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Merry Christmas anons!
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Lapsama my friend
>chihaya acapella rewrite
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My Ina!
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Did ERB sing Fairy Tale of New York?
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nenechi is super cute
> ERB's mom
Is it Betty White?
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luv nene!
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Did Gigi say anything about going to Japan during the winter season?
>ERB Mama bursts through her door unannounced
>Gigi mama bursts through her door unannounced
Erb gone
kino karaoke
I don't get it
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i've been playing it for the past two days. definitely the best HP game i've ever played. i don't like that you have to play a goody 2 shoes, "le chosen one" character but it's fun exploring around the castle. the combat is fun enough
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I wonder why the skirt didn't clip through her leg in this scene, but did in one of the previous ones.
Nene is so unsexy that it loops back around to being sexy.
No you will have to wait for your holo saying faggot moment until next time
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I love this doll
Why is mogojohn hurt?
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Nenechi is spamming me on twitter, getting blocked for sure
i'm thinking erb cute
Living with their parents at their hag age?
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Man, she cute
Where is liz sending me
If Gura doesn't stream before Christmas my niece is going to be sorry.
I believe the implication is that fuwawa used mococo's hair to make the nekomimi. Judging by mococo's bald patch.
Is there an official breakdown of which holomems would be in which house?
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I love dangerous woman
Is henma a professional autist whisperer
Fuwawa used Moco's hair to make the ears
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drinking coffee
Oh, I thought that was a gooseegg like she punched her
>YouTube doesn't autoredirect me to raids
Anyone else having this problem?
>erb raid
>moona kills herself
Come on Mooner she's not that bad.
nice offtopic post you retarded avatarfaggot
Lap is so cool...
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Nene news
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Wait, the fucker who broke into Nene’s house killed her bugs too?
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Yes, I've been having this trouble.
i think it's cute that you're here to reply to your boyfriend everyday
No, penises are cylinders not balls
The larva
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Gura cute Gura cute!
Who in Flowglow cares about their kaigainiki?
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Archive of Liz/ERB/Elizabeth's christmas tunes mini karaoke KwEKBi6YRiE

Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:92e04922108a41bef88a78778def2dd10b6e6ba8&dn=%E3%80%90UNARCHIVED%20KARAOKE%E3%80%91Christmas%20Tunes%20Mini%20Karaoke%20~%21%20%F0%9F%92%84-KwEKBi6YRiE&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.stealth.si%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337%2Fannounce
Gofile: https://gofile.io/d/qkuujH
Moona sounds especially full today.
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not really. probably just have to watch the girls who played it on stream but the game lets you pick so i bet most everyone is probably went stinky ole gryffindor
[Very Important Post]
It's not his fault he's gay, he can't help it
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>even the kids
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Nene is fun sexy. Nene is made for happy giggly fun sex, objectively the best kind of sex.
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fuck herb
What the FUCK
Did Reine just reply to a tribadism pic
I'm in the secret chumbie IRC and we're all trying to save Su-chan right now.
im not gay
domo arigato, Anon
kek wtf
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Tierlist stream hype!
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what am i supposed to watch now
the straps are barely visible and it's so much more erotic
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it's a massacre
We can call you good friends then if that makes you feel better
thank you, justice archiver
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More important post
I hope the Reine, Gigi, Shiori unit can come back for some more collabs some time
Bless you archiveanon
gn friend
Ask him out already pussy
She didn't have access to twitter for a while and it shows
>chat trying to make Ollie acknowledge Curly's mistakes
she's such a sofite
who exactly am i good friends with
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Thank you
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he did tho
what's the thigh strap for?
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yuh!! I can't wait to get mad with everyone..
Ollie is actually based. It's all Anya's fault.
marks spots you should bite
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aside from being a bit spineless, I agree
I think the game lays its anti-corpo/predatory capitalism message thick, yet somehow not thick enough for any of the girls to really take notice
What did Curly do wrong other than being a bit too stupid and trustful of other people
>That anon who is tsun for the lapfag
>That gay triangle between a hooman, crat and kronie
>The fags who want to fuck ayamefriend
>Otomos and Grems
Is this place a prison and people slowly go gay?
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>watching Niko's first Karaoke VOD
Fucking hell, she sings too well that it almost doesn't suit her model
He's had experience with autistic children
see >>89368070
You forgot the gay kenzie and kazamatai
Not just regular tribadism!
same desu
Ayamefriend is a woman so it's okay
Will i know any of the songs she sang
>bit spineless
nigga tried to cover up a rape case
Preventing her thighs from getting fatter
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Shut up and fuck my gremhole, fag
To draw your attention to her thigh.
I just started watching her VOD too!
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Yeah, it seems Cover finally achieved the impossible:
A gen where every member is decent at singing.
probably not, but that was also what made it a great setlist
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Anon... ayamefriend is....
What the hell
Damn brat!
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If you're a long enough Holo fan, you probably heard Freesia before?
An onahole? Yeah, that's public knowledge.
What happened to Shiori's throat?
ERM I think this haram
Choccy milk is code for a nice alcoholic drink for me tonight. It'll be like meme review Saturdays...
plapp the lapp
She's ogey enough
A Koenigsegg CC850.
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kazamatai just jerking off in the corner
wtf she sang an obscure Okayu original song, based
thanks anon, I was waiting for your response.
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all of (us)
Who is this Nekomata Porridge?
God, I want to passionately fuck Koyori all night and every single day.
eh, not really, both him and Jimmy make it blatantly obvious in their conversation that there would be no covering up going on
the entire crash is concerted by Jimmy as an effort to do so, which Curly would've never condoned
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I'd get one too if it was the weekend....
Since when does Nene have bigger boobs than Botan?
Is she bigger than Lamy too?
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1m views without an actual video
Do grems dethrone aquacrew as the gayest fanbase in Hololive? Who even rivals them now that onyan is gone?
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Nekomata Okayu's doppelganger
Not until we actually start seeing femboy gremplays.
Luna did it
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Nene is back... Hololive is healing
um, kenzies.... HELLO?!!
It wouldn't surprise me if Lapfag was the gayest faggot in this thread
Never seen a grem take a cock up their ass like a chumbud/akwacrew/kenzie/hoshiyomi
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Watame is pissing directly into my mouth.
t. grem
no need to brag about your experiences
when does sabrinas espresso cover come out again
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Mumei fucks Towa in a sports car?
>gay kenzie
proof? I never seen one
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sex with rtx on towa
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It's not a competition you know.
i meant nerissas...
Towa and Tower
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this is very hot
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I think otomos are cute and that male grems and female otomos should FUCK.
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>a phenomenon where some "FLOW GLOW members' YouTube channel subscribers are automatically removed.
That's an understatement
who are you quoting?
This is just the beginning. Mumei and Gura will return soon.
bend over I need to touch your chubby tum and rail you
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I get a boner whenever I look at Niko. Should I be concerned
I think I need to jack off; I can't get Koyori's vagina out of my mind.
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Crew arent even winning anyways
They may dress and girls but they also wanna fuck Akwa's tits
80 stone aquacrew...
flow glow is a really dumb name
Niko is my favourite holo design yet
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a bunch of people above me, sorry I'm too lazy to reply to all of them
Yeah dude you might be straight
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Until anyone in those fanbases actually cross-gender cosplays, you're still King of the Hill, crew.
Don't ever put yourself down like that.
I've been busy for a few weeks and completely missed the Flowglow stuff. Is there a quick rundown of each, as well as a choice stream vod to check if I want to check them out?
why do you hate Botan?
It's even dumber in japanese.
i ship grems and otomos as a gay boy couple
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ogey, Mr. Cool-Name-The-Third
How come all the avatarfags are gay?
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Imagine getting pounded by this
It's what girls get every month
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Shoulda gone with Floss Gloss to keep the naming scheme going.
them explaining it
>flow is referring to the a rap flow
>glow is how they shine
>and it's like a double meaning glow is like grow in reference to how they will grow over time!
pure genius management
Put your avatar on and spread your legs bro
The 15th teenage witch holo when
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they are the power couple of hololive EN and not like that forced shit that mythfags had
I like how the japanese shorten it to frogra
no real reason to want attention from a bunch of autistic dudes otherwise
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t. Justchad
Japan you aren't supposed to make puns out of your pronunciation issue
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Why did Raora make them so... you know...
Furo also means bath and guro means, well, guro.
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She still only spoke what Deepl told her to, but it was surprisingly clear Eigo
If they're glowing I'm flowing
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It's cute when Japanese fans put out all their merch and get a little cake to celebrate something.
>a phenomenon
>yet I'm still subscribed even though I subscribed the moment their channels were posted here
Heh, cute
Shut up Gigi before I kiss you.
senõr Niko so kakkoi
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Don't let nene getting robbed distract from the fact that korone canceled her stream because some actual schizo was impersonating her and sending death threats to the prime minister and a bomb threat to her house

If this Nekko is a woman, then I want to date her.
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see >>89287191
What's wrong with Furrow Guro?
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Bait aside, the new gens having time to get comfortable around each other and form in person relationships instead of having to worry about logistics issues for their predebut months has been nothing but a boon to them
Niko seems to be the most popular right now. Her debut made it seem like she had ADHD but she's a bit calmer now. She sings really well and is generally funny.
Riona has some weird hobbies, is into gore and splatter films, and has a very relaxing voice. Very nice singing voice too. Tries to brainwash people.
Su sounds like Towa trying to appear 10 years younger. I haven't watched her much but she seems like the only real gamer of the gen. She's attracting a scary amount of saviorfags.
Rindo is basically like hanging out with your bro except she has huge tits and lewd thighs. She won't stop talking. She's into cars and is a contrarian.
Vivi is weird. She's interested in makeup to an insane degree and wants to trick ojii-sans into skincare routines. She talks a lot too, with a kansai-ben accent. She supposedly sings really well but she hasn't had a karaoke stream yet. She got into Hololive because she pooped into a hole and everyone clapped.
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I'd sniff this grem's balls through his spats desu
I don't buy, maybe they forget to subscribed. Or just remember following then on twitter.
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I love it when Koyori screams.
has anyone kissed choco lately?
Why no gg pov?
Su was the first to notice the sub cull when she did that Space almost 24h before that post
>She talks a lot too, with a kansai-ben accent
>trick ojii-sans into skincare routines
and i will fall for it
Will Koyori play FF11 or skip to FF12 or will she play tactics to get an intro to the world?
yeah me
Don't worry, nobody buys you either, Google-chan sama kun is perfect as we all know
I wonder if any of the avatarfags here date each other
She also has a really nice voice and seems absolutely challenged by OBS
that's a damn good summary
When is your next gunpla stream, Kson?
The Laplasfag and the Towacosplayerfag are discord boyfriends
Isnt it a bit unfair to start releasing gens with literal ex-idols? Feels like Hololive is no longer a place for average girls
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I made really good shrimp fried rice. I'm proud of myself.
This Korean will rape me and kill me
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Hololive changed too much. Makes me not give af.
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So all of flow glow are good singers?
Korone knows the PM?
Laplasfag wishes
All aspects of japanese pop culture are filled with ex idols. Voice acting, theatre, television drama and variety shows, commercials, and all forms of internet content creatpr. It's bootcamp for a mediocre career in low-level entertainment.
Grems are just fujoshi trying to gaslight everyone else into acting gay.
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>Deadbeat cant drive
I'd like to watch this just to seethe, but Wawa will still be streaming by then
Of course she does, she's a famous graduate of Tokyo U.
The difference between an ex idol and hoshimachi suisei is a good interview
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Ame on the telly
this is my nightmare
She will ruin some relationships with other holomems with this stream, specifically IRyS
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>F List
time for Immerhatter
How'd you make it? Any tips?
Really wondering how she plans to incorporate makeup into her streams as a vtuber. Hololive's audience is also like 90% male, no idea what management was thinking with this.
What a cute, totally not evil smile.
i hope she puts Boukyaku Battery at F for Fabulous
Its hard to pass driving license exam with no eyes
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This you?
so true sis
I don't think she has a plan

>Cover has never hired famous entertainers before
post sexy kenzies
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Is this one of those games where the community tries to strongarm the streamer into conforming to their opinions? I haven't played or watched it yet and I've been glossing over almost everything posted about it here
Deadbeats are the GPS
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Good job cannibal chumbie.
Bro it's a personal interest it doesn't have to be the focal point of her content.
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I mean, yeah, but in this case it's just an actual schizo who is getting sued for impersonation and shit.
I think psychiatrists should recommend watching Nene streams instead of SSRIs
I am sorry what
Melties incoming.
yes, they can sing pretty well
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Why do RySties hate Debbies so much?
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how could he give Mori a blowjob while driving?
IRyS is above anime criticism
You think anyone else in EN is a fan of Boukyaku Battery?
Same thing as when girls talk about BL or birth control or blood moons or not being able to reach the top shelf
Wanna erp? I can make a Gigi profile for you.
>Hololive is no longer a place for average girls
It's been that way for longer than it ever was at this point bro
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I just came porn of IRyS and I felt like was going blind, like I almost fainted.
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Reminder that Fuwamoco (likely Fuwawa) want to groom their female fans into breeding with huge musky ojisans and making lots of little puppies together.
It's crazy that they debuted them with an autotuned rap song.
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Post what you came to
I would do this but for IMDB 250 list
I suddenly want to have sex with an asian femboy cosplayer.
Define average, because from the beginning it was just washed up NND personalities and literal schoolgirls
She introduced herself as the makeup specialist of the group though. It's not just an interest, she's tying it to her identity.
sYoutube's anti sub bot protocol got activated and culled/suspended subs to accounts created months ago that zero subs or viewers and then suddenly get thousands of subs in a short amount of time. I mean this has happened multiple times and Cover still can't figure out why its happening?
Is liars bar multi pov? I don't see a frame
>Niko calling everyone in chat Senpai
Post it so I can jerk off too
Hopefully he's living in a cardboard box soon
Way to avoid what i meant but ok
>sent and actual bomb threat to koro-sans house
>while impersonating her sent a bunch of death threats
>is getting sued by cover
If you read his actual posts it's clear he is actually mentally ill
are you male
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Ruffianas? Donde?
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>he has to drive his nagging wife everywhere
If you mean kiara she literally did not make it, and she said it herself, these are actual successful idols at one point.
Mori was just some indie rapper with a small following.
Yeah it's fucked. Youtube is so much better for Korone having surfaced on it, shes a one of a kind eccentric. I said this in an earlier thread, but this is like if someone threatened Tony Hawk or Jerma. What have they done apart from making all our lives better?
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Làs ruffianas estan in él thread
I wish I could find a chumgf
no, usually they only use one pov
First time hearing about any of this. Is that why Korone moved?
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No, it's mine alone.
If I know others came to it too, it would feel gay.
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there are degrees to that
Picrel: this was right before FlowGlow's second sub cull
Also, Justice dodged it
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Koyori's team is too powerful
Sir, that's a child
But I want to jerk off with anons..
Jesas. Been a while since we had a bona fide schizo toeturing the girls.
No, she moved because her mom is old and she wants to be close to her.
jerk off to anons
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I love it ngl
Because it was not gay to post
>I just came porn of IRyS and I felt like was going blind, like I almost fainted.
this in the thread umprompted?
>What have they done apart from making all our lives better?

That's exactly WHY the faggot's doing that. He can't stand the idea of other people being happy.
The idea that he's HURTING someone is the only way he feels good. He's just that pathetic.
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This faggot didn't threaten Korone.
He pretended to use Korone to threaten other Vtubers, including Ui-mama
I want a chumgirlfriend not a chumwomanfriend
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voice synthesized*
learn the difference fucking cazzie mongoloid
Anakin Windowsmasher out here
It's more exciting to think about anons getting hard and cumming with me
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Holy schizo
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Shion is the cutest, with the absolute cutest, coolest, most handsome and loveable mascot (me)
What is Cecilia's knowledgeability when it comes to anime?
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My wife acknowledges my birthday.
This is a good day.
who was phone?
He still lives with his parents and his dad punched him in the mouth.
She hates all your favorite anime
Thus, she is certified
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kinda, it has the common problem of story-heavy games that there's already countless Youtube essays on it so people start crystalizing the "correct" opinion on the game's themes and characters
imho the only objectively true statements that can be made is that the company was FUCKED and that Jimmy was a cunt
Not holo, but this is the kind of person who spends all their time on the internet being an anti.
Vivi is the hottest cause kansaiben makes my penis a big penis
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Sexo con Ruffianas!
I hope he doesnt accuse Cover of plagarizing him...
And Subaru is an esports manager, but you don't see her coaching people
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>Still watching Niko's Karaoke
She's too good, bros
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surely you mean that stupid fucking white mandragora who's name i forgot
it's also a boy
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The reason I asked is because Mori tends to be kinda impressionable about that stuff and I'd prefer if Mori and Gigi laughed at the rape victim in peace
I wish Gura would come back.
Still mad this chick lost so much weight
i downloaded and re-watched erbs unarchived instead
This might be the first EN 3view collab what a lineup
Should femruffians share the same body as their oshis or should femfuzzians be stacked to further mock mococoe?
I actually think that playing it together will work out for the best since they'll pay way less attention to chat than they do in solo streams and just talk it out with each other
Gigi and Mori tend to be weirdly sharp about character and story dynamics, even when being goofballs otherwise
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me too. it's really not the same
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Good thing she doesnt care about her fans.
I agree. Golden gen and silver gen are really built off their strong relationships with each other.
one small tit and one huge sagger
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complete opposites for the two obviously
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I made this post
They should match, in my opinion. This would make schizo girls like that one anon's sister I think, who loves Mococo and hates Fuwawa. I can only imagine someone like that being a flat little bratty slut.
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If this artist interpretation is anything to go off of, they're oppai loli
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I'm all fired up today.
The mods are suppressing this image that shows how sexual Kenzies are.
That's a woman, you have any male ones?
I want to wake her up by slapping her butt the hardest I can
Ah yes the old
>Oh no I had a sip of alcohol please don't rape my butthole trick.
Not falling for that one Twaa cosplayer.
Lucky Star
Great Teacher Onizuka
Kiss x Sis
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Mori is not gonna like the suicide stuff because of her family stuff and it's probably best that it's gigi playing
Whatchu gonna do Jimmy?
Don't make fun of my typos
They should start hiring more JKs again instead of hags
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I think she's emotionally mature enough to separate her real life experience from a piece of fiction
>#1 Gosling hater
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A war crime!
Ironlung looking ass
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femruffian who lost a bunch of weight. sad stuff
rent free
Who is she?
This is top 100 anime, probably from MAL, so that won't be on the list
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Riona privated her Liar's bar stream because she said the game bored her out and proceeded to do a karaoke stream at the latter half of the stream
I like how there were some comments like "thank you for the convenient list of girls to approach" and such but they were deleted by fuwamoco kek
>She says they're not really that big and now she's crying. Can you just apologize to her?
honestly based
That's my girlfriend you're talking about asshole
She is pretty flat though lmao
>only a few days in, already messing up
I thought she was an industry pro...
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oh boy... this is gonna be quite stormy
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what a cutie
she'll fit right in
This girl is retarded
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Riona is a Nene coded holo.
She's hotter now. Fuck off, lardlubbers
Has Mori even played a game that had themes like this before
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>Huh? My voice is too big. Wait, let me change it to small, like how Sui-chan often is
>Wait wait that was just a joke don't tell her about it lol
>What's that, you prefer me being big? Why thank you, here you go, chan chan!
Funny tiger
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Stop calling her retarded
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>top 100
>only remember 30
why do this
You forgot your 'jak
Goddammit, I was planning to watch it after finishing this Niko's karaoke
>not rating regardless if she watched it or not
kino levels are dropping drastically...
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Femruffians, like the kind who never post images of themselves or selfies, exposed themselves on Twitter because of this lol

Sorry I got it mixed up. You should have some aggressive sex with her because Fuwawa would want that.
Suicide isn't exactly a deep cut in media
She's so green at this shit it's hilarious
For you to suffer
Remember, CC is Neutral Evil at best
To make people mad
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Is CC allowed to split a show into two?

For example Death Note until ep 25 into great tier but after that going into shit tier
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She doesn't know yet that half of the top 100 is shit that no one fucking watched
I would just do a 3x3 and call it a day.
If I had to do 100, I'd list 100 in no order
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bro, wtf...
Talked about this
Probably will just rate the show based on the part she has watched
For ex, she only watched S1 of AoT
This reminds me of that one art schizo who'd slightly change pieces of art made by others and post it on his account. Kronii got wind of it and called him retarded resulting in literally everybody else laughing at him and the schizo literally pulling the "I'm just pretending to be retarded" card before his account got banned.
Japanese schizos all sound like nerdy 11 year olds going through puberty.
CC is allowed to split an otomo in half to devour their tasty insides
We don't know how Mori will react though so. ('~`;)
Feels like it's been a while since there's been a real greenhorn to this whole thing. like since HoloX there's been a lot more experienced girls or onboarding. She'll do great
I hate 3d whores so fucking much bros
>For ex, she only watched S1 of AoT
this is valid
moonergone... she sent me onto her clone wtf
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actually now that i think about it there will be 20 - 30 shows she'll specifically remember because they fucking suck! bottom of the list will be fun!
evil woman love!
I guess it's time to add her to the autoarchiver... I get a fucking pit in my stomach whenever a stream gets privated.
do they not train them anymore predebut?
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>no Fauna stream today because it's tuesday
>Get sad
>play FFXIV since the new patch dropped
>see this
>get sadder
I hate this
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Do you think Ina sneaks in JKs while Mama'nis isn't looking?
if her goal is to make people mad, then she should rate the anime even if she didn't watch it
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She just doesn't know how to stream yet, very cute. Look at Nene's very first Fall Guys stream.
That femtomo looks fuckin STOOPID
Aren't otomos made out of screws and bolts and basically all machine?
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delete this
Okay, my dumb ass just realized what she's actually doing.
I'd still just go down the list, put over what's good and eviscerate all the shit anime
That's because all the slight schizos fall in line via collectivism
Only the megaschizos end up remaining
No there's ice cream inside of them
You've played NieR right?
It's over
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The loss of a breeding body...
This is the psychic equivalent of at least 5 rapes. Women will NEVER understand the pain I suffer.
I'm glad that Ryan Gosling made the time to come to Calli's stream last night before his birthday.
They're made of meat
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>rates Jojo and Frieren poorly
I hope she's based enough to do that
What did she say that made her freak out like this?
They do, and this one in particular should have plenty of previous experience.
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Keep believing that
Who is the """"towa"""" of hololive?
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she will put sao in the s tier and everybody have to agree
>Instigates Stephen A. Smith levels of hoes mad
For entertainment purposes, this is the correct move
She's closer to that pic of Fuwawa now than she was before.
And for truth purposes. They ARE mediocre.
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prepare for frieren to be in the top 10
Seasons 1 through 3 are what I watched. Ending it at that is pretty good and the "right here, right now?" moment is fantastic.
Good for her, she clearly put a lot of work in.
S1 came out and like 3 years later S2 came out.
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She said that she really liked it though.
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I'm still waiting for FWMC to watch Kiss x Sis with ruffians
Otomos are FAT little round FUCKS that need to lose some weight
Jesus Christ i fucking knew the entirety of Flow Glow is a walking red flag thats why i never bothered to sub to any of them
How many of you managed to get the super cool limited CC set?
don't be mean, they didn't ask to be built that way
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speak for yourself, meatbag
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Nta but S1 and the 2nd half of S3 are the only good parts.
Maybe throw in the big reveal at the start of S2 just for continuity.
why is ryona's liar's bar privated?
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Most recent show that's in your top 10?
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I did a little Liz dancing gif, for all your groovy needs
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What did she exactly?
>I get a fucking pit in my stomach
My man
>walking red flag
Good hires then
Konosuba. I like the world and character designs alot.
she had sex with me live
>Shiori when the only thing left in her fridge is a Cheeb that ate all the food
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In every single otomo you'll find a former sappo
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Mushoku pedo tensei
>let's hire more boring ass retards
Let's not.
Girls' Last Tour
MY Fuwawa is a little bigger than that.
lol dramafag sis
>Otomos are just Sapling Dreadnoughts
I remember her saying she liked Frieren
Maybe in the Nerissa collab?
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kissable oreo woman
Me and my little sister used to crawl around on all fours playing doggie and we would lick eachother's tongues and sniff eachother's butts. We were only like 7 and 6 and when our mom took us to therapy he said it was normal and common and for us not to feel bad but understand it's not appropriate. I never told anyone but I still get horny when I think about it.
I hope Fuwawa and Mococo did the same kind of stuff.
She did more than just stare at the rabbit's tits
not really recent one. The Eminence in the Shadow
who asked
Recent? Uh...Konosuba?
I haven't actually finished any other anime in a while.
>shot herself
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Large cat
I thought it was incredibly funny how the climax to the demon army plot in frieren was just numberfagging
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Houseki no Kuni. I'm a gay crystal now
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Well in my case I'm a former teamate but I guess most would come from those two yes
My therapist /hlgg/
Overlord I guess Still need to S4 though
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you don't say
oshi no ko
This anatomy is all sorts of fucked up
>Mumei gets overwhelmed with civ duties and is on streaming hiatus again
>Kiara decides to make Girl Talk into a MMO group
this is somehow the best outcome
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>still watching Niko's VOd
>Zapping inbetween songs
>So when I was a kid, I once stumbled upon this HUGE turtle. It was like, like THREE TIMES THIS
>[Zoomed into her booba]
I like this one
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dude how?
show is shittiest shit i've seen in a while. most run of the mill shit ever. i don't get how it's popular
wtf these proportions
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This is just because you love the LN right?
Overlord is a shit anime. I watched all three seasons and regret watching past the first one.
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We have a Fauna schedule at home
Why isn't she crying?
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>Kronii not reading out loud any swear in the dialogue until this point
>Fuck you
Reminder the doxfag is Kiaraschizo himself, discord raid is coming and nothing will be deleted because the janny is one of them
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gigi is obsessed with fauna
Wait we still watch anime?
I thought we all replaced the "anime slot" in our lives with watching vtubers instead cause it seems like anime but better since it's interactive and live.
Was that the one with the Nene gacha collab?
Big purple and big pink cats should have a sex-off.
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it was fun to watch. that's it, at least for me.
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Where the FUCK are you Reine
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For me it was REALLY funny and the cool action moments made my monkey brain go
>wow cool action!
What do you expect from AI slop
the manga was funny enough, but it just doesn't translate to anime... which is so often the case
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yes, nene and louis
lui has such cool eyes
Never read the LN but watching the anime made me want to, also the art for the LN is top tier
boo, it's fun
shiori's nipples, pussy and asshole
Riona just needs a hug right now...
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>After singing a lesser-known Okayu's orisong
>"I plan to sing more of Okayu senpai's original songs I will try my best to memorize and sing them here"
Huh, there's a chance we got an Onigiriya Holomem
Weclome back, Orenji tantou!
Hearing about the shit that happened to her, I'm like "hey, maybe Gura is actually not just lazy and messed up in the head, maybe something actually happened in her life and she has a legitimate reason to be silent."
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just seemed like any other isekai power fantasy i've ever seen
barely. i'm just more picky with what i watch now
She was also talking about how she just adores her voice.
I'm not sure, but I certainly would consider putting Cyberpunk Edgerunners in my top 10.
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Too early to tell but would be fun if true
Uh... Yuru Camp? I'm not even sure how many full series I've watched since I stopped watching anime on cable TV
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What does a womb tattoo even do
I mean, it's supposed to be a parody of that kind of shit but as is often the case with parodies it starts to become thing it parodies
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Daima has been a lot of fun so far, captures that feeling of early Dragon Ball. It's like early GT if it was good.
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The power fantasy is just a vehicle for the comedy
Now that the dust has settled, is Raora everything Sana was supposed to be?
Shiori, what the fuck.
The second season of Oregairu
yeah this thread is gonna be something
I can't believe Nene got stalked by some lunatic who broke into her home and killed some of her bugs even or something?
I want to kiss Gigi on the lips.
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I'm gonna write a fanfic based on the upcoming threesome Red Collab this friday and nobody's gonna stop me, except for the part 3 of a fanfic I'm still writing but close to finishing in a few hours.
>cable TV
it makes super horny and fertile, of course
I've been imagining that for a long time desu
I'm good at keeping the rrats contained in my head though
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Read the LN
If you already like Mr Skeleton you're gonna love him when he has more going on
A stalker would go in and sniff some panties and get out. House messed up means they're rushing looking for valuables.
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i will not watch Dragon Ball Babies no matter if Toriyama wished me to do so
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Gura cute Gura cute!
konkoyo lose...
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chat is this real?
What part is fun?
There are plenty of shows with better world building that actually deliver on the things they set up.
Watch Log Horizon if you want an MMO to Isekai plot that's actually good.
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I really liked Dungeon Meshi
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It's an isekai anime with Goku as the MC.
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azki please pleasure my cock
That sounds even less appealing
How do we hunt down and castrate the guy who broke into Nene's apartment?
None. I haven't watched anime for 4 years
>captures that feeling of early Dragon Ball.
Needs more dirty jokes.
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I would a Totsuka Saika
Nene actually has a Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde situation going on and the person responsible for messing up the apartment was actually her all along
ID: Invaded
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It was a different time.
yeah, it sounds like more of a home invader than a lunatic fan, but who knows
We would have to leave our houses to do that
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isn't this sheep too sweet
Yeah, it's pretty crazy what the beginning of Dragonball got away with.
How would you behave if you suddenly had access to your oshis home?
I will, it looks great from what I heard of it
>MMO to Isekai
I actually don't care much about this part
I like the whole "perspective from the bad guy" part and how the abilities work(like magic)

There might be better ones when it comes to world building but(as far as I know) none of them combine these things the same way
Basically I like the whole instead of specific parts
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Happy birthday!
Happy day!
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Which Holo do you think would be likely to karaoke this song?
I think Gura or Mumei have great voices for it, but I don't think it's likely.
It seems like a song Cecilia would like though.
Busty AZKi is sex too but she is flat, actually.
And flat AZKi is beyond sex.
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Cum on everything
koyori lose in the last summer koshien before the tourney. with this her training arc is over
I would clean up her damn room
ERB, Flip Dinosaur, Indonesian Zombie
ERB, Ollie and Jurard playing Liar's bar
Wait for her to come home so I can marry and impregnate her then starve to death since I forgot she's still gone for a month
everyone would
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towa is so cute...
How is Freiren the top rated anime of all time
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Decent animation with a non isekai fantasy plot
Bring disinfectant
watched a few episodes and it's nothing remarkable yet
Yeah, thought so. I just remember that she mentioned Flayon too.
it's a fun watch
Play with her cats.
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Clean up, actually cook proper good meals for them, fix their PC setup and help them make it a proper solid streaming space with backups in place something breaks.
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My therapist told me I should stop sharing the things I used to share on here, I think you probably should too. I loved the attention from the pictures I posted, but it didn't really make me happier.
You guys are fags. Women are meant to clean. Ide break in and rough sex my oshi (she had heart pupils it's consensual)
None of you actually would track down a Holo to learn their addresses, right?
Post 3x3 next thread
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Where the fuck is /ringo/Ringo?
You faggots said we were back. I don't see it.
My therapist can beat your therapist
Weird but based
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It's really good. I wouldn't rate it the top anime of all time, but I'm okay with it.
But also, who cares what MAL says?
I wrote this.
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fuck off, glowie
Do people make 3x3 anymore or do the young people just tier list everything
I don't need to track down their address, because I already live there.
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Why. Even Gigi/Fauna makes more sense than this
I update a 6x6 of my favorite vidya every few years.
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Green, anon. Green.
Gigi leading me and the gremsisters /here/
That was a really good song. I think that GG would get it, but not necessarily want to sing it.
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Green. Together. Sex
I feel like Shiori is becoming more unhinged
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its not even that crack-shippy if they bonded over the shoujo tropes stream
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shitty quality archive of riona's liar's bar stream
>this game is hard
>there are all kinds of games huh
>as you can see I'm quite bored
>I'd like to try other games
>too blunt?
>I want to keep stream but I'm tired of it (the game)
lol this cute retard
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Green(not a cult)!
So is Nenechi finally back?
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Sana may've left but she will never be forgotten
Sana love!
Day 798
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What is your opinion of Hololive’s height power creep? 5/6 of the tallest girls in Hololive debuted in 2022 or later.
Get over yourself.
Anyone got some good Biboo porn?
I'm over 10cm taller than Nerissa, so it's not a big deal.
Hello, japanese salaryman here, I feel intimidated and have sent a petition to Cover to have their heights reduced to 150cm or less.
Fauna is not evil CC
it's like the villainess and the nice girl ship
I hated Bijou ever since she power crept Gura.
Finally caught up with the rest of the world
>Fauna is not evil
I miss Bae
The new anime fans watched it on tiktok and decided to make it the top 1 without any context. I think it's good, but the best thing about it is the first half and the Golden Land Arc in the manga, the rest is just good and there are some contradictions in there just made for fanservice, but who cares
The should've been taller from the start. Short women disgust me
As long as they don't get over 5'10" no problem
This won't be as fun as the bread tier list Ceci did...
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I think Kiara should delay the collab so I can finish watching Kronii's vod
I liked the first couple of volumes of the manga but then it turned into battle shounen slop.
Fauna is a bodysnatcher, Nemu is the guardian of nature
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I like it when holos need a booster seat.
>All taller than me
It's over for me...
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>all shorter than me
Coco come back...
Yeah. CC is doing anime rating stream today so it's on topic for the rest of the day. Sorry I don't make the rules.
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number ratings are hard
i just use smilyface or sad face
>the "tall" holos
>still manlets
I love tall women. But I need them taller. and thicker. Bring on the real Amazons!
Gehhh Why is my date a weird kid? I was expecting a big titty oneesan...
I was catfished again...
Im watching shiori’s pov
Hey cutie
Does Shiori really get lolidommed?
Lolidom is the ideal future societal hierarchy.
Shiori is forced to eat Biboo's cunny and butthole for dinner every night
T-thanks for listening anon...
Mori painting those figures was too cute man I want her to do another set.
Ina Ina Ina
Warning: very chuuni girl
Waiting for takanashi kiara ch
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If you want a picture of the future, imagine a loli butt stamping on a human face—forever.
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She needs to paint up some kill teams and stream some joint ops
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It hits surprisingly hard but goes counter to my understanding of Gigi's streaming mindset. She'd rather try cheering people up with an old classic than bring up feels with an emotional banger.
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Mori said she's going on Tom and Ben's show
I had kiaras waiting room up in another tab while playing sparking zero and almost got a heart attack from that song jumpscaring me
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Both my oshis are live...
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2 hours to stream
Gonna do some chores and make dinner til then
isnt tom and bens that type of american ice cream
Copseki Bijou moments before being brutally raped (fear)
Is this a new remix? Sounds neat
>eurobeat mirage
Holy based
No that's Ben and Jewy
She should paint her figurines to look like other en
I want a six player Twilight Imperium 4th edition collab.
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No Gremlin POV
Biboo is so rapeable FUCK
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Why does Kiara say Gigi wrong on purpose?
Gigi is a common girls nickname in Europe she knows how to pronounce it. Come on :(
Damn this remix is good
She is pretty new so she would probably have to get use to doing it first
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Shiori is streaming it as well only gugu isn't.
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Sorry Shiori.
Why do you keep crying about it when they both explained it multiple times
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>10 seconds into stream
>piss talk
Great start Shiori, kek
No one pisses orange, right?
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Off to a good start kek
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Shiori cute GG cute
Gigi is the queen of NoPOV
shiori is already saying insane shit
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uhhhh.. of course not… ha ha… is that bad?
Every other day I do if i'm binge drinking
Welcome to the kfp cringe
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I'm here to make sure there aren't any evil spirits streaming, just Idols, right?
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How are there so many of their fans playing this shitty mmorpg....
Shiori can piss down my throat any time she wants
When will they play a real mmo like Trickster
>he wouldn't play with his oshi
Damn that one guy is flexing on kiara by riding a phoenix
Gigi sounds very kissable right now.
Grems suffer the most
it's free
Gigi is a good kouhai and doesn't stream when she knows it will suck up all the viewers.
Kronii exists
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>right now
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Do you think Gigi likes Riverdale?
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Say something nice about my Gigi.
Kfp why are so many of you max level in this game....
pretty decent for AI sloppa, wonder if it got manually touched up
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True, she sounds kissable every day.
Why are they in a shoebox?
Cute grems
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I think Vivi has a really beautiful voice
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How I was reborn as a fluffy chicken playing an almost dead anime mmo with my vutber oshi: Redux
why do they keep playin this garbo game if they arent sponsored?
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If you grabbed her and squeezed everything but her head it would inflate and pop like a balloon
kansaiben is hot as fuck
I NEED to find a cute JP gf who speaks like that
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Gigi Rank: Gigi
MMO girl game
they are having fun
I'm literally on screen with my oshi right now, seethe
>talking about girl things is "cursed"
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Fuck Charles
Girls are cursed
It's really nice in here, we even have internet to play League of Legends
reminder that the only reason they're playing this kusoge is it's the only MMO which responded to perms request
now this is what I call cursed
Should kfp really be building idols
KFP is full of nerds...
Because it's not that garbage. It's just an okay f2p anime mmo, there's not too many of them anymore.
Beats playing modern WoW.
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I need to bleach my eyes now
I bought an epilator after hearing her talk about it. It's nice and painful
Sure wish I hadn't opened that
La goblina de advent
I think so too, really cute. She also seems very innocent but we will see if that is just the debut impression I guess
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>I'm ok...
It's "cursed" because she admits to liking physical pain in a sexual way during the talk.
shiori is behind seven proxies...
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Shiori sure loves talking about urine, eh?
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Overall pretty cursed but I would that moco-chan
Thanks for not streaming a POV so I don't have to be active in chat
So we know that tokyo accent = normal
kansai accent = sexier

But what about the other accents? Would an Okinawan holo be the hottest? Or someone from Sapporo? I have no idea
Just work on sculpting the faces and you're good
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I just got a fucking nosebleed as soon as I opened the stream.
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They should summon cheebs
what a lovely question gigi
>human centipede
>no reine
she seems like the real deal
I did that!
japanon... go to sleep
>Kiara watched a Netflix show that's not shit
The universe is gonna implode
nothing beats shaving your dick and balls with a straight razor.
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Fucking cowards should have an actually BIG girl in there. Like, BIG MEATY ONI type. I want a woman that would tower over me, that could crush my skull with her bare hands, fold me like a twig. Give me a talent that looks like Barghest and my life is yours, COVER.
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getting horny now
>they all die
well, kind of
The first seasons a bit of a weird comedy yeah
sounds 90% the same
Which holo would be powerful enough to grind Lineage II on a server with normal rates?
Too bad BCS had a SHIT ending
>Kiara watching BB
Who liked it a lot, was it Fauna?
BCS is unironic kino
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But it's only 10:23...
Unironically filtered
mmm yeah keep stroking anon
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Gura cute Gura cute!
Kiara's been watching breaking bad?
ive been horny..
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Why do they keep singing Imagine Dragons?

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If it's better to call Saul. Who is the best person to call?
Please actually do it
Mori is more for BCS, Fauna more for BB
Are you retarded
Jimmy had literally zero indications or character development that would lead him to doing something like that, he was literally going to strangle a grandma at one point. It was an ass pull of an ending
Fauna thought it was shit when she was younger but changed her mind because she was scared of the hivemind. She should have stuck with that.
loving shiori and nerissas double chins
I know mori is pretty into it.
I, as her boyfriend, finally pressured her to join my 10th rewatch.
>Kiara can just call things gay and get away with it
How does she have this power?
Fauna never fails to mention it yeah
European pass
>gay (affectionate)
>kiara watching 2 good shows in the same month
This is proof she has been replaced
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She has a pass, I gave it to her.
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How is that skeleton moving so fluidly
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cheers love
Lubricated joints.
Yeah just play moar Dota2
God, what an ugly model
I can't i'm already in hell playing League
I have said plenty of times I just though it was okay and that I like Sopranos more.
same way black people can say the N word


When she gets a proper 3d... I'm not sure if the world is ready.
oi sod off wanker
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Shut up Fauna
not the early threads
Just for that i will somehow force shiori to play it
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Very important image
>join a dota lobby in 2007 out of curiosity
>see it's full of russians
>decide to never play it again
best decision of my life
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