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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
1st orisong - Prism no Mahou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2-8-H7UXKg
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzYDxBXWBp8
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0
3D Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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It's canon, I can shoot a laser from my forehead.
Prism Magic, not Prism no Mahou
I just win the hardest level with Okayu, I think people sleeps on her.
also, I got distracted and picked IRyS Soda, good thing I finished my entire build before that huge mistake
I maintain that we are partially magnetic to biboo.
If biboo is on, we all automatically rotate to be facing her.
This is now canon
This is so on point I'm mad I never thought about this myself
I am worthy
I shall become a pebble mecha pilot
I thought she was saying Mecca not Mecha, I thought all the Pebbles were gathering somewhere
Biboo is so fat she has her own orbit. Sick burn bro
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Puzzle time!

We have limbs, brothers!
It's a very well known city in Arabia considered holy to Muslims, so well known it has become a term for a place people gather for a specific reason, like "Moab is a mecca of offroading".
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Thanks for playing!
That was a hard one. GG!
GG. Pretty rad image choice.
GG! I love this image so much so thanks for that
Got a new job for you, 37883d.
Brother Beebus looking pretty cool here
>Biboo still hasn't done a video game karaoke
perms when...
wait but how does the pebble get in the beeping robot
Took me a second. Could shorten it to 783b.
wait is this the same lyger as the matsuri stalker? why is he onto biboo now
>be pebble
>get denied limbs from biboo
>get giant robot
You're 1 year late
For a while actually, bitch actually Oshihen'd to Biboo. I don't want this schizo stalker anywhere near the Gem Princess, but that's the issue with fandoms, you can't really gatekeep awful people from joining it.
final evolution
I'm a bit out of the blue about him, but honestly, where can I read more about this?
search in warosu
I'm thinking Biboo Biboo oo ee oo
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Not the wifi!
I would unironically love a robot body
I thought they were restocking the FWU plushies? They already sold out of Biboo again?
Probability that Biboo calls in during CC's DS3 marathon?
Maybe before she goes to bed?
Ehhhh. Were we in a far more advanced society that could create artificial bodies indistinguishable from real ones, both to the one inhabiting it and those around them, then I'd be onboard. But giving up all physical senses other than sight and sound for a mechanical shell? I'd pass outside of my body being crippled to a vegetable state.
I’m so sleepy have fun Ruffians
Very very high
Apparently. Someone in a prior thread was saying the Shiori plushes were sold out but are available again. Restocks would have probably all gone live at the same time.
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Uh, good night ruffianbro..?
uh hi thread tourist here
i edited that "biboo sex" soundpost someone made to remove the dead air moments and add bed creaking noises for immersion
Kind of a miracle she survived at the end there with 1 HP
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Saved, thanks.
holy fuck, I'm going to goon to this, thanks anon
My oshi is a certified retard (affectionate) and I love her.
Someone said she got an answer wrong here but still got the achievement but she got them all right
People don't know basic math, news at 11
i know biboo said the reason but still kinda miffed that IRyS's new song has EN Subtitles but not Prism Magic
>5 x 3 + 1 x 2 = 17
>5 x 3 = 15
>15 + 1 = 16
>16 x 2 = 32
>pebbles are THIS uneducated
You do multiplications first anon
Shouldn't 5 x 3 and 1 x 2 be in parenthesis?
B - brackets
E - exponents
D - division
M - multiplication
A - addition
S - subtraction

if you don't have parenthesis, you have to use a specific order like the above
not necessarily, its better for visibility, but 17 is the correct answer either way
Where the beep do you expect rocks to find education?
That's unnecessarily esoteric.
>its better for visibility
Yes and that's how it should appear really. Any laymen would read it as it's written and perform the arithmetic in order.
Not required. If they were, they would be there. For example if it was
5x (3+1x2)
thats a different equation. But (5x3) + (1x2) is the same as 5x3 + 1x2 due to order of operations.
jesas chwist pebbles
math is not fucking hard

Laymen are FUCKING RETARDED by nature. Like you.
Addition/Subtraction (see above)

burgers I swear to fucking god
this is the scholar pebble :)
So it's more a quiz on the order of operations than anything.
It's not nice to call biboo a retard, pebble.
But biboo was correct, thats the point
Biboo was guessing is my point. She did the math out loud.
>15 x 3 +15
>15 + 1 = 16
>she then stops on 17 because it's the closest number to 16
She didn't see what she expected to answer to be, 32, and froze.
She got it right because she noticed there was a multiplication at the end and stopped herself
tl;dr she's a genius
>It's not nice to call biboo a retard, pebble.
For Biboo, and Biboo alone, I meant retard (affectionate). The rest of you get retard (disparaging).
>15 x 3 =*15
>she skips straight to 16 x 2
wewlad. You could hear the relief and confusion at the end but alright.
fucking leaf
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I proud that I don't have two braincells to rub together as God(biboo) intended, nerd.
I'm not a leaf, I'm a pebble! o v o
You're fighting so hard just to call Biboo retarded when you're the stupid one, that's funny
Bud you're the one doing mental gymnastics. She literally said "16 x 2....eh??". You came down hard on me for >>89662179 but that's exactly what was going through her head. If calling her a retard by extension makes you feel bad then be more patient next time I guess.
Huh, I didnt know holocure was free.
I always wondered how they did the licensing and stuff for it. Guess that makes sense.
>that's exactly what was going through her head.
Oh I didn't know you had a direct link to her thoughts
Anything about what she was thinking is assumptions at best. The reality is she got them all right, can't argue that fact.
>Anything about what she was thinking is assumptions at best
She said it out loud you dense mother fucker.
>The reality is she got them all right, can't argue that fact
Which I never did. Christ.
Don't be mad because she's smarter than you
biboo on koyori baseball team
>she knew the answer and you can't convince me otherwise and you're just jealous
lol okay then.
Not jealous but more like insecure lol
Since people told you your dogshit basic math was wrong it was nothing but cope after cope, even trying to deflect to biboo (who got all ansers right)
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Probably this yeah
I have half a mind to put it to an SC since I know she'd be honest about it just to deflate you a bit but that's just too petty. It has nothing to do with any insecurity on my end, she was literally thinking out loud. I don't take any shame in being an anonymous retard. If you want to convince yourself she has the order of operations down though that's fine.
Nta but most people start from left to right anon, and adjust their math if they see the order of operations is not correct
The fact that she read out loud the first part means nothing
God damn you are so stupid
>The fact that she read out loud the first part means nothing
She didn't stop there tho, she ended with 16 x 2. She multiplied 3 by 5, added one, then stopped at 16 times 2 when the time ran out. I did the exact same thing.
What did I just say?
>I don't take any shame in being an anonymous retard
Why are you upset?
You seem upset since you're arguing with like 3 or 4 people all telling you the same thing but you won't drop it
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My wife, my wife's wife, my wife's long-distance girlfriend she doesn't talk much to, and my wife's two dogs!
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I'd just accept biboo is decent at deduction and chose the correct answer at the last second, imagine doubting
In fact MMO raids are full of quick last second deduction shit so its nothing new for her
I got consternated toward the end so I guess he and I can relate.
Would it bother you if she was in fact guessing?
Not at all, she got it right in the end so that's all that matters. I choose to believe it was deduction
Deduction, quick maffs or guessing, whatever she did she got the 0.1% achievement
>rissa slightly miffed
>shiori amused
>the other 3 having the best of times
100% accurate.
holy shit! Got a screencap?
Good to hear.
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Pebbles you better pray your oshi's schedule doesn't end up like this when she moves to Japan
I wish her the best..
What the beep is this creature?
Biboo has been jobbing HARD in the baseball.
Every holo gets busier as time goes on. We're still in the honeymoon phase but things change, that's life.
I'm sure she'll be fine, I don't doubt
oh nerissa's Birthday this week! so i guess that's gonna take place instead of the advent collab
Mori streamed more with every year, 2024 is her record
Biboo 3d ice skating would be amazing, dont know how that would be possible or look like.
Let's hope biboo takes after mori then.
I have her as an example but theres a couple of JP girls that are the same. Its rare but it's not impossible. Kiara and IRyS mostly kept up their year 0 output for 3 years+ too
Especially since biboo will stream in the early morning so she'll have time for studio stuff in the afternoon
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Bros this rock can't play baseball.
hey shes a good first base, give her that at least
I don't think she ever claimed otherwise.
She Ice skates nigga.
what songs are used in Holocure stage 5 and 4 hard?
What the fuck happened to their casual outfits? Its been 15 months
I want to see my cute wife in casual clothes and I hope she gave Kanata as a reference of what she likes if Mo-mama asked
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Right? I'm still waiting to grudgepost this nerd.
...Did you have to take a shot at the Jewelbirds?
That might have been me but it's hard to say, some others have also said it might be something chuuni.
why are us Jewelbird enjoyers always taking Ls...
That pebble was insisting it'd be a chuuni outfit she she got first as opposed to the typical casual outfit. I reminded him of the order of things and was replied to with that. See the original post >>82299769 for extra giggles.
>she she got first
she would get* first....
It's rough being retarded.
God kaela is so fucking hot bros.
Oh OK that was indeed not me then, though I still put my hat in with some kinda chuuni bullshit. Just seems like something she'd try to push for.
Go to bed biboo.
Also get some help.
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But would you find her hot in Koseki "Least sexiest member of Hololive" Biboo's clothes? I think not.
Ehhh, I could see her going either way with it. She loves super cutesy stuff and would adore an all in casual outfit with nothing but cute accessories and a day out and about feel, but I can just as easily see her wanting some chuuni element/s. I'd personally like to see her outfits have more of a defined identity, casual being casual and chuuni being chuuni, but I'll be happy with whatever she goes with really.
The lazy bitches get lazier, the hardworking girls get creative and optimize streaming time.
>but I'll be happy with whatever she goes with really.
Yeah, at the end of the day, same. You're also right they it could go both ways. It could even be cute chuuni or gap moe or whatever term you want to call a combo of the two.
I just have a gambler attitude so if I were to pick, I gotta pick with my heart.
>hard drive spinning as I start up my pc
>all I hear is biboo' intro rap
Cocksucky Bitchjew sucks mein dickenschniezel!
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I stand by wanting each of the outfits to be focused on a specific identity, but it hurts to think that a proper chuuni outfit could still be another year+ away. I've commented before that an Ascended biboo outfit would be perfect for challenge streams and I still want that, but beep does it sting to think that we wont see it until at least 2026.
Yeah something like this would be PEAK KINO
but it's fine pebbro. At the rate we're going, we won't see any advent outfit until 2026 :D
Now I want that audio recreated into something like (pic related).
I want biboo to watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bD4SkTK5go
and a couple other of senpai streams before the members stream. She went into the first unprepared to put pebbles properly to the question.
Cute wife today
Cute wife every* day
Circumstantial proofs.
Zero doubts.
Also rock solid proofs >>89660089.
Miss wife
Mister wife?
Master wife?
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Another night
another dream about biboo vore
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Biboo in CC chat
About to be on screen SOON(tm)

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