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Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Our Minecraft server:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>89488333
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feesh thighs
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sex with my cute wife
what took you so long
*hugs your wife*
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Hold on..
You weren't first?
What happened?
Did you just stop trying?
I want to grind it again. not really for camellya but for the future really
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You forced me to look at the catalog, now DIE.
I was never trying? I didn't even make the thread.
wrong previous thread
this one is >>89493279
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>oh someone is surely going to make a thread like always
>hmph nothing
>still nothing
>ok I make it myself
>pelase wait 300 seconds
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cocksleeve material
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is it okay to reheat and eat a 14 hour old dominos pizza? I never got to eat it since I got called into a meeting but I'm hungry and I don't have any other food..
Sonny is happy that makes me happy :)
yeah it should right? it might taste a bit shit but you shouldnt waste food..
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Oh yeah you are right, my bad. Still feeling elevated fro the bliss that was those 5 hours of karaoke.
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i always eat pizza that i have left out after getting drunk and sleeping and i never had a bad experience with it
pizza should be fine, it's so oily
At least throw it in the air fryer
Fast food generally is made to be eaten right after it is served but 1 day should be perfectly fine. At least from a bacteria standpoint. Dunno how stale dominos gets but if it is anything like mcd then it will be disgusting.
wait........ did I make this doppio gif...
As me how I know you're female
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dollfeesh sex
I told other threads about the karaoke stream, and it was such heavy NTR vibes they didn't even BELIEVE me when I told them
For female talents to openly simp after one of the males is way beyond normal
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enna's worst nightmare...
Maybe you should go tell your actual neighbors about it too, get some walking in.
How did you come to your conclusion?
I know someone who tried that. They got a bad case of ligma
who the hell is vox aku-
Because not a single male viewer could enjoy that stream
samefagging is sad my dude, sadder than your mom beating you
Splitstream sam my oshi……
But I'm a guy.
Drinking Scarle's chocolate milk while she's asleep
Explain to me what you liked about that shitfest
The VoD is still up, right?
I only woke up during the unarchived part so I'm only now watching the JP karaoke and I was not expecting the Gendo/Shiji part during Cruel Angel's Thesis. Didn't know Meroco could voice act
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You sound so retarded. Offline karaokes collabs aren't new.
Trying push some weird ass unicorn agenda when Nijisanji as a company as always had males and females.
Why is the western vtuber community so unicorn
the thing on her chest what is that, is camellya the same race as the monsters
>first part of the stream is all fujobaiting
>guys are paired up by fujo pairs and sing love songs together
>girls are barely audible, as the guys overwhelm the mics
>whenever they do talk, it's always something about the guys
>Enna and Elira kiss and all the supposedly-gay men crowd around to watch with great interest
>second part the girls go full tits-out for Vanta
>literally start creaming their pants for him
>the other guys go dead-silent as the girls are wetting their pants and cheering with high pitched giggles

You think it's normal for girls to express open lust for a male member and act super sexual with him, I don't think so.
it's a single cuckold who's been seething for the better part of a day
Only 14 hours?
He so desperately wants to live his cuck fantasy.
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I think. Idk.
It tasted gross and I feel like I'm gonna throw up now
>Willy's face
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Can I have sex with Denauths manesan
1) the girls should not be kissing in front of their male coworkers, any more than they should be stripping in front of them
2) the girls expressing open lust for one of the dudes creates extreme awkwardness in the room. Now all future collabs and offcollabs are colored by the fact that these girls want his dick. The other males were super awkward too and went dead-silent

The fact is they are doing the niji-U and sharing a hotel with him for weeks on end, and this can only create suspicious feelings
Sounds like a them problem.
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aaaaa Why is Feesh like this
You can pinpoint the exact moment his sexuality awakens.
I have to wonder if all their "karaoke sessions" end up this way. Or perhaps even more lustful than this....
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This is a famous meme that reminds me of Wilson during that particular moment
i love his face so much he's so expressive
you're wondering about your own post? that's sad dude, almost as sad as your mother beating you
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Reimu should really marry me so she'll get an EU passport and won't have to go through all that shit to get a visa to Japan. Her Colombian passport is too much of a debuff for my latina queen.
Bet that sounded smarter in your head.
Bet that you cry when she beats you.
I have a question, do you seriously think this is unreasonable? >>89500091
It sounds perfectly reasonable. I think they fucked up by doing that
This is.. Literally me when dissociating..
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yufeesh real
>projecting your porn-driven fantasies a group of socially awkward anime watching adults.
This is just sad.
I have a question, how hard does she hit you?
It sounds extremely based of her to do. I think your mom knows she fucked up when she saw how you turned out.
I dunno anon, what I saw was a lot of lust. The reaction they were having was exactly the same as the reaction the audience was having. The most telling thing is how quiet the other guys became
why is fatty having a melty over vanta but completely ignores how everyone dropped their underwear when finana started singing
whatever supports your delusions, I guess.
Lmao not everyone is Enna Alouette, some of us have mothers who love us
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Sonny LOVE
Feesh LOVE
Wosemi LOVE
Shubert LOVE
Meroco RABU
Stream Cendrillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HZcCgMx3w
Stream Break Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnDtV6Yejo
Stream Ringo Mogire Beam
Stream Infinity
Stream Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
Stream We Be Union
Because he only cares about the guys
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Went on a morning walk, got some groceries, got a #boner, good morning
How the fuck is that "delusions"? Did you listen to them?
Enna was even repeating "he's just a colleague, he's just a colleague", what are you talking about? That's lust anon
Curious how you immediately imagined enna as your mother, this really says a lot about your sexual fantasies, just saying. I dunno anon, what I saw was a lot of tears streaming down your face. The reaction you were having was exactly the same when your mother slaps you repeatedly for being the failure that you are. The most telling thing is how quiet you get whenever I point it out to you
Why don't you read the post again and maybe you won't type something this retarded next time
So you're not denying that you imagine enna as your mother? that REALLY says a lot about you
>snow fairy
>Fat gay cuck wants Enna as his mommy
Didn't see that one coming
Delicious asian toes
I said I have a mother that actually loves me, which that crazy bitch doesn't have
Does she know you're a pathetic, seething cuckold that's on 4chan every waking hour?
She might be disappointed in you.
What the hell was all that shit you typed with mothers slapping you? Is that what happened to you, you crazy bitch?
Answer the question, fatty.
it should be perfectly fine if it was in the fridge
i still can't believe anons used to think elira was black
My mother is not asian, she is a loving white woman. I'm sorry you got the shit end of the stick
>Refuses to answer the question
You fucking coward. Your mother knows exactly how worthless you are, doesn't she?
Vanta Love LOVE!
now we know she is!
>Curious how you immediately imagined enna as your mother, this really says a lot about your sexual fantasies
What in the hell kind of sexual fantasies would this even be? I am completely baffled
i miss vivitan...
she took the MJ route: bleached her skin (and also liked shotas)
What? This is literally Elira
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forget rosemi, maria and twisty, give aster big tits instead
can we keep this maggie for a few more days my replacement pen is coming soon...
Don’t know how to feel about people just passing around downloads of the unarchived karaoke with 1k+ likes
twisty focus on your harem stop spiking aster's drinks with estrogen
Well, it's not a clip, right?
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as long as the retards don't clip it everything's okay i think
Holy shit, Enna and Sonny sounded so good singing Shounen Heart
not our problem, hell there are plenty of re-uploads of unarchived karaokes on youtube.
I just don’t want management to get mad at us but you have a point with the reuploads
i need to get sloppy with ryoma he's too nice
management will just go after the people uploading it to take it down if they were bothered by it. personally i'd prefer a bit more gatekeeping but i'm not gonna lose sleep over something that hasn't been an issue so far
They say don't clip because of youtube's copyright fuckery. Management gives zero fucks about a copy in a file locker.
Hope someone took LOTS OF CLIPS.
Always do the opposite of what the rules say.
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holy shit vox has improved so much and he can actually sing now, also vanta has the potential he just needs to practice
I just burnt my hand making hotdogs fuck
Chinese women are so fucking hot, I bet chinese Elira give the best footjobs
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imagine scarle, kotoka, meloco and klara in 3D
Imagine all the 3D offpako Meloco will have with the JP girls Meloco please collab with Ange and Mikoto...
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replacing dola with meloco in the huge tiddy friendie
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imagine maririn and twisty in 3d
Why IS Elira squinting? She's clearly wearing glasses.
wait.. but sonny squints.. but alban doesn't..
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I keep laughing over Sonny’s face throughout this song what was he doing
Someone post the chinese pomu.
I don't get it
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What if your oshi talk shit to you in private server?
I would come
wape. in discord rp channel #2232. right in the mainframe
Sonny has really improved in singing since debut
I fucking hate het ships
The most unpog Luca and Maria ever.
I missed the off collab, was there an announcement?
It sounded like Sonny stuttered and his voice trembled when he said “Y-You too…” to Enna’s “I love you Sonny”…
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scarle if you read this please do a cooking meth handcam stream while only wearing gloves, a mask and an apron
yeah they announced that myanon will have sex with everyone in this thread
Alban's reaction kek
w-what's the source on this pic?
if you listen really closely you can hear him actually sing the part
I love feesh's expression
and wilson's fucking dead
ren looks shook
I love Ike in ways you will never understand
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what's she thinking about
im watching the unarchive one and every time it freezes because of my shitty connection i get scared mane san finally woke up kek
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Absolutely down based..
Feesh is such a slut.
is it twisty the only remaining white girl in nijien?
rosemi-samaaaaaaaaa ToT
no there's vanta and ike and rosemi
Me obviously
what if mane san is watching with you
Anon, one of these things is not like the other..
don't be silly, vanta is black, ike is swedish ie he's probably somali, and rosemi is a plant
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Damn I listened to Solar Dawn again it's so good the art is so pretty too.. Enna, Maririn ft Wiwa should cover another ar tonelico song..
But anon, rosemi's a doll like mari-- *gunshot*
it's gonna be very sad if fuuchan ends up as the only member of season 1 not in nijiencounter
Umm How long until this unarchived VOD actually gets unarchived?
What season of NijiEN are we even in by now?
We will get a Fuuchan/Twisty encounter, you heard it here first
Negibanana singing DB songs is so good. It just dawned on me that Shu said oppai
Ike's baby-soft skin is as pale and beautiful as the petals of the lunar tear
it'll be a mahou shoujo themed cutesy song that sounds like this
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Real shit
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Famelira I'm still smiling!
they almost ate as much as ryoma did
funny how Ryoma was just chewing through the whole stream
that old man is so hungry
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i cant stop smiling!!!1 UGH i cant even put my happiness into words.. i love nijien so much
So what season are we even on right now? 4? 5?
he was nervous.... no bully......
Ryoma was just there to vibe, watching him snack was so funny. Also damn I passed out hard shortly after the unarchived I even forgor to turn off my light.
i want to play a VN...
Play Hadaka Shitsuji.
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Scuffed Solar Dawn attempt https://voca.ro/1gMG65t3J6aJ
I tried using autotune again because I wanted to learn it so I had it active while I was recording but it has a weird echo effect so here's one without it on https://voca.ro/1l3dLberLlZJ
bleh it's gross

It wasn't in the fridge.
I really want a Claude and Sonny duet cover now. Running in the 90s was so fun!
play subahibi
Comfybaker since you're like the only person who bakes can you PLEASE just start baking when we're close to death and link the new thread? I'm so tired of the catalog
Use "/niji" in the search box to avoid seeing all the brainrot.
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aaaaaaah i was literally looping it rn!!!! you sing so well friend.... and i agree dude i really want a claude sonny cover now.. also dude i was so shocked by vantas singing i cant believe how much he's improved in such little time... alban and vox have improved tons as well its so inspiring..
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Play Taimanin Yukikaze
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i keep relistening to i dont want to miss a thing hes so silly i hate (love) him so much
I'd still like it if we come just bake on page ,10
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That reminds me I need to finish ef...
Between him and Vox, I couldn't stop smiling and laughing
too many words
I know what this series is..
maybe western short vns...
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:O :| :O :| :O :|
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everyone singing at the end of my way with him was so funny…… i love en man
Woke up, rewatching the unarchived and eating apples.
Really fucked up gay sex though, I'd also say No Thank You too but most of my VN recs are BL and kinda messed up?
play Majikoi
you will die knowing you will never have an amazing group of friends IRL by the end
ryoma the whole time
Ryoma should do some racing watchalongs while he drinks some beer and grills some burgers
It's 5AM JST, so probably another couple of hours until they wake up and deal with it.
He would literally be my Dad then. But also fucking awesome if he did. He needs chips to snack on while doing it too.
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youre reminding me i need to finish Song of Saya
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oh i heard about this a while back but 30 bucks... maybe some free itchio vns i can find
BL is good!
NijiEN cover this song when
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when will Maria get her redesign, it's been 3 years
Finana is too erotic
whorecub is awake again
I am Ike's Saya
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I am so horny for Sonny
anon you can just get Majikoi via torrenting
fuuchan played some VNs by ebihime and some of them were free iirc
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I like all of the vns of this artist. Many just 1k words long!
This but Rosemi instead
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she's very ero kawaii, which is my favorite kind of ero
SIGH ill go get some dolphin porn
Ye and he should have done a fucking Bathurst watchalong last month. My Apples are great too but yes I want motor sports watchalongs from him so bad it would be awesome.
What did Elira even mean when she told Sonny she wants him to do something (sonnyban) when he just ended up singing Shounen Heart with Enna anyway
Ryoma must have an endless bag of chips
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okay, should i finish AI somnium files someday then
dunno what that is but after googling v8 supercars race sounds like something he'd like
Shu would be proud(he is)
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Finish it
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imagine the footjob...
@vanta for next karaoke
I think so! I want Forumula One too please. Ryojisan please let me watch cars with you.
im going to cry, i dont have perfect little chinese feet massaging my dick...
new whorecub? fact, likes car racing
Probably another song? Maria kept repeating sonnyban as though she was asking if they were going to duet
why does krisis always just miss zali whenever he goes to japan… is he just that unlucky? ;-;
he's french, he's on a different wavelength
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this but Rosemi and Doppio
Hello anons, today I finally woke up after 2 years in a coma!
I can't wait to watch my oshi Yugo Asuma again!
Solo Wilson karaoke when
Forumula One is peak racing
I posted about watching motorsports with dad literally the other day. He also taught me how to drift by the way. So no me and cars? Not a new fact, but right now I'm just rewatching the unarchived and eating apples.
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Fellow yuguy! I just bought some merch actually
@Rosemi Lovelock
how did he eat for 3 hours straight how many bags of chips is that
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Rasomi Livelove
Same! I can't wait for the portal 2 collab
No Rosemi-sama karaoke... rosebuds always suffer...
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Oh sorry Weewa... I think I messed that one up. Actually this has clearer audio https://voca.ro/1C5Ov8ZIH6jm
I still think Typa girl might be my favourite from the karaoke but I love that they did Fighting Gold and Great Days. https://youtu.be/0sl-kzf2fG0?t=10274
i also just cannot wait for his VA stream that he talked about in his minecraft stream! But since he is already busy with the telephone game and drawing streams he told us he'll do it afterwards i love how creative he is!
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didnt she recently do 3 karaokes on her birthday
okay maybe you're kinda cool, i can't even do that
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Ya'll want a single say PLUCK THAT!
she's like a wallaby: could die of anxiety if surrounded by too many people
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stop.... you'll make me cry
SHIRTLESS RYOMA PEROPEROPEROEPRO jesu schrist milord is shining white
Rosemi hates nijisanjien
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oh ok ill give it a listen now!! yeahh ughgfhgf they sang so many good songs... bohemian rhapsody was probably my favorite from the unarchived one but its hard to choose.. there where so many good songs in the archived one as well i think itd be impossible for me to pick a favorite..
Nijisanjien hates Rosemi...
doing it in another member comment section even if they're in the stream is some bold ass move i dont even know how to react to it especially when vanta liked it kek
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The unarchieve is just to cover their ass legally because japanese corpo autism. beyond that no one gives a shit and actively encourages archieves that aren't member shit.
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Did you laugh?
why do i find this oddly satisfying? what's wrong with me?
The reason I got angy about not getting Lightning McQueen is cause I do like cars and not just the movie and decided Ryojisan stole them all after anons saying it but if he does start motorsports watchalongs? Then he's my new Dad boogie woogie woogie despite being basically my age.
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YEAH i didnt expect that at all WTF the amount of effort you put into these always surprises me..
??? Wrong reply?
trying to imagine maria rosemi duet at overture
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Feesh seggs cover, the karaoke, the Mariring cover with Feesh and Ike, Ren's upcoming song, the music festival, and overture. And so much other kino. I feel so happy
Two of these are just them talking for a 5 seconds. Same person who clipped Sonny’s part in Uki’s tarot reading stream just to paint it as if he was talking about Alban. Wild behavior
hope he does it would be cool but also for your sake
Did you vomit?
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Actually I wanted to do better on the higher pitched parts too but it's only 7AM still and I'd need to be louder for that so it would annoy my neighbours.
I think jokes are funnier when you commit to the bit.
>>89508373 (Me)
I also don’t know how they got “it’s warm” from whatever Alban said in that timestamp, it sounds unintelligible to me. Maybe I’m just blind
It's not really wild when the livers themselves approve and encourage it. For the record, I don't like publicly and openly shipping like this since I think that should be in its own space and time but I can't blame the fans for being bold since they're told it's ok to do.
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No I think my tummy settled.
*vomits on you*
Oh I wasn't replying to you before meth addict but stop being a silly little critter, I have bug spray and am coming for you.
Oh it would be fucking sick bruh.
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same,, i honestly dont think ive been this happy in a long time its great i still need to get the nijifes and overture tickets though..
thats crazy.. and yeah youre right they are but thats a lot of commitment its kinda cool
I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

I love Rosemi with all of my heart!

Good morning (afternoob)! Rip sleep schedule, but worth it! Karaoke was so fun =w=
Famillie membership leak
Clipping something and framing it entirely to be about someone who was never mentioned or even alluded to is going too far for me
before anon asks i'm fapping to finance
the only way they could stop would be not only the members that get shipped but the entire nijien branch to tell them to calm down on that aspect and then themselves stopping on their fujos spree and how they always talks about the male ships when they're together in stream or not. just give up anon and filter them either physically or mentally.
record it
hey ryugal
latino liver onegai…
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i'm a ryuguard...
Has she said what shoe size she has?
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She's a futa?
Already bullying time?
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oh... hey ryuguard
I miss the karaoke.
Now it's back to offtopic shitters spamming vocaroos.
>>89509173 (me)
Oh also I just sung this into Vocaroo so no editing unlike the meth addict.
record it for ryugal then
she calls it fapping even if she's a girl because she thinks it sounds cuter
surely you're here often enough to know this
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>Not doing Solar Dawn
No, I don't wanna change thread culture
gj but i still can't handle the difference between your singing and speaking voice how do you talk like that and then sing like that
Jorking futa Ryugal's cute cock
highlight:/nijisanji en youtube channels/i;op:only;boards:vt;top:yes
Maybe soonge, I need to learn it and not be banned on my PC to properly record it.
Have you ever met Enna? It's not unlikely someone completely changes when singing.
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nijien for this feel?
You singing with no editing and noise gate is still really good
this dude turned gay didn't he
Dunno why but Enna flying is the funniest part of this image to me.
All Noctyx except Sonny.
Thanks, I usually edit out my breathing if I can be bothered but I've just been rawdogging it recently.
I wish Vivi and Kunai had stayed so they could have been a part of things like this to...
because its funny and also it implies since she's far behind, she's struggling to keep up with the boat
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Willson screaming about the door was so funny
But neither of them sing.
You're so mean to him is this you flirting or do you just hate him
should have put finana on the bow...
desu i don't think they would have, maybe if they were peer-pressured into it... but both of them really really didn't want to sing in front of an audience. it took vivi's own graduation to get her to do a karaoke stream.
Much unlike the professional singers like Aia Ryoma and Vox
Okay but why was Sonny such a whore in the GOI stream
NTA but the most fun part about karaoke imo is getting your more shy friends to stop being shy and sing their hearts out
twitsy in this!!!!
Have you ever heard about a thing called banter? I'm nice when he asks but this is just banter. Brits, Aussies and Kiwis all do shit like this Bruh. It's just joking but in a slightly mean way.
Sometimes we have to let go, anon.
Would Kunai even be able to travel for long or even be able to step into Japan with her medications? If the corpo life would be more strenuous for her, then it would be for the best she bowed out.
Wilson is my silly lil white boy
but when will i be in her...................
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>Sometimes we have to let go, anon.
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I think feesh and maririn should make out
can you rap?
hey this is cute ship art of finana and ro
Thread culture sucks and has changed constantly. Doing this would be beneficial
so deliciously flat
now gen them KISSING
i don't understand the point of ai generating a "sketch"...
Holy uohh batman
But Maririn has no dick or vagina.
Ennaur ..
How can you tell it's ai
my eyes..?
Look at Maria's hair
Ah you're right I thought it was just her bow at first but I see
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eigo muzukashii
Please teach songbird her nouns
Did this from memory so there are a few pauses but it's kinda a meme so who cares? https://voca.ro/13OIFZPSO8FR
Imma start baking on page 10 if baker doesn't. I'm tired of having to use filters to find the thread when you can literally just bake on page 10 like other generals do.
im going to take a lil nap, woke me up when wose about start
Dude just open a tab in the catalog, write Scarle on the search function, you'll elizabeth rose bloodflame and this thread.
Then just tab back and refresh to find the new thread when the old dies, its what I do.
i know the catalog is scary but you have to be strong anon, i believe in you
then i'll will not use it and wait until the thread is dead and use the one that was made after and even make them if its needed just for you
I do the same thing and 4chinseX refresh works for this. One tab that just refreshes so I can see latest thread and open it on a new tab
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>you'll elizabeth rose bloodflame and this thread.
Do not care, there are easier solutions than to filter the catalog constantly in order to find a thread. Juan hasn't been around for 3 years at this point and not baking because of a "thread culture" that has constantly changed
this is the last thing i thought you'd sing wtf i thought it'd be bbno$, childish gambino or eminem you silly whore
I forget to write words a lot.
it's like e-coin, e-shop, e-mail, e-lizabeth
change requires force around here, as demonstrated every single time in the past we had to make changes to this thread
Nta but If you search Scarle it will pick up ERB thread too. If you use NijiEN it also picks up /choc/ and catalog bait
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My cute feeshwife I want to be her prince
>still twitter
>not x
gay topic
Honestly I don't care much about bait at this point, it's just annoying to constantly have to go back to the board, search for the thread and then go back to other sanitized boards every time. All because anons are too lazy to bake slightly earlier
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*eats your fish wife*
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Yeah I used to do aia but I ended getting the ai thread too
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This but my rosewife
great now we've got juan jr
make sure to flood the catalog with enna ops only and spam the links 90 times as soon as we hit bump limit
I usually do lazu because it filters it to two threads.
Rosemi-sama makes the cutest Doro
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I just did the first thing that came to mind bruh and it happened to be that but I could probably do This is America, most Eminem and a decent amount of BBno$ I can also censor out the N words from Not Like Us with brother and do that if you want Kendrick?
your point is moot and retarded for as long as the general is always somewhere on the board, the only reason other threads early bake is because they are too slow to guarantee that someone will be around to do it at the exact instant the thread dies, and because the new thread won't die for several hours or days. meanwhile if you did that here the new thread would hit bump limit before the old one even died and we would be shitting up the catalog with a million generals like hlgg used to. the only time there is even an argument to be made about making a new thread is when we hit image limit, when only happens once in a blue moon.
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*gobble gobble fish fingers*
this is just proving that some people haven't been on other boards
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who's the most edible nijien?
"amare" works
Original /hlg/ also had that problem and was one of the reasons /jp/ kicked vtubers out because we were murdering touhous with overwhelming misplaced thread creations
I'd happily continue the trend of anyone who is live being in the OP but I'm just tired of pretending there's any sort of actual reason to continue the trend not baking until the thread is dead. When you have to use filters just to find it because the catalog is so shit
What exactly does it hurt to bake early outside of the fact that we had a schizo do it years ago? And honestly speaking there's like 0 chance we'd hit the bump limit before this thread expired. There are so many times where the thread dies for like 10 minutes at a time before a single post is made that it's not even funny. Like especially during NA hours, anons just die for 10 minutes or so at a time
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Enna and probably Petra too
Other boards are either lightning fast or get one post every several minutes. Look at the post number here despite the board only existing for a couple years vs other boards where they haven't even hit 1 million posts. Also the concept of a general thread does not exist in a lot of places on this site. This board is an anomaly
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Eating a mermaid's flesh gives you immortality so the immorality I feel for Finana is only natural.
I'd eat her any day
Millie's neighbors are having sex and she's getting horny because of it.
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Rosemi-sama is edible but you're probably better off using her for tea infused with her petals
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My Nubian queen...
Iirc this board is about as fast as /vg/ if not a little bit slower and on /vg/ it's a custom to link to the new thread after you hit bump limit on the old one
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telling your gf you're about to come and you hear her cackling through the wall...
you can do whatever you want but I and 99% of this thread will post in the thread that pops up first when the old thread is bumped off because any reasonable person has the generals they frequent highlighted to stick to the top row above post 1 and never scroll down.
>What exactly does it hurt
the catalog does not need a bunch of /nijien/s, as I said the only reason other threads early bake is because they are slow and will get bumped off with no new posts for hours otherwise
>the catalog does not need a bunch of /nijien/s
oh, well I'd hate to bother the catalog, they're such kind and reasonable people
On the contrary, when the thread ends there should be a bunch of nijiEN generals.
I'm laughing so much at Ryoma just eating the entire time again during this rewatch...
If you could fucking read you would see the word "most", /vg/ only exists as an offshoot of /v/ because generals completely fucked the board up. Until there is a /vtg/ board all you are doing is agreeing with me. /pol/ and /trash/ are containment board shitholes, and /jp/ only exists anymore because they were too autistic to let Moot delete it years ago when he wanted to
Okay, Vox.

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