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AWOOO~ Edition

/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

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Remember to report and ignore trolling, shitposting, and off-topic.

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>Other Threads of Interest

>Previous thread
>Jets desires attainable partner
0view males you may get your hopes up.
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busy playing games tonight and there's no one on to talk about
there's too many chuubas sick or on hiatus...
Schierke would make a good vtuber
Finally, best boy OP
i saw that it was his last stream before a break so it felt like a good idea
how is zeld going?
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part-time hero's continuing KH2 tonight
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goofy hag dog's playing titanfall 2 with her viewers!
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cat-eared weather witch is in a lethal company collab!
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funny kusogaki creature's streaming Block Mania currently
nevermind she's doing bejeweled
has lapin ever done chipmunk karaoke before? her voice impression of the chipmunks is solid.
Any 2views playing the new cod zombies?
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oh, is treyarch back? is it good?
Better than most were expecting
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corpse is back at her Darkest Dungeon estate tonight!
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last stream of tree spirit 1.0 before new model debut on the 8th! come pay respects uuuu...
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oh, the picture frame is attached to her model. that's a pretty funny bit
why is the hand trying to feed her a potato?
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mota and baariez are drawing together
god i love brown women
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meat funkofusion
it's on friday?
yeah, 8pm est
i think i'll be able to make it... thanks for the heads up!
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does anyone still watch neapolitanne?
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Abbicus is live with FAITH

maple is cute
Krimbo's doing a pre-deportation stream
I should've expected Krimbo to be the one vtuber to have a melty. Also, is he actually an illegal immigrant?
gumpai is like if sloth was good at vtubing and being lewd
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hell yeah mang
Isn't he Canadian or not even American?
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genki tomboy tiger's doing an ASMR stream tonight!
Did anyone ever?
Nta but I did some years ago. Iirc she streamed so irregularly
it's dirt
indie vtuber melnyanie just revealed her 2.0 design

very sex
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programming socks cat is doing a bit of strategy game streaming with Age of Mythology
I love this awoo a lot but I'm really worried about him because he seems really lonely every time he talks about his connections with other people.
get him to do community events with his viewers!!!
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gamer baeg's killing dumbledore in disco elysium!
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computer science shark's doing a chatting stream and maybe gaming
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I love this little guy and i try to make sure he knows it!
Bump to remind everyone that the model poal is closin 12 hours.
Link to Poal: http://poal.me/1qgoki
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I think Stack SUCKS!
This is an oldie, but a goodie
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I fucking love Stack bros
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Anon, you did it in the wrong order.
it doesn't feel right without the soundpost...
I have literally no idea how to communicate with and connect with the people who are supposed to be my friends
What do you do to initiate conversation?
I bring up mutual topics of interest
if you can't communicate and connect with them, are they really your friends?
I think so, that's how they describe our relationship
Ok. So when talking to others about stuff you are both interested in, how much do you talk versus listen? Does the person talking to you seem more or less interested in the topic than you?
Well they usually don't respond or when they do they'll just say like "that's cool". But I do know the topics I bring up are ones they're interested in.

Sometimes they'll talk about how much they love that thing or maybe they will respond later that they were busy (they are busy a lot) and thanks for posting that to them. But it's hard to generate any actual discussion.
Your issue may be related to either context, focusing on the wrong details of the topic or having introverted and reclusive friends. As such, try to hone in on what your friends really talk extensively about and where exactly they are interested in. Try to then get them in the right mood to talk about it. However, if you feel like they ARE your friends then you could ask them about why they don't talk to you that much and see if there is really an issue.
They're extraverted, I'm very introverted, but they have a lot of friends who are probably more interesting than me. They're very nice people so I'm worried asking them about it directly will guilt them into making special effort to talk to me. I don't want special treatment.
If you are feeling like you aren't as interesting as other people then you should make yourself more interesting to them. Either by doing something in a topic that they find interesting or working with them on a fun project.
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german part-time nun's trying to survive in zomboid
Seems more like you're acquaintances
Then what they consider "friends" is likely extremely casual
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why is this seagull offering me rat pics...
watched krimbo have a meltdown on stream over how he's gonna get deported
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dandere dormouse is playing earthbound this morning!
Based, I guess good things do happen sometimes.
Didn't realise he was an illegal
Is he actually illegal or is it just a case of tds?
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Good morning, I love Charlotte!
I always hate seeing posts like this because the thread should really only be about shittalking bad chuubas
I didn't even say w*, go fuck yourself
Fuck off and make a new thread if that's the type of posts you're looking for
i like to think of the five ws (who, what, when, where, and why) to generate actual discussion, i wouldn't flat out say one of the words but form a question from those questions if that makes sense
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mouse vtubers look like THIS?
Damn, she swole as hell
it feels like it's the punchline to a several-months long joke to me because while i was watching margo a while back she mentioned being intimated by clauvio's fitmaxxing
her nightmares have manifested onto the stream...
Did aurea corvae (aka pigeon-chan) ever come back in an alternate guise. I miss her and I need her!
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this is gonna be a fun sequence
does anyone remember how long this part of the game is?
sorry, haven't heard of her.
tfw when /lig/ knows more about your beautiful 20 view oshi than useless /wvt/
I think about an hour. Although the last time I played Earthbound was when it released on the wii u which was over 10 years ago which is scary to think about
she should be able to finish it this stream even after taking chatting into account, then. it'll be like a nice one-off stream...
A decent amount of /lig/ are former /wvt/ refugees that moved on
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dorky irish hag kot's back with some nier automata
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>sheep going away to real university
she's gonna have SO MUCH sex next year
drunk SEX
unprotected SEX
group SEX
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holy fuck bnuy
why are you people like this
i've been in uni for at least 3 years and i've had exactly ZERO sex
hell yeah
It's a different experience when you're a real woman. There's no way she doesn't get hit on
>young, very desirable woman
>first time living outside the family
it keeps happening
Does that mean she's gonna stop streaming? I imagine it would be difficult to stream while living in a dorm with a roommate
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>you can pay to smash stuff up in a room with a baseball bat for ~10 minutes
clauvio didn't seem to interested in it but i think a rage room visit would be really neat for one of those walking streams
lumi did that one stream walking around a tank museum right? it'd be like that.
>>you can pay to smash stuff up in a room with a baseball bat for ~10 minutes
I want to do that as like a workout without being enraged
it seems too expensive for an exercise, i think getting a punching bag would be cheaper in the long run
But Charlotte is a bad chuuba
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yes, very "bad".
Guarantee she will drop out
to become my housewife after I impregnate her, yes
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unhinged sea spirit's massacring clowns in dark cloud 2!
because that's what i want to do with you
She'll be communal property when she goes to Halls
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cute fae maid's addicted to zomboid...
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seafloor saffa angler's mouthwashing on-stream!
>addicted to zombie
Damn, another one lost...
I wouldn't ask about my wife's sexual history, anon
except in bed
I guess that chair in hotel rooms is for you then
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dutch magical girl's getting spooked by subnautica
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boss startan
that's moonside done in 1.5 hours, so you were pretty accurate!
it keeps happening...
All right, who is it https://twitter.com/prawnstaritsi/status/1854479389758534132
i don't even know who this is
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fuzzy pickles
also, clauvio is now suffering while doing the funni monkey fetch quest
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confused chicken's in a fast food simulator collab!
>Has less viewers since her political outburst
That's what you get
Looks the same as always
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>there is a nonzero amount of people in this chat right now that want to have sex with that monkey
why did she have to point out the furries in chat...
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robo kamen rider's discussing vincent while playing FF7
silly shotapire's playing sonic x shadow generations with your serial killer little sister!
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funni hen's doing a blind playthrough of super mario sunshine
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>gaia online monkey emotes
does anyone recognize these? clauvio is saying they were fairly common in online forums but i've never seen them
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i'm getting zoomer checked... no...
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noice, there's that finished.
what political outburst
She just said she doesn't want to have kids...
I would be surprised if she even had eggs left desu
With enough firepower...
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clauvio can teleport now!
is riona a hag
should put the tag on
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another stream ended without paula...
it was still pretty productive though!
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cozy eyepatch bird(?)'s back with some art!
Hagtuber viewers are kind of annoying deshu
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fair enough
more for me
>used the pink oleander snaps I sent from my garden as reference for a skeb
Weird mix messages vtuber.
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she got permission to work on a commission on-stream
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yaaay clauvio tech issues might be resolved
why would you post this on main
Gotta ride that wave of tears I guess
No Riona turned 29 last week.
One more year until hagdom...
another fake hag...
Because it's how she feels and she wants to filter out shitters who have an issue with it
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oh shit surprise karaoke
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do these go in the everweather folder
>banned from henemimi again
That was short lived.
What did you say?
That would go in the Halloween/cosplay folder.
Nothing. I was just banned again. She probably read something I posted /here/ or someone asked her to ban me on their behalf.
I should check if I need to unfollow kk, and shimada now, or if I can still lurk.
>page 5 in 1 minute
I'm still good. Would be nice if twitch alerted you when you got banned so you could unfollow. Watching a vtuber you're banned from feels like violating some unspoken boundry. Twitch is very unorganized in that side of things. I guess really though I guess it's on me for not routinely checking if I can still access the chat in all the channels I watch the VODs of.
>no one on I want to watch
guess I'll just play videogames again
Watch VODs while playing video games. I like to pretend vtuber VODs give good luck when gaming.
see you in a bit
>fake hag
Riona doesn’t use the tag and she doesn’t call herself a hag yet
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on a tangent, i've been seeing 25 come up as the hag age in a couple of vtuber chats. someone needs to educate these newfags
Hag should be 35 and older only, 30 is too young desu
This game he's playing looks perfect for leaflet. High fantasy+ guns.
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that kinda works. cima herself is 35 after all
When I was 19 I thought 25 year olds were old. Now I'm 25...
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do you remember if the dinosaurs had feathers or not old man
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>purity teaching people how to draw hands
i wonder how many artfrens have actually just learned their skills from vtuber art streams, you can get a lot of good pointers
also, someone should remind her to show off her pen-holding grip on the next crafting stream since she mentioned that
Art is never about the content, but rather the audience. Look at van Gough. Nobody liked his stuff until they did. Quality is secondary to relevance.
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>despite being from space, purity doesn't consider herself an alien
>doesn't know if having the back and ear wings is enough to have her be considered a kemono
is her recent model another victory for the kemoposters? there ARE bird characters in kemono friends, and the non-penguin ones have similar ear wings.
Are Alice and Ray a couple?
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i think they're just friends
ray likes men anyways
>ray likes men anyways
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purity is never ever doing a cooking or traveling stream again ever...
she might be doing those poppin' cookin' candy kits as a crafting stream, though.
Poal closed. Results will be collected and posted by Monday. I apologise for the poor quality of both the options and the shilling of this poal.
I like pathetic losers, are the any chuubas who have that feel?
30 being somewhat young and getting called hag is half the point of it. It is in part tongue-in-cheek to act like someone that is 30 is an old crone.
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pluviam might be getting purity to play OG silent hill 2 or the remake
she did almost dox herself with a reflective knife last time
No, we don't follow or like pathetic losers
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like a rotgirl or girlfailure archetype?
If you want actual pathetic losers, Reda, if you want the anime style pathetic loser trope, then what >>89054036 said
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caramel idol's doing a 2hu-themed mediashare stream
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garage kit painting owl's building garage kits of kagura and sakaki from azumanga daioh!
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aussie tomboy pilot's playing no more heroes after some chatting
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farming sim enjoyer marionette's
dealing with the pox in echoes of the plum grove
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uh... doing a scat stream?
>silent hill 2
I'm already sick of seeing this shit everywhere and its only been out a week
Why do you like pathetic losers? Why can't you like protags?
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by the time she gets to it (she gets out of the art mines, as well as out of the game backlog) it'll probably be long after SH2 being trendy in the chuuba streaming sphere
I realized she was asexual (nympho) and not asexual (celebate) recently, and realized partially why she was so upset at me, but I'm sure she doesn't think about me at all now, and I really should worry less about how I may have crossed her.
I'll check this one out. I doubt I'm banned from their community, or that they participate in blacklists.
Vtubers share ban lists, all of them do. You deserve to be run out
Not everyone has time, or energy to join in on your hate campaign.
There’s a campaign and it’s only targeting you, Rebel. We discuss in discords how to get you banned from even more vtubers. It’s never going to stop either, soon you’ll be banned from everywhere
you can always just make an alt if you're actually getting banned. In fact, you can make an unlimited number of them. Imagine the fear every vtuber will have as they await your daily chat
Do you think he’s even 1% smart enough to figure out how to get around Twitch detecting that? Lmao
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fujogoddess is back for a shorter stream tonight!
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peruvian drow merchant hag's doing part 2 of her charity stream
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artsy wood elf's returning to playing more majora's mask!
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part-time hero's piloting (aren't they summons and not mecha?) an eikon in FFXVI
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genki cavewoman's playing simple2000 volume 99 with sunshinenoka!
I need to talk more to her so I can become her first normal viewer
I think Caleb, and TK watch her. They seem pretty well to do.
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Slut monkeh :_:
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Ever Weather the weather witch is back with more Dead Space 2. Prepare your ears.
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This is wholesome but I wouldn't trust +50 year old adults with knowing how to manage a vtuber unless they have experience in the entertainment industry or Asari herself
Bonnie plays FFXIV!
Is this toma?
Better than KingAsspChatterGunnahFUCKyourOshium665 backseat managing,
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on-the-run magical girl's streaming deadly premonition 2
they don't unfortunately, or he would be banned everywhere
is she gonna seethe about trump on stream like the other foids?
name one other wvt woman who has seethed about trump on stream
Yes you havent seen that png?
Riona tweeted abou tit
you don't care about streams, huh.
he might as well be lmao
Faked for engagement
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Bloom Center CX is doing a segment on The Journey Home: Quest for the Throne!
who gives a fuck hes just a retard ragebait streamer
learn to read
seems kinda weird honestly
Tweets are a format most can understand.
Streaming technologies have been around since at least the 90s, but never really caught on until recently with people learning they can use it to make money online, or at least hope to.
Anyways point is it's very likely many users here never learned how to enjoy social media, and twitter is the closest thing to traditional media they might feel comfortable exploring.
Me? I watched a henemimi VOD (before I discovered I was banned) a few jets VODs, a miyuyus VOD, and now working through another miyuyus VOD.
I'm sure if I asked most posters here to do the same they would ask to be excused, and directed to a channel with drink water redeems, and 30 ccv get VIP privilege vtubers.
Who hurt you?
Agreed. It seems kinda unlikely for an adult chuuba to have folks that kinda get the whole anime thing, get the whole vtubing thing ON TOP OF THAT, and also be supportive. It sounds like a nice situation though so I hope it pans out well for her
You're forgetting that literal politicians are twitch streamers, and that the golden age of anime was the 1930s.
Nta but probably the person they schizo
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lucky clover gnome's live with a zatsudan tonight
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funke munke's doing her homework on-stream!
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cute punk frog's sick and playing slay the princess

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