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I haven't quite felt myself lately. It's like I'm trapped in a body that isn't mine.
Tranny anon....
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Cookie isn't a Lamy.
She's more.
Lamy has some big boobies
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are we bringing this back?
Don't forget to dilate, anon.
Only if we’re allowed this time
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What does one do once becoming Lamy?
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Reminder that Hitler got blinded in WW1 because his eyes got hit with Lamy-fication gas.
Are we?
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The Lamy in me yearns to be unleashed
How big are your melons?
lurk more newlamy
Depends if it gets deleted again.
What privileges does one get being a Lamy specifically?
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We never left
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I'm back for the week.
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It's only natural for to crave to have a superior elven body.
Thank about it even as a half-elf (well 75% elf) you get all the perks of being an elf AND hybrid vigor, after all how else do you explain being able to be as fit as she is WHILE having giant tits?

sex with wamy anons
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In the latest fitness test event for her birthday she was only beat in two events, pushups and shuttle run and those two the only ones who beat her were Pink Lamy and Botan (and it seems Botan wasn't even wearing a bra when doing the shuttle run)
If you see a Demon Queen Lamy you are advised to run as that may NOT be a Lamy
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That sucks, maybe stop feeling like a fag.
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Threads like this are amazing newfag/tourist detectors by their responses. Probably another good way to detect bots as well
good morning fellow lamies
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Open door. See this.
Do what now?
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So becoming makes you become strong.
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Elves are stronger than humans. Everyone knows that!
Does the elf buff work in terms of purity rules (more elf blood the better) or saiyan rules (mixed breeding makes more powerful offspring).
Remove the mirror in front of my door
So how big will you let your Lamy tits get?
dw anon ill rape you out of it
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How much does it cost to make a Lamy?
We know Lamy's mother was a half elf and her dad a full elf.
So we're at 75% Elf right now so we still get the best of both worlds high Elf blood + Hybrid vigor. And for Wamy it lets her have huge tits + abs so It could be either way.
Halloween was fun I wish it was still october.
Drink the Sake
Honestly, Lamy is overrated and too expensive for what it is. A Pilot is usually simply the best
Become Lamy
It's a nightmare how much that damn pen brand makes it to find stuff tied to Lamy at times
Which holomem would (You) assault as a newly minted Lamy?
Pink Lamy just to break the stereotype of always going after Botan
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She's choco rainbow Lamy.
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green wamy?
Have the jannies been deleting big boobies threads too?
Meant >>89616666 for >>89575081 >>89601276
I knew /ag/ was being suppressed and doing stealth chubby threads but I thought /become/ threads were just not being made.
Please be nicer to the translamy anons
Usually die without anyone posting in them sadly /ltg/ makes it the entire time
Fully open type is randomly wacked depending on the amount of hot pockets in the oven
yes i will
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Consider the following
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Imagine Becoming and going on a spree then letting Lamy prime take all the blame
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Why would you do that to Lamy prime, or all Lamys?
Sickening thread.
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you are different from who you were before
good night fellow lamies
>implying that lamy prime won't dispose of you and use her connections to cover up the murders
Nice Lamys.
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Lamy is perfectly well adjusted and low maintenance
How much more?
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Her nature is naturally calm and nurturing
I want my nose to get hit with Lamy gas
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Soon everything will become Lamy not just humans
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Dunno but This is the cure!
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So this is the power of Lamy?
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This seems somewhat off
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Huh what are we talking about again?
>If I live alone: Let her in.
>If I don't live alone: keep door closed and phone the police.
But if you don't live alone is she the other person who lives with you? Or are you wanting to prevent a house full of Lamy from happening?
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Those oil stains around the areola give me life.
I feel weird...

>>89670760 Got a variant with that but couldn't post it because nipples are visible through her shirt
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Perils for Lamys
Would Wamy gas accelerate the /become/ process?
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If Hitler got hit with it once and his eyes got Lamy-fied, I suppose you'll /become/ within a day or two
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Kula Sex. Did you gen this yourself or get it from somebody else at /vtai/?
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Answer the Phone
I should make a You Died edit but with You Lamy at some point.
Why not BECOME LAMY instead?
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It's to fit with the YOU DIED theme of the death message.
For BECOME LAMY I should probably save that for a victory or informational message, especially the old engrish ones like YOU DEFEATED or YOU HUNTED.
True I'm just not sure how to do the editing anyhow after all it's not a GIF
Can animals become Lamy? Insects?
What kind of idiot are you?
Hey good lookin', what's cookin'?
>>89701801 >>89704262
Cars can become too >>89666520 so I would imagine so.
I was actually thinking of making a static image but maybe I should go all the way of making it properly animated.
I am though
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d o it
Yukimin, no!
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yukimin yes!
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But that's just modifying an existing car to make the Lamymobile
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I was looking for this edit, thanks.
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What was even the context for this?
I honest to god don't know even looking back at source I don't get it either!
Isn't becoming just modifying an existing human to become a Lamy?
What a troublesome woman
How is this thread still alive? Why do you all want to be Lamy so much? Why her?
I think being a troublesome elf who gets away with it would be fun.
Become one with lamy
What do I search in the archives to do my reps for this whole "becoming Lamy" thing? Always seemed funny but I don't know when it started.
It was said to have spawned in /jp/ in the times before /vt/. But it just appears whenever people get the desire for it to appear

The amount of things she gets away with (and lets others get away doing to her) is crazy
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I was thinking of doing what /ag/ was doing and posting the general info after the op:

/become/ - Lamy Transformation Fetish


Recent Lamy Happenings:

VGCT - Lamy finishes 6th place out of 32 racers.
Lamy moments compilation coming soon tm.
Here's one of Lamy taking somebody out of the race:

Also the rules never mentioned they'd put an ugly sticker with our number over the numbers already painted on the car, 0/10.
For details on individual races: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1kS7HvcXzLnoUJfdhOuPtAHXmuNSSHoHkAcnmz4buuco/htmlview

LotB 3 Exhibition Match - https://youtu.be/lbr0EgD8cYY?t=5h38m37s
As a reminder we didn't qualify for the main event due to lack of thread activity.
Match Summary and notes for next time: https://warosu.org/vt/thread/89227169#p89296917

If you want an archive of just become content in general, there's that. It's pretty incomplete still which is why I didn't post i earlier.
The link to the VGCT highlight:
Come here anon, drink this sake.
Yea been kinda demoralized to even bother learning rentry shit outside pasting the old pastebin there with a link to the Post Lamy Procedure final version (which wouldn't ever be completed) I've not even bothered to try and drag up the 'Botan Hornyposter' stuff either
The rentry is already managed though, so you don't have to do it yourself, you can just contribute anything it's missing.
Besides the horny poster stuff I think it might mostly be edits and relevant images or webms that need to be collected.
You guys are funny, I like you
The funniest thing is that while becoming Lamy is a /vt/ creation becoming Polka is something she's brought up and mentioned multiple times as the fate of anyone subscribing to her.
And there was always Pomuification mentioned elsewhere too
I wonder if there's possibly a treasure trove of Polkafication stories out there in Japanese or something since she keeps making it official.
Big Wammers
Demoralized because of the systemic oppression of Lamys by the jannies?
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Anon can i fuck you in the ass if you are on lamy’s body right now?
Anon be careful, you're going to get gangraped by a wild pack of Lamys if you ask questions like that.
What if I start transitioning back? Will you still love me?
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How would everyone feel about the rentry also having a section dedicated to transforming into non amy vtubers?
Maybe just a polka section with no others?

Also is transforming into mint a thing at all or was that just for pomu?
Why are trannies attaching to Lamy?
Only Pomu. Mint lore doesn't have anything like that.
>>89774419 (me)
Well, I guess there's the "dress this Wisp into the maid uniform" thing but it's minor.
How official was Pomufication? I thought it was just a few jokes stemming from "I'm Pomu!".
Streaming time Lamy: https://youtu.be/iFoG0JNx0KQ
Christmas Lamy is so cute...
She really is.

More the general state of the board and things in general
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So does Lamy sleep on her side, front or back?
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Oh the userbase you mean?
Well, the jannies banning every fun thread (even fucking divegrass) but allowing endless catalog bait for years would do that.
I wonder if the new jannies are gonna make things better or worse, maybe the same if the old jannies are also kept.
For the sake of her back I would hope she sleeps on it with a lot of shoulder to head support.
On top of me.
Yea It's just been demoralizing that even in nepolabo yukimin pretty much are gone
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>>89787900 Oh really? I'm not really a regular there so i thought it might always have been like that.
I wonder if they've left for greener pastures somewhere like going back to /jp/ or if they're just completely gone with the wind by now.
She already is Lamy.
Hello newfags.
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Either gone or not really posting there. Rare to get actually anyone of NePoLaBo to really live post in there anymore
/vt/ is exclusively for shitty bait and xitter screencaps made by seanigs and streetshitters
It's really unbelievable that even divegrass isn't openly allowed anymore.
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We randomly get that kind of Janny showing up
Usually tourists...

I'm hovering around 30 threads autofiltered by using common shitty bait terms and it picks up most of the garbage
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Frieren Lamy
From the lifespan of the thread we got at least two other stealth become ones. I also missed this initially and fell into the first thread.
If we make another one what should the OP be? Like /ag/ there should probably be a keyword like "chubby" to make it easy to find, though I'm not sure if it should just be Lamy.
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I Wuv Wamy
I Mean I got Lamy/Lammy on filter to put at top so I keep finding them
>>89812001 (Me)
Referring to >>89796546 and >>89614974

It's more that this ended up being the main thread but others were getting made after.

I have filters to notify me of "look in the mirror", "troublesome woman", two variations of "has some big boobies" to catch stuff like "fauna has some big boobies" and "lamy has some big _" and of course /become/.

I avoided just using Lamy since I didn't wanna be notified of every NePoLaBo thread, but maybe I can find filter settings that exclude that and add those as well.

I missed this one initially until the first thread since it doesn't have my usual filter words or Lamy/Lammy in the op.
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I love 3D Christmas Lamy.
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Wake up
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Morning Lamy!
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Nene about to eat good.
Who's calling?
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Lamy and Marine have some big boobies.
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Imagine waking up every morning and getting to whiff the chilly toes of a snow elf through her thighhigh socks...
Becoming isn't enough... I need Lamycest...
Pick up the phone!
This has happened one of the things leading to Lamy being able spank the fuck out of Marine's giant ass
The more I look at his the stranger this image becomes.

You get what looks to be Yukimin and Nekko playing rock paper scissors to see who gets to keep the panties of their oshi (and those look to be at least be actual photo for the Lamy Panties (and maybe for the Nene Panties too)

You get Lamy blow drying her hair while watching Nene. But you have Nene behind her. Is this a VOD she's watching or are there TWO Nene?!
good morning fellow wamies!
大空警察 Oozora Police
Oozora Police
According to the translation it's Nene saying she's gonna lick the sweat off of Lamy's tits.
Still though, the image is pretty bizarre.
I didn't notice the Yukimin and Zain fighting over panties in the background, and it's like Nene put a clip of herself on the TV to surprise Lamy with what's about to happen.
Worst of all, I can't believe Nene is using a spoon instead of just licking it raw off Lamy.
The spoon is to I guess ensure we know it's Nene sneaking up with the reflection but the spoon is just so weird to have happen.

But the spoon might be the most baffling part of this. But it's also like the most Nene thing I could think of her doing!
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The Forbidden Twintails
The Legendary Lamy.
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Being so huge must have issues
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Boop! You're now Lamy!
What's up with this pattern
Did we take a picture of a holographic pattern?
>/become/ is now employing the use of cognitohazards
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NTA but I never noticed that even after looking up the source for it.
It seems to be a weird homebrew anti AI art, non fanbox version, or danbooru quality autism filter.
The Twitter mentions prohibiting AI use so it's probably that though.
The artist started applying it most images starting with the yandere AZKi in March.
And I mean really inconstantly, the Twitter version ironically tends to not have the filter or a much lesser version on it half the time:
Same Lany image, there's really weird blocky pixelation on her hair by the finger but that could just be twitter compression or something rather than a filter.
The artist was already using weird filters before this for the Nene energy drink images and seems to have just decided to try applying it to the entire image.
It's really noticable in some of the other ones like this AZKi one.
AI poison.
I think it's the twitter compression fucking up the existing filtering that's on the base image.

See the funny image and well it's already in your head. Time to drink.
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>>89861406 (Me) know about Nightshade but I thought it was a homebrew filter because the images were so noticably shit.

Do you mean for the Lamy image?
Because the AZKi one is straight from Pixiv, the artist really thought that was fine to upload like that.
This is the Twitter one after compression had it's way with the filter.
It looks better with everything crunched down.
Yea the Lamy image ver.Twitter seems to have the PIXIV version's funky filter on it but just compression caused it to be less noticable just like in your AZKi image.
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Would you like being a Big Lamy?
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I really have to wonder what he's even thinking with the filter.
How much he hates AI to think this is ok, or that deep-frying his images will even stop it.
At least Cognitohazzard Lamy will be a good meme.
I think in part there's a lot of misinfo for what works, doesn't work and used to work for AI poisoning. That said figure out another similar filter stamp and potetially apply to other Lamys with potential messages about /becoming/ to play off the thing. Far too much effort for a lame joke but could result in some dolt accidentally putting up CognitoHazard Lamys around
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If I became, I would make every kind of porn imaginable and share it for free with you guys.
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Lamy is so pretty
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Consider the following.
Lammy has big boobies
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Was this Lamy Prime or someone who has already Become?
I would assume Lamy Prime or else the others would already be Lamy.
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How close would you rate the outfit in the center to matching Lamy?
If I'm gonna consider it I need some proof first
If you could give middle the right one's blue trim on the outfits as those are closer to Lamy Blues But on the main it's pretty close considering the pallets they've given you as options
Imagine a brown Lamy in the left outfit.
The trim is tied to the top probably, it might be entirely one piece down from the neck to the shoes even.
But even if the trim turns out to be a separate part from the jacket then the hat's ribbon wouldn't match since that'll be paired with the blue hair.
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how has this strange thread almost lasted a week what's wrong with you all
It's a stealth /become/ thread like the stealth /ag/ thread up right now.
Would. It doesn't matter what's underneath as long as it's Lamy on the surface
Why are they stealth? I know an old janny used to seethe but I don’t think the newer ones care
Any thread openly labeled /ag/ started getting suppressed with the November 8th one.
>>89898599 (Me)
So presumably the same seething janny is back or a new one started seething.
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One day Lamys will be able to live out in the open as themselves again without fear of persecution, without being labelled as 'troublesome'
How does that work?
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How would becoming Polka and Lamy coexist?
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Become NePoLaBo. An unholy miscellany of clashing traits in one body.
Is the thing that's a fusion of all of them called NePoLaBo as well?
Well, a become (participle) Lamy is not ontologically different from Lamy the vtuber. I guess it's somewhat similar to the concept of the Unity of Being. In that it'd be similar to Pomufication but also different in that there's no becoming in Pomufication, there's perhaps only a difference in awareness, which makes Pomufication a true non-dualistic concept.
With /become/ there will be a need to postulate unbecome beings and deal with whether become is inevitable, which if it is, it would lead to diachronic non-dualism.
With NePoLaBo you could follow the same logic except now you also have to think about the mechanics. Maybe a hypostatic Quaternity in the Christian vein or the names of Athena.
We also have suddenly had any divegrass threads getting nuked to the point I don't think we even had any after the first one for the latest 4cc loop. (We failed to make Ro16 BTW, no offense strikes again)

Neko Lamy but instead of cat tail go with fennec tail and ears
Wait, is the cannon for Pomufication that you don't remember not being Pomu?
I might actually have gotten Pomufication wrong. Alternatively, I'm Pomu.
Me at the back.
We're Pomu.
So about including other non Lamy vtubers, >>89772513 how about a separate Rentry dedicated to that?
And if I do that, think it should just be tucked away on the Lamy Rentry or linked separately in the OP?
Yeah, me
why the fuck is this thread staying up for a week

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