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Re-Runs Edition

Previous Thread: >>89174930
OP Pic: >>89201350

>Post names and references, keep it all in one post
>Requests must be vtuber related
>AI-generated deliveries don't count
>Don't spam or bump your requests
>If reposting your unfulfilled request from the last thread, repost it in its entirety
>If you get a delivery, wait a week before requesting again so other anons have a chance to get one
>If you post a delivery, please remember to anchor it; it makes archiving them easier
>Provide constructive criticism, and don't be afraid to ask for it
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Have fun

Past Threads: https://warosu.org/vt/?task=search2&ghost=yes&search_text=&search_subject=drawthread

NSFW Deliveries:
>>>/i/795305 or https://catbox.moe/

hololive https://holo.booru.org/
/vt/booru https://youtube.booru.org/
>search the tag "drawthread" for deliveries only

Drawing Books: >>>/ic/artbook
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Delivery Anchor
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Surviving Anchor
File: Smiffy.webm (2.93 MB, 1280x720)
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Requesting Smilfy, giving a paizuri like this:
File: zen.webm (3.92 MB, 1920x1080)
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Requesting Zen giving a double armpitjob with paizuri
File: Moonika.webm (2.81 MB, 526x360)
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Requesting Monika giving a blowjob with a dick squeezed between her big boobs, looking all sexy and naughty at the camera. Bedroom eyes, half closed eyes, that sort of stuff.

Here is a reference for her model waist up.

File: fat_fucking_mozzus-1.webm (671 KB, 1920x1080)
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Requesting Mozzu with bandages wrapped around her chest, giving a Roman Centurion a clothed titjob while holding his huge cock between her breasts with those bandages, having the cock go from the bottom to the top of her cleavage held together tightly as she licks or teases the tip of the penis with her mouth. By that, I mean having a bigger guy than her sitting in front of her while she goes town on his dick.
File: SmilfyL2D.webm (3.64 MB, 808x720)
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requesting Smilfy mating pressed by an anon like this:
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Requesting porn of Jhinxxx based on this clip
Blowjob, a handjob, etc, anything welcome but keep the lewd expression
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Requesting Gummi (her new design) in a situation similar to the reference in the link below, where she is casually teasing her big, plump ass with her new tiny short shorts, while some guys are checking her out, accompanied by a side scene showing the aftermath with her cute butt completely wrecked by the same guys.
>New reference and model
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Requesting Nouvelle giving multiple handjobs and blowjobs, something like this:


More references
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Requesting this with Dokibird
Please keep her smug aura and smile on
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Requesting Niko mooning the viewer
Requesting 30 years old thicc Senzawa
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Requesting Gururu from KemoV lifting her dress to flash her fancy lingerie, a bit like this:
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Requesting Boo the Rat resting her huge cleavage on a table or over the edge of a witch's cauldron, as in the reference on the right.
Requesting a sad, drunk Raden. Examples are on the right, but if you want to make it slightly sexy or depressive, go ahead, I won't mind.
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Requesting Bodegarat's giving a deepthroat blowjob to an anon's cock while she suck his penis with her thick meaty lips, plenty of saliva included.

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Requesting Coyote having her surprisingly big tits grabbed from behind as she bites her lips suggestively.
Request those "fuck AI doll" replaced with Robocosan
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Requesting fanart of Ebihurai's take on young Botan, Anything is welcome. Thank you.


Personal suggestion. Botan snuggled up like an adorable kitty, all set to jump on a Watame or Bae plushie (whether in rat form or regular form). Cut to the next scene, where she is tightly gripping onto her “prey” while napping.
Make her an actual MILF
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Requesting Ecto, in her new model design, posing like the girl in the far-right reference. What I have in mind is basically the same pose with its own spin on Ecto, who, personality-wise, is pretty smug but friendly, with a hint of sarcasm. Imagine the scene from the point of view of a rat (chat) looking up, fully aware that they are checking her out and giving a seductive smug look over her shoulder, like in the picture.

>Another full body look to the new model
That works too
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requesting the reference on the right with aradia ravencroft
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Requesting pic related with Okayu
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Requesting Reine wearing this shirt, same boobage and smug expression.
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Requesting Rosemi in this pose.
Request Dooby, Mint and Doki having a hot steamy threesome.
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Requesting Lui doing a sexy walk like Jane Doe in this clip plus the hand gesture because it looks sassy and sexy.
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Requesting both Cecilia and Raora showing off their sexy exposed armpits.
Did Dooby got added to Mint's harem?
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Requesting a two-part scene, with the left side like the reference pic on the right with Petra in her original costume, with her hoodie open, smugly showing off her sexy tanned skin. On the right side, in her second costume a month later, she is checking to see if some of those tan lines are still visible, worrying that they might peek through her new clothes.
File: Smugtora.webm (1.03 MB, 1920x560)
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Requesting Tomomi doing some suggestive stretching with a mischievous expression on her face or just looking extremely sore after spending hours sitting and gaming.
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Requesting a POV from below of Miss Peggy, either bust-up or shoulders-up, as shown in the reference, looking menacing with a hint of sexiness. Here is the full picture if anyone is interested: https://files.catbox.moe/6uqlvx.jpg --- I would also accept the entire image, but I feel that might be asking too much.
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requesting matara doing the same expression as in the reference
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Requesting Noruju, with her usual smug grin, leans forward toward the viewer, bragging about her petite-medium chest in a bikini top similar to the reference on the right.
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Requesting design fusion of one of the possible pairs

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Requesting Polka on her side spreading her asschecks like this
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Requesting Kanade spreading her legs and barefoot. Something like this...
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Requesting Runie Ruse from Phase Connect as Angel Nurse like in the pic but she only has the pantyhose, she's tied up from upwards and getting fucked in either reverse or normal cowgirl position, as in herehttps://files.catbox.moe/ke75fm.png (tits shibari optional)
>Last thread lasted 11 hours
File: Rework_Steamyhot.jpg (1002 KB, 5184x2098)
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Requesting a pinup of Botan in her official ramen shop owner outfit taking a break after preparing a bunch of ramen. All sweaty, airing her underboob or cleavage, cleaning her forehead with her forearm, that sort of thing. Maybe using one of those traditional Japanese fans to cool herself down. If you want to go a bit further, add some SSRB who are eating their ramen and watching the whole scene—cutely—nosebleeding or looking all surprised.


Link to some traditional Japanese hand fans; they are usually round and feature personalized designs or texts wishing good luck. I am already asking quite a lot, but perhaps having her own fan themed after her design would be a nice touch.
Requesting Bob Ross Ina
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Requesting a thick curvy Fraiki in this pose. Minus the cum, same kind of swimsuit.
File: HoloGTA_Req_Police_Bijou.jpg (621 KB, 6017x2256)
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Requesting this cover from “I Sold My Body to a God” (chapter 14, if someone else wants to check it out) series has a NSFW versionwith Koseki Bijou in her HoloGTA police uniform, with some Moai pebbles behind her, resembling the guys on the cover. Give Bijou the same body type as Alma in the cover, just the sexy hips size and modest bug-slightly big bust, please.
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Requesting Towa sending an anal autograph with each limited chair:


>$450 not including international shipping
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Requesting Petra in a similar scene to this.
Have her hoodie barely covering her bare asschecks.
Requesting Gigi Murin from Hololive EN4 wearing only the white tank top like in the reference, but tied up from the bottom part to show her tummy and loose from both suspenders (?) to the point her breasts are exposed. Also, having sex in that position with her shorts around one of her legs, she's smiling with her sharp teeth, and holding hand with the viewer in PoV view if you don't mind.
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Requesting Chibi Dokibird fucked in the ass, something like this reference.
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Requesting this pose with Kobo
You having fun, anon?
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Requesting a very tired looking Gigi in contrast to her usual self.
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Requesting Kronii and Mori in gymwear, with Kronii fondeling Mori's huge sweaty tits from behind.
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Requesting Kiri Kilovolt wearing her shades, a before/after of getting a really thick drippy facial on them and she's licking up some of the cum in the corner of her mouth while winking

pubic hair here or there optional, any other additional stuff like clothed Paizuri is welcome!
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Requesting Ina in the midst of painting a naked Ame (who's posed like the catbox'd image, with Ina also being naked and with her butt visible
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some wip
Very nice, I like Irys dorky stare there. Can't wait to see this finished.
Those are some erect Mori nip nops
morinips subject to change as I struggle to fix perspective
Be sure to check out the other, real drawthread if you want more than one spammer as your audience. Very neat drawing though!
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Requesting a wardrobe malfunction with Selen in this outfit. The link below is for reference, but it can be kept blue board friendly or go full NSFW, either option works fine.
No clue what's happening there but more Irys is always welcome.
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Requesting the against-glass scene from the far right reference with Tomoshika and Noruju.
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Requesting Ryo wearing the cute outfit on the far left reference, regular size or chibi both work fine.
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Requesting a tipsy Ponpoko-chan having sex with a considerably bigger guy, looking a bit dizzy but still trying to be flirty.

Link in my post for reference, thanks for your interest.

>Bar stream for more references of that outfit
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Requesting Jowol surprisingly having his ass spanked from behind as he reluctantly does some housemaid chores.
Request Autumn style Fauna with red hair or orange to be more precise.
Oh hey, you're coloring it! Thanks so much anon, the sketch was already more than enough for me but this is a welcome surprise anyway!
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Requesting something similar to the comic in the reference with Mint and one of her Wisps. It doesn't necessarily need to be exactly the same, but I was thinking of Mint catching one of her Wisps looking at some lewd ghost magazines with Mint's face covering the models. The rest is fairly obvious, I believe.

Better hurry you only have like a week to request this, anon. Autumn is almost over.
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Requesting Sinuukin all wet with her baggy t-shirt semitransparent, showing off her naughty bits. Something like this.
>Based on this clip
I'll probably just ask for bald Fauna on winter.
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Requesting Niko in a sexy bikini like this. Pose up to the artist.
Sounds like a fun idea but redhead fauna sounds hot
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Requesting this meme with Ecto the eldritch rat vtuber
C'est la vie
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Requesting Kanata wearing a sexy baseball costume like those from the K-Pop idols in their games. I would be very very thankful if you give her some thick thighs and wide hips, nothing ridiculous, just enough to make her sexy small chest have a hot contrast.
Thanks. I should probably make a reference next thread.
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Requesting Shu in her pajama costume, lying on her bed or a sofa, that sort of thing, looking over her shoulder with a seductive look in her eyes, her pajama panties pulled down just enough to reveal her anus and vulva, as she slightly raises her butt, inviting the viewer to fuck her raw. That sort of stuff.

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Requesting Yagoo about to be unseiso'd
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Requesting any of those Holo gremlins with that body type.
ah, this drama still..

Well, it's a sort of presepe where she's kinda secondary to the whole thing, but very much work in progress.
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Requesting Ducktective in a "surprise anal" scene, have her searching for clues or something like that while someone comes from behind to fuck her shithole
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Requesting Will-O lifting her top to flash her cow tits and show off her nipple piercings each one with a cow-tag on each piercing.
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Requesting Sana happily being fucked or licked by her bread dog
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Requesting Sodasneb getting a wedgie
>she's kinda secondary
A fucking shame
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I want to see Fleshy flashing her breasts like the girl in the link.
https://files.catbox.moe/m1nxeh.jpg (embed)
Please keep her clothes on, just a side boob flash with the monotone, tired, laid-back attitude she usually has.
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Requesting the sexy doll trying different pairs of breasts like if they were bras. Think about it as the upper torso where the breasts are located being interchangeable.
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Requesting this with Mamarissa
Requesting Mumei having her tits fucked like this
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Requesting Mori (cosplaying as Gura) in any of these poses.
That thumbnail is cursed.
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Requesting Shishiro Botan in either her usual clothes or the casual outfit from the reference on the far left, experiencing a double wardrobe malfunction. The first wardrobe malfunction in this situation occurs when she attempts to put on her top or bra, having trouble with her cropped top in one outfit and her baggy shirt in another. The second incident takes place after she struggled earlier, noticing that all the pulling made her ass partly visible, exposing her thong and part of her buttocks, leaving her with a resigned look on her face much to her grief.
Kanade looks like the odd choice there because her color scheme breaks that of Ina and Kronii which both have predominantly black as base with the secondary color used to define their designs.
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requesting anon picking between nicotine and ryona
not a typo someone in the live chat made the joke and it has been living in my head rent free for days
You can always ask him to draw futa Irys next time he ask p
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Requesting an anon giving Chloe's thick thighs a good motorboating. Aka burying his face there.
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requesting flare big fat chocolare tits wearing this shirt
i think artists are basically sick of lewd requests considering that most of them can be fulfilled with AI
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Requesting the meme on the left with Vain.
Full body ref: https://x.com/InVainYT/status/1803163946029031651/photo/1
Requesting pic related with Mint
if I wanted AI, I would put my request there, I don't want AI...
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Requesting an anon fucking Anya in this pose.
No, artists are tired of what will soon be 1 year old spammed requests is all.
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Requesting Renn (both tomboy and big tiddy) giving a double buttjob in this pose
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Requesting Oimobuster getting fucked on the missionary position, with her bra pulled down so her nipples are shown (or just those straps if you're using the left reference), and her shirt opened up. The left reference is a daki fanart, so there's no official look of what she wear down there, so make her with the dress lifted up and either nopan or with some panties around her leg with some figures of a pomudachi or wisps (Mint's mascot; oimo is fan of her) and interlocking viewer's hand an her feet (or just one).
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Requesting a nude edit of miori celesta's most recent model
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practicing while listening to karaoke. Not planning on finishing it
Cute Frierys
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Requesting Botan wearing this cheerleader outfit from the movie "Thursday." Same clothes, etc. Just asking for the word "Cunt" to be changed to her name or "SSRB," posing like Cheelai in that reference on the right with some suggestive undertones, making her expression less nervous and more flirtatious.
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Requesting the Ravencroft siblings in this same scenario, you can switch Nerissa with her mom if that is your preference.
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Guess it's time to vibe here.
Suggesting Qipao Kaminari Qpi clothed doggystyle, her having a nice round booty and looking back.
Optional, but encouraged:
>joyful expression instead of angry
>the tally marks
>anal instead of vaginal
G'night folks.
I guess we'll be using the spammer's thread now since the old one kicked the bucket? Alright.

It's important you don't miss the forest for the trees. The exact appliance of self-imposed "rules" doesn't matter as long as it gets the request-seeking-&-delivering experience to where people want it to be. Obsessing about someone posting 2 requests in a thread, or about someone replying to an anonymous poster after encouraging not to do so, or about someone relying on google docs instead of tripcodes, is peak shitposter behavior. Ask yourself "Are these two requests what people had a problem with? Or was it the weeks/months old reposts that got reposted dozens of times?" And so on. Whether something is okay or not is a gradient answer, not some absolute binary codex that people must follow to the letter. Be reasonable and logical.

Sorry I had to drag this here, but I wanted to make clear that the goal-missing witch hunt can be as cancerous as the old request repost spam itself. Don't do that.
I should get to drawing now.
That's a decent assessment. I'm gonna stick to my personal rules for my requests I set last thread, and also entirely ignore users without tripcodes don't exist prior to bump limit. But honestly as long as the artists get new stuff to work with and aren't getting pestered constantly by schizos, that's good enough for me.
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Requesting MuBae post-anatomy class
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So I was looking for something a little less cute and a little more sexy, but I liked her design so I just drew her with a more sexy look anyways. I hope I didn't butcher her face too much that it's unrecognizable.
No bra ver. https://files.catbox.moe/3sa0ys.png
Requesting a pinup of Roboco-san covered in melted golden, enough to be able to posted here but lewd enough to be sexy.
It's so nice to have deliveries of this high quality, it's inspiring. Great job and great style, drawfren. Not OR.
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Requesting that you use your oshi to either recreate this diagram or to legitimately do a study of how breasts stretch and deform with the movement of the pecs. Any size of breasts welcome so long as you try your best to show this effect. Alternatively, dust off an anatomy book and choose something out of there.
First time using a trip, hopefully this works
Since you drawfrens are here, quick question: what would make these https://files.catbox.moe/aa3zvv.txt requests/suggestions more appealing? Obviously the text format isn't helping, and many of them are only one line even if they have a reference, but anything else?
You should use double hashes (##) to make the trip more secure.
Will the trip change with double #?
Yes. Better start using it now so you can establish as you.
But it took me an hour to find the dottext one :(
You can't really control secure trips because they are less guessable after all.
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Delivering. I guess I held myself back a bit. Maybe being a bit more subtle suits Suisei.
Lame. Guess I'll reply to my original post with this trip too >>89292101
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I guess I really ended up being a placeholder after all. It sucks, but what can one do.
Ngl a back view would have made me lose swimming pools, but this is still great, thanks a bunch anon!
>I guess I held myself back a bit
Nah, it's perfect, a pear shape can only go so far before it starts to look very weird, after a certain point you need some tits to balance out the ass and we can't have that with Suisei
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Hey honest question, why do you keep changing nickname on your trip? Stop doing that, you did the same last thread. You're totally missing the whole point of the trips if you're just slapping a new nickname on every request you throw out there.
The name is completely optional. You don't even necessarily even need it, you can write ##trippassword and use just that.
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Requesting Kipa snorkeling or scuba diving in a bikini or nude.
File: everybody.jpg (49 KB, 1280x720)
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Hello, drowning man.
This has to be a bot, no one is this obsessed.
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Requesting Michie having her asshole fisted while she cums and makes an ahegao face
What the other anon said, names are purely decorative, it's the trip that matters. So, I might as well have some fun with the name
Requesting someone grabbing Zen by the horns and fucking her tits.
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It is deceiving, and you seem to be aware of it because while the trip remains the same, changing names constantly with each new request seems to be a way to throw off new drawfags who aren't paying too much attention to it. The fact that each new request seems to come with a new name means you are quite aware of that yourself, but I won't waste my time arguing with you since you have been doing this since the last thread with no intention to change.
JADF should have included that in the rules as well; intentionally or not, changing names on your trip shouldn't be a thing.
Hey. honest question.
Why do you have the same name, but your trip changed?
And why have your only posts been attempting to police other trip users' behavior, but not a single request?
Seems pretty deceptive to me.
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requesting koganei niko from flowglow, drawn as the girl on the left.
Mom, they're fighting again.
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Requesting Gub facesitting an anon or giving him a lapdance.
From her pose and expression, I totally thought I was gonna see that "casting couch" meme in that link. Guess I've been watching way too much porn.
I have never tripped in my time using 4chan and I really don't want to start now. I hope that does not put me at a huge disadvantage. It's very sad the drawthread has devolved to this point.
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Requesting Anya in a fancy wedding dress with lots of Booba and plenty of visible thick thighs and legs
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Honestly, it wouldn't change a thing because the same spammers are just gonna keep flooding the place with requests and swapping trips to outdo each other. If any drawfag thinks that's not how it goes down, they clearly haven’t been in a drawthread before. Not to mention, that whole "I want fresh requests!" begging doesn’t mean squat if none of the new requets grabs their attention, it's back to square one. You post your request, and if an artist vibes with it, they'll draw it no matter what trip you have or don’t have. Trying to moderate the drawthread with "Hey, where’s your trip?" is just gonna stir up drama.
i didn't read/use any trips and dont really care about them until some fag tried to pressure me into "revealing my identity" posting under a trip i literally don't know

but you some of guys have been drilling this point about how "oh what if the new ideas don't vibe with you" but its literally been actually working and there's been less req spamn in the nonbotted thread AND the artist can go through the archives
>that whole "I want fresh requests!" begging doesn’t mean squat if none of the new requets grabs their attention
We've gotten a delivery with each post like that tho?
Nah, just put out interesting requests and you should be aight
>So I was looking for something a little less cute
I kinda had a hunch when you brought up breast size, but hey, nobody else has been that bold to lewd her, so props to you for being the first! Anyway, thanks for the delivery, anon. That catbug is super cute! I’d share this on her Discord, but a mod would probably just delete my post and ban me before she even sees it. Oh, and if you're lurking right now, she's streaming, just in case you might wanna check out her content.
Honestly, I think the greatest boon of this all is that with trips, it lets multiple, regular drawthread artists say straight out loud "Hey, we're tired of seeing the same old shit time and time again. We're not going to draw it."
So, requesters can then choose to listen to the regular artists and start coming up with new ideas, or they can be selfish cunts and keep posting the same old shit, waiting, praying for the day a clueless newfag artist wanders in and decides to draw their idea. All the while making the place dull and stale for the artists who decide to stick around.
You had this delivered in the other thread.
>>89300742 #
the other things is if an artist saw your req and actually like it, they're going to like remember/log it. you dont need to remind them at the expense of the thread. all of these problems come from not putting the thread first. and making a big deal of some guy using multiple new reqs clearly under the same trip of elden ring refs and bashing people for not using trips or whatever is on that list, just significantly lower than the spamn *
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See what I told you? The same group of fags, using new tricks. Nothing changes.
Man, I can't wait until the retard finally puts together that you're this artist
and that he's been talking shit on you this whole time
>guy deletes and fixes his post UNDER THE SAME TRIP
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I am reposting my suggestion from the last thread, I liked my idea, so I hope no one minds if I try my luck again.

Requesting Raden having her dress lifted like the girl in my reference, showing off her fancy underwear and panties, thinking about a garter belt, stockings, and that sort of thing. However, if the artist is OK with doing porn, have her thick thighs and fat ass fucked in any of these assorted poses.


If someone takes me up on my request, please keep her clothes on as much as you can. That’d be very welcome.
this is not kindergarten nigga why are you asking for permission? LMAO
Oh he definitely knows, he just doesn't care because the drawfag is "one of the tripfags" and probably won't ever do any of his spam, so he's worthless to him
Remember how he was only ever buttering up the paper drawfag when he was drawing his requests?
I'm merely making sure they know I am reposting my request.
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Requesting Pia (in slime form) saying she is absolutely seiso as she slowly turns thicker and curvier.
My two cents. I think the best part of trips is that they're such a good passive deterrent to clutching on to stale, and sometimes "stolen" requests, that I think the average anon's ability to self-regulate will just naturally restore some normalcy to the thread. If our guy never leaves, they'll definitely be glowing with their usual behavior and easily ignored. Or if they decide to stick around and make new requests, then good for us, it'll just mean more cakes for everyone.

Moving forward I hope everyone can focus more on what makes the thread healthy than anything else. I think welcoming drawfriends to post unrequested vtuber art and encouraging new artists with things like the Magma have also been steps in the right direction.
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Requesting Yoako's take on Mr Squeak x Bae caught in a cartoonish mouse trap where ass butt keeps getting smacked because the trap can't fit through her thick booty cheeks while she is holding a piece of cheese and big cartoony tears on each eye.
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Requesting lofi and Ollie double paizuri in their Bakunyu Ondo outfits. Iofi on the left and Ollie on the right in the 1st 2 catbox links.
The 2nd catbox link can be nude. The 3rd catbox is just a reference for saliva strands, kiss marks and (drippy) heart gesture if you want to do that.
If you do, add a strand connected from each other’s mouth and give them different colored lipstick, I guess. Any color, wouldn’t matter.
>mio gets seduced by father in law
sorry im uploading this half finished, got comms rn
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Requesting Tomi to wear a tight t-shirt that presses his big breasts closer, similar to the reference, teasing a guy by slowly revealing more and more cleavage until finally letting his big breasts be fully visible. If you want to add the sexual part at the bottom like in the reference, that is cool too/


Here is the reference, by the way.
Oh, cool! I was the anon who thirded it at the time. Great job, love the expression and the sag on the breasts.
I’d look up how to get yourself a tripcode next time. Good work!
Requesting Vivi with normal looking pants. I don't care which style, just change those ridiculous looking pants into something more stylish.
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Make her wear these
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are half the posts in this thread by one guy or something
All post? Mine
There's a guy who keeps preaching that nonstop, and because he cries the loudest, that's the story that has spread. The truth is that we had someone trying to control what was being requested in the thread, going to extreme lengths just to have people doxxed, or he would add them to his "banned list," which led many people to report his doxxing attempt. Since then, he has been crying about how there are bots and such ruining the thread just because he doesn't like to see requests reposted more than a few times. You can check the archives; his now-deleted doxxing list was added to the spam filters to prevent more doxxing attempts. He conveniently leaves out that part while telling his fabricated story.
ok figured it out? hopefully this works

>Miuna Usako gets drunk (sfw)
i didnt finish this because i was demoralized/distracted over the drama

also why does my ip range not allow me to upload images this shit is atrocious
They are. He's the guy flooding the thread with ancient requests every thread and spams down everybody who requests anything else in sequences of multiple inane posts within the same minute. Colloquially known as the threadshitter.
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>i was demoralized/distracted over the drama
It's a bummer what he's trying to pull on the other posters, making them bail so he can pretend to be a bunch of different people posting with trips and telling everyone that if you don't use trips, you're not even human. And funny enough, that guy who told you to use trips has been active in both threads for almost 24 hours totally gives him away as the fag behind this whole witch hunt. Just wait; he'll probably come after me for connecting the dots. "I'm nice; I'm just trying to help." Yeah right! Nobody's helping out of the goodness of their hearts here, at least not in this place, you’re definitely after something.
>also why does my ip range not allow me to upload images this shit is atrocious
Someone in your area, range, or using the same ISP as you probably did something heinous, like posting Cheese Pizza or Zooshit, which got your range banned until they decide your area is no longer worth their time.
>inb4 what to do
You could talk to a mod in their IRC channel and explain your situation, but that rarely works when they ban a whole range because how will they know you aren't the person for whom they banned that range in the first place?
Yep, there you go. Great work, anon! Now you can tell the other anon(s) how you feel about seeing the same-ass requests posted over and over again, as several artists in the trip thread already have(they don’t like it!)
Yeaaa, we've had this problem for over half a year now, it is what it is. And speaking of the devil, >>89312761 here he is!
You are a lunatic trying to make people stop posting their requests because certain artists aren't interested in them and acting like their words are a testament to be blindly followed. Are you stupid or just full of yourself?

Don't treat dehgwo like a kid who needs to expose his case to the class so you can pat his back and pretend you are the good guy here. If an artist doesn't want to draw something, they are free to hide the post or filter the requests using 4chanx or any other blacklist app that blocks certain words. You are kidding yourself if you think that just because you keep pestering artists to say they don't like reposts, those reposts will stop.

"But you should stop reposting! Nobody likes it!" Surprise, surprise, the requests aren't aimed at a specific drawfag; only stalkers try to make their requests targeted at specific artists.

Just because one of these guys doesn't like a specific request doesn't mean you are forced to stop asking for what you want, especially if you aren't a lazy person like most of your requests, which are just a single image with nothing but a bunch of catbox links, as you posted in the other thread that was archived last night.

Drawfags have different likes; you have some who don't draw bestiality, so their opinion on it means nobody should ask for that? Others don’t draw futanari, which means you can’t request that because they don’t like it?

Your entire argument is, "If it wasn't done within the same thread, it's a bad request!" Artists don’t live here; they don’t come to the thread every time, and those who do and don’t like what they see weren’t interested in the first place. Your main point is to make the thread a place where everyone specifically targets those artists who spend all their time here, as if it were a dating sim to see which one can charm their way in.

You are a lunatic trying to create a place where you can see which artist is behind which post so you can casually go and say, "HELLO THERE OMG YOU ARE HERE! WOULD YOU LIKE (check notes on drawfag to see what he likes to draw) TO DRAW THIS THING? I WOULD SUPER DUPER LOVE IT IF YOU DID! I LOVE YOUR ART." This is what you have already been doing.
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I miss last week when we had a the thread lasting 6 whole days
>You are a lunatic trying to create a place where you can see which artist is behind which post so you can casually go and say, "HELLO THERE OMG YOU ARE HERE! WOULD YOU LIKE (check notes on drawfag to see what he likes to draw) TO DRAW THIS THING? I WOULD SUPER DUPER LOVE IT IF YOU DID! I LOVE YOUR ART." This is what you have already been doing.
The word you are looking for is "grooming", he is grooming drawfags.
The funniest part is, I wasn’t even the one who thought of trips in the first place.
I just listened to what people were saying would help.
Oh hey I threw those in a dumpster the last week!
>Literally throwing fat stacks of money away
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He will regret that forever once they peak at 4.5k
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>she might be lurking
i assume everyone is lurking and watching me, all the time and that by merit of this all my oshis know and hate me, personally
Alright, this pants talk inspired me.
Requesting sleazy salesman Pekora trying to sell you these, lying through her teeth about them
>"Oh the knee holes? Get this, we got Cardi B herself to wear them down. It's true, you can check the tag on the back."
>"the dirt? Oh you're not gonna believe this brother. AU.THEN.TIC. Afghan soil, where the REAL patriots fought! Even comes with an infidel tooth!"
>"And the little stain at the front? Pfff... 100% purebred African-American semen, only the best here, who you think I am? And get this, he's 13% Irish. Like come on, it just does NOT get better than that!"
>"Yknow what, I like you. Check the back pocket, there's a little surprise there. Feel that? Yep, that's Henry Cavill's own heroine needle, still warm. Only one in 500 has this! It's just about commitment to quality with us, ya feel me?"
>"Anyway, considering how much CULTURE there is on these pants, something like 5gs I feel is a fair price. And uh... *clears her throat* you'd be racist for not buying them, just sayin."
Kek thanks a bunch anon, idk how but you somehow made it cute looking
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i always see the ectofrens getting cool stuff from these alirs and wanted to give my chuuba a try. i usually ask for stuff on the /vtai/ thread, but i hope these references are good enough. i just want to see parasi in the exact same pose as the neet girl in my pic. the room doesn't need to be super detailed like my reference. i'm not sure if these are enough references, but here is her twitter in case any drawfrens need more.
Earfuck is the GOAT fetish
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Requesting this but Ollie in her mafia princess outfit with thigh-squishingly tight fishnets. Your choice if the fishnets are ripped or if the leakage is going through
Please add some coming out of her asshole too

Thought of this part later but making the legs white could make it look like Kiara. So that as either an alt or an option B. Either or
Luckily I found that in case a reference for Wawa's fishnets if they’re needed
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Requesting a regular size Chattino fucking Raora, based on this webm from her Pizza Tower stream.

>"Dammelo! Dammelo!"
I like the way you draw cocks, you should do it more often.
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Requesting this meme with Biboo as the cameraman and FuwaMoco as the girls in front of it
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Hello again draw thead, Requesting Alias Anono preforming paizuri and fellatio
Reference for pose: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8105165?q=izayoi_aki+

Did I do this trips thing right?
it feels like i've been drawing nothing but penises for 11 days
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A practice doodle.
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More. Never enough. You can req me instead. Cheers.
The chair she's about to sit on? Me
This image is ass (both meanings)
bijou crystal penis futa
if you don't futa you could have her gripping my arms so much she crushes my humerous with her grip
lil bro is seething none of his repost spam is getting done
damn that's pretty fucking hot
nice tits and nice expression
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draw riona like this
i wonder if i could find any vtuber 2chan threads to lurk
You mean Futuba Channel? Drawthread culture doesn't exist over there in the same vein as here. When they threads do come up where they usually are posted, you have to contribute to the thread yourself and draw others requests before you can post your own. There is no free gimmies. They are not called drawing threads either. And they are not on any of the vtuber boards they have. Also remember, its IP locaed to Japan so you can only lurk and not post outside of that region.
Bump bump bump bump bump get life get life get life
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Requesting Kaela airing her huge breasts, somewhat like this gif.
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sexy cute drunk Cecilia in a fancy dress; think at the bar and she's noticed you're trying to woo her
Who would listen to the ravings of a madman? Draw shit you like or want to do simple as. Or even stuff thats interesting, the idea is nice or pose, or practice.
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can someone please draw this with Gigi?
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A lot of these requests are wayyyyyyyyyy too specific and involved for me lol. I like the freedom and challenge that come from looking at someone's request and figuring out if I can workshop it to fit my interests while still fulfilling the request.

A request like "X character in a swimsuit" is something I'd potentially be interested in, because I get to decide the pose and the setting and the focus. If I really want to draw some armpits I can, if I really want to draw some thighs I can, etc etc.

A request like "Fauna in X outfit, in a park, sitting on a massive tree root that seems to have unnaturally bent to make a seat for her, one hand raised in front of her face, admiring a mountain bluebird that landed on one of her fingers, while a squirrel is standing on top of the root next to her hips and a chocolate ferret is sleeping beside her feet, with various butterflies fluttering about." is so specific that it takes all creative liberty out of my hands. And beyond that there's so much going on in the request that it's something that would take me multiple sittings to do to a level of quality that I'm happy with. It ends up feeling like I'm doing a commission for free rather than a small request.

But that's just my two cents.
But what about "Fauna with big milky tits being fucked and milked by Ina and her tentacles" that's free enough yeah?
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requesting ina wearing a seattle krakens' shirt
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My brothers in Christ, he didn't ask for requests… he usually makes a post for that.
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survive the night
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Requesting a followup with an anon manhandling Suisei fucking her ass in this pose
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Requesting Nako impregnation
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Requesting Polka as Yuzuyuzu from Dogengers. Have Polka's face be normal but add any kind of small details to make her face a little robotic.
I changed and add some new references since Yuzuyuzu got a few fanarts since then and would probably increases the chances of getting this request taken.
I think it depends on the artist.
Your example is one type, give simple idea, let the artist run and have fun with it.
The other example is giving the more detailed request and the artist liking it because they don't have to think, they just do, and maybe they enjoy drawing all those small details and such. Maybe they are not money minded and draw purely as a hobby.

I keep my request fairly straightforward. If the artist wanted me to give more specific ideas for the req, they are free to ask me.
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Nene dump to celebrate the safe return of my oshi
>Made last night:
other doodles
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Requesting Lyra making a frightening face like this
Cheerleader Nene is one of the top 5 Hololive alts so far. Great renditions anon
The devotion to your oshi is most admirable.
I love Nenecchi she is my wife
There's still some room in the middle of the maggie.
you reminded me of something i drew several months ago

You know I think im getting into a pattern
>run out of ideas
>look at 4chan thread
>ask for ideas
I demand you all feed me!
hey whats that right hand doin
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Requesting Ina as a cute clown girl
A pissed off Mori preparing a scythe swing, whether it's a horizontal one while on the ground or a vertical over-the-shoulder while midair is up to you, what I'd like to see most is said scythe being engulfed in energy/flames/undead souls to make it look much larger. If you want to you can also remove her physical scythe and make it pure energy, it just needs to be BIG
Oh, hey. I went to bed a bit early last night and hadn’t bothered checking thread until now, but I made that one. Looks nice! Booty coulda been a little bigger(just imo), but that’s some great perspective work, and you nail the cute-lewd combo very well. Thanks!
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Requesting this pic made Holo related, I suggest Fauna, Ina or Biboo but anything works, just need it to post it on Global.
Seems like not many people have fresh ideas for you, so I'll make a vague one for you to fill in the gaps with:
Draw any fat fuck just loafing on top of their vtuber's head. Any at all.
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If someone is interested in drawing a short comic, then I would like to see either of those two from my references done with Mint and Dokibird, with Mint being considerably more voluptuous and thicc than Doki, of course.
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Requesting Bijou COPseki squatting in a pose like one of those. Doesn't need to be exact or anything. I'd prefer the pentagram if the harness is prominent but any's fine

Keep the smug face or go for a below-the eye angle. Feel to choose between any (lewd) hand gesture, ass grab or whatever else. A pole in the background would be nice.
If you're feeling a NSFW extra, then something like one of these as a part 2. Primarily the first one but whatever works if the other 2 are easier
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Requesting Bijou COPseki bending forward in a pose like one of those. It doesn't need to be exact or anything. I would like to see her thong peeking out through her shorts and ass cheeks exposed.
Keep the smug face or go for a lewd look on her face. Make it look like she is issuing a ticket in a parking lot.

If you prefer to go the extra mile and take a NSFW route, then have her ass exposed with those short shorts barely covering it.
Couldn’t even copy all the changes. Sad…
>Botfag likes to play dumb and samefag for attention
And so this only response botfag gets from me
>Last line
>First line
>Botfag debunked, mindbroken and (still) hypocritically seething
>Full Proof
TLDR is only the first sentence, not the rest below
>Double request debunk
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>ew its still here
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Requesting YUY giving a deepthroat blowjob
Here is more of her references
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