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Don't do this. Fuck off.
Correct, don't make threads like this
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reading this schizo episode, he is mad about a vtuber getting a daki...? Really?
yeah, a REALLY fucking tame Daki too
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Holy fuck but still she's just a little penguin, not a fucking sociopath like this guy who couldn't care less.
Wow the Schizo-Vision 3000 is amazing!
holyshit im sorry but too long didnt want to read at all
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>Leslie mod likes horny, a weirdo mod due to paypig status
>Viewer is too fucking normal and is an ironic anime fan
Fucking good he got filtered
Fiitered, good, hope he gets timed out and banned
post it
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this is the daki in question
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What was this about again?
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LOL that viewer must be Christian because that is so fucking tame, bro
Him flip flopping between his Larp and being serious
>the groomer mod vs. the normalfag
It's because she looks vulnerable and messes with his perspective of Pina being a holy seiso saint, which she is I'm not gonna deny that.
The only loser is Pina clearly to deal with a groomer mod and a normalfag fan
Just jerked off on these pics to piss the guy off
So him breaking kayfabe caused a mass outrage among female fans?
What a huge faggot he is.
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Those feet need jizz on them
semen demon
Not particularly breaking kayfabe. Not drawing the line between what was kayfabe and what wasn't. He had a stream where he was like, having PTSD and vomitting and shit and people weren't sure if he was larping or if he was being serious and it was worrying his fans
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What'd he do as part of his melty?
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>You do not know me
>I do not know you.
>We're not friends,
>we're not in a relationship
nta iirc this is when he roleplayed a very serious injury too good (like intense barfing or something) his fans got concerned, then he bitched at them for their concern. They criticize that he should label when he RPs so that they don't panic. And tbdess that's fair
I'd bet he's a footfag
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Don't lewd the Pina
>bare feet
That's too haram.
It's fine if fans have feedback for their oshi but I just hate when people like this call female fans menhera and batshit insane for enjoying men kissing which is far tamer.
I really hate the "Don't lewd" faggots, they should be bullied and beaten up to death
I will fuck her thighs and impregnate her feet.
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Sorry for you buddy.
Too late
pedophilia bad
That is what redditors project before raping minors. always have to overcompensate or else the guilt kills them
What the fuck just silently drop her and go watch somebody else. This isn't about you fucking idiot.
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i've always imagined the person behind the don't lewd posts being the sweatiest, ugliest, cringiest guilty mofos and I've been proven right almost always
This is some poor parasocial schizo what are you even saying?
>bare hands
>bare legs
>bare shoulders
>bare feet
what a whore
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I like it, nice bare feet
This poor parasocial faggot is seething over a lewd bodypillow and how disgusting the vtuber and anime community is for being horny. He is by all definition, a normalfag
Vox's acting was too good, sisters were scared he really was going on a psychotic break on stream
I don't see this word at all in the reply post.
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A parasocial fuck who consumes lots of anime and vtubers is a normalfag?
>bare legs
How scandalous.
My bad I read wrong. I might be bit tired and autistic.
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>They cant be a normie, they're parasocial!
retards, normie will be parasocial for pop stars and film stars that will never know they exist, they will buy endless magazine, watch tv shows, read autobiographies and endless articles about the lives of rich famous people who dont know they exist.
The definition of a normie is being all that then crying over people in a small community who interact with the girl every day catching feelings
why is he seething over "lewd", shitbrown? You can't be this retarded
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It's a little bit spicy.
parasocial fucks don't like dakis?
It's a redditorfag, their actions don't need to make any sense
cute feet
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Pina deserves better than a thread dedicated to a fucking schizo having a meltdown over an innocent illustration.
Which video is this comment on?
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Who the fuck is that? A literal Who
I only know ironmouse, the brightest and the greatest.
That is tame for a daki but that is a slide from wholesome vtuber to releasing coombait merch. The coomer obsession with dakis is sexual and the money is obviously tempting since even most seiso vtubers will eventually start pandering to coomers. The guy is foolish since Pina already made her decision but it's noticeable that coomers in this thread are treating even a tame daki like a victory.
I don't think any person who dislikes lewds should be a vtuber fan or be even possible to watch them
>He think I'll read this
Post lewd retard
Whatever you say Connor. Are you done milking fear & hunger?
>visible navel
>unguarded shoulders
>bare thighs
>exposed feet
>uncovered fingers
Degenerate as hell. I wouldn't show this to my mother.
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yeah exactly, everyone cumsomes to cumbait, even Ina's takos succumbed to horny. It's the natural state. Seiso only is a scam
This should be a soundpost with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA5FgJ1c8-w
That WHORE, how dare she show her ANKLES.
Where can I buy it?
Absolutely haram
>women will send you long ass texts like these and expect you to read them
>they do the same in youtube comments

Women were, are, and will always be a mistake.
Pina doesn't deserve retards like this
She's too sexy what was she expecting from her christian fans?
Knowing vox I'm sure he did read them all.
pezzo going to get cucked real good soon. What can he gonna do about it?
>schizo fanbase
>groomer mods
Vtuber "community" is indeed a pile of shit.
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>Only 150
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I'll show you some fucking Pina lewds mother fucker
>Only 150 in stock
I know exprism chuubas aren't that big but I would FOMOmax if this happened with my oshi...
Men were a mistake
This motherfucker is so sexually repressed it's funny.

On another note - IS THIS AI?
Those hands are fucked bro, if you can't draw hands in weird orientations, don't draw them in weird orientations, that extends to any other body part
I avoid drawing shit in weird orientations if I can't get it right after 10 tries and just change the layout of it, then add it to a list to experiment with later on.
I won't ruin a piece of work with AI looking ass hands.
(I'm not some AI hater btw, I've used it myself in various projects for poses, but that shit looking AI as fuck)
if she had been a little less sexy on the cover it would be fine, but showing tummy is a bit too much, and the skirt is too short
>be non-lewd tuber
>release lewd daki
fan is in the right
men also do this.
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You're an artist and you think that illustration is AI?
you should say that to your mother, and your grandmother if she is still alive, and also do it to your great grandmother's grave, remember to take your entire family with you so they could see you do it
nigger i will NOT be associate with this uber faggot>>89668890
no normalfag have the time to write long ass schizo post like that my guy. you talk like a /v/tard who have a very skewed view on how people actually work
Please enlighten us normalfag.
Does anyone have screenshots of that wannabe dramatuber nobody screeching at Pina in his post? His name is Marko Yamashita
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This has to be some teenager who just hates the world for some weird reason they made up, fully developed and sane people keep the shit that bothers them to themselves... also what is he hoping to achieve with this anyway, he thinks someone is going to be crazy enough to read all that and be like, "mmmh yes good point", I read like 3 lines and I already know the rest is stupid and irrelevant.
That was hard to watch but Pina was very professional and just brushed it off and said to not attack this guy and so I shall respect her request.
Imagine being a chuuba and having to deal with schizo faggots like this in your fanbase. Must be fucking horrible
It wouldn't be so suggestive if the stockings weren't there tbdesu.
>dedicated Pina thread on the 'log
Forbidden relationships with married women!
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How did you know? How did you know she is married to me??
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She tells me how I'm better when we have our affair.
He browses /vt/ anon, he's basically omnipotent.
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She's so fucking cute bros. She shouldn't give the time of the day to faggots like that and marry me instead.
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>barely any sex appeal
>still sends a retard over the edge
is the guy a hardcore muslim or something? does he seethe at the sight of shoulders and ankles?
he's a groomer
Very lickable feet
>lewd daki
Hi Pezzo!
who on earth shows off their chuubas to their parents and why? is he twelve?
I don't know this girl but thanks I'll masturbate to that
He's probably right, whatever this is about
Anyone who spends five minutes around any woman knows they try to sexualize themselves whenever they can, from putting on make up to wearing revealing clothing.
That's just what they do. That's their natural state and it makes them happy. They like feeling attractive.
I don't know what he was expecting.
>I watch a lot of vtubers

Stopped reading there
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Pina Pengin
Seiso chuuba
Faggot slayer
it's bleak
I just don't know how somebody can send a sc and rain on a chuuba's parade, that's just a very emotionally unstable and dangerous creepy mother fucker and I hope he doesn't come back.
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the daki illustration isn't AI
weird looking hands isn't always an indication of AI. it really it just a difficult thing to draw. you're better off checking the eyes and hair, because the AI tends to melt things together in those areas
This. What seems to be the thumb is the index finger. It might seem jarring at first but the thumb is simply hiding behind the arm.
Don’t be OP. OP is a retarded who thinks we give a fuck about him wanting to rope and we are gonna read his long ass cope comment he posted on youtube that got ignored.
OP is an ultrafaggot and should be shot on sight. OP is too retarded to understand this however, and will continue being retarded.
She looks more like a robot/doll than Cecilia Immergreen does
Wait OP is Pezzo?
I don't know what's worse, some faggot trying to plead with a vtuber not to be lewd, or people pretending that the dakimakura isn't meant to be sexual.
Please explain how you don't think that daki is lewd?
The cleavage isn't a big deal, but showing tummy and lots of leg isn't normal.
Ok Leslie
Pezzo and Leslie both sound like fucking faggots for different reasons.
You're out Pezzo.
SEX WITH MARRIED WOMEN (was that her particular ritualpost? Don't remember)
One's a normalfag and the other a groomer. Probably that's why.
Hey penpals how about you stop focusing on some rando and go support Pina Pengi.
Based Holostars fan!
On one hand, yeah. I wouldn't toss money at someone and give them a free meal for pissing me off. I never got that either.
On the other hand the guy clearly just seems confused as to why his Vtuber of choice isn't living up to what he expected of her. There's no threat with him there.
All she needs to do is sit there with another female Vtuber and talk about girl stuff for a week. Like the real meaty girl stuff no man no matter how in love wants to listen to.
That'd fix it right quick.
Holy fucking shit, that might be one of the most fedora wearing, neckbeard having walls of text I've ever read. I can practically see this guy, and, worse, smell him, as he cries and pees his pants in impotent rage because his seiso oshi got a daki that was too sexy, and how all the other fans on discord dont do what he wants. lmfao.
that might be the tamest daki I've ever seen, bro is an actual schizo
yeah just start talking about periods and first boyfriends and makeup brands and purses they found on etsy and shit like that and every non-faggot in chat will dip after awhile
I've seen worse from corpo VTubers. This is tame enough to show my ahithead parents and they're hypocrites that wish death on partygoers and free men.
His de-balled faggotry checks out, then. I can tell, 'cause I've seen that attatude fester while growing up before. I hope he runs into hentai of her getting brutally fucked, de-limbed and used like a human toilet as she diesbso he can get scarred for life for being such a pussy over a tame-ass dakimakura.
groomer mods were a mistake
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The schizo rant mentions a "swimsuit" and that I can "ogle her ass", thank you for that insight, she definitely has cake
I wonder if the guy would rope if someone put together a montage of tributes to his precious oshi?
I will rope, that is shoot ropes to her, that's all I'm here for
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Trying to navigate the average man's madonna-whore complex is such a goddamn minefield. They really all want a virgin whore.
Being a vtuber is trying to be implicitly sexually open without being explicitly sexually open.
Mods are like referees, they think the crowd is there to see THEM and not the main act
>average man
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>You're one of the only vtubers that I could feel comfortable showing off to my parents
Jesus fucking christ. I couldn't read more than that. Either this guy is master troll or he's fat, jobless and typed that whole thing covered in cheetos dust. No way an actual person posts something like this publicly and means it.
Great! Now can you say that towards your mom?
After looking back at his tirade, He also sounds underage.
Based Manyuu Hikenchou Enjoyer. The manga deserved better, honestly.
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That stream is full of Pinass shots (and Yura being a whore), not just the swimsuit.
....that's it? That's why he's butthurt?
I mean it's a nice daki, but it's fairly tame. I don't see how anyone besides the foot bros would think it's anywhere even within the general vicinity of the concept of "lewd;" and not being a foot bro myself, I don't know how spicy this daki is by their standards.

Maybe the guy in OP's screenshot is both a foot bro and a unicorn, and wants his waifu to remain an untouched unsullied maiden pure as the driven snow.
My mommy is the nicest and sweetest human being one the planet, so not true at all.
Where to buy?
Thank-you schizo-kun. I will now defile your oshi in my bed nightly.
If I were a Vtuber I'd probably time out/ban anyone who leaves a comment exceeding one paragraph if I'm being honest
you mean raped
Is this the kind of poster that goes on schizo rants about coomers every time you say something sexual?
Yeah but about interesting things like the Roman Empire.
What the hell are women talking about to need to write so much?
lewd shoulders
lewd ass
what this guy said, someone I previously ignored is how very sexy due to having attention drawn to it
I'm not even gonna read this but I know it shouldn't exist. As an autistic shut in I am disappointed in my people
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See >>89672265
It's cute. I'll have to find a actual pillow for it
>guy makes a long-ass comment telling his "oshi" to stop being lewd
>ends up causing anons to lewd her and coom to her
You love to see it
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There are plenty of chuubas running the gamut from pure to ero content and they are not suffering enough to warrant your white knight opinions, but sure, MAN BAD because telling off groomers is too nuanced. Go deal with actual sexual assault victims if you have such overflowing empathy
>Trying to navigate the average man's madonna-whore complex is such a goddamn minefield. They really all want a virgin whore.

Madonna-Whore is where men see /seperate/ women as either whores or saints. Not a whore and saint in one women, but one woman is a saint and the other is a whore, with little middle-ground.

It also means they find whores un-attractive, but also cannot sexualise women they /do/ find attractive because they view them as saints.
There's almost always a sizeable amount of turbo prudes in every vtuber community, no matter who they are or what kind of content they do. It's really fucking weird.
that's a LOT of text
didn't read lol
>So, what have you been up to anon? Did you finally get a job? Do you have a gf yet?
>Mom, Dad. I'd like to take this time to introduce to my oshi. First we need to start by defining what vtubers, short for virtual youtubers, are. Youtube is an internet site that hosts videos from various users in the world and it was founded in 2005...
Imagine spreging out that much instead of celebrating a daki of your oshi
I'd put good money on him buying one anyways
Normally I wouldn't share but I managed to get mine just a while ago. If anything I hope this shitshow helps Pina sell all her limited dakis and even restock if the demand is high enough.
The one time this image is appropriate
You just know that's actual autism at work. Not "haha funny" image board autism, but the one where you're good at Smash Bros.
here we see the counter-projectors.
>Mommy! daddy! This is my "oshi" now let me explain, oshi is the word for push in Japanese and by that definition it means to support. She looks very cute but get this she is actually a penguin and she's very innocent and my role model

Dear fuck I rather die than letting my parents know what the fuck I'm into. I'm sure his parents are very proud.
mucho texto
Thats it? I didn't think Amish people were allowed to use computers.
Cute feet
I shit talk women with my mother on a regular basis.
>Spergs out on Pina's daki announcement
>I'll still be around
Go jump off a cliff.
How dare she decide to make a daki and not think of this guy
it makes sense to try to preserve the aspects you like and get rid of those you don't.
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It makes sense if you're a child or an autistic neet.
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Holy fuck what a creepy schizo
This caused him to to have a meltdown? This harmless little daki?? I'm gonna buy it just to spite him and because it's cute.
>Imagine spreging out that much instead of celebrating a daki of your oshi
Nah, he is far, far more consistant than you gooner retards ever are, especially the really bizarre contradiction of unicorn gooners. Any self-respecting man would be against their gf putting out lewd if still somewhat SFW pictures for everyone to see to make money. He is simply applying the same logic to his beloved oshi and I respect this stance whether I personally agree with it or not.
Very sexy legs. Who's the artist?
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Imagine unironically thinking this way. By that logic, your oshi shouldn't be doing anything for you because then she'd be doing it for others as well. You're either a broken hypocrite or an entitled groomer faggot. Either way might as well kill yourself if you're at that point, you've hit rock bottom.
> self-respecting
Clearly you aren't a self-respecting type. You're like those doxxers/harassers on Twitter who need to constantly remind others (and themselves) that they're not a bad person.
Without women you’d have a troon with a voice changer behind your favorite png, you can hate women all you want you’re still paying to get comfort from them
I'll admit I will have a similar melty once my oshi finally decides she wants the coombucks.
I'd probably write something equally schizo too, the only difference is that I'd never post it online I hope, at least.
So did anybody get it? Wish I could but I'm broke at the moment.
it wouldn't be schizo if she was actually coombaiting and being a whore... but come on >>89669289
My time has negative value and it was still wasted reading this schizophrenic rambling.
pina cute
pina love
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here's your non-lewd chuuba
I had ChatGPT read it for me and I still feel second-hand embarrassment for this guy. Damn.
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I want your seiso chuuba's sweaty smelly dump truck on my face
Is the schizo in chat? funny if he is
>bare legs
>bare shoulders
>a little cleavage
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pretty sure he's banned now
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Pezzo... are you waiting for sex until marriage?
Being known on the catalog as a generic vtuber with a groomer mod and schizo fan is not good advertising, if anything, these should be red flags for your oshi. Produce better content
name 1 (one) vtuber without a groomer mod or a single schizo fan
At least this single schizo got filtered. Pina's chat is wholesome, thirsty but wholesome.
I wish I could DM tributes to people like this guy
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>From 5view to 3view
He threw everything away for the spicy latina ghost. Hope it was worth it lol
>Any self-respecting man would be against their gf putting out lewd if still somewhat SFW pictures for everyone to see to make money.
I'm not even an idolfag and understand the lewd service is so you can imagine she's doing it for you specifically, not posting nudes for the general public
I did. It's cute and I like the prima project girls
damn, cute oshi bros
yeah right in your dwelling in the mother's basement
What a loser.
for how pure and seiso she's been over the years that daki really feels like a huge step on the other direction.
good afternoon jakarta
Seasians are all about that coom life, though.
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What did we learn? Don't be a little bitch but if you must, be a little bitch in your own privacy.
DAMN that thumbnail is good. You've convinced me, I'll check your fat ass chuuba
>words words words
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I saw this melty about the daki earlier, then I saw this. I don't know what to think anymore..... [No, I will not watch the stream and judge it for myself, I will assume]
It's yet again Pina being seiso and silly, nothing more nothing less. The tracking was hilarious.
1000 years later someone will find this on scrolls near an ocean cave
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I'm laughing so much right now
imagine the smell
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Thread inspired me, here you go
>Pretend to be normalfag
>Post on 4chan
You realize actual normalfags barely know what youtube is right? Retard
you're a normalfag
Kidnappers have more self respect and care more about their victims than whatever deranged shit the schizo in OP image would do to the vtuber
>Their gf
>to a png
>gf to a png
Everyone knows what youtube is you fucking retard lol
I tho she was the 5guys vtuber
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I've become a part of the "anti-lewd" camp because a certain type of people go
>hurrr durrr yabai yabai sex sex geddit? its sex hurrrrr that sounds like a sex term OOOPS the anime girl said a naughty word!!!
after literally every single thing a vtuber does. It becomes grating. I assume it's brown third worlders spamming this shit but I could be wrong. Even worse, some vtubers use it as a pandering comedy crutch which is kind of pathetic. Lewd jokes and innuendos have their place, but if you eat ice cream every day it's no longer fun to eat ice cream.

That being said, I didn't read allat but I'm assuming this guy was being a faggot. Completely reasonably to have your merch be lewd, especially if it's a dakimura. If there's any place you can and should let sex sell, it's vtuber merch. Also... is he implying an indie vtuber is some seiso waiting-for-marriage woman? That's really funny but also kind of sad. I have some really bad news about nerdy women in male-dominated hobbies.
Humbly asking for her sticking out her ass in in a skimpy swimsuit and giving an inviting wink
stop watching EN holo adjacent and holo chuubas and/or close chat, and you won't have this problem
you're a retard and brought this upon yourself
No, they don't.
It's not the early 2000s anymore
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Walk up to 20 people and ask them if they know what it is and I guarantee 15 will look at you like you're crazy.
>shitcorpos and indies are more tasteful with regards to lewd comedy
even if that were true, which I doubt, are you seriously asking me to trade bad comedy for parasocial schizophrenia? Why are you trying to peddle little league baseball to me?
>just close chat bro
absolutely soulless
only if you live in a third world shithole kek
Bless your heart, Anon, thank you so much
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>three years later, Pina gets (AI) "unseiso" art because of some random guy having a meltdown
What a time to be alive.
have fun with your reddit crowd then, don't blame others for what makes you a jaded fuck when you refused to do what you could've always done
when you finally learn to stop being a drone, maybe then you'll start having fun
Thank you for supporting them
Holy sloppa
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I also trained a Pillowdear lora because of a similar meltdown last month
Dios mio, those are some pillows on her
ok i guess im still pretty normal then
i only watch hololive
I'll watch her from now on, I feel bad for the poor girl to go through this
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>have fun with your reddit crowd then
this would be a great KO if your own "cool kids club" didn't have the internet's most laughable people on both sides of the screen. I'm going easy on you because I don't like punching down, don't make me post the Pillow image
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you're the most laughable and pathetic here out of everybody anon, no need to pretend to be "holier than thou" because you ain't.
you're like a person who can't stop slapping yourself repeatedly and then blaming other people for what you do to yourself. cmon now.
Mormons are. This absolutely is their standard of what is considered unacceptable.
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Don't bother replying.
>no need to pretend to be "holier than thou" because you ain't.
I'm certainly better than some people.
>I'm certainly better than some people.
with the way you're acting, not even the dumbest retard would believe you
if you're gonna justify why repeatedly slapping yourself and blaming other people for it isn't the most pathetic thing in this thread, it'd better be good
holy fucking autism
i have autism too but i feel like these are levels of autism where euthanasia might be the best option
Do this. Fuck on. Put whores in their place.
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True and real.
Never trust a man without a functional sex drive.
The day's still young but I'm pretty confident this will win the "dumbest thing I've read all day" award nonetheless
The pieces are starting to fall in place for me now. Are people that hypersexualize vtubers in chat and in generals just teenager boys just now discovering what it's like to have out-of-control libido? That does make more sense. I actively memoryholed that I used to watch a bunch of ecchi harem anime as a kid.
And this is why the "YT Shorts" strat has not worked out for anyone besides Rin Penrose, a being so unsexual that not even horny teenagers will goon
Having functional sex drive is not the same as wanting everything to be about sex. cumbrain.
based anon
Huh, what happened with Pina? QRD?
please tell me she banned him
"anti-lewd", "wholesome" guys... the west has truly fallen.
>>island of wholesomeness
Aaiiieee Pezzo don't look and warn your parents
I'm very disappointed. No ass spreading? Cringe.
Please anon train Raki Kazuki, Pillow's gf.
Pina announced a daki >>89669289
She got very embarrased about it and some schizo sent an audio dono shitting all over her for not being seiso. She went silent for 15 seconds in disbelief. Schizo proceeded to post OP's pic and then got banned.
Wtf? Link to the stream/audio?
timestamp bro.
I hate the fag, but that's some serious talent. Bravo for making them worry I suppose.
here is the timestamp of the TTS dono
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On it
Hang Leslie and hang Pezzo, both are fucking massive faggots
Based pekofrog poster.
I agree with all your points, guess that makes me part of the "anti-lewd" camp too is such a thing exists.

I also recognize that I have the power to close chats, mute streams and pick different chuubas, which I do. That doesn't mean I won't post my trash opinion as an anonymous shithead with the rest of the anonymous shitheads in here.
erm what the filipino
Yeah, it's usually an issue of chat trying to get more and being incessant idiots about it.

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