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>goes international
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Old but Gold Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive tomboy zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
A Kid Requested Filian for Make-A-Wish
Frog Ridah!
/flip/ on da telly!!!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Dance Archive
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:04 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream


>Previous Thread
alt sssssstream right now!
the poster below me is squ reading your hornyposts. say hi!
blessing this thread with blelele
blessed blelelesser
thank you for your service squ
Zorra blanca
cute voice crack
la kemonomutt blanca
imagine if she actually made a new alt and streamed semi consistently on it haha that would be silly
clipper server meetings are the new alt streams (or so I've heard, too lazy to do the legwork to join properly and get in on the meetings).
what if your mom sucked my cock haha
Kek I want another cards collab. Same group preferably.
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would be kino
i miss fillyWaddle
she waddlin... she autisming.....
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I miss this.
Yo sniggas do NOT watch alt streams if you are worried about being parasocial
The people who are still /here/ in the middle of a break are the wrong audience for this message.
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tiddy milk pls
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can I get a press go live button please
my face is just off screen to the left btw
Flat White
You can't just call people that.
Can I, uh, just get a cup of water. Yeah. Yeah, I ordered the americano earlier. Yeah. Thank you!
I do find it weird how defensive she gets when Kirsche or Pippa make jokes about her being a white woman
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one extra large doughnut
I was always under the impression she was half asian but idk I don’t really wanna timeloop doxshit
She doesn't like when someone points out details about her identity even such vague ones, I mean she still tries to hide what country she is from
I'd like a mocha with milk and your phone number
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One second. I'll make it larger.
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With what?
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The secret ingredient.
man, I could go for a doughnut right now
>filian: gives a detailed high iq explanation of how crypto works
>also filian:
>filian when I ask her want she wants to eat
Will Twitch's ad base getting annihilated eventually drive Filian (and other vtubers) to leave the platform?
qrd? I don’t keep up with twitch business stuff anymore
Political bullshit and bad moderation practices blew up in Twitch's face, advertisers started mass walking out on them and ad revenue for streamers appears to be down 80%.
Damn, how is that even fucking possible? Elon is like, the most politically toxic person on the planet and blatantly using twitter to further his own beliefs and goals and even he didn’t tank ad rev that hard. Idk whether to blame Emmett Shear or not, or if the problems started after he left. He seemed really smart the one time I talked to him
don't judge. she is eating for two now.

but how much is ad revenue for streamers? most income is from donation one way or another is it not? i assume twich is going to suck some dick behind the scene and ban some people to make them come back. if twitch is starting to take a bigger cut from streamers to make up for the loss it could lead to a downward spiral of streamers leaving even further reducing twitch income.

some people talked about (((them)))
even elon won't do that.
I never thought I'd see a reference to the band Invisible on /vt/
> the most politically toxic person on the planet and blatantly using twitter to further his own beliefs
Are you retarded? How is him making Twitter an even ground for both sides instead of far-left echo chamber that Twitter use to be is toxic or unfair?
Twitch literally allows one side to promote terrorists and put bounties on people heads while simultaneously banning other side for stating basic biological facts, now they are facing consequences of allowing insane leftists radicals to run free on their platform.
>but how much is ad revenue for streamers? most income is from donation one way or another is it not? i assume twich is going to suck some dick behind the scene and ban some people to make them come back. if twitch is starting to take a bigger cut from streamers to make up for the loss it could lead to a downward spiral of streamers leaving even further reducing twitch income.
Depends on the streamer obviously, some lean more on ads than others. I've been subbed to Fil since I started watching so can't say how it impacts her. I don't usually see people bitching about ads in chat too much so hopefully not a lot.

Some really retarded highly political leadership decisions. There was a race tier list at an official twitch con panel kek. And it came out that they stealth banned a certain country for a year, then lied about it.
Who are you watching to fill the void? I'm on Henya's stream atm.
Been watching a lot of Henya too since she came back. Never watched her much before she got sick but I like her.
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Depends on content thb, I have like 50 streamers on my follow list so I pick the ones who are currently playing games I like or are doing stream ideas that sounds fun, if Filian has a good stream idea she is one of them but if she does her regular slop I might not even click on her stream for weeks, so no real "void" for me desu
What in the goddamn is that link. I ain't clicking that.
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the game
I have atoned Crom
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alright time for me to go to bed. i'll see you snackers tomorrow.
whatever you do, don't press e.
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gn anon

i'm gonna press it
Word on the street is Filly Lux scored front row seats for the Tyson fight.
you couldn't make me watch that crap if you paid me
While I wouldn't mind watching Mike Tyson pummel the fuck out of Logan Paul, that I have to pay Logan for the privilege kills it for me.
*Jake Paul, whatever, they're interchangeable.
You could always just lurk the /sp/ thread for horny images
speaking of which >>>/sp/145659758 this one looks like Layna
Are we still talking about a fight?
with lots of smacking
To Mike Tyson and Jake Paul???

I am missing some critical context.
I'm done with the bit now but do you really not have 4chan X?
It's a challenging wank.
I will check to make sure and let you all know
I always forget layna is attractive because her model is ugly
goth elf is not ugly wtf
It’s not for me. I’m not sure what it is.
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
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super duper based
yeah i like el flaco's music but desu pescado rabioso is the better of his bands
cattling gun
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i think filian will change up her streaming style in some way when she comes back. this break was a way to revise her ideas since she has been running on fumes really for the past few months
>she has been running on fumes really for the past few months
that's, like, your opinion, man.
true. i am just trying to start a conversation
I think we'll get ultra-recharged filly for a while once she's back but I dunno that I expect the streaming style to change, or what I'd even want to change. Except maybe doing more of those stream intro bits she did a couple times after the 5 nights streams, those were cutekino.
I feel like changing her content style would require changing formats to scripted or shorter form or something, there’s only so much you can do and say in a stream without starting to repeat yourself or falling back on the same bits
yeah i hope she does less grind streaming and more of the unplanned intro bits. all im asking is no more crane game and more vrchat world exploring coz thats a goldmine imo
I don't mind occasional crane games. They're not my favorite content in the world but I think she actually does personally enjoy them, and she hasn't been doing them super often lately anyways.
nah crane game is sleep time, especially when i wake up early in the morning for filly streams
>>89599340 (me)
She should unironically practice them off stream or something though, the segments would be better if she won more than once every 200 attempts kek
I thought they were basically like slot machines, no real skill
I think, but am not sure, that it depends on the specific game, and some of them have tricks to them that make the odds better. I don't actually play them personally though so could be wrong.
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man i am eepy but i am seeing a band in a few hours so no sleep
What band, anon?
nice try glowie the saints
nice, have fun dude
thanks, been looking forward to it for a while
I flippin love Filian!
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wud u still love filian if she were an ugly goblina irl?
how bad we talking
very cute gilly

gn /flip/
goodnight snacka
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https://x.com/filianneVR/status/1857578328481264013 GOONERS
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My favourite interaction
ngl, Filian's absence resulted in me thinking of her more often than normally. Guess I got too used to watching her so much
filian can be kinda engrossing to think about I guess (not parasocial I swear). she's like Pamela Harriman for zoomers
This is how I want to die.
Gilian needs to be brought back
so true
cute autistic waddle
filly pits
i would rest her sausage and bread
eat not rest
i don’t think she’ll be back next monday
why not?
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filiannevr does some good non-gooner content too actually
the hair thing is still the wrong color
And so are the nails
Goblin girls are cute!
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*cums on her lip*
fil's korean cousin making her own vtuber award show for korean chuubers. kino
i don't watch any / care about korean vtubers
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I wonder how many people will get the reference
1% white castle sliders when?
If you say filians korean cousin, I will only ever think of gosegu
a couple
well that is who i am talking about
Oh my bad, I never knew she changed models
yeah she got her own based off the mint model. its actually really cute
the smartest mint of them all
Good for them, a trade-off of living with the A$R currency.
Based Gilian poster
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Had a dream that Filly was online, and now I wake up to the reality of FillyOffline...
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Do I just find a shitty vine compilation on youtube and stab myself with tweezers whenever i laugh? Saturday feels so empty today
Gotta go buy a shock collar to wrap around your thigh for proper immersion.`
Find an old YLYL you haven't watched. Will fill the void a little.
I don't trust either. It feels like she forgot to cancel and that's why.
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Who is it?
open the door
new wife video
Filian is probably bawling her eyes out to the new arcane episodes right now
Any good? That shows been on my backlog since the first season.
i've never played the game but the show is a 10/10
insane production values
filian started watching episode 1 last week and is almost halfway through the episode
Noted, I still probably will leave it on my backlog, but I will tell myself I should watch it like twice as often now while I'm watch random youtube slop.
do you think she pauses constantly and talks to chat even while offline?
if by chat you mean her bf (ne btw) then yeah she does
I'm ne btw btw
what if... she never comes back
I'm gonna cry
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we begin putting up flyers.
we'll assemble the finest snackers to break her out of GITMO
This is what Filian has been up to except it's all VTuber lore in prep for her Award show.
not bad but looks a litte bit burned. maybe inpaint the eyes and hand a little. that hair ornament aswell. i dont know what model that is but you ought to give illustrious a try.
she should do the whole song

close as we'll ever get, probably
voice of an angel
>What's this sticky-
based fil knows
a welcome distraction
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damn, pretty good actually. you find/train a better voice model for her?
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no, i was looking around for data/training a model for about three weeks.
unless she uploads some real good audio i'm not going to revisit it.
i wish she would do a storytime like kronii did that one time.
Kronii story time was absolute kino, that’s like, the only stream of hers I’ve seen the entirety of.
kronii always pretty comfy.
I like her, but she reminds me too much of my own personality and the personality of some of my friends for me to find her zatsu super interesting
poor Kronii
I am just a fish.
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She had balls?
You lied to me
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bitch I ain't your bf
correct that's me
she said so herself anon...
I want to FRICK Filian
When FillyOnline again?
Tentatively Monday, but source is secondhand and there hasn't been a stream announcement.
It's totally possible that she will just be there 2h for the collab.
What are the implications of Johnny Somali going to prison for a decade on filian’s content? Can she still do “you fent you floyd” fridays?
It thought it was supposed to be on Filian's channel so probably not.
>you fent you floyd fridays
hearty kek
she was talking about me when she said this btw
I know (I'm me).
Can someone please tell filian to stop listening to mid crystal castle songs and play or dance to “kept” instead, because that’s their best song by a country mile
>>89635370 (me)

you have to put the video on 2x speed because the real version got taken down or something idk
you'd probably need to find a non-scuffed version on yt to get her to play it on stream
filly bush sweat
on every saturday at this hour I would be watching fil
it feels so fucking empty now, I'm left alone with the voices...
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it's finally time bro take the pills
filian is offline
Saturday is a little grim… I’m normie enough to have my own stuff to do during the week and Friday, but not today.
Same. No plans, it's dark already, it's getting cold, no fillyOnline. Things are looking grim.
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look at my bread
cute layner and filly
I wish she’d at least do one singular shitpost on discord or something
They are not paying her unlike Fansly subs
it's impressive that when she says she's gone she's REALLY gone, unlike most other girls who still post on discord or even twitter, but in fil's case she really just peaced out
really messes with her narrative that she posts on fansly herself huh
have any anons gotten a meaningful 'feels like filian' response or are you stuck with the manager
nta True, she won't even try to interact with her community unless she gets payed or she needs to advertise or annonce something.
Hence why her community is so shit, like this thread is probably the best Filian-dedicated forum, her shit attitude towards fans did backfire bad on her since she wasn't even fucking nominated for twitch awards this year.
Haven't had a "feels like Filian" dm since like June after that everything feels ESL as fuck compared to what it was before.
I would say 8/2 that DMs are managed by pajeet who takes care of Fansly, like putting watermarks and making posts. There is a high chance it is him on pics as well, as I see no reason why would Filian bother doing it herself apart from simple integrity and not to be rude to her but integrity is something Filian is definitely is not known for.
does this mean filianne is a pajeet too?
Yepp the way she handles her community is so fucking shit and really doesn't do a good job with making people feel welcome and wanting to come back unless already regular watchers. Her following is growing insanely fast and the viewership isn't.
Yeah, as I said, this fucking thread is probably the best forum for Filly fans to hangout in, and it tells a lot about how utterly fucked her whole community spaces are
Very likely, def a male.

>>89640719 (me)

she reposted it to change the time
mari's autism will save this collab
she wants to smash the pink bunny cunny
Mari's autism will accentuate and elevate the collab.
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Thank you so much, finally some good news, had a shitty week so far.
White foxes think alike.
>filian what are your thoughts on the newly created doge department?
i mean she mentioned it only once before the nomination ended
feels like she mentally checked out lately
makes sense given all the prop she has to do for the vtuber awards, a lot going on lately

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