>Taiwan and Philippines gets massacred after making millions of chinks die
>US loses their Empire-like role
>this accelerates literally everyone to haul ass at getting nukes including Nips, South Korea
i honestly would not mind as much if Flipland wasn't part of the first wave to facetank china's first wave and would rather eat the nukes, but sadly we and Taiwan are gonna get taken-over first

but hey if i'm wrong and orangeman pulls out of Ukraine to fortify the shit out of Asia, i will fucking celebrate in his name
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>queers thinking they're going to be genocided when it's actually the poors signing their own fucking death warrants
what a great reaction pic, encapsulates some of the suffering of having joined that group without knowing how bad things would get
>no matter how hard they try the girls of NijiEN will never be as popular as Uki "old whites make me cry" Violeta and his leader Le Retard
>c-list vtuber retweeting someone complaining about celebrity worship culture
how can they be so unaware holy shit
no wonder their side lost twice, they are completely out of touch and incapable of introspection
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dude looks homeless
If you still trusted USA in 2016, you haven't been paying attention to what US statesmen themselves have admitted over the years. Orange man ain't gonna change that, he has plenty of snakes in his own garden.
Yeah it's called the News.
who dat? some random frootfag?
MSM don't have a crystal ball that shows the exact future of the country
you might be shocked to hear the news exaggerate a lot *gasp* FOR VIEWS
The election wasn't called until today but cute rrat nonetheless.
Froot's strongest soldier who stands for positivity 100% when insulting anyone he deems a vshojo anti
the best way to spread your art is to sprinkle incoherent election suffering in between
That is one ashy nigga.
The fuck is wrong with this bitch? High functioning autism is literally a superpower but this makes it seem like it's something you have to struggle with. Not that I believe she has it in the first place. Froot may be mentally ill, but it ain't autism.
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One of the Phase girls posted this. Can you guess who?
self diagnosing for internet points is a tried and true tactic. Actual autists will look at her and go
>she's just like me fr
>Breaking Bad on BET
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superb advice from an expert: don't kill yourself until the final results are in
>High functioning autism is literally a superpower but this makes it seem like it's something you have to struggle with
Because it is.
Literally isn't.
vtuber lives are at stake. Let us xeet to save lives
if he just deals with snakes, erases his convictied-thingie but is still anti china to the point of helping us out so china can't do china things then yay awesome
good enough for me
best chance for 2nd amendment derps to place safeguards so the ATF can't do shit
we're doing some stuff here too so we can have 5.56 for non LEAs again
>i may promote myself as a cute lil dragon vtuber
promote? she wasn't a real dragon what the fuck??
People really are acting like troops are going to be lined up and shot or something.
didn't kamala already concede
good guess but no, it's one of the JPs
/pol/ thread?
I'm diagnosed high functioning autist, the only superpower I have is only needing to spent half the cost for public transport due to being legally classified as retarded.
Suicide watch for vtubers thread. Do you know a vtuber who needs to be on SW?
Yo, my bro, autism isn't retardation. Retardation usually means you have extremely low iq and/or a learning disability. That can happen even if you don't have autism.
I’m a diagnosed retard and I don’t feel very super :(
shut the fuck up uki
Autism is a very broad spectrum, some autists can seem very normal on the surface while others are completely non verbal and need constant care.
what does their voice sound like
>what’s best for everyone
Kek, I hope he's ready for those "temporary" hardships Musk promises.
It's very clear Froot is of the former kind. She even had a romantic relationship.
can't believe vtubers are third rate citizens tsk tsk tsk
what rights are they getting stripped off? doing react slop? ordering take out everyday?
t. not american
How can Rev say shit I agree with but still sound annoying as fuck?
I hate the fact that I know this dude from back in the day when VRChat was poppin & he still streamed with a cam, and was doing well for himself
>lives are at stake
Are they though? How?
You're socially retarded, which is probably worse than being actually retarded
Nothing ever happens
If you put it like that, maybe autism is bad. I mean they are worse than actual retards after all. Or maybe you're just bitter and exceptionally dull.
Just don't have sex. lol
You're a vtuber
I do think its probably a bit easier for autistic girls to get in a relationship, often the onus is on the dude to push for a relationship and that requires social skills that autists often don’t have. I unironically went to a special class in highschool, we had one girl there and she also had a boyfriend, i didn’t think she was anything special but she wasn’t unpleasant to be around, and that’s probably enough for a lot of dudes.
Climate will continue to be shit and "bizarre" events will continue to hit producing areas, which will raise the prices of food.
People will want someone to blame, and they won't blame themselves.
Also loss of soil quality is still a problem and why the elites were pushing eat zee bug upon the poor.
If you aren't taking measures to protect yourself already you are fucked.
the senpai gomene one?
While medically classed as an abortion, legally they are treated separately. At least where I live. So the theoretical scenario she has constructed would not happen except in the case of medical malpractice, which is possible for any sort of procedure and a separate issue entirely.
why do there have to be two Austrian parties with the color blue … I just want to understand the joke …
Is it the cuck girl? the UAPer? or one of the other irrelevants?
I love this guys artstyle tho. I hate when that happens, finding out something you like is not quite what you thought it was.
Still considered disabled by the government, my IQ is high but I'm still a retard
His shitty tariff wars are annoying and he didn’t deliver on his promises last time, he says a lot of dumb inflammatory shit that he probably won’t actually do in the end but freaks everyone out
He said he would make Mexico pay for his border "wall" but instead stolen $6 billion from the budget to put up a couple of fences.
he killed a gazillion mexicans and ukranians, then he uhh... raped like 5 million supermodels then uh... didn't pay his taxes, which was like 80 trillion dollars and would have solved national debt, then he also reinstated slavery.
yeah he got a lot done in those 4 years. not a single war though, and no inflation, which was nice.
This doesn't seem enough to kill myself over. But I also haven't voted in 2 decades so I may just be jaded. At the end of the day the elites will do whatever, what's the point in worrying? I'm going back to talking about vtubers now that my curiosity has been sated.
It's nothing to worry about. People used extreme fear mongering to try and swing the election and now you have a bunch of emotionally immature people thinking they're about to be put in deathcamps. It's just the result of retarded politics and things will simmer down in a month
Its the rhetoric really, he says bonkers shit which everyone on his team loves and everyone else hates, he doesn’t actually end up delivering most of the time and his rabid fans don’t really care whether he delivers of not.
>didn’t deliver on his promises last time
It's kinda ironic how first his supporters thought he was going to deport every single mexican and make america huwhite again, only for him to walk back on his anti immigration rhetoric and now say that he will open the floodgates to indians, and this is a promise I believe he WILL actually deliver because how hard can it be to flood your country with jeets right?

Even more ironic that it was spics who made the difference this second term, so spics voted for their own replacement...

I don't like either, as a non-american I just expected americans to give him the finger for being a fraud, not that the brown woman was better tho. It's like people over there are only doing this out of spite, knowing well how meaningless it is at the end of the day but it is the one moment they have power over others so they will rejoice over it.

>what's the point in worrying?
That it spills into everything else, including vtubing. But it is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy like the other anon says.
>stole cartel money from Mexico
How is that a bad thing
you're so enlightened and shit bro. i like your reddit spacing too, very demure.
he's the writer not the artist
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What's worse? Vtubers who post their opinions about politics or the vtubers (picrel) who mock assassination attempts? Genuine question, curious to know.
>genuine question
For some reason I don’t think this is a genuine question
Politics. Assassination attempts can be funny because nobody actually died.
>who mock assassination attempts?
link or timestamp?
>Trans people are so mentally frail that a fat old dude getting to sit on his ass in a big house makes them feel like dying.
It's almost like they're all just one tummy ache away from a meltdown.
Reminder that the only impediment to your own happiness are your own thoughts, especially for things you have little or no control over. Just chill out, killing yourself is a permanent thing, maybe give it a year before doing it!
fuwamoco love her, I wonder what they think of this
The burdens of not having to worry about when you'll get your next bag of rice.
What the fuck are you typing you mentally ill freak who will never be a woman.
>maybe give it a year before doing it!
It’s been over 10 years at this point, does it get better?
>brings up trannies completely unprompted
You okay?
You know what worries me about this interaction? anonymity will become a thing of the past soon. Helps (((their))) goals, too.
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I don't get why Americans care so much about their president. I don't even know who is the leader of my country is.
i want less vtubers because so many of them are shit anyways nobody would notice if they were gone
You need a change of context. It won't get better if you keep doing things the way you're doing. Change the scenery. Clean up after yourself. Stop doing everything inside your bedroom. Go outside. Workout. Keep yourself physically busy. You need to physically stress yourself https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/heat-therapy-sauna-better-outcomes-treating-depression-cold-exposure
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She deleted it and apologized.
>who is
>my country is
C'mon dude, don't out yourself as an non-native English speaker. Please, learn to proofread; can't you just find an English tutor?
Ok but seriously, how is Niji permitting this? This is a bad look for the company in the eyes of investors.
I tried the whole working out strategy and it never really did anything for me, got myself down from 265 lbs to 150 lbs and I didn’t really feel better somehow.
No fucking way. I went with Rie too. Clara?
I am interested in this anons post history ngl, its probably filled with posts about trannies. They truly live in many anons heads.
Either he's next up in the queue and doesn't give a fuck anymore or the tardwranglers don't give a fuck anymore since they aren't getting paid.
>the tardwranglers
Oh, Elira is taking some time off then?
I mean there are few other options. Clara is the only fluent English JP who might actually care about this. Unless it’s Iori? Iori is a wildcard.
The latter. Nijifans lean a specific political way (ask Scarle about her Starbucks controversy). They can and will kneel to those groups of people. Such a shame, man. I'd be much happier if every vtuber company just stayed out of politics and focused on making appealing content.
Good job on the weight loss anon, but what about muscle mass and strength and T level? And the gym is just one piece of it. What about your life outside of the gym? Your home? Work? Faith? Romantic life? etc...
Me or him? Either way, it's hard to believe but the stereotype of the deranged schizo rightwinger who believes in flat earth theories is more common that it seems. These are the kind of posters making imaginary enemies online.
Are you telling me PC is not the gigachud agency I thought it was?
Rie is secretly based. Bitos are in control.
I dunno man, Indonesia and SIngapore are in close proximity to the Philippines. They're some of the most economic-rich/resource-rich countries in SEA.

Indonesia has a large phosphorus/rare earth metals industry, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, and spices. This effectively allows them (China) to gain a monopoly on some of the most common ingredients in every day goods.
I understand the USA does have rare earth metals, but lets be honest, the only reason the United States hasn't totally exploited the hell out of those deposits is the fact that rare metal mining is TOXIC AF, and China doesn't actually care about emissions runoff. Hell, they're got more radioactive discharge than Godzilla being drawn by a fujoshi.

Singapore would be in a delicate state as it has been a traditional economic safe zone, that however would change under Chinese jurisdiction. Look at Hong Kong and their current economic wellbeing, tanked faster than the North Tower on 9/11.

Sure, sure, China guarantees safety an wellbeing on account of it's collectivism and stringent law. But in general, it's not as good as Singapore.
He would just pull nato out of ukraine and things can go back to how they were.
The only ones I give a shit about are Loki and Yuu and nothing about the English they have displayed on stream leads me to believe they could shit this out.
Presuming this is true it’s probably just Clara, which is disappointing but unsurprising. As mentioned, Iori would be a wildcard because she doesn’t show much ideological lean
Him not you
That’s fine, I don’t even know who the fuck Iori is to be honest with you I literally only watch Yuu because the design caught my eye and then she was fun, and Loki because that voice of hers has my by the fucking balls it’s so fucking sexy.
Iori: deerpits, deersex, the one with the mickey mouse fake voice and male-ish real voice (not actually male as far as we know)
>mickey mouse fake voice and male-ish real voice (not actually male as far as we know)
What’s the split on voice usage here? I’m not against more deep voice sex in my catalogue.
I feel like it’s wrong to fake a voice. If you have a naturally low voice, use it. If that turns people off, that’s their problem. But I find it infinitely more off-putting when you’re using some fake voice nobody would ever use. Deerpits’ real voice is actually quite nice, shame she hides it.
She's not self-diagnosed, retard.
Oh, “Deerotic” is the usual nickname, my bad. I think the others are still used though.
Rica sounded like she was contemplating when cover pulled that sickening bullshit on her. You should watch her instead of that garbage company.
I agree, deep voices are absurdly sexy. I could listen to someone like Rene talk about nothing at all for days on end without getting bored.
>If that turns people off, that’s their problem
It's actually not their problem. It's the vtuber's problem since they're losing potential viewers.
Suisei inclined significantly hard after dropping her Mickey Mouse voice. If the chuuba can’t make a more natural voice work for them it’s really their own problem.
Look man if you’re RFK levels of raspy, then fine, fake it. But if you just sound like a tomboy, it’s nbd. She sounds almost identical to Uruka, and blue bear is doing great.
It's funny how so many people think he's the actual artist of his comic strips. Never noticed how so many have different artstyles?
He's a glorified commissioner
Nothing there is even worth watching anymore anyway. Everything is watered down now compared to 2019 and my oshi has better stuff on her rm
Nobody watches Rica nigga
I did not know that
Because grifters are never honest.
sure feels like every vtuber is a grifter these days
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to the people that were asking the anon who was vagueposting the phase girl
yes, it's Clara
Well tbf if she's sanitizing her vtuber persona from her IRL views I don't really care.
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din rid lol
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This entire thread makes me glad I'm a holochad who doesn't have to listen to faggots and women spouting their "opinions" about retarded American politics. Rules against having women moments onstream and on social media are awesome.
Also 90% of this thread is off topic bullshit that belongs on lereddit. Indiefags, vshojotroons and nijinigs actually enjoy this? No wonder Hololive will always completely shit on the competition KEK
She just needs to be fucked by me, that'll fix her. I genuinely hope this is just her overreacting because the election happened recently. I don't watch Clara much but I do like her and respect her journey to become wapanese. As long as she isn't one of those retards out rioting or trying to get people hurt I genuinely don't care.
AFAIK Clara not only lives in Japan, but she's not even American.
>Clara is a stupid libshit whore

Astounding, hey PhaseCucks, didn't you say you guys were the based agency?
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they were never based
You Americans seriously need to shut the fuck up. American """vtubers""" not even once. Scum of the fucking pond.
>posts a vtuber who is better outside of hololive
>Give me money just because I exist as a cute anime girl on the screen
That's all of Vtubing. And you are dumb enough to engage with it, weeaboo virgin
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Depends on who they are grifting
nah, uki is just allowed to do it, unironically
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She didn't tweet anything but she's probably also having a meltdown
But they did. Just because it wasn't the intended person doesn't mean no one died.
aren't hollywood celeb all left?
Nip and SK alr got nuke you dumbass
Sounds based to me, enjoy your covid induced heart attacks btw
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Why do you think Pippa is neutered now and keeps her mouth shut? Change of company policy to accommodate the new people.
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Someone's enjoying herself at least
(me) not nuke but worse. They have nuclear waste that can be pumped into anything and become a dirty bomb, which is worse than a nuclear bomb.
i like that for some people this was the presidential election and for others just the abortion election
is that what it's like
Wow, congratulations for finding the most invalid opinion ever seen to mankind.
Rope when?
This is pure /pol/ honestly. Vtubers who can’t detach themselves from politics should just graduate.
cwawa... youre a leaf and you dont even live in jewmerica... bruh....
>Anon is illiterate
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least obvious #'smonkey raid
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This is unacceptable. Orange man is making it unsafe for vtubers to have children!
>nooooo you can’t debloat the government I still need my cushy DEI government job where I do fuck all!!!!
Not our problem. America shouldn’t be the world police.
Foids would rather get raped by illegals and trannies than forgo the ability to sacrifice their kids to Moloch
"Yeah bro just let all your trade partners get overrun by your enemies. That will show 'em"
Not my problem. Weren’t you ungrateful fucks complaining about us being the world police and spreading “democracy” by bombing browns? Now you’re crying that we want to stop.
Given there is no sourcing, I’m not convinced
Amazing how you are completely unable to engage in any form of thought deeper than a puddle. Also you somehow think massive groups of people are all the same person.
Whatever. It will be your detriment in the long run. The russians have literally written that down in all words "support american isolationism to attack American interests"
Imagine being retarded enough to not know that abortion in case of the mother being in risk of death being legal lmao

Imagine being too retarded to not know your own laws. How do these people pay taxes?
So you didn't complain about the "spreading democracy"?
just fucking say so so we can ignore her you dumb jit
I keep getting reminded why I don’t like women or gays
Who the fucked died from a political election? And the 1st assassination attempt killed 2 people retard.
I thought Iraq was stupid and in retrospect Vietnam was a waste of time (comie Vietnam is these days an ally because they are naturally opposed to China)
Afghanistan was completely justified and America should have just bombed them into glass.
read the thread nigger
It remains to be seen if Phase will implode from all the left and right wing politics clashing.
He is very smug but also insecure, putting a lot of effort into downplaying his Ls. So it's fun to think of him breaking down.
Same with Hasan, and all others with similar personalities, especially the ones that play around with movements and consequences bigger than they can handle.
Depends on how TDS-y the left gets. Never had this problem the other way.

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