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Let me investigate those titties edition

Production kawaii:

First Live Concert:
Second Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


Art Archive:

▼ Talents
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】
【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】
【Nene Amano 天野寧々】
【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】
【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】
【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】
【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】
【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】[Graduated]

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】
【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】
【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】
【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】
【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】
【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prima >>>/vt//ppg+/
VReverie >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Feyre Miari - https://twitter.com/FeyreMiari
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Kaminari Clara - https://twitter.com/kaminariclara_
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Felynne deRouge - https://twitter.com/lynnerouge

Previous Thread: >>88952907
589 is pure sex
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aster will walk in on her with a kohafren from pl
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You know what? I'm just going to say it...
Sex with Reina Sun! She was very cute today.
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cute latina jukebox
based ren zotto
Wait she isnt on a month long break?
Hell yeah. I'll join you. "Sex with heartbroken prostitutes"
she's back for a few days and then she will fuck off again because of [something] hort, that has been her vtubing cycle for 4 years at this point
Has anyone talked about ip transfer waiting time? From the looks of it EIEN is taking their sweet time releasing it to their talents
Charzu passed me in wukong so I can't watch her anymore.
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They should get the IPs instantly on the date the company folds. This is a real company not the fly by night EIEN situation. Adsense accounts could take time. I hope they already initiated the process over this month instead of waiting to start that.
holy ren zotto
I used to bust the fattest nuts to rikku back in the day. thanks Nano.
I had to play Dragon quest 6. Which while a step down compared to dq5 is still better than wukong.
She is in a constant state of being broken since she eats half of her daily calorie intake to stay pretty
Her mom really messed her up with how obsessed she made her be with looks and not health
>instead of waiting to start that.
They might wait, I figure everything is on a point where the less you ask the more smooth it will go
Reina also talked about her troubles with OCD with having to wash her hands 30 times a day. Maybe she is just weird.
Nano wants ahegao face rigging
>Maybe she is just weird
anon... watch 5 minutes of any of her streams
any girl that pretends to be an anime girl online is a little off
Omg seriously? I want to hug Reina now.
I want to fix Reina. Stop.
ignore the threadshitter she has spent years redeeming herself with the male issue but is a mess you should help try to fix
today the only food she ate was a whole tube of ice cream and her foot is still messed up
she has other retarded things going on like 50 jobs and taking in a dying dog to replace her dead dog, she's "nano will cancel" on steroids
sexo con la reina
>today the only food she ate was a whole tube of ice cream

Well, that only becomes a problem when you do that everyday. You're telling me you never "nested" before? It's a coping mechanism, like a rat, and having food that can basically last a long time without trips to get it is a sign of it, like junk not put away.
Sometimes it's fine, but you have to clean up and not live like a rat after a while, don't ask me how I know.
yeah but she loves me and she has a new job with shitty hours itll be fine she is streaming tomorrow be sure to stop by and tell her you love her she needs constant attention and reassurance
sucking maletuber cock has never been her main issue, the problem is her life being a fucking shitshow and it will get worse since her mom is croaking soon, she couldn't get it together in 4 years with paypigs coming in and out during the EN vtubing golden age while working on a gorillion different irl jobs, only way to fix her is to get her an irl tardwrangler since her family and friends are also a meme
i cant have dairy but she ONLY had ice cream and some tea that is her constant state of being she does overwork herself outside of streaming and doesnt take "me" time until she breaks her body or mental state
dont you want to fix her anon? she is waiting for her knight in shining armor (You) can be that for her
That tardwrangler? Me.
lmap, of course I do, and what I can offer is-

Sounds like college years to me. Don't worry, I failed college and, well.... I'm here aren't I? Words to live by surely.
unironically, she needs an actual irl boyfriend and if she already has one she needs to dump him, money from online strangers won't save her because she will just waste it on stupid shit or it wil get shredded in whatever money black hole she has in her life that kept her A FUCKING POORFAG after 4 years of countless side jobs and vtubing money from paypigs, patreon and throne
Funniest bit is, you basically just described me lmaooooooo
Koha CUTE!
Koha CUTE!
Koha Koha CUTE!

This is our cheerleader routine guys. Get dem pom poms for the next stream.
she's well out of college unless she has gone back, which would be another retarded mistake
Out of all the kawaii talents I would for her unironically she is 100% my type and would actually be submissive and funny and wants to be taken care of
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aster will walk in on her with pom poms
Reina? I love you have my babies I'll buy you some shoes and let you have farm animals at our homestead so long as you are barefoot in the house while pregnant
Can you shut up Aster, we're planning Reina Sun's future here for hel's sake.

I think- she should buy more dogs.
The imouto is starting and will only seethe at the game and keep politics out.

>But if she cheat on me...

track her down and bag her, she's a waste of space as a vtuber anyway, another events only girl
I'm not going to watch Charzu tonight because of current events. I want to like her.
acti raid charlotte suzu from kawaii and the schizoing will end

Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man.
wrong thread?
Honestly how tf does anyone make money?! Who really knows. Obviously the short answer is bondage, but whatever.
she will see it because she refreshes warosu searces mentioning her
acti get the hell out of here, run for your life, get as far away from this thread as possible, this is your only chance
o rly?

acti a shit

she has outstanding peaks during events like celebrations and concerts but her regular activity is objectively a wasteland
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use palanq my guy
I've been watching Charzu for a bit and she's the same as always. Nothing happened. Cute girls doing cute things.
charzu survived the TDS
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until the government actually comes for my womb I don't give a fuck
total tranny death
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simulated pregnancies dont count
Her patreon is a better deal than nenes imo but she wont do 1 on 1 meetups anymore
I'm a man.
It's so fucking funny to see how depressed most of the fans have been today, these lefties have been btfo'd so hard they actually might rope the girls fanbases. It feels so good to be a proud american today. God bless the USA.
all patreons are jokes but Reina's is grim mainly because it has been the only way to consistently get content from her for long stretches of time because during her frequent breaks it was the only thing getting updates, a fucking paywalled vtuber lmao
I started playing Suikoden 2. It's really good when it comes to story, characters, and world, but the combat is pretty simple with way too many random encounters. Best part is managing inventory.
You should check out Eiyuden Chronicles, its a recent jrpg that is a spiritual successor to Suikoden 1 and 2 and headed by the original creators
that's my girlfriend
skill issue
why wont the universe give me sex with charzu?
Reina, anytime you feel down, just remember these words:
>At least you've showered in the past 7 days, and your scalp isn't so dry that it itches and keeps you up at night, so you think about taking a once a week 3am shower.

See, everything looks better now.
sex with charlote bear
you are oster
she can't cope she roped i'm sorry cloudtomo
Charzu was raided by the /here/tuber
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Uhhhh, can I get, uhhhhhhhh- Princess, hold the cute
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:



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novamore orisong
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>Lyrics: Yuno Hanaki
very anime
Lyrics make me think its meant to be a sequel to Forever Bloom
someone mentioned something about it being as good
It is good but Forever Bloom is an anthem
10/10 song
It would have been amazing as another kawaii orisong but having it be novamore's is fine too
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>That's nice dear..... uh-huh... sure ........ <3
The lyrics make me sad in this context
And this was the song that was last getting worked on before they got the news
Yuno outdid endless summer
yuno was a good hire again
Trying to apologize for anting her
Pretty sure I heard some of them say it's been started but I can't remember which ones so idk if all of them have started
Kinda just proves it was her in the thread shilling ngl...
cant say she wasnt but if she refreshing her name on warosu one post is telling her to do that
You are retarded. I visit /corpo/ fairly often because I want to talk about our girls without schizoid spamming, and Acti raids anyone that is online at the time. She already raided our girls and no one had an issue. And then the Isla raid set him off for some reason. If he actually watched kawaii he would know that Acti already raided some kawaii girls.
Proves the threadshitter is a doxknightpire like we've been saying all along.
Forevermore is so good. I love Lua, Shee, and Nami so much.
Novamore has really good taste in orisongs, it's mainly Lua but Shee's first one sounded really good too
Acti, become a Catholic. I told you here so you have to do it. Ecclesiasticus 15
Shee has been talking about The Pill all this time
Anon, she's a Frenchoid of some kind. Good odds she already is.
i love my brown french latina kawaii friend acti
I have a way for Shee to prove her heterosexuality to her mom
>he doesn't know.....
[Shee Icho News] She's considering starting new hashtags for after they go indie
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is Shee's yardstick bigger than yours?
Shee being on the pill is grim
the FDA approved it
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Shee is destroying that desk
>It wasnt the threadshitter
It was, you mouthbreathing troglydyte. This amount of retardation shouldn't be possible.
To regulate cramps? or what pill
Well an empty space is going to be filled eventually. If the kawaii community at large doesn't utilize this space, anyone else will.
Why the niji cancers love raiding Kawaii chat so much
Proof that the acti faggots are still here reading the thread looking for anything to anti with they respond to bait posts asking for more info yet again
Fuck off she raided charzu on purpose she is a woman that feeds off of drama she is going to cause more now
For the answers you seek: watch streams
Cuckaccinos getting uppity
I know you arent going to watch streams but at least read threads
old Shee was rigged like Jello
chat is this real?
Nta but the threadshitter was already starting to incorporate acti into his threadshitting before that isla raid
Will Shee do a new debut?
holy shit hololive hired charlotte suzu!
Isla is insanely cute today
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I have't watched kawaii or vtubers in a bit, but I heard kawaii is getting shut down, do the girls get to keep their models?
>islacoleman is taken already
I just checked and islacoleman and isla_coleman are both free?
>re-vice = revise
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Kohaku intercourse
yeah, though they had to pay for the orisongs
Well still better than nothing.
Hope the girls do okay and I feel sorry for the new gen because aren't they like a yearish old?
>I feel sorry for the new gen
I mean they pretty much got top quality models for free.
Ran graduated and went indie like a month before the announcement so she got fucked. Isla also got fucked because she won't get her birthday solo concert, but other than those, everything's alright
Man that sucks for Isla and I don't know much about Ran, but that sucks and seems like a massive dick move if they were planning on shutting down.
Well at least the newest gen got free models I guess

Is the era of western corpos over?
It's just Phase left right and they only exist because of weird retarded luck
Isla is the cutest. I unironically love this woman a bunch
It's an indie world out there now
Even holos see where the future lies
Corpos or groups make sense as you get a model upfront and a brand which should elevate your visibility above indies, but so many are run like shit it doesn't help.

I quit watching vtubers because I got tired trying to find my perfect oshi through a wave of indies and corpos as most are fucking worse than any normal streamer
Charzu's malding to the point she said fuck heh
jus saw libturd vtuber on twiter call for all herojis to get deported kek
i hope our girls arent this mentally ill
I'd fuck Charzu if you know what I mean
One of the phase girls roommates account was hoping women have miscarriages and pregnancy complications that result in death.
Guess even a Leaf in Japan can't stop thinking about America.

I wanted to laugh at people being mad and that's how I found out that this company died.
Honestly I don't think any of the old gen are dumb enough to say anything
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>Is the era of western corpos over?
>It's just Phase left
Half of the western corpos live on in Phase, technically kawaii is already in there too
Charzu was stiffed out of her sololive and first original song too
All the repressed emotions from you know what
Clip it
Isla-sama my diamond in the rough
>Guess even a Leaf in Japan can't stop thinking about America
Please understand. They are associated with a lot of tranny trash in the entertainment industry. She has to say something or others would look down on her.
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the bridge with nami and shee backing up hits like a fucking freight train
My cousin had a freakout over the orange man, the SECOND TIME, like people of color and gays will be hunted in the streets.
This is the same woman that says how she loved Albright because "she did a lot for women in America". Hypocritical trash.

Killing every project that hadn't been announced yet is such a fucked up and heartless way to handle things. They should've carried out everything that got started, or at least given all the OG7 a sololive (Nami also got fucked over because her birthday is so early in the year). I almost wish CE were a western company so I could meaningfully boycott them (as opposed to them already not getting my money since they're only relevant in Japan) but I guess it doesn't actually matter since they're willfully exiting the western market with this move anyway, which is probably why they don't give a shit about optics and goodwill.
The yen crashing again will be their karma
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what the fuck, I thought Ollie was our friend
Ollie reuniting all the PK talents former and current under her harem was not in my cards
I'm curious how she grifted her way into that but the answer is probably something really boring like Ollie just not doing any reps ever.

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