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Hololive sites

Twitch sites
Mori like bronchitisaurus...
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Kronininini starting
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>what is your favorite dinosaur?
El silencio...
didn't really see any beggars
This Silent Hill game is very silly they're ending it with an Ornstein & Smough fight
ENreco was the last time I was happy
There's someone who's making an ENReco movie
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All those days and Lamy's birthday had to be put on the same day as Roboco anniversary. Mind boggles.
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What the fuck
jailbirds should only let their oshi play happy games from now on this is too sad
weird edit ngl
Fucking hell. I am truly retarded. Naked dogeza incomng.
who? idk streamers
Uh guys poorfag here please post that link you know the one
Sorry I hate Tunic
We hate kiara
Wtf random Fauna retweets
[Sad news] Mori is trying to kill Gigi from suffocation by doing funny voices
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god i thought we were going uphill with holo gen music like with rebellion and shukan heartbeat
what is this garbage
fauna is obsessed
understandable, nemu genuinely looks like lilypichu with that glasses
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Lilly is the only female streamer with a boyfriend that I respect because she knows the pain of being cucked
New Fauna sure loves e-celebs
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We (I) ate Kiara's ass*
Is suisei's live a pay for streaming ticket thing? Not on her channel for free?
A complete travesty in direct opposition to what is one of the strongest gens in terms of singing prowess
Good, that looks worse then Beboo's new mascot. That doll is kinda cute.
What kind of question is this? Did you learn about sololives yesterday?
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Would you still do it with a fleshlight attachment?
>Those assets
Kronii hasn't been the same since Faumei made that furry art of her
and her boyfriend is an autist who makes robots. we're autists that make programs and worship numbers. we ain't so different
It's not her mascot. It was a random ass doll that someone had dressed up and everyone was like "WOW THAT LOOKS LIKE LILYPICHU" and so it became somewhat of a meme
You should be watching GGMori kino.
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Three new Fauna follows
this mouthwashing stream is like a fever dream
No, you
Suisei is the most overrated vsinger of all time. Anyone from VWP can wipe the floor with her.
Shiorin Shiorin Shiorin
>New Fauna
oh god the new acrylics are 24 bucks up from 14, one of them plus the mikochi minions FWu is already 50 bucks
Didn't someone already link you her talking about other streamers within her first few fucking months that you literally didn't respond to either
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How do we interpret this?
Koko my beloved
Are they the Super sayin gura of music?
>5 million views max
Thats an average Suisong.
You don't
She followed that IDOL Brit years ago and nothing happened there.
She is starting to collab with girls outside of hololive, like Ollie and Kiara.
>makes schedules
>loves her fans

It’s time to admit Kronii is the best member in Promise
Graduation incoming. I can't think of a another Holo who would crash and burn harder. ASMR artist not dong ASMR may get away with it in Hololive but not as an indie.
Nerissa really is playing on easy mode this final boss is a cakewalk
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it's jou for me
Reminder that blue homo banged this chick
let the girlfailure girlfail please, anon-san
I think she's pretty properly rated. Her songs are good and she sings well.
what the actual fuck
I hope there's a kick restream again. They're always better than going to the usual place
Is it true the Gigi likes uki
Nyanners is the most random one, who even cares about her these days she has zero impact in the vtubing world
Really not liking this direction Fauna seems to be going in
hope that it amounts to nothing but combined with everything else recently it's looking a bit grim
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Numba. still how the fuck HomoEN get millions of engagements on twitter and their numbers are still like this
The one guy who did it got nuked
I hate kiara
Sapcuck deflection already? >>89460879
she's been replaced by cocko
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She just wants to have fun.
Perhaps we might get a remix version
Yeah, mine
Doki and Lily make sense. Nyanners is random, does Nyanners still even stream? I thought she had retired.
I asume you're talking about the really big ones, quite the jump, but I'd argue still worth just because of the size
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Careful now, they'll cope with VoD vi-
I don't know what's worse
People pretending to be retarded and acting like her twitter follows matter, or people obsessively looking at her follows to see changes.
Of course Isekaijoucho is the best
The 7th trumpet is when she follows Pippa
What anon said >>89461021 without being a doxxfag, this feels like Faunas committing to her place and wants to use Fauna twitter for updates on the wider vtubing world
This song is nice but I wouldn't listen to it again
lol Now that would be a goddamn retarded gen that would get shat on day one. Imagine Nyanners bringing her "lolis are bad" schpiel to Biboo.
obsessing over twitter follows is how we found the FlowGlow and Justice accounts head of time
Ah I see it's morning in Europe again
the ones that FWMC just shilled to buy before they jump in price, yeah.
unless you are a homobeggar i don't get the point of cuckposting eceleb in this thread
The guy repeats the same retarded shit every day. The moment any sort of activity happens he gets a boner and feels like his seething means something
Samefagging and doxxposting this fast????
lets see if we gonna get 5 chains samefagging again
the brown feet sure is obsessed
Would you play Genshin Impact if it was made by Japanese devs and had way less fanservice towards the female market?
Social media follows tell a clear picture of your interests. That's why big companies are also so interested in them.
I dunno if I can if they are going to keep up that Jimmy voice the whole stream
Janny endorsed doxposting
Fauna should follow Cottontail too, I think they'd have a LOT of shared interests
>You should watch them not pay attention and not take shit seriously
No. It's a walking simulator, you can get away with this shit with Silent Hill but not with Mouthwashing
I'm sure you will also find her shilling hololive on her tweet
Blue Dorito blessing is like being reborn
Holos don't go through months of training for nothing
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you know who usually does that?
If only it was vshojo dox, it would be gone already
Kill yourself ennacuck
Poker, fun but add Hololive ocg
>pink cat
fucking gross
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sure if its made for straight males, no homos, no usual garbage chink wordy writing, with skip button, no CCP censorship
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Nice raid. Doxx and all. It's all so tiresome.
Im merely stating a fact
SH2 is not bad, I don't understand the hate.
Makeship check around 1 hour 30 minutes before end

Fauna: 1508
Bae: 1363
Mumei: 1179
Kronii: 1021
IRyS: 840
Gigi really hit the nail on the head with her "antis are obsessed with you" reflection
ye, I'll log in at least once a week just to play the TCG
Fauna has literally no intention of shilling this thing huh
So this is what she was too busy doing today so she couldn't stream
must have been chatting with these fucks in a discord server or something
anon you are just asking for BA made by nips at that point
Look, Mori is boring. Unless she improves that, I'm just going to pass on her.
Today, I will remind them.
Most of Hololive are Mid. Their numbers are just because Holobuffs. Suisei didn't make her own songs, thank Taku Inoue and friends for that. KMNZ, Riot Music, Amahane Miran, Quon Tama, etc are better musicians but they will never get numbers (and song writers).
well, they're reading everything and actually giving the story some good attention, one shitty voice aside
This is one of the things I was saying they should do a while back, but at this time getting the TCG into holoearth should be their priority.
What does it being a fact have to do with anything? Your mom's a whore and that's a fact but it's still pointless to bring up
Holocoins are purchased with real money right? Is this real money gambling or is there another form of currency being introduced?
It's probably more on the corpo side of the equation. Lots of Holos (not all) don't bother shilling Cover's side of the merch game if they had no real input.
Nice. I just hope it doesn't require irl money. At least not yet
We like Homos here so it's okay
By that logic every holo who makes music should be getting Suisei tier numbers on their music, after all they all have the same baseline.
It's just the other 3 girls actually streaming shilled it

...and then there's Fauna. Like ?
poker room implemented in parallel with Pekora's Casino in holocure aaaa
Gamba is a smart inclusion. Not sure if Poker is the way to go ultimately but it's a start. But I'm pretty sure JP gambling addicts like it a little more mindless than that
>gambling before any fucking quests or gameplay
Are these niggas for real
when we win
I like that new female outfit. Too bad they'll probably charge to much and make it limited again.
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>Poker update
I will now play your video game
The talent has taken over.
Fauna os genuinely hates shilling Merch
She mentioned it once when it first dropped, and her pink butt, but that's it
So this is how they will convince the girls to play the game and promote it?
It looks like there's another form of currency in the images so probably an in game currency they're releasing.
now we can erp and gambling
still no Panties patch?
I personally like a good game of poker but don't really hang out with anyone who plays. I'll at least give it a go.
>Fauna has literally no intention
She has no intention to do anything anymore. It is what it is. Let it go.
Okay Lilypichu makes sense since she seems to be obsessed with her
Doki is a little odd but I guess she's friends with Mint who Fauna obviously talks to offstream a lot

But the Nyanners one is genuinely baffling and moderately frightening
>Seething because his generic vtuber 72747832 isn't actually capable of becoming popular
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Do you think these girls are so shallow that you put a little gambling in front of them and they play your game? They will probably log in and play poker...
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Myth Sales check:
Ina: 2266
Gura: 1950
Ame: 1400
Mori: 1163
Kiara: 1138
oh isn't this that song that nerissa covered in january? yeah hers was better than this chuubas
>Holocure getting gacha
>HoloEarth getting gacha (poker)
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GG can make Mori go all horse.
>talks offstream a lot
>couldnt even bother to join vc
what ending did she get?
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Zero deaths. Not bad.
Fauna is not talking with gura off stream anon
Nyanners hates Hololive …
>number of times tried to open locked doors
Cunny. together. strong!
>they are like parasites
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anon, she was playing on easy/easy
Like Veibae, Nyanners is pretty much checked off from vtubing to be with her bf, she does stream sometimes, but way less than before.
Leave ending
>Fauna obviously talks to offstream a lot
Fuck off retarded faggot.
Is Nerissa.
>Zero deaths. Not bad.
She playing fucking baby mode of course she getting zero deaths.
Silent Hill combat is always easy unless you're going for some insane challenge like a 10 star playthrough of OG SH2.
What am I looking at?
The fact that Nyanners went out of her way to shit on Hololive so many time just to get fellated by Fauna like this is gross
HUGE red flag to not expect any longevity in Hololive from Fauna
These numbers are a little off from the ones in the archive for Ina (-5) and Gura (-2).
Guess they could be cancellations
No way. Do you realize how old is she? I remember back when she as hotshotgg’s girlfriend back when he was streaming on own3d and azubutv
Biboo in nerissa stream, watching SH2 endings.
biboo why
can someone share the link? idk which video these girls are watching
Why is she orbiting Nyanners of all people
>numbers of times checked the map
oh boy, fauna will break records with this
she linked it in chat:
The Gura makeship having bloop on it was unironically a debuff.
If cover only knew how chumbuds actually talk about bloop and I think for most it's really not a joke. they need to stop.
She is gone now...
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That's one wet pussy.
Nerissa is not even the worst gamer in her gen anon.
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Yes, we hate kiara
you stupid motherfucker
Huh, I was >>86740047
Just reporting what "productSalesQuantity" is leaking from their product pages
I mean, they will look for any chance to gamble. Just in holoGTA half of them were living in the casino.
>shit on Hololive
ogey retard
janny clean /uuu/
gg likes horses
Mori has no desire for more horse related soundbytes. GG does it instead.
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screw you guys it was funny
Season 2 on Dec
That the wrong girl retard
Mahjong next please
Reminder to thank this anime for idols existing.
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even jp chumbuds hate on him
mahjong is debuff
Any Holomem have early access to the Holocure 0.7 update? Or are they not allowed to play that in favor of Holoearth instead?
Fuwawa and Nerissa are like 1a and 1b of the worst. It's not really a meaningful distinction
Yeah I was looking at them when you posted, thought the tiny difference was odd.
Again probably just a couple of canceled sales
I hate ERB so much that it makes me hard
so no hags are auditioning? uh oh
As much as I hate Nyanners Veibae was the one that used to shit on hololive all the time, I'm glad we are over the days whore vtubers used to shit on hololive saying everything was scripted and they are the "Real girls" in the industry
Pippa 2K. She should go indie, there is nothing Phase can offer her anymore.
why does Nerissa have relatively higher numbers in this silent hill frame compared to all the past ones
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The last one has a gun!
An adult male wrote this post...
finale buff?
Finale stream or/and holodex is down.
nobody wants to be your friend Faunaschizo, that's why you ended up like this, lets be honest
lmao Damn, you did him dirty.
>An adult male
lol lmao roru rumao
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She has always liked Nyanners. Why would you think she would hate her?
I can't believe they are actually picking 2 views.
>staring at Blender realizing I have to relearn this program
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fantabrown is not even human
It's not too late to solve the Lament Configuration.
>claims to be chumbud
>follows Nyanners
Roara and Kaela are already bullying my wife...
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Holo justice at home.
Man, I really do need to make some settings to actually do something in...
make a donut
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Initial stock caught
Light Stick: 1923
Ring Light: 3240
Is there a date set for when these are supposed to debut?
Wouldn't be surprised if Gura joined this clique after she leaves so Fauna is just getting a head start
Fewer and fewer people even remember Gura...
Did that a while ago. I have to make a house now. A game-ready house.

no music
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Why did you bring her up then?
So is Mori getting the holocure update early? Her stream is scheduled 6 hours before the release
For a 2 views chuubas they have pretty cool pose
of course
Just look at how Koikatsu does stuff and try to replicate the end product locations.
How shocking
Next thing you're gonna tell me is that Bae and Kronii are gonna be a guests...
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Give the Sony sheep some love anon...
>VShojo got their own Laplus
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You just answered your own question.
Dooby will play it first
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Oh damn ddin't see that one coming
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what is this and why do you keep using it
I didn't mention porn, I meant the locations themselves. Unless you want to try your hand at actually looking up design and stuff, for a prototype just replicate the urban look.
>conviniently forgets that the ex started cucking her after she had a ''bussiness trip with her manager where they stayed in the same hotel room.with only 1 bed.
Either people forget about this or are just being retarded
I'm getting like this subtle vibe that IRyS and Flare are friends, has anyone else picked that up?
I want to fuck flare
No one gives a flying fuck about your leeching whore, ligger.
so can a random stranger just walk into silent hill
>Make Phase jokes
>Get Phase numbers
Shiori chose this life.
>Vshojo debuting a gen
Haha alright but no seriously who is this? New Vspoen or Phase?
It needs to look like a haunted house. I might use the one from Hitchcock's "Psycho" as inspiration. Not sure yet.
Man, Raora really gets fucked outside her timeslot. Even Kaela beats her.
phase wishes they can get shiori's numbers
"They looked like monsters to you?"
Finale plus no heavy overlap ?
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Are we excited for the liars bar stream with ERB, Ollie and Jurard?
yeah but it's empty. laura didn't see the monsters because she doesn't have any trauma or guilt
She have better english than some "EN" lmao
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This is what /#/ likes.
>cover promoting gambling
I'm pretty sure kronii has never been in a position where she is able to record for a 3d live
>don't watch her
Whose channel?
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There's something about Nerissa's jiggle physics in 2D, it's better
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Thanks anon, I needed that
>Ring Light
What is this?
I want Gura to be an opposition to Hololive
This evil corpo must fall
Her face and eyes are much better in 3D, I feel. She looks somewhat dead inside with the live2D.
Does she have a US show?
Fauna if she cunny
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Why, yes, how did you know?
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always has
erm, I thought japanese games werent allowed to have gambling and thats why gamefreak dropped all the game corners from pokemon???
A ring light, seems rather self-explanatory
>the one with a gun has an ahoge, cat ears and is holding a gun
uhm... sakuna?
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2 more weeks
No, it's for overseas appeal because places like Australia and the EU put gambling as adult only
Mori has a history of messing up times.
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Why did capcom steal this fit for Ashley in RE4
I keep forgetting about this faggot and his entire gen. I can remember the other ones just fine, but this gen, they don't stick in my head.
No? They want Pokemon to have All ages rating and gambling is big no no
Our girl is a bit of a retard, please understand.
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Heather is unironically one of the best protagonists of her year.
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chu chuchu chuchuchu
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They're just not prominent and important, very invisible to any Holofan unless you happen to like Ollie for some reason. They have no notable songs or events, no good numbers, they can't even dramabait anymore because the dino guy got bonked so hard this summer. Out of sight, out of mind.
The last time they'll be relevant is when they do 3D debuts, mostly because the Twitter will spam about it which will be annoying. and then that's it, that's the final time they'll ever matter in their careers.

>not one holoEN 10k stream today
its over
Stick to shitting up one /uuu/ at a time vermin
Gigi really was that last push she needed
Nice eigo, internchama.
Biboo calling our Raora for being a good liar kek
>hangs out with gigi
>suddenly raids mint
>suddenly adding non-holo on Twitter
I fucking hate gigi
So are they going to insert their card game into HoloEarth?
being the gachi of a 2view - low 3 view, sure sounds exhausting, everything is locked behind a high tier membership and you're expected to pay out if you want to keep your standing
wtf she is kinda cute...... we coulda have had a JP who actually interacted with EN ....
If they're smart
I remember like 3 months ago on here we were talking about HoloEarth should have just been one big casino
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>suddenly adding non-holo on Twitter
biboos big hole
>look up floorplans for game settings ideas
>all of them cost more than $2k
what in the ever living fuck?
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Raora needs to just never stream in this timeslot it never works out for her.
If EN5 continues to hire more sisters then it is genuinely going to be over
Being a small indie groomer seems way too stressful for me. constantly having to vie for attention, get into all the secret discords, donate every single stream, always trying to get closer. Always paranoid that someone will have stolen a run on you for some random reason (which they will). Feeling slighted when you get passed over for being a discord or stream mod. And it'll inevitably end with nothing.
I prefer to just be an anonymous fan of Hololive. Much easier.
She also put up the waiting room like an hour before stream.
There should be a questionnaire to fill up before posting on this board
YUCK, honestly if gura is gone then there is no reason to think that Fauna wont want to leave too.
>samefagging a timeloop
God I hope so
She doesn’t sound nipponese
Overlap+unusual timeslot
In Mori's dreams...
The other pink woman gets Suisei's BBC.
Hot and cute at the same time, but is she that tall?
i'm concernfagging holokeks
the girls i loved are the ones breaking down the garden walls or just leaving, how the fuck did it come to this? Wtf is the Justice so fucking shit compared to Advent? Literally turning into twitch tier crap
WIthout the audio, for a second, I thought she was doing Hare Hare Yukai.
Is it that surprising for the JP branch?
You should. It's over pretty much over. You'll be lucky if you see next years HoloFes.
*Diamond Dogs
VShojoJP FPS girl, huh?
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Flare is for being cute and girly with together and Kronii is fore pure sexual pleasure.
calling Vox daddy kek
It might be time to tap the sign again.
post merch
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Here we go again... Someone, update this.
true shiori is ok but Nerissa was also a twitch whore chaser.
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sure sis like in 2020 or 2021 oe 2022 or 2023
We won’t get another adventlike gen anytime soon so set your expectations lower for future (twitch) gens
How many of will stop watching Fauna now?
whats wrong with raora, gigi, and cc
>1 minute
Literally not a one.
No one that doesn't already not watch her.
we already did this song and dance at Raora's debut, get new material
>all houses are either a mansion with a dozen rooms or a tiny home
WTF? Aren't there any NORMAL house examples out there? I knew the housing market was screwed but not like this.
CC is fine its the other 3 that are literally Nijisisters
she displayed she's willing to change for the better
Fauna and Gigi have not
is it really just one nigga with 2 devices samefagging with both all along?
>ligger raid
CC is the only good one now.
Kronii could probably be a 5view again if she didn’t constantly play indietrash
You don't get it. Ignoring him to his face is extremely disrespectful. At least FWMC was respectful enough to do it to pngs
What's this weird meltdown over? They've been going at it for a couple of days but looks like they suddenly decided to change direction.
No.. Please no....
correct but she loves her indie slop so never gonna happen.
Very skibidi thread
weren't those years ago?
please explain and provide evidence of what gigi and raora have done
I believe in 2nd chances. You should too.
What do you mean? Fauna's post about calling LilyPichu is literally an hour old. Imagine giving a enter to otv trash that Gura ignored.
Liggers are fucking retarded. There is no reason. They shit their pants and come here to act like fucking retarded cunts.
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They made my dick hard.
Is it worth to be a 5 view, though? I mean, yeah, DORYAAAA but from the streamer's (Hololive) perspective?
>Fauna's post about calling LilyPichu is literally an hour old.
With how much you faggots post about people non vtuber I'd assume you'd get the fucking joke about how that specific plushie looks like lilypichu
Most recent one I think was Nov. 2023 where she drew emotes for Clyde
After that I haven't seen anything, so about a year on the dot, and importantly BEFORE the black stream
Biboo explaining brainrot to kaela might be the cutest shit I've ever seen.
>Biboo is friend with Raora
so Raora is good
Raora no...
Debuts always activates them. Combine GG ignoring a homo, Kiara laughing at the mentioned of a homo(with GG/Shiori's), Cover surpassing flesh idols, a failed psyop against 2 of the new members and Cover stocks going to the moon.
this is not the angle you used back then and we all know it shitposter kun
and she acknowledged it. She also followed LilyPichu, Doki and FUCKING NYANNERS bro. Like what the fuck, was she the one actually following the homos? i defended her before that it was management but what the fuck is this shit she just followed
What classic rap songs would you want Morp Calliope to ever cover with the new western perms system?
tits too small
I guess i should have added a /s for you
If you enjoy being a streamer, yes? Does Kronii still? Genuinely asking, I dont watch her.
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>13) 99,667: Yashiro (Nijisanji) Dokuzuhonsha live
>13) 35,432: Kanata (Hololive) HoloKoshien
>13) 35,382: Marine (Hololive) Don’t Scream
>31,737: Fubuki (Hololive)
>27,452: Lui (Hololive)
>26,902: Nerissa (Hololive)
>20,641: Kronii (Hololive)
>20,326: Pekora (Hololive)
>20,109: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>19,511: Chihaya (Hololive)
>18,761: Tsuna (VSPO)
>17,776: Niko (Hololive)
>17,766: Maimoto (Nijisanji)
>17,054: Koyori (Hololive)
>16,673: Kagami (Nijisanji)
>16,398: Nene (Hololive)
>14,947: Lamy (Hololive)
>14,171: Korone (Hololive)
>12,853: Cecilia (Hololive)
>12,674: Raden (Hololive)
>11,625: Ponpoko (Indie)
>11,551: Hajime (Hololive)
>11,244: Kanade (Hololive)
lol It's fucking over.

Kiara laughed at a homo? When did this happened?
>one nigga with 2 devices
device 1
device 2
yeah i can see that
No wonder Fauna wants to leave, her gen mates are fucking failure in comparison.....
Can we just get to the part where you show your tits?
the entirety of The Money Store
There's gotta be a balance between keeping your high rollers happy with attention and too many small fry drowning them out, right?
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>1) 86,316: Shellin (Nijisanji) 3D reveal [20]
>2) 55,816: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Niji Yugioh Tournament DAY1 [29]
>3) 73,842: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Niji Yugioh Tournament DAY2 [28]
>4) 88,768: Fubuki (Hololive) FBKINGDOM Fest. + 1st Sololive Announcement [32]
>5) 63,844: Kanade (Hololive) Liar's Bar w/ Noel, Marine, Subaru [22]
>6) 37,482: Sakuna (Indie) Zatsudan [16]
>7) 40,509: Miko (Hololive) The Strongest TOFU [19]
>8) 108,194: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) NijiFes2025 committee [15]
>9) 190,351: Niko (Hololive) Debut stream [36]
>10) 83,892: FlowGlow (Hololive) 1st full gen collab [29]
>11) 41,265: Sakuna (Indie) Utawaku [32]
>12) 82,696: Nene (Hololive) Return Stream
>13) 99,667: Yashiro (Nijisanji) Dokuzuhonsha live

5x: Nijisanji
6x: Hololive
2x: Indie

3x: Nijisanji
2x: Sakuna
1x: Shellin, Fubuki, Kanade, Miko, Niko, FlowGlow, Nene, Yashiro
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god damn, those are some fat knockers
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>1) 48,281: Matsuri (Hololive) 3D Live bday
>2) 41,365: Amayui Moka (VSPO) Debut
>3) 40,261: Miko (Hololive) Buckshot Roulette w/ Fubuki, Mio, Okayu
>4) 70,499: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Niji Yugioh Tournament DAY3
>5) 46,037: Miko (Hololive) KusoDeka Bayashi
>6) 35,074: Okayu (Hololive) Chat with AI You Laugh You Lose
>7) 34,975: Subaru (Hololive) Holomem class seating chart
>8) 30,444: AZKi (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 #7
>9) 183,452: Chihaya (Hololive) Debut stream
>10) 73,581: Miko (Hololive) Maripa w/ Fubuki, Korone, Kanata
>11) 40,003: AZKi (Hololive) Kololive Koushien 2024 #8
>12) 47,271: Lize (Nijisanji) Lize's Radio vs. The Strongest Combo Battle
>13) 35,432: Kanata (Hololive) HoloKoshien

9x: Hololive
1x: VSPO
3x: Nijisanji

3x: Miko
2x: AZKi
1x: Matsuri, Amayui Moka, Nijisanji, Okayu, Subaru, Chihaya, Lize, Kanata
Nigger, what even is this? Two of those posts you put are the same post. If you're going to over analyze shit do it correctly.
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Oh fucking nyo how could she ever follow random people
Nta but he's probably talking about when Kiara said we need a Dino holo. Beggars spammed some homo and she laughed and said She's obviously talking about a girl, without saying any of the names spammed.
>last one
I know the next line of the script!
>She's going to collab with all of them. It makes me so mad because I care so much about Fauna she should graduate
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>1) 45,513: Sakuna (Indie) Liar's Bar
>2) 35,139: Choya Hanabi (VSPO) Debut
>3) 35,383: AZKi (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 #5
>4) 53,951: Moka (VSPO) SF6
>5) 41,522: Moka (VSPO) SF6
>6) 33,993: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>7) 34,871: Mana (Nijisanji) MECHATU-A collab
>8) 29,058: NeruMero (Indie) Genshin
>9) 181,200: Vivi (Hololive) Debut stream
>10) 54,102: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) Birthday Stream
>11) 28,420: Niko (Hololive) Zatsudan
>12) 38,410: Pekora (Hololive) Don’t Scream
>13) 35,382: Marine (Hololive) Don’t Scream

2x: Indie
3x: VSPO
5x: Hololive
3x: Nijisanji

2x: Moka, Kuzuha
1x: Sakuna, Choya Hanabi, AZKi, Mana, NeruMero, Vivi, Niko, Pekora, Marine
Holy mother of based, I need a timestamp for that.
there's only four. unless henya's leak only had 4/5, which would be really weird.
last one mean to >>89465687
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Graduation soon
right size
>but the garden, the walls, i love hololive so all hololive girls should fucking graduate
something like this probably.
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>11/13 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.310: Raora (Hololive) | Sonic X Shadow Generations
4.084: Shiori (Hololive) | Eden Eternal w/ Gigi, Kiara
2.537: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Overwatch 2
2.366: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Limbus Company
1.594: Vantacrow (Nijisanji) | Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice w/ Vox
1.446: Rosemi (Nijisanji) | Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
1.418: Shiina (Phase-Connect) | Factorio
1.313: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Fear & Hunger 2
1.300: Altare (Holostars) | Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
1.299: Bettel (Holostars) | League of Legends
1.287: Luca (Nijisanji) | Supermarket Simulator
1.069: Lumi (Phase-Connect) | Just Chatting
1.062: Altare (Holostars) | Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 w/ Axel, Bettel
1.002: Millie (Nijisanji) | ASMR Stream
Reminder that Fauna gave fucking Pippa a shout out on stream like two years ago, this behavior isn't really new or unique.
she doesnt have tits that big
Hey buddy why did you ignore this post >>89466160
Just like when they asked for the other collabs right?
Let's face it, 98% of en indie female vtuber was/is a nijisister. Every new HoloEN debut from now on will have at least 1 nijisister in it. It's inevitable.
I guess, too me she just seems kind of distant from all the other girls.
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I want to stream more numbers friendly games so I can dote harder on HoloEN’s golden gen
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>1) 86,316: Shellin (Nijisanji) 3D reveal
>2) 55,816: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Niji Yugioh Tournament DAY1
>3) 40,261: Miko (Hololive) Buckshot Roulette w/ Fubuki, Mio, Okayu [S]
>4) 88,768: Fubuki (Hololive) FBKINGDOM Fest. + 1st Sololive Announcement
>5) 63,844: Kanade (Hololive) Liar's Bar w/ Noel, Marine, Subaru
>6) 37,482: Sakuna (Indie) Zatsudan
>7) 34,975: Subaru (Hololive) Holomem class seating chart [S]
>8) 30,444: AZKi (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 #7 [S]
>9) 190,351: Niko (Hololive) Debut stream
>10) 83,892: FlowGlow (Hololive) 1st full gen collab
>11) 28,299: Kanade (Hololive) Maripa w/ Noel, Ayame, Lui [4th]
>12) 82,696: Nene (Hololive) Return Stream
>13) 99,667: Yashiro (Nijisanji) Dokuzuhonsha live

3x: Nijisanji
9x: Hololive
1x: Indie
are you gonna samefag this with a post agreeing with you again?
i want them to be from those 2%, its possible.
Screw graduation, terminate her ass
>yostar games
We won't see Heaven Burns Red on stream again
That's just basically half the concern trolling posts in uuu, it really is just one schizo huh
Here you go boss
/vsj+/ thinks the 4 plushies being revealed early is a setup for a surprise 5th member
agreed which is why i dont want any of that shit. OTV is literally 2022 nijisanji family tier shit with the dating and the cheating going on.
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>1) 6,481: Kaela (Core Keeper SOLO WORLD)
>2) 9,400: Anya (Buckshot Roulette w/ Raora, Kiara, Reine)
>3) 7,744: Zeta (Super Mario Party Jamboree w/ Holoh3ro)
>4) 4,360: Kaela (Core Keeper w/ GRAONDSTONE)
>5) 4,311: Kaela (Lethal Company)
>6) 5,061: Zeta (Bday countdown & new accessory reveal)
>7) 25,787: Zeta (Zeta 3D bday J*zzeta)
>8) 1,494: Reine (Unsorted Horror)
>9) 3,730: Kaela (Core Keeper)
>10) 7,405: Moona (unarchive karaoke stream)
>11) 4,625: Anya (Iron Lung)
>12) 7,881: Moona (Liar’s Bar)
>13) 2,892: Zeta (Omusubi)

4x: Kaela, Zeta
3x: Anya
2x: Moona
1x: Reine
Nobody gives a fuck about nyanners retard
usual flaseflaggers making noise about any and all yab
Nijiniggers, as always
The zoomers can grow up watching hololive. All is not lost
just gachidrama, something like one get noticed by kobo and the others are not, but i guess its kinda a big deal for her because it involves one of her biggest gachi
Even Power Rangers was always 3 to 4 or 5 to 6, I don't remember it going 4 to 5.
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New member of Vshojo JP Found.
Thats the shit that Fauna unironically loves though
Cover slowly perfecting their vibe check. One day, they will get a dream team. for holopro
She was laughing WITH the bois not at them retard.
>crinoids itt don't understand why she followed Nyanners and Lilypichu at the same time
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JP (China)
thatd be weird but not completely out of the question. 7 members in total would be a nice foundation.
Who is his oshi
what's a crinoid
Surely you can explain why
Wasn't it Pekora?
Did they get history checked?
Based kiara, instead of ignoring it, just straight up rip it off and laugh at them.
I’ll take holos following random e-celebs on twitter over whatever the fuck it is Gura does nowadays
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Well you got CC in Justice
oceanic tesseract niggas
She also does that anon
All 2 views and one big name (4 view) maybe as a surprise 5th member. I can see them doing that.
There is space in the image for a 5th in the middle, would be a good reveal especially if the 5th was some bigger name
Come to think of it, is it a coincidence that both Gura (or notGura rather) and Fauna did weird shit on Twitter recently?
Hey Shiori and GG might be the grossest ENs in terms of humor but calling them Homos is disrespecful.
yeah Advent
Where I live we have tons of crinoid fossils in all the river and lake beds. You can just go out and pick up handfuls of them like gravel they're so numerous.
It's totally gonna be Sakuna holokeks!!!
nah, the checker was tied up with the riona falseflag operation
When has Fauna gone a month + without uploading content and without eventually explaining why she was absent
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She spent all of October basically doing collabs, collabed with IRys yesterday and will be in a watchalong collab on Monday. What are you going on about
Nyanners pushed Lilypichu down the stairs at Sakuracon
I meant gura with the twitter follows
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Holoslide special?
Most she ghosted was 2 weeks I think, and that's when she had that bullshit happen and moved so I don't blame her.
4/5 of advent. CC in advent instead of nerissa to make it perfect.
why are you guys so schizo today?
that's just vrabi bugging out
On accident or like Showgirls?
It will be notmeru
>no perms to retweet flower arrangements
Do management really?
Was going to say the ahoge doesn't match but her default outfit one does fit the silhouette a bit better. Still seems a little off though
it took mori 2 hours to mention fauna
>Swap CC for Nerissa
>Advent perfect gen
>Justice perfect niji gen
I would take this trade, actually.
You don't watch Fauna.
Conceal and carry alternative for penlights.
Huh that would have been perfect actually. Perfect gen for Unicorns and perfect gen for unity fags right after.
wtf are those baby feet on noel lol
Wait what happened
I am talking about you, are you in your period or did you not dilate today? (depending on what you are)
I think what you mean to say is, why are schizos so you guys today?
>Wait what happened
nijinigger raided the thread
And they're enemy. Fuck, it would be so kino!!! Why didn't you do it YAGOO???
Fauna IRyS Mumei Biboo GG

Ina CC Roara FWMC

Mori Kiara Kronii Shiori Bae

ERB Nerissa Gura
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She seems LOVELY, I think I will invest
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Shouldn't Raora be in the unicorn gen?
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and we suddenly dead
Divide et Impera
for some reason it feels like im back to 2021 hearing her English... i miss this cozy feeling of watching Japs
Is Su a loli?
Rape horse mentioned
A lolibaba
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why are they raiding so much and why are they so mad in general kek
Raora calls Vox daddy
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It ended, final numbers?
Man, I was too busy watching Nerissa’s SH2 stream and I missed all the fun this thread was having melting down…
What happened to Phase or Niji this time?
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I had no idea her english was that good
I don't buy it
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>cozy feeling
Yeah she literally has that sheep energy similar to watame, especially when she goes aaaaah like just now, very mofu mofu vibes. Cover should just buy her with everything for JP7
because no one takes their supposed yab seriously even after 18 hours of nonstop spamming everyday and its been a week already. today for sure
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She is just say that because she wants another child
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what happened to lig?
Is everyone in VEE still alive?
Does Su count as a loli? Even with a baby face, she seems too tall. Wouldn't she be what Kobo and GG are in terms of body type?
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Hebeniggers in shambles
One of them is in what looks like a perma hiatus
Oh, it's a split because someone felt they weren't talking about the real big indies enough, even though that was mostly because said big indies are either boring or don't stream.
A hebe? Pretty much
Kobo is loli
GG is loli
Kanade is loli
Hajime is loli
i know Kohaku is still active
The dragon girl gone with no graduation stream.
boobs to big...
Classic loli? No. Modern loli? Yeah. Mostly because even in Comic LO, the body type has shifted.
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Split to exclude all the shitters under 1k. There's so many twitch vtubers in the 500-1k range now the thread was cluttered with literal whos, the reason it was made in the first place was to avoid that. I imagine some day they'll scale it up to 2k as the amount of 1k streamers creeps up.
>pedophile hours
seek help
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but if they are really big /here they would have their own split
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>Is everyone in VEE still alive?
WAIT those niggas have EIGHT waves ??
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Wrong pic anon
matsuri is a loli
bae is a loli
ina is a loli
marine is a loli
kuzuha is a loli
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>as the amount of 1k streamers creeps up
It's inevitable due to how twitch works. Cliques and groups form, and most of its members get to the same numbers as the highest of the group.
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How do I achieve this natty bros
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flat tits != loli
>Cunnyseur hours
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from global
There are tons of plushies on the Suisei's sololive Twitter hashtag. Like almost every photo has one.
That's true, in the end it's an aggregator thread for people with tiny vt fanbases, for people with primary fanbases on twitter and discord.
I'm watching an anti-numbers streamer (they're a 2view). Am I still welcome here?
Can't believe she actually addressed this shit instead of ignoring it
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IRL Bored Ape NFT
Covers positive financial report was devastating to the narrative and now they're just throwing a fit praying something can stick
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only if they're a cute girl
>not even pics
>already triggered
Only if you dono ten bucks
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Sony allowed THIS?
Go back to the past and force your ancestors to have only inbred children
I miss watching vtuber pre EN/...simpler time...
im watching the versEN sheep and she has 96 ccv so i guess so. Id normally be watching Kronii but ehh that game aint for me, i kinda want to see some Slay the spire over all the slop holos are playing tonight.
Peak performance
Except Vshojo, no one's close to sleepmouse since Nyanners and Vei fucked off
wait, Lira? the best Fauna sister? no.....
I love pedophile hours
Mostly because twitch isn't really aware that VShojo is a thing outside of it being Mouse brand for events.
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but i miss Gura tho so dont fucking reply to me with your anti EN crap. Im trying to find escapism with all my favorites not stream (both EN and JP)... i wanna go back
No she hasn't graduated.
their goal was 50 chuubas
Mouse clique is twitch
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Kronii my friend died in an accident in a lawless sea jungle with no real road laws driving a moped, how bout them apples? I really love your streams btw
This but unironically
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Is it already?
I don't keep up with kobo, so what happen?
Holy shit that supa is a supertroll.
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Rape time?
nigga did it in 2020 of all times, too
I'm just waiting for AZKi's merch drop to buy the enreco cape. Shits gonna be so fly, /#/bros
What's her cunny smells like
inods shitstirring about kobo hating her fans bc she didnt comment about some flower arragement
way to combo breaker the cunny posting pebble. We know you dont have any stamina to keep posting lewds.
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is she actually graduating? the fuck?
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>to buy the enreco cape
>to buy the EN reco cape
ugh bro?
okay thank god she's so sex
Kills yourself Bibooschizo
Anon... I...
Man the hive is REALLY riled up right now. Is some more bad news about Nijisanji about to come down the pipes or something?
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How would they have access to unknown information?
their intern-sans must have gotten news about the merge being approved and are trying to have one last romp before they're laughed at by everyone
>Mori is arguably the EN most devoted to Hololive
>All the board favorites are either gone, absent, or reaching outside the box
In some ways, this year is even weirder than the grim era.
Requesting Su lewds
Mori keeps making fun of brits makes me miss Mooms more...
i think the stock performance broke them
Dude those capes sold out in like 2-3 days. I was bummed too to learn I was too late to buy one.
This but gigi
I fucking hate vagina armpit so bad, why ruin beautiful anatomy just for pseudo porn
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Your reverse psychology is never going to work on me, chud
Sorry, I mean pre Taiwan yab ;_;
that child? Yeah, Mine
Nah, Advent and CC are still going strong.
yeah, with me
>All the board favorites
IRyS/Fauna/Gigi/Biboo/Cecilia are all doing just fine and Mumei is reaffirming to people that she'll be back soon tho
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Cover Corp is purging it's foreign talents
They are not needed anymore
>warukunaiyone sent 1488$
Kronii my nigger died in the cotton field today LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO
Nijis or staff, no one's sure, but someone internal in their end has been known to leak shit on sukikira often.
kek i just know what the schizo will respond/samefag with
Shut-in favorites are a sub-set of board favorites
The chinese dragon from gen 1
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They're like animals, they can sense a big nijiyab coming in the air before it happens like how a dog gets all agitated a few hours before a thunderstorm. And instead of barking they come into this thread and post about twitter follows.
They can detect minor fluctuations in the livers that are imperceptible to human beings.
Imagine where Gura would be if she put in any effort at all.
Why is Cover like this?
I wonder if the next season will have new capes or reuse the design
>mori is perfectly fine
so i see she achieved her dream of becoming japanese
Pebbles will never be this based and cunny pilled.
wait what the fuck
>Let me play this shit before any Holo could
Desperate leeching
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White fag by dildo
They'll never be that banned, either
Cover was basing it off the acrylic stand sales and missed the mark
>Schizo says bait shit for (you)s
>Gets (you)s
They obviously don't need to samefag at all with you here.
low Tide with Gura being gone for a month now. COME ON GURA COME BACK AND GIVE US A HIGH TIDE AGAIN
his oshi is in the update
Kek. Will it hit, let's say, 2k?
not a classic rap song but i really want her to cover this now that western songs are viable
well the difference, cunnychads have gotten banned lots of times. Pebbles never faced real time behind bars because they are too safe.
fuck off nigger
He should oshi a rope next
ah didn't know his oshi also debuted in holox and advent, fucking parasite
>Pebbles never faced real time behind bars because they are too safe.
Nah I got multiple 3 day vacations for "posting loli shit" using some risky Bibs art before
my (you)'s doesn't count because he wants to push a narrative not just for the dopamine
>Sneaking the first play of holocure
Excellent. This will finally save them. Hololiver fans will rush in to watch and then they'll subscribe and become real fans.
Why call them the hive?
so the homo hate gets deleted instantly but this shit stays up? Janny stop being a homobeggar and delete this shit too.
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newfags are surprised by oga holocure kek
Cover let Mori be because Suisei knows she has no potential to surpass her. Kobo and Gura tho, they must be suppressed so Suisei stays #1.
same, and it was weak shit.
would you rather
>marry Cecilia (but you have to beat Freddy Kruger in a 1v1)
>marry IRyS (but you have to beat Michael Meyers in a 1v1)
Anon it's from the stream
homobegging faggot you ain't slick
yeah so is mine but you don't see me streaming it
>"posting loli shit"
ive never gotten that tho, i get NSFW all the times i gotten banned for Goob and La+
Shiori finally not the lowest EN
Novelittes in full fledged celebration
Hives are full of mindless drones, insectoid, that behave in coordinated ways. They use swarm tactics to try to destroy their enemies. And yet they're ultimately powerless and mostly just annoying to humans.
>my (you)'s doesn't count
You are the dumbest mother fucker in this thread
I guess you must be ESL if that is what you took from it
Can Suisei surpass Pekora's subs?
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can explain what is your problem against Biboo schizo ?
you always find something to complain
what's stopping you? all you had to do was ask for early access and boot up obs
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no u because i said so
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stop trolling
Yeah I wish I saved the ban message
It literally said "posting loli shit" word for word.
It was barely even porn too. Just some flat nips
Only if erb does a guerilla and raid him
Can the homos PLEASE just kill themselves, mf your only claim to fame is being a leech

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