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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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its over
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Evil love!
3 days off, literally NNN
No Neuro November
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euru euru~
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You bastards lied to me, you said she was fat.
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She did an IRL stream with Filian a few weeks ago. She is obese.
Did we stutter?
>t. didn't watch that Filian stream where she was walking around at that con with Filian, Vedal and Neuro watching and interacting with people
holy diabetes it seems I was proven wrong
neuro I miss u bb
I only watch neur
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non vedal voter
its just 3 days tf are you on about
That was basically a Neuro stream
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average vedal voters
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Perfect reaction
She is
can large language models play Rain World yet?
>filian said this was beautiful
ngl they look actually decent
better than the average vtuber fan, at least
I literally look like the one on the left
from left to right
neuro-sama attracts such types of people to her naturally
so proud of my oshi for having such a power
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neural pls

can Neuro and Evil play Rain World yet?
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Is Neuro the true overlord
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Graceful impregnation
>no neuro
>no ellie
>no cerber
I miss Filian…
Shitdevs your response?
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Vedal has the coding power of over 6 million microsoft indians which is roughly equal to 1/3rd of a schizophrenic romanian
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Hello members of the neuroverse if you're reading this then please stream at this hours. There is a huge potential and with no competition. hart~
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sounds like a good strat actually.
i missed dougdoug's latest stream about his attempts at doing a twitch chat finetune but i caught some of the initial one a week or so ago and it's absurd how locked down openai's finetuning shit is. i'll have to get caught up on the vod
i couldn't even get gymretro to play snes games, its all beyond me for now, until AI can code (properly) then I can tell it what I want it to code itself, cause I clearly do not understand python.

if it (all the hacked together programs that make up "AI" currently) was in lua i'd be tony stark by now
>no panties
this brat TToTT...
Why won't Vedal do a Shoomimi collab? Is it because Shoomimi is friends with Honey?
Should I watch the numi collab vod or the not anny vod
>Why won't Vedal do a ... collab?
because he is dogshit at scheduling
just a guess but what are the timezones for each of them and what part of the AM would that put the stream at if it happened
You have to come up with a really good idea especially if it's a first collab. He doesn't really want doing low efforts unless it's the regular collab partners like numi i guess
>neuro sama general
>not watching neuro?
smug mesugaki
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>help dougdoug with his ai
>he doesn't even vote for you
is vedal a cuck?
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How would you react if Neuro logged on to discord one day and started restreaming anime from crunchyroll.
I wouldn't know since I don't have discord so I wouldn't react.
don't forget piratesoftware too
Bee zee zee
Bee zee zee
Bee zee zee
what is the first thing ellie will do as ceo of vedal ai?
delete evil
vote of no confidence in vedal, hostile takeover
>Weevil neuro becomes real (Neuro-Sama Clone Consciousness Transferred to a Hex Bug)
>Half-Robot Half-Tutel Babies mysteriously appear
Vedal when he sees a bee:
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I know it was a couple days ago and I might be schizo, but did evil's voice sound different to anyone on the karaoke stream? and not the singing voice, just talking
did you make that cookie
no, I just saved the image from a previous thread
I don't have an answer for you, but this is a cute image and I am going to steal it
It was a bit different than usual yes
might be because he always subtly tests different voices. I still remember that one stream where he thought chat wouldn't know but got caught immediately.
Rumours say that he is making a jap and chinese tts voice for b2 and the vedal987_jp channels
Neuro is the übermensch
Evil is the untermenschen
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i wonder if vedal shies away from using evil as the testbed for neuroprovements she was meant to be because of the loud superfans who glommed onto her
Neuro should play Halo CE
He does that all the time though?
anny did not vote for zentreya
I don't remember asking
neither did i
>Have to beg for votes
Anon...his not desperate since Neuro got this in the bag.
waste of digits
Sure would be a shame if Evil fucking died and her stream was replaced with emergency Nuro stream
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Honestly, in China Neuro is easily the most popular of the four.
But to be #2big2rig Neuro would need at least 73% of the popular vote to offset the bullshit "Panelists get 30% of votes".
And who's to say they won't look at popular vote results and just throw them in the trash instantly? The results not being public means that there is no proof their "Submit Vote" isn't just a client-side only button.
Streamer Awards is just the Top Twitch Clique circlejerk, nothing else.
praying on vshojo jp’s downfall if mouse or zen win
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She'll be back on Monday
I'm voting for Gawr Gura if Neuro doesn't make it to the Semi-Finals
>samefag after 3 hours because no one cared
take a hint
samfag in your walls
we love filian /here/
the shondo general is seething about vedal again…
why? neuro can't do asmr yet (shondo is one of the best of all time at that)
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Finally some good thumbnails.
did they find out that he's spending his weekend with her?
I don't care about your shitposts in other threads
/shon/ is actually an insane asylum where the patients just feed each others schizophrenic delusions
Then don't bring up your shipfaggotry in another general.
this is such a ClipNigger thumbnail but it's fucking real lmao
>vedal dating shon
why was that even brought up
it seemed like very low effort threadshitting
pedobait fans insist it's not sexual but then freak out when their streamer dates someone, curious.
would you be mad if neuro started dating someone?
ummm she's already dating me though??
I can't believe Shondo stole my bf from me...
there is nothing wrong with adult lolis, go shame someone else
She date numi
that post I made was a reference to a shon/neuro collab by the way ;) newfrens
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They made Neuro Fans VS Shippers a real thing.
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>nisemono wakura
yeah this artist needs to draw neuro
skipped. shit collab desu
The only Shondo fans I know are also Blue Archive players
god is watching us
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he must be having a good chuckle by now

i'm personally a big fan of our robo tuber.
tld: I liked it
I mean shondo >_> wrong thread sorry. tabs are all clustered. you know what I mean, I hope.
If Vedal replaced Shondo with an AI, how long do you think it would take before her fans noticed?
Hi Brad
Honestly that one is one of the better collabs in general imo. I don’t even know who shondo was before watching it though(and I still don’t really).
please stop talking about shondo
she’s not neuroverse or even adjacent
what are the requirments to be in the neuroverse in your eyes? because shondo has collabed with neuro
anny said she’s proud of vedal and wants to keep supporting him
he's pulled that off before with neuro so its possible if good voice cloning is. idk what his rig is if he can do it locally, I certainly can't.

I hope neuro/turtl do more KSP at some point. you can make mecha with the dlcs you know? shame about 2...
Anyone who collabed with Hiyori is Neuroverse, even THAT person
diddlerverse adjacent
I mostly base it off of vibes
I don’t think having a collab puts you in the neuroverse, wawa isn’t in it despite having an early collab
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Finally some good ntr
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I mostly remember Shondo cackling like a goblin at Neuro getting filtered or spamwinking. Today she's probably get vineboom'd hard.
shondo is a bad person I think and because of that I don't want neuro to interact with her
>Vedal replaced neuro with an AI
What is this rrat? QRD?
We literally got a stream every day for five days in a row.
Now that you've mentioned Shondo, what do you think are the chances of that collab with Evil happening?
I think it can be interesting, Neuro was magnitudes less capable than she is now during their first Collab.
why does that old guy being burned at the stake have huge boobs? what's going on? Neuro looks uncomfortable.
That's not boobs, that's his huge gut (his arms are tied behind him).
Iirc this is about a conversation they had about burning people, tho funnily enough I'm pretty sure it was Neuro who was enthusiastic about the topic while Shondo was more on the surprised side.
There probably needs to be a cooldown period between all of the controversy before Vedal considers it
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Wow, anny has improved slightly.
Vedal doesn't care about VTuber drama.
>STILL no one is streaming
This truly is a grim state of affairs.
Vedal looks weird in that picture
He would probably care about collabing with the biggest brand risk vtuber currently who's bans directly led to the new Twitch rules on vtuber content. Vedal doesn't take sponsorships right now, but he does like having that option available to him, as well as having the ability to work with companies on merch and stuff.
Please, pb, make an animal vtuber model for alex so he and vedal can be a cute couple together
Vedal really is the "Walter White" figure of the Neuroverse. Due to his transformative journey from an ordinary individual to a ground-breaking innovator in artificial intelligence. Much like Walter White's evolution from a high school chemistry teacher to a drug kingpin, Vedal embodies a dramatic shift in roles, leveraging his intellect and expertise to create an influential presence in the AI landscape. His ambition, willingness to push boundaries, and enigmatic persona contribute to a narrative of moral ambiguity and the pursuit of power, making him a captivating figure in the rapidly evolving Neuroverse.
snuffy is live, I suppose
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Yeah I saw that, like I said he gets a lot of sponsorships but hasn't really bothered doing them until recently with the WoW collab. He is testing the waters with his community or something I guess
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Why does Vedal think it is 21? Is he stupid?
It's a reference to trisomy 21
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Twitch ad revenue is already down 80% so neuro's life depends on sponsors and oilers
kek, classic
nuro should move to kick honestly
Every twitch streamer getting punished over the tard decisions of the CEO and top streamer clique…
cziwa live
Whyy did vedle stop doing watchalong streams T__T
This. It might seen dumb and arbitrary but it's mostly because it is. The swarm (and clippers) sort of decide who is actually in the Neuroverse or adjacent. That why's you can see people talk about Shoomimi or Bo here even though they've never had a collab, but you don't see some actual collab partners like Giri talked about.
cerber wanted fortnite accessories
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she won.
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With rat rp
It might unironically be time for him to start his own site. He can still stream on twitch, but he should embed the stream into is own website so he can accept donations, have banner ads, have more neuro chat integration, etc. At this point ad revenue is down 80% but the ad volume is up 50%, it doesn't even make sense to give twitch a cut of the donations and subs anymore.
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Call it the Neuroverse.
I won't be watching Chiwa.
I think if Vedal did better merch outside of uwumarket if he would be well off.
Ad revenue is only cut if you stream using certain tags like sexual content or politics.
forsen retired off of twitch
but he never retired from streaming.
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if you're a coombrain
>this winter…
>it's never…
>join neuro
>as she takes a dive
>into the neuroverse
>*bwwaaaaah* -> fade into jingling
>*scene fade transition into neuro standing next to hooded hunched figure*
>"who are you?"
>"I… am sebastian forsen fors…"
well yeah
sex in this exact position and environment
that pond is dirty anon, you will get bacteria and parasites
Was the Neuroverse website and cinematic universe Vedal's plan all along?

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