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/hlcg/ - Hololive Official Card Game

Aidoru Shion Edition

The hololive OFFICIAL CARD GAME is a trading card game with the concept of “competition,” in which we build and compete in this game with our fans.
t. Cover

Official Twitter Account


>Card List Spreadsheet

>Online simulator (automated):
>Alternative simulator (manual):

>Twitter hashtag

>JP Online store for price checks

>Set 2 info

Previous: >>89236796
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Coming in the next set:

>Oshi Holomem cards
Fubuki (White)
Shion (Purple)
Marine (Red)
Reine (Green)
Ollie (Purple)
Mori (Purple)

>Holomem Cards
Fubuki (White)
Shion (Purple)
Ayame (Red)
Choco (Purple)
Okayu (Blue)
Marine (Red)
Reine (Green)
Ollie (Purple)
Mori (Purple)

>Spot Holomem Cards
Holowitches (Luna, Miko, Kanata, Marine, Shion, Chloe)
Draw, for there are updates to be posted
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Oh hello. I was about to make a thread if there wasn't one.
It took me a while to figure out that this was a picture of a cabinet with a witches' hat on it.
> To play this card, you must Archive one holo power.
> Send one Purple Cheer from your Archive to one of your holomems named Murasaki Shion.
> You may only play one Event with #Magic per turn
Ramp is always good.
Both of the revealed cards seem pretty solid.
> Look at the top three cards of your Deck. Reveal one that is a Blue or Purple holomem and put it into your hand. Then put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck in any order.
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this tcg needs an english version
Yeah, get on it Cover.
Shiny bumpy story
great art
English doko
Some anon said that his local TCG shop said it wouldn't be coming until the end of 2025. Hopefully they were wrong.
Kirameki bumper
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I got a Kiara signed on my last booster box yesterday.
WOAH, congrats anon! Are you going to hold into it?
Our bump parade
IRyS card please
It would probably be a bit much if they started releasing a new card for every live.
I waiting on Advent expansion
You mean the upcoming set? Nerissa is there.
Isn't Nerissa a spotter card?>>89652272
No, she's getting a set of holomem cards. Only the holowitches are spots.
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149 dollars not bad
That would pay for a bunch of boxes.
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>When there's a holomem in your archive, +10 damage
Ohh Mori finally a set rather than a spotter
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>Collab: Archive a Holomem from the hand to give another Myth member +20
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> "Cash-Money"
Calli's going to have some silly arts names, huh? I'm looking forward to seeing more of them.
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And here's Calli's debut that we already saw.
> If there are any holomems in your Archive, this Art gains +10 power.
It has some synergy with her other debut.
(You) sylvakeks are alright too
Oh, it's give all Myth members +20, by the way. So she pumps herself too.
>tier list of current card games in terms of popularity and market size.
>C tier
Interesting, but he actually says that he only put it in C because there's only one set out. And he seemed a little reluctant to do so because it's a strong IP and it's been selling well.
Also, I didn't know there was a Detective Conan card game.
Can't wait for more Grandpa posting
when are they releasing the new cards?
December 20th but we've been getting daily reveals for a few weeks now.
>Also, I didn't know there was a Detective Conan card game.
That's another series that got a card game this year.
Damn, the TCG industry must be booming in Japan.
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no irys live card,,,
We'll get one when she releases her next album.
They seem to be for Birthdays or paid events.
Cash-Money bump
He actually is ranking them by how easy it is to cheat in the game?
Capture the bump
Is it easy to cheat in Pokemon?
These are okay cards. They're not enough to form a coherent deck but these are not low quality starter decks slop.
the've nerfed the mori's moris
Does Mori have Oshi card?
Yeah, but it hasn't been revealed yet.
Blue bumper.
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Fuck Kanata Player
where biboo card
will they restock booster pack?
Would be pretty weird if they didn't.
Is it still sold out anywhere?
holoshop still out of stock
I heard LGS got a restock back in October but holoshop and geekjack haven't gotten a restock after the one on the release date
I brought 4 boxes
Murasaki my beloved
I disgusted at Vending machine near my mall selling booster for $100
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>Death Sensei
>attached holomem gets +20hp
>if this is attached to a Calli, her Arts' color requirements become colorless

>BLOOM: discard 2 holomem that share a tag from your hand, then draw 2 cards
Unlike Lui she needs to discard 2 cards, but can chain blooms. It's better imo since later on she can discard useless debut to not redraw into them with Mane-chan.

>BLOOM: return a "Calli's Scythe" or "Death Sensei" from archive to hand
>ART: if she has a tool or mascot attached, +30dmg.

Decent engine so far, she can draw and become an attacker in any deck. A single Death should be doable since she can get it back.
Calli looks fun. A little disappointed that it seems like there's no deadbeat card in this set. Also, they didn't name her scythe Ricky.
I do like ramp but it's sort of sad how extremely specific and narrow this is, only getting 1 energy type and only onto shion. the more effects like this the less fun deckbuilding is
That's crazy, but also makes me wonder where you can buy Japanese TCG from a vending machine.
Similarly, I like the "discard two cards with the same tag" effect they gave Calli. It encourages building around a single tag, without being two specific. More stuff like that would be nice.
Pokemon did it back in the day.
Vending machine... sheets? Sounds kind of strange.
It doesn't really encourage it if decks already naturally run of bunch of the same holomems.
And even then, since Calli herself has generic tags like #En and #Song, there's little to no deckbuilding restriction.
It is a pretty loose restriction, but it's something.
this card's art is a bit... eeeh...
I keep seeing people talk about a Takamori deck on the Dicksword but I'm curious how TakoMori or even Takotori will play.
It's her 2023 birthday art. I guess it's not my favorite either? Probably mostly because she looks like she could be any pink women.
I think they were designed to be synergistic on purpose. So hopefully it's a viable deck. That would be cool.
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