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>what is /pcgia/?
/pcgia/ is a thread for Phase Connect’s Second Generation and Invaders.

▼Phase Connect Links
Official Website:
Official Schedule:
Official Twitter:
Official Character References:
▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaneko_lumi
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/KanekoLumi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumi
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@lumikaneko
▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [†]
Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive/playlists
▼Ember Amane 天音エンバー (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emberamane
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EmberAmane
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/emberamane
▼Dizzy Dokuro 髑髏ディズィー (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dizzydokuro
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@dizzydokuro
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dizzydokuro
▼Jelly Hoshiumi 星海ジェリー (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jellyhoshiumi
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@jellyhoshiumi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jellyhoshiumi

▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Remilia_Nephys
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/RemiliaNephys
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/remilianephys
▼Chisaka Airi 千坂アイリ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChisakaAiri
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/ChisakaAiri
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chisakaairi
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@chisakairiVOD
▼Amanogawa Shiina 天ノ川しいな (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmanogawaShiina
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/AmanogawaShiina
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amanogawashiina
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@shiinaofficialvodarchive3158
▼Himemiya Rie 姫宮りえ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimemiyaRie
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/HimemiyaRie
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/himemiyarie
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@HimesBasement
▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErinaMakina
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/ErinaMakina
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/erinamakina
▼Komachi Panko 小町ぱんこ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/komachipanko
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/KomachiPanko
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/komachipanko

▼Phase Friends
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Lia from Phase Connect
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VReverie Extended >>>/vt//vrex/
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Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
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▼/pcgia/ Links
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Thread Template:
Divegrass Team:

Previous Thread: >>89657178
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tiger pussy
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i love my star woman!
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Jelly is...
Wemi is the brattiest member of Phase Connect!
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I love Shiina!
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GN bros
I love Erina
>>89683131 fuck
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Interesting. I love Dizzy.

Nini Maki
Nini makinist. Remember, the bedbugs bite because they care.
lem lem lem
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That's cool. I love Erina.
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This is worse than cocaine
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the fuck are you talking about cocaine fucking rocks
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>fucking rocks
I prefer downers
>Fucking rocks
>Fucking metal
aww yeeaah
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i need erina to vomit in my mouth like a mother bird
Muhuhu... Index-kun is a Halo-Oji-san.
Now Erina can stream! Moo! :3
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the makinist population has exploded recently, we need a purge
maybe at 2am her time again
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do your worst
good luck, i'm immortal
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You must be silenced.
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wake up and stream! it's your birthday today, whore!
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There is nothing you can do to us that we wont enjoy
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I'd like to see you try. Moo.
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gonna piss on me yeah? huh! HUH! you freaky little bitch...
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It's really quite simple, I'll get rid of your access to the internet
with piss???
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Shut up, stinky.
it does it to itself, it does not need your help
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I'm trying this old Half Life game since it was on sale and so far it sucks. Did ojisans reallly go "OMG I CAN CROUCH AND MOVE OBJECTS" and soi point at it?
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okay this made me laugh, i'll give you that
Half life 1? damn brat
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whore live
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>just got back home
>she's late as usual
>I'm right on time
Happy birthday tard.
half life 2 is better, is what i hear
i havent actually played either, ive only seen speedruns of number 1
Does she have 2 bgms at once?
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I wonder if Gordon Freeman has sucked a Vortigaunt dick?
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I want to see you trying
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>Did ojisans reallly go "OMG I CAN CROUCH AND MOVE OBJECTS" and soi point at it?
Two BGMs better than one, it's science
It's also a narrative experience and not just DOOM maps with some guns and enemies.
Anyway, keep playing.
2 threads under /pcai/
2 threads under /pcgen2+/
10 threads under _____
911 threads and counting under /pcgia/
925 threads in total
CALL 911 NOW! *dubstep*
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Silence, child. You know not the gifts given by the Source engine. Though that was HL2 not 1.
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I love starting a Lumi stream and hearing 500 TTS messages while they forcefully mute the woman I come to watch
haha bro thats just twitch culture XXXXXDDDD
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NOW (Literally right now)
Kaneko Lumi (16:00UTC | LIVE | BIRTHDAY)

Remilia Nephys (17:00UTC | 20m | Writing Brainrot Medley)
Komachi Panko (19:30UTC | 2h50m | Karaoke)

Chisaka Airi (22:00UTC | 5h20m | Megaman)

>Dizzy is on guerrilla schedule this week

Girls without a current schedule:
Erina, Ember
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It was so much worse before she finally raised the cost threshold of TTS.
I actually stopped watching her for a few weeks in the summer because it felt like I was listening to Varick and Bingus as often as Lumi, was fucking obnoxious.
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Oh shit we're all fucked up
>>89684302 Gomen, MOO
I love tisaka airi
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The Patriarch will be most displeased. Moo.
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>stream just started
>has already made $700000000
>already 5M gifted subs
>already appointed ruler of another small nation
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This one is milk and mischief, and has its mind concluded.
This one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded.
[Lumi News] Your tips will be used towards the purchase of a large golden cat statue.

I'm picturing a sphinx in the middle of her room.
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sing the silly Runie membership song! Lemon!
Four, five Twitch ads? Why not?
Thanks for the news report Satan
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i don't care if she thinks brothers and sisters shouldn't kiss! i'll still kiss my little sister lolumi anyways!
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brother sister is hot at long as its not NBR garbage, I have female cousins and if they wanted to have sex I would probably say yes assuming they were single
Just make her a cousin twice detached, easy.
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[Lumi News]
She's not gay. She doesn't like yuri. She doesn't like wonen parts. Eat shit and die yuri niggers.
if someone wanted to anon dono but paypal ban means no stream elements, is there an alternative or is offstream bits their best bet
nta but damn, what happened, howd you get paypal banned
>Eat shit and die yuri niggers.
No, she said she understands yuri niggers, but does not want to deal with it personally.
Lumi has a crypto donation link.
I used to like yuri at lot more when I was younger, I still like it but I like a lot of other things a lot more. I feel like this is a normal thing people go through, how about you anon?
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[Lumi news]
She wants ugly bastard
I love Lumi...
I liked it a lot more when I was younger, but then I realized I like penis too, so I like straight sex the most.
[Lumi News] She doesn't trust
[BIG NEWS] sugarbabyroommate is single now
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Time for skibidi music
I'm not that lovebug
HL1 is good; it's HL2 that's over-rated.
HL1 is nice and compact and energetic (the action never stops); HL2 has parts of the game where you drive around a barren wasteland for like thirty minutes doing nothing (it's not fun).
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I still like yuri and yaoi even if I like it more for soft cute ones.
once like every 2 months
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yuri and yaoi are kind of like vanilla, it can be better than more intense things if the build up/ story is well written/ paced.
Guu Morning
woman moment
EGGLESS woman moment
Good sequence of posts
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stepmom lumi
Good morning!
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They should babysit me
Sexual relations with my step mom Lumi and my blood related little sister Lolumi!
She would spank you
and by babysit he means sit on his face
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Little (blood-related) sister all the way.
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Eber has dorky cousin energy
I wouldn't be adverse to this
>Lumi one of the tallest members
>The rest of the company is abnormally small
east asian company plz understand
not drugs
coinbase good service to start trading?
>Not able to beat Pippa nor Tenma because they are too crazy
>After Pippa and Tenma, then Ember and Runie about the same level, and the rest are easy to beat
>I'm not scared of any JP
Runie... could beat Lumi... amazing!
>Actually Loki could beat me up but she'd be nice about it, she'd be gentle
Someone needs to meet Michi one day
It's "a" service, and the rates are adequate to top up your wallet and then send off the money. Never used for actual serious trading, and obviously anything that does KYC with photographic proof is not good enough for True Anonymous experience.
>Lumi bruised herself by hitting herself with her other hand...
Translucent skin... veins.... BITE
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She has glass bones and paper skin
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This is a poll for preferred sexual relations

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Anon voted for everyone.... moo...
>She's taller now but growing up she was short and full of anger
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Anon.... moo....how could you...
Many such cases
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Why is a pankophile interested in such a topic
Maybe that's straight femanon.
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Not again...
Thanks for not putting Panko Manko on the poll, I know that took restraint.
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Hang in there
>Protestants don't use incense
They don't?! What?
Incense is pretty standard in churches, right?
Nah. At least in America. Even the Catholic churches here in the Midwest don't use incense either.
Nah we got rid of most of the pomp and circumstance of the catholic church. Not even all churches give out the eucharist.
If you got a big sum of money from the lottery, say $50 million, do you already know what you'd do with it?
I immediately thought about buying a house, maybe two, and fixing my current home, and then partnering, investing with local businesses, or something like that.
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Like this?
Doante to my oshi
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Pay off loans. Buy a home someplace warm. Move my parents into it, or an adjacent property. Buy a local business. Invest the rest? That's so much money I have no idea where I'd go from there.
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Set my parents, sister, mom and myself up with places to live and make sure they're taken care of. Move out west, start raising bees
quit my job, get an apartment, buy a fuckload of cocaine, buy a couple pizzas, invest the rest?
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I'd give half of it to my immediate family, buy a house, and yeah probably invest the majority of what's left
I would keep a gacha fund
buy every single Phase Coffee maybe...
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>buy large plot of land in (country)
>invest in basic infrastructure
>fill it with nerdy introverted girls imported from SEA
>invite all my /pcgia/ niggas to live the good life
Quit my job, pay off my grandma's debt, buy a home for myself and one for my sister, probably invest most of the rest of it and go on a nice trip. Maybe pick up a hobby with my new free time.
Jesus, that's a lot of money. I don't trust in my ability to invest that much money, so i'll probably find a professional to do it for me. Less boring answer: order a very expensive sex toy, buy mr. Bean's car (don't remember the model), start a religion (it's legal here), try elk meat, visit Panko's restaurant in Italy, buy a somewhat big building in my mum's village and build a workshop with lots of stuff inside.
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Buy some land and build a nice house up north and disappear. Then spend the rest of my days buying cars and shooting them with various firearms.
Buy a house and set up a tiny machine shop. Maybe start working on a project car.
I hung out with a cousin and shot junked cars with his 50BMG and a bunch of automatic rifles. It was fucking cool.
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erm >>89689908
Anon? >>89689908
*Engineer a plan to Joe-Goldberg myself into her life, sweep her off her feet, and drag her kicking and screaming into the US where she will never want for anything ever again.
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Invest in my oshi
>gacha fund
The Phase Connect Merch gacha
>immediate family
Eber will be my wife
Because I do that even without receiving a large amount of money.
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Women would be the least of my concern. I have alligators to train.
I forgot how good Wemi’s German is.
Yeah, I said I'd donate because I already have more money than I need, I can happily sustain my lifestyle with what I have already. If I got that much money it would probably change nothing about my daily life so I'd either lump sum it into their stream elements or set up a trust with instructions to donate a set amount monthly so they can stream without financial worries for as long as they want to
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Pay off my mom's mortgage and get an average house for myself. I dont have any huge ambitions so my lifestyle wouldn't change much.
Pay off the existing mortgage, set aside a lump sum for parents that they might not accept anyway, invest the rest for the time being and keep working. Maybe take an unpaid leave for a month to sort it out. Still, at least 10 mil goes into an untouchable fund towards any medical bills.
"Local 5'3 billionaire recluse previously assumed to be missing found swallowed whole by his beloved gator 'Moon Jelly' after falling into its enclosure."
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>6 6 6
Okay, now i feel like a retard for not noticing it sooner. Must be because i rarely look at hair.
Same. I like my current house, I'd just improve everything about it, doors, locks, windows, tiling, roof, etc.
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Invest some.
Use most to buy a plot of land and build a fortified, heavily secure, and mostly self sustainable compound to move myself and my family into.
She explained it during the Alias 2nd year anniversary, I think. The other side of her hair has II or 2, which is the number of angels; so she has both, the number of devils, and of angels.
Give some of it to my immediate family
Buy a small house that's sorta in the countryside
Pay a small dev team to make my dream game
Aww, cute.
50 million isn't enough for my full plans, so I guess build security for myself and my family into the future. A house that will last generations and an investment that will see a long-term growth of money.
All this talk about money made me remember reading a very zesty gay book as a kid in my aunt's home. It was something about a random cute boy whoring himself to save his mother (?), he passed out (?) and then found himself in a really clean and expensive room, turns out he is in a mansion. One mental image that somehow still exists within my brain is a very detailed description of a sandwich made by an alpha gay billionaire. Multiple fucking pages explaining everything about it. Even sex scenes were less descriptive.
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Lumi can you make me a cool wood sword
You can't just leave me like that anon, I need more.
Buy a nice house, invest in some small normie businesses and blow 10-20m making a videogame and hiring my oshi to star in it
Yeah, it's not fuck you money, like hundreds of millions, but it's a sensible amount that could be enough for the majority of middle classers.
50 million is an absurd amount of money
what kind of sandwich?
Not where I'm from
>50 million is middle class
Lumi please focus on your stream
How much do you make?
>Not where I'm from
Just move to a better place lol
Nigerian prince?
My household income is ~$1.5m salaries before other income and we're one of the less well off families around here
That's not what that means, retard. It means you are middle class right now, and if you get 50 million, it'd be enough for you to retire peacefully since you don't have the same aspirations as a person who is already a worth a hundred million dollars.
It's enough to live comfortably the rest of your life, and probably your children too for one generation. It's not enough to do whatever you want. I'd need a few hundred million at least to build Orania but in the US.
>In zimbabwe dollars
Anyone could retire on 50 million and live wealthily for the rest of their and their childrens lives. Fuck off with the idea of "aspirations" meaning that you need to hoover up every cent in the world to be happy like some greedy kike.
More? Like?
Well, it was a moist chicken sandwich. The bread itself was, hard to explain, hard, but in a good way. Oh, and the bread was homemade. Everything was, because the guy loves cooking as much as he loves hitting the bussy. The spices were also straight from India.
I'm sorry to inform you that there are many areas in many countries where the average house price is upwards of $15 million and the people who live there aren't there because it's their single lifetime home
Our thread is graced by Liechtenstein royalty
A lot of people think they'll be reasonable with it but 95% of people the more money you have/make the more expensive it is to live, very few people genuinely retain a reasonable cost of living when they have lots of money as much as they'll loudly proclaim they definitely would
>like some greedy kike.
Well, that's exactly the problem. The average person can retire with that. The problem is that big politicians, CEOs of multinational corporations, real estate magnates, and similar, are born into a lot of money. A private jet can cost you $15 million dollars alone. They definitely generate and spend that much money yearly, it's not a lot to them.
There's also stories of lottery winners blowing their winnings after a few years. It's a lot of money but it's not unlimited, it can be spent.
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It pains me to read this. Knowing it will never happen. Life is misery.
Pretty much this, when you don't have a monthly income of a set amount and thinking about how much you have to save, how much goes to rent, food, etc. not having to worry about retirement actively you very very quickly lose your reference for how much is a reasonable amount to spend
Not even Lichtenstein, but Swiss bankers
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wait, a handmade clock is actually a really cute gift
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Too much text, +1 image
Retiring, maybe. Starting a business that's more than 10 people can eat through that money before you start seeing profit. Well, at least investors would be more willing to pinch in if you have that kind of money already. And I'm pretty sure some industries will require even more.
Phase Connect?
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Yeah, that's why the question was what (you) would do. It sounds like most anons would simply buy a house and retire, not try to start an expensive business. I'd invest into small businesses around me but that wouldn't require more than, say, 1 million; it'd be things like hardware stores, bakeries, and restaurants.
Don't give one to Shiina
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Well, the conversation moved from Lumi talking about education, master's degrees, PhD, and now the job sector, marketing.
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i know. i listened to the second half of that tangent
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Hmm. Well, that is true.
I mean, I am working in small-business lending in bongland, 500k was the largest we went for for a while, though it was for existing businesses, not starting a new one.
Though I wonder if anyone here wants to start their own airline or build a submarine or something.
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>no Wemi/Muyu erotic ASMR collab
Why even live?
>or build a submarine or something
The last rich idiot who tried that got popped like a balloon
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jesus christ
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I'm derailing this thread
Favorite dinosaur. Now
Elasmosaurus or Pterodactyl
The one with the big dick
Dinosaurs are dumb
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Utahraptor! Or that one with the hook thumbs and the spines coming out of the back of its neck.
Go for the luxury tanker home.
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Triceratops or Spinosaurus
u r dumb
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The one with 500 teeth
Actual answer: spinosaurus probably
My nigga
You like that, don't you little liker?
dinisiris ir dimb
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Deinosuchus or spinosaurus.
The latter isn’t a dinosaur
I forgot Deinosuchus does not qualify so I will add stegosaurus to my lineup.
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Me on top btw.
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The GOAT Tyrannosaurus.
Pandaoke soon
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The Dakka Velociraptor
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i think placoderms are cool
Dinosaurs are fake and gay. The appearance that they had in Jurassic Park no longer holds because now we know they had feathers and a bunch of other shit.
Feathers just make them cuter.
You're fake and gay
Thinking about boysmell
thinking about girl stink
Lumi needs a birthday spanking
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that one dinosaur from the land before time was kinda hot
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Bad! Bad!!!
>buy three houses
>buy a new car
>upgrade a couple pieces of furniture (fridge, washing machine etc)
>invest half of what remains in index funds/government bonds
>place at least $3M in savings
>spend the rest to buy Saya
>spend the rest of my life fixing the stinky dragon and convincing her to stream a reasonable amount
>>spend the rest to buy Saya
Can I get a more specific amount on this? What are each of the /pcgia/ girls' cost?
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i finished putting my ikea desk together and it *only* took me three hours! i had to move some furniture around since it's larger than my old desk but now i have much more space to put sticky note doodles and phase connect merch pngs
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(panda + karaoke)
Good job cookie, proud of you, hope you enjoy the new space
Is there room for an under-the-desk helper now?
Seconding this question
All of them could be bought for $10M or less so it's just a matter of presentation to make them feel happy about it
Why is she on the table
fuck off nigger
Can someone post the spinning 3d jelly orb gif? I have need of it.
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perhaps. i had to put a tiny drawer under there since i didn't have anywhere else to put it
No problem, we can just lower the chair a little
>it's a new year in a month and a half
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Someone get Panko off the table, she's going to hurt herself.
Would it be hard for Phase to get into those 1/6 scale figurines? Feels like those would sell really well.
Panko is trying to make us cum
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I hate dyke music...
why are you guys heretics?
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Why do I have the feeling that it's not just her singing and she gets visitors
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nice bundle! i really like the notebook
I like the notebook
sexo with cats?!
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Hey this isn't a skeleton
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Prone bone
Sex with Lumi's pits until they are pregnant.
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She has stars on the back, or is it part of the costume?
Panko is leaking
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She is a skeleton and the skinsuit is her costume so yes
I want to swallow those feet.
please tell me someone screenshotted that
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god bless you
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>there's a chart for it
Panko has seen this image
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So so pretty.

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