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Absurd Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 11/5:
1:https://twitch.tv/Kirsche (2,140 twitch, 5,998 youtube, 8138 total)
2: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (6,426)
3: https://www.youtube.com/@Dokibird (3,997)
4: https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome (3,794)
5: https://twitch.tv/camila (3,759)
6: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (3,416)
7: https://twitch.tv/OliviaMonroe (2,678)
8: https://twitch.tv/Arielle (2,189)
9: https://twitch.tv/snuffy (2,019)
10: https://twitch.tv/LeeandLie (1,712) *Tie
10: https://twitch.tv/deme (1,689) *Tie

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (4,529) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/nacho_dayo (3,452) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,182) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
/lig/ is a thread for chuubas of a decent size who aren't defined by their corporate branding, either due to the small size of the corporation, lack of brand cohesion, or the independence and lack of oversight granted to the talents

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
November 9th - Bao & Leaflit
November 11th - Mint
November 17th - Rummy

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>89007428
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Goodnight /lig/, I love my wife
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It's dangerous to go alone, take this

night shonbaker
I was thinkin’ about why that brick was getting closer, then it hit me
Sleep well shogga
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I already have too many!
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>dad caught jackin' off to her daughter's porn
liggers for this feel?
so you are wrong and i'm right, got it
Good morning lig I blub my oshi!
Why did he do it bros?
gm max you’re my favorite poster and I love you and I love Kitanya
Kek I’ll never get over that stream
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womp womp
how long ago were these collabs?
Camila's fault for coombaiting
I wanna sniff Lucy's farts so bad man you just know they're utterly rancid
just gobed a huge goop and now my peeper is sore
>did not age well
she did she mean by this
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very true post
I buy the cup for zuma's art
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it was probably gay porn you fag haha
did he actually?
>10k to 7k
Again, I have to ask about your very skewed definition of "significant", anon.
Man the mid-00s was such a mood
Succubus don’t fart
>losing 17000 ccv isnt significant
>yuzu has a fapello page
I'm not even horny and I'll still rub one out.
why you guys think meat selfposts herself here?
>a 3k difference is not significant
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It's 5 days till Mint Castella's birthday, be an oomfie and contribute to the card. Standard rules apply, submissions must be SFW and have image dimensions in multiples of 200.
References: catbox moe/c/2c711o

Some of Mint's interests/hobbies:
>twitter accounts for animals
>Being a bimbo
>Guesser games
>Baking and eating
>Oomfie her chat mascot
>Heavy Hangers
>Smoking weed
>Her wife Hen of Mimi
>Girls FC her vtuber group
>Cabbage Dog
>Danny Macbride
>The Sapranos
>James Cameron's Avatar
>Twin Peaks/David Lynch
>Here is a grid of her favorite games https://files.catbox.moe/u5iove.jpg

If you are on the fence or unsure what to do a number of smaller 200x200 tiles with simple drawings or happy birthday wishes, to help round out the card dimensions, are appreciated.
Imagine wanting to be a master manipulator while having the finesse of a jellyfish
I'm gonna womp..
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her pics are on twitter bro
what I would give to walk in after she leaves one of her bowl filling shits behind
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The fuck is fapello? Sounds like a wine brand
how old is she going to be again?
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She enjoys our silly antics
Dunno, it changes every few years
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She looks like she's about to start pushing absurd conspiracy theories.
This thread was better when everyone was taking about wanting to rape and cum inside of Rin desu
I don't
I would argue that it changes every year.
sexier jets would rape
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why would a bug girl wear clothes alone in her room drinking?
hello newfag
I would be a massive slut if I looked like this
it's hotter when you're actually viewing it on a porn site
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idk who this is but would rape and cum inside of her
Thoes are fake.
Yuzu is flat
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I wouldn't rape any ligger I'm too weak for it anyway
Rin made this post because she's horny
im watching grimmi
I don't know who Rin is and I won't ask
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Trust me bro I had the disfortune of using a thread with this guy for 3 fucking years you do NOT want him to take his trip off
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Fat bitch status?
I agree with these posts
Rin hornyposts are wild to me given how aggressively non-horny she is on stream.
hello gooner
You just know she's a sexually repressed freak in secret
I MISS essie_ch
uuuu im a lost baachi uuuuu i need my mommy
That just makes you want to forcibly have even more aggressive sex with her
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hell yeah
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Holy shit I have so many unwatched juniper vods how.
The Niji girl
love when a 3view raids a 1view and makes them short circuit
*continues jacking off to juniper RTX*
I want to be raped repeatedly by high libido liggers
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
jannies are asleep post Olivia butthole
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Catch up before there's too many
First gen of Idol that shorts spammed into becoming one of their more known chuubas, now she's leaving but with her IP.
I'm sorry to disappoint you
good post
I saw them live. none of them are good you FAGGOT
Did she shave her pussy this year?
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Inferior braphog
no. thats probably why things went they way they did
cuddlefucking alice
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How do shorts spam, what is their motivation
Why is everyone calling Shondo a shitty bitch?
rapefucking alice
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I need to be fucked until I can't cum anymore and my dick stops working yet she's still horny. I need to be outgooned by a nympho ligger.
shondo is a shitty bitch
is she into scat?
this is how every chuuba streams every day, this is what it looks like
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yeah me too
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The titanfall has been good oomfs
that's a lot of anons that think the same thing, must be true.
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Good morning /lig/. I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
if she ain't a Tone bone she ain't shit.
girls are mean to each other in such weird ways. you can tell it’s girls because always catty, insubstantial rudeness. No logic or any appeals to violence.
Hey dude
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Why is it the flattest skinniest 100% sticc like girls are the ones you uncontrollably want to slam and pin up against something while you squeeze around their throat with crushing force and rail into as hard a humanly possible
She doesn;t look like Alice anymore...
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grimmi changed
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Tongue wrestling with Alice
In what way?
why did Layna dance and move her body like that on stream earlier this week
"blank" changed
looks like a turd react stream
anyone have a clip of some kisses I could use some
The day has changed.
meat memberberry streams are comfy
she changed her model
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
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no defenses from their breasts
a round soft thing gives and bounces back
a stick is meant to be snapped
why do some streamers have a lurk command
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yeah my cock vs her tongue as she tries to force it out of her mouth
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Well yeah he literally got turned into stone
why doesn't nino want to stream
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chat interaction, thank lurkers
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Night, /lig/gas!
I hope you die
made for gaspar's bitch breaker
it’s good to be able to say “hello streamer I am here and supporting you and I like your content even if I don’t have a lot to say and do not participate a lot in chat” without actually saying it
t. shy, lurker
Nini bro
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Transporting guinea pigs from point A to point B...
plenty of them stream while having one
See >>89018680
Vei was right btw
Rainhoe's 20 second long cheek-shaking farts blasted directly into my tongue
do they have toilet fetishists in holo threads or does janny ban them
Someone edit this text and put on the guy screaming at the kid
this, but more than just a fart
janny bans them. they are afraid of new and exciting ideas
way more than /lig/ for sure
they literally have /ringo/
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raPES you botH
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what's PESH supposed to mean?
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gonna fall asleep to that one kitanya vod again
>Christ Benoit match in 2007
Oh no
i'd try it not sure what the yellow splooge is though
goodnight max
guinea pigs guinea pigs
guinea guine guinea pigs
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jo peshy
>toilet fetishists
Its aji
>he wanted streams
jets raiding her bf
hell yeah
>instantly close tab
He sounded like random annoying teammate #4 from multiplayer game.
Who is it?
brainworms/menhera moment of some sort
why would i jerk off a peshy? i don't even know what that is
masturbation mode entered
disco isn't dead...
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Strictly speaking /ringo/ is a unity general, it's just usually it's fans of holos that make up the majority.
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Love my wolf wife
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gn anon
she is actually a tone main
denpa's talking about how she's going to lose weight while eating candy burritos again
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blue took a covid test and it was negative

mystery throath illness continues
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i kneel.
That last one is preem. Me with Jets.
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>boy I hope this is rin penrose getting raped
where are her cock and balls
grimmi should spread her ass
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das me
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and shit down my throat
very comfy meat stream :)
this but me
why are you giving me the fuck me look
comfy is just another word for boring
mint took off her top time to jerk my 3 incher
Second and last look to masculine in places, shoulders especially, also thanks
Anyhow Rin sex
woah sonic, chill out.

but I agree
every ligger should line up and spread their asses
computer generate grimmi fully naked and spreading her vagina with her fingers
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this but generate her with cock and balls and spreading her foreskin with her fingers
Any squirrel liggys?
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why does she look so dumb
very entertaining tobs stream :)
Oli payed 18$ for 3 oz of honey...
hell yeah
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ewww i came back to jowol voice in my ears grimmi you bitch
dumb bitch I got the bees to make it for me for free
Are limes and tobs friends? What's the lore between the two?
they fuck
>i came
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sounds about right if its manuka honey
>Are limes and tobs friends?
What's the lore between the two?
they know each other, so they are friends
everyone is friendly with tobs
molly speaks like she has a gun pointed to her head and she's pleading for her life
oh shit are you a homesteader or a beekeeper?
no it was a local honey
>Mollys dad bought a VR headset for himself
>Are limes and tobs friends
of course, why do you think Limes started avoiding 3AM?
she's going to run into her dad getting virtually sucked in VR
He's definitely going to fuck anime girls
thats fucked then you can get 16oz for a third of that price
go away laimuschizo
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Watch out! He's gonna call you faggy
it was described as "the champagne of honey"
she said that phrase about as much as she used borkabobs
oh nyo
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So it's shitty and overpriced and you only get it to celebrate something because it's a tradition for reason?
must be this
yes I am a beekeeper. I make extra income on the side selling my locally grown honey at a farmers market when the season is right. The honey tastes best from the late spring or very early summer because of the flowers that bloom around that time in this area
that's what makes her a good streamer
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do you put pollen on your penis and let the bees vibrate on your penis to cum
you need to kill yourself
You don't just ask stuff like that grimmi
>He doesn't beegasm
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you need to live yourself
I didnt say no
whatsapp bat?
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I look like this and do this
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badass dude
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chuubas for this feel?
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i shot goo out me willy to her stream last night
it's just a bug bite
imagine if she prrt'd out a 1cm long string of shit
good post
I see olive green nipples!
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Anyhow I think I deserve sloppy rough semen extracting oral sex from this shark in particular for hours on end every single day until my penis stops functioning
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why does it have a heartbeat
its how they communicate
discoloured mouth muh dick
need arty irrumatio
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its the heart of the bees
You need to take a break and make a phone call to a loved one. There is no need for such behaviour. I get you're European, but God, there is no excuse.
*throws you in a vat of willy goo*
whats wrong with honkin my pud to a sexy anime woman on the internet
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We should exterminate all bees, don't believe pro bee propaganda
Let a man have his knob lard
why do bees need breasts
honey storage
cute tummy
Futa beegirl thick honeycum...
beegasm vs buhhgasm who wins
how old is meat
early 30s
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Look for the packaged on date on the label
Hag age by her own admission although she never gave a specific number. She implied she was in highschool around 2009 when she played class of 09
Extreme old, fat, stinky, from /here/ and /trash/. Doesn't shower for weeks, fungal, cheesy, sour, you can chew the air released from her fupa.
mozumi huge veiny tits but also huge veiny balls and huge veiny penis
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>high school in 2009
so 33 max
figured, i'm hitting 29 and i remember only some of this stuff so i know she must be a bit older than me
I just woke up, so what happened to Meat playing the game?
head hurty + got lost in the nostalgia
younger than 35
you're forgetting the supersenior possibility
definitely seems like she was held back a year or two
I honestly don't blame meat for doing this over playing the funko pop game
good post
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What do you want with 33 Max?
the hidden 33rd degree elder freemason max
3am general
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Moth girl consensual sex
>continues to complain
>refuses to talk about which chuuba he's watching
I think she's born in 87 but that's because I'm a schizo shooting from the hip
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Why do you have things shooting from your hip, you should get that checked
oversized tshirt Lyra my favorite
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I have been thinking about Juniper
tfw no lyly gf wearing my old meat shirts
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Sorry that happened to you, here's a bat to help
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i meant to say metal. i got too silly watching meat hehe
I prefer when women have large breasts
I have a bad knee and it hurts when I walk (not fat) liggers for this feel?
we need a split
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This but when they're completely flat instead
Olivia Monroe
She's a ballet dancer so her knees are the envy of the town
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juni has large breasts?
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blue stream today?
pee sisters collab...
is this shira? she cute
skeletor mention
That other dimension monster Juni design she was working on earlier was pretty hardcore, if she can somehow turn it into a proper model it’ll be quite something
if her throat is not killing her
washed since she took tips from Olivia, now shes just bug callie calico
can't believe he tried to curse marimari_en/was the ritualposter
Do you think you could have one Who Wants to be a Millionare?
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Yea, to bad it can never exist on twitch
I don't even know how I did that I'm not even using my phone but I'm really high right now
She's pretty cute and very prone to yelling randomly, I didn't expect that
I can’t sleep. What should I do or watch?
She's not ugly though
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or fat and annoying
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you know
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I can’t jack off. I’m trading in Warframe and need to use both hands occasionally.
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you're already doing something then
weird way to find out holo is doing another en gen
They meant watch Lucy
Oh no.
She wishes she had a waistline like that
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>I can’t jack off
This is literally never true, put your hand on your penis and masturbate
I don't get it
It's another anny crying stream
juniper thinks thats literally her, based on RTX. and its not because juniper is a bloated whore
hot, time to jerk off
aint no way she thinks she looks like that
she's got very delectable hips too risque for twitch
Juniper projecting. Tells you a lot about what she thinks she is in her own head
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Fonks with a fucked up sleep schedule
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shes crying because shes hungry
>staring at a wall of texts of “want to sell (item)” or “want to buy (item)” while getting bo response early in the morning is truly something
You get hard to watching paint dry huh

Maybe. But I don’t know which vod to watch

>he doesn’t understand the unspoken trade chat rule
I don’t care if Lucy is the one telling me to jack it, I ain’t jerking it till I sell
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I just saw a riding lawnmower with an American flag sticking out of it parked at a gas station
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great dawg stream
Women would rather hit go live than talk to a therapist and take medication
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Despite any anti posting here, I am glad that she has gotten a better life and support system from streaming
how the fuck did Tob sell 1k cups
thinkin bout toes
same but Meat's cutely pedicured ones teeehee
Thinking about how Beri implied she doesn't like streaming that much
I mean it's not that surprising, she's friends with nyan and Numi and likely has people who overlap that are willing to buy the sups cups
I want to turn callie into an honest woman only get to then get corrupted by her dark trailer park ways.
Just imagine her cheeks shaking as she braps
If an ember ivara or mesa comes to trade me I'm definitely jerking off
I wonder what she would do instead
It's just that her chat is mostly slow I wasn't expecting there to be so many active members
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Amazingly cute dog today oomfies
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it really is sweet how grateful she is when talking about how streaming has helped her
Always remember: Lurkers buy merch too
get new eyes
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>thought about doing a stream where she puts edible lube in a soda stream and eats it
Even if it's edible it doesn't sound healthy to do that...
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you're also shitposting on /lig/ that's two things
I have no idea, did she work before streaming? Study? Anything?
has kuu ever cried on stream
Tob has 67.5k followers so really it's a drop in the bucket to sell 1k units over the course of 2 weeks
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>Doki and Mint dying and mindbroken after 9 hours of streaming
>Tob casually playing horror slop for 9 hours+
Strongest skunt
has molly ever ate a big turnip on stream
To be fair Doki and Mint are doing a minecraft challenge mode and it's breaking their souls
Her parents would just marry her off to some random Korean dude and make her pump out grandbabies
god that drunk stream right before her move almost made me become a gosling
dunnuhuhuhuh anny and camimi crying for money dun dun dun
tfw no ride or die callie gf
May have saw a guy selling an Ivara. I don’t have a full set though.

Ehh… good point. I like it here
raw or prepared?
>for money
>is on her alt
good night liggermen *kisses your frenulum*
ecto's live and nobody cares anymore
She gets emotional pretty easily but it's usully a good kind of cry. I remember her crying from sadness just once but that was after her cat died
I don't remember her ever saying if she worked minimum wage somewhere prior to streaming
i think i still got one of those
Oomfie after party at Bag's as per usual
[meat news] she had a jarjar binks calendar
most chuubas fit that criteria
meat's past is so fascinating
dear alice sawyer,
please nurse on my balls!

yours truly,
anny implied if she met this therapist 6 months ago she would have prevented anny from whatever made her sad
anny implied if she met the rapist 6 months ago he would have prevented anny from whatever made her sad
Why does she like that guy so much
college dropout
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huh, never knew this is where her name comes from
Anny said this place is a piece of shit and this is the last place she would ever read.
why is anny depressed?
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No thank you
she said it's super secret because sadness is sadness
what if your oshi kept little jelly packets in her coat that she insisted was incase of emergencies and when you ask her what emergencies she lists off the following things, isntant fake blood, luring small critters, and lubricant (for machinery)
ligga you really never heard of peter cottontail?
what took you so long to meet her
didn't know you were an omega gay faggot who sucks entire bags of dicks for fun on an hourly basis
Damn that would be incredibly sex if it was anyone except numi
I still wonder how many people actually have worthless degrees from these places.
fatties get depressed a lot
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oh like BAT CCTV SIC
BPD. Many such cases when it comes to women
The gaming scene was just so different in 2005, you couldn't do shit like this today.
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What would Bat be caught doing in 4k
trying to practice her english without a lisp
playing the new Call of Duty
staring at a wall while farting
I feel the same sort of cringe from the dorito pope events when the celebs come out to talk
retching so hard after smelling a finger she swipped over her pussy that she coughed and farted really hard and started dry heaving
today, i will remind them
olivia monroe is a yandere
why did she look like that
shame she had to change this
she looks retarded (non-derogatory)
Because she viewbots, like all 3AM.
before the bots took over
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>blue is gonna stream today after all
you just know that pussy retarded
need a bluejob
liggers with nyquil pussy? because it puts my dick to sleep
she's gonna destroy her voice at this rate lol
she should do an onahole collab, it would solve all her money issues.
why did she go from sailor moon to bimbo
that doesn't answer the question in any way even from an anti perspective
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someone else does it better
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Anti-ing is one of the most retarded things you can be and do desu.
Good thing stating 3AM viewbots is just a fact and not this anti-ing nonsense.
it is anti-ing because its irrelevant and brought up unprompted
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i miss her...
Any time is a great time to bring up the fact that 3AM viewbots, and doesn't ever require a prompt to state. No one will ever need permission to say anything about 3AM, there's just absolutely no authority there, impotent even.
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Can't bake right now. Sorry
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i would do this
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Meicha and The Tobs
New bread
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Bot schizo kinda reminds me of gatorschizo
3am thread

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