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The 311th Wind

>CURRENT STREAM:【Dark Souls 3】Let's play! ALL DAY!!!! Marathon for CCWeek! (game spoilers)

>LAST STREAM:【UNARCHIVED VIOLIN KARAOKE】with cute guests!! for CCWeek! yay

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
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Birthday Merch Holopro: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ceciliaimmergreen_bd2024
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Birthday Merch Order Duration: [2024/11/12 08:00 ~ 2024/12/16 18:00 (JST)]

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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>89676688
This group is pretty nice
Oh yeah, we're grüning
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Ceci lomf
Biboo lomf
Mori lomf
Raora lomf
I kind of want to have sex with all of them
Sorry I haven't been paying much attention, what's happening right now? I don't remember seeing that cutscene when I played.
>raora leaving
Stream saved
Biboo is 13.
I'm going to kill you.
Patches tricks you. It's been a cutscene ever since Demon's Souls.
Years shy of 50
he's baiting, it is well known we extra lomf big cat here
nta but my destiny is to impregnate her
Is she heavy rolling?
emotional support rock love
But I'm guessing it's optional on the account of that I don't remember it at all and CC just said she probably missed it when she played it too.
guys, I said exactly the same thing as CC did...
How long is this stream going to be again? Is she going until midnight or some other time?
10 hours long which means another ~4 hours
cc said around 10 hours
Sounds good to me, I've been watching since I woke up an hour in, so I probably missed her saying it if she clarified at the start. Thanks
I was going to watch but bijou came in and wont fuck off now so fuck that stream
Yeah she said it in the first half hour more or less
Should end around 10pm
So, DS3 really a peak videogame, huh?
well, fuck that guy too, the less shitposters the better
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what kind of dream Ceci wants Biboo to have?
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break time
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>ceci clicks her tongue(?) when she attempts to 'flirt' (or something similar)
she's adorable
Cecilia ImmerCheeb getting food
time to stretch
she's so lame, and cute, and cool, and extra lame, I lomf her so much
what if ceci is checking the thread rn, say something nice?
ceci isn't LAME...
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We are so back
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>CC's BRB is her Cheebs version
Does that mean that I'm allowed here now?
maybe put on something green first?
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moist one
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fat fuck (affectionate, kinda)
he got fooled... kek now this thing will take you over and you'll forget what you were before
Kid's level spicy, got it!
>iced mint tea
I can't believe iciness actually does have levels like spiciness
I would fatten her up soooo much if I were her house husband.
>ooo ASMR
remember when she said she would do monthly asmr for cranks? i remember
remember when cc said she will do a public stream asmr?
She did however give us a good gimmick to play off
She never said that.
Fat fuck
that reminds me, did she genuinely forget about the monthly audio logs? isn't she like 3 behind at this point?
is there a souls game where the enemies never stop chasing you and even when you get to a bonfire or something they can still kill you?
ask in a future member post/twitter cc might have forgotten about it
Someone told her that tier gated stuff doesn't work and she hasn't told it to otomos.
No. All enemies leash. Theres a few bonfires where youre in range of enemies that will stop you from sitting down before killing them.
It's the only thing in her video tab, does she never click it even accidentally?
>Fauna told Ceci to give up on doing ASMR because that's her thing
Sounds like something that bitch would do
Put your grasses on
Its not about trying to entice more people to the higher tier, it’s about not feeling like you’re ripping off people giving you more money
Does fauna even do ASMR shit anymore?
She dropped it as soon as she didn’t think she needed it for viewers. The last one was like 8 months ago because she wanted to throw a bone to some whiners
I’ll be honest. I’ve don’t see appeal of asmr. It is just whispering to mic and I cringe
She's jewish. Please understand
trouble in iceland?
If you don't get the "tingles" you're never going to get it. I don't get them either
It's like orgasming from sounds.
That and it's relaxing.
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cc was thrown.... like a ragdoll!
I mean the tingles are enjoyable for most, but it’s nowhere near that extreme
lmao, I replayed ds3 4 times and I didn't even knew this thing had a grab move
I get anxious and feel like having auditory hallucinations instead which is not cool
>but it's nowhere near that extreme
Sounds like a you and them issue
It feels so soo good
okay but rug cleaning sounds really nice
It just feels kind of like someone is stroking my head down to my shoulders for me
Audio asmr doesn't do much for me but if someone pets or scratches my head I feel like I'm cumming. When I was little I used to have a friend do it to me not knowing what it was, just that it felt amazing.
she's right that dude does look cool
Big Damage
same but instead it's the girls back in high school tying my hair with those small rubber band things, having your hair pulled is nice
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just tuned in and I see she's running same build as me, nice
Do you think anyone else will show up? Only one I can think that might is Gigi in like 2 hours when she wakes up
She’s been acting cute for 7 and a half hours now. It must be exhausting. How long until she gives up and is her normal evil self?
bijoe is definitely lurking in chat
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My mom used to do it to me as a kid. I don't want to think about how weird that is
She doesn't even need to act to be cute
she does a line of speed on every break
It's not weird at all, mine did it to me too.
I like it when cece just says weird thing that dont make sense
can you believe it? just a week away
my aunt used to do that to me and I would pop a boner every time, I think it gave me a complex or something
I am so happy about this information.
I only managed to start watching now. Is it worth it to catch up with the previous 7 hours later? How many bosses has she done already?
i actually found this boss super easy on a recent replay. compared to some of the bastards in elden ring abyss watchers feel almost sluggish
Them beating the everloving fuck out of each other definitely makes it much easier.
she's stuck in a perpetual loop
ds3 is a breeze if you've beaten elden ring, the dlc bosses are a little challenging tho
Is the Cinders mod worth a shot? It's been some time since I played DS3 but something fresh would be nice
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This is too much Ceci. My heart is starting to feel funny...
I love when she does that 'dog-calling' sound. Is it weird? Am i a dog in my past life ?
Otomos… your oshi…
Is cute? I’m glad you noticed
Do you also want her to give you head scratches and call you a good boy?
Nah I love the tongue clicks too
5 plus the optional tree boss. Biboo, Mori join by after the first boss, Raora at the giant.
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She's a real cutie, yeah.
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she's making these small things attractive
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I want her to put me in a collar
She has so much energy, very impressive.
>jobbing to wolnir
she's... yeah... I lomf her because of that...
oh god she's approaching where I stopped playing, that's enough CC you can stop the stream now, aren't you sleepy haha...
Cece wants to wear a see-through lingerie
1 hour 40 mins left atleast so...
Her skirt is already see-through so it wouldn't be a big jump from it
It's snowing?? Pretty sure it's not Immerheim then.
Always remember to stretch
Oh Christmas C
Oh Christmas C
How lovely are your stretches
Watch the stream for the love of god.
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cute dork
I had to step out due to a family emergency for a while.
if i remember correctly there is a very bullshit boss here that was basically my first fromsoftware boss that I used a player summon for to beat, so that might take like an hour hopefully...
Watch her beat it in 10 mins lol
You mean in-game? Must have misunderstood I guess.
NTA but look at her weapon It's snowing from it
Next she's going to bring up the dancing Grems...
btw her talking about a christmas tree also doesn't mean she already decorated her christmas tree nor that she streams from 1 month into the future
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I know, I just thought she meant IRL since she talked about the room being stuffy and wanting to open up a window.

All good otomo, must have missed some context there. Don't mind me.
Hope everything's ok stepouttomo
Cecilia IS the christmas tree!
It’s like that one scene from Community
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Thank you bro. It's alright, just difficult watching your parents get older sometimes. I'm glad to get back to watching CC to take my mind off things.
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Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
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It's good
How did you get access to my youtube recommended page???
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She had a decent chance to actually clear the game
Thanks to Biboo yeah, her memory is as bad as mine lol
Cute small desk rage moment
Don't talk to me or my green blossom again!
I get that souls are kinda like exp points, but do you lose them after your 2nd death if you didn't manage to get them back, or 3rd or when?
When you die, all of your souls are dropped in that green orb. If you die before picking up the green orb, all the souls in it are lost and a new green orb is dropped where you died this time.
>do you lose them after your 2nd death
yes, because the collection point where you died gets replaced with the new one
You die, you leave a stain that contains all souls you held at time of death. You can collect it to retrieve your souls, but if you die again before that, the souls are lost forever
If you die before you manage to pick them up, that batch is gone.
Any unspent souls (the number in the bottom right) is dropped when you die. That leaves a bloodstain that you can pickup and get them back. If you die again, you drop a new bloodstain that replaces the old one, resulting the in the total loss of the dropped souls.
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I googled German pancakes. Why do they look like this? I know there are Germans here. Please explain
I see, thanks
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Not a german, but as a fellow euro she's probably referring to these. You might call them crepes, but from what I remember most of europe calls these pancakes in their own languages
From afar, this guy’s swords look like 2 light sabers
She said that crepes are barely even pancakes.
>I remember most of europe calls these pancakes in their own languages
Yup, that's what the most common pancake looks like I wonder if it's all countries or just most
This looks great btw, I want to make it now
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I’m a bong. What you posted looks like a normal pancake, but whenever I look up German pancakes I get these things that look like somebody tried to make a cake and then punched it half way through cooking
>It's a cake
>It's in a pan
I know they're right, but that is just not what I imagine when I hear the word "pancake". Still looks fucking delicious and the recipe that image is from looks super simple.
For me nothing can replace a fluffy buttermilk pancake
The crepe-like ones fulfill a different niche
Germans heard the word "pan cake" but didn't get a recipe so they had to improvise.
wtf is that abomination
Are these not pancakes in america?
>The most literal version of "pancake"
Yeah, sounds German alright
I does look amazing, I really want to make it now
i like it a lot
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american pancake is thick and fluffy
Pontiff is kinda hard
American pancakes are thicker and mix baking powder in so they tend to be fluffier.
Look kinda like french toast
Those are not German pancakes.
Crepes are even thinner.Those are normal pancakes.
>Those are not German pancakes.
Looks like they've decided to go with a coverup, boys
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After much research, it turns out it is close to something we make called Yorkshire pudding. But with vanilla flavour and sweet instead of being eaten with gravy and sausages like toad in the hole.
oh god..
ERB confirmed for league, thoughts? I'm happy, personally
lol, I think we actually call those "american pancakes" in my country, i.e. different from normal pancakes.
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Enter emotion support gremlin
that's a common name for them
Pontiff is so dead now that she has girlfriend support
She was very chill and fun during the justice Q&A collab. I haven’t seen much of her since the last justice collabs. So I don’t mind. I think she has settled down a bit more now
That is the way we make them after all
it's whatever, Liz is cool
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Would (you) ride a grem?
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Yeah I liked her much better now. Just goes to show that debut is not necessarily indicative of the whole career.
It's League, so it doesn't really matter
Yes. Not in the way you're thinking
Yeah, I guess it's like american football vs. "normal" football. (Or soccer as you call it.)
>Forgive me father for I have sinned.
>What is your sin, my child?
>*puts on sunglasses* ...murder.
Oven pancakes, can't find what they're called in German though.
Ceci should mentor Liz and make her play non-slop games for once
I love these two dorks
Do we know if they are just gonna play against bots in league, or will they actually play against other people?
>Oven pancakes
...cakes then?
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Pretty much. Th perfidious english tricked us into using that term btw
Bots, since the first few games are forced bot games
I like how /grün/ just evolves into pancake talk every once in a while
It's nice
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I freeze my pancakes so I always have fresh pancakes whenever I want them
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Did she miss Best Boy in the swamp?
She likes the mace more.
how do warm them up so the texture won't be ruined?
Air fryer
>British food
>British weather
>British women
No wonder they’re so bitter and evil.
does this actually work or is this just trolling
Those images sold me on trying to make one.
The HP bar is looking a little small for Sullyvhan
ahhhhh now i'm tempted to make a lot of pancakes then freeze them
I feel like I'm stuck in medieval times, I still don't know what an air fryer is. An advanced microwave?
a convection oven
It's a small oven with a fan to constantly blow hot air on the food.
I just boil them for a few minutes until they soften
Yes. Pancakes are just thinner bread
>combining the frozen bread discourse and pancake discourse
A daring synthesis
It's a small convection oven using high fan speeds
She didn't vigormaxx
Yeah I want to make one too
I should buy this and test it out. Thank you airfryertomos
Parry this you fucking casual...
i got a small one after my oven broke no regrets here
They work pretty good
Shiorin!! Ceci is so popular
If she wins this with parrying it will only reinforce my thinking of this boss being bullshit and impossible to beat with certain builds
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CCShiochads ww@?
shiorin the plastic wrap...
This boss doesnt even come close to some bullshit From came up with in Elden Ring
If you have the counter space a convection toaster oven is more useful, but since they’re smaller air fryers heat faster if you’re just cooking for one and don’t bake
Haven't played that yet so I wouldn't know
It's hard not to like the bubbly green German woman.
What builds did you struggle vs Pontiff with?
He's not impossible, but he is kinda dumb. I would classify a lot of the common strats as cheese
I've beaten him noparry with STR and DEX builds, his attacks just have weird timings you have to learn
Always bet on greed!
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All the base game bosses in ER can be clowned as the basic knight with a reinforced longsword and a modicum of skill. The DLC on the other hand...
I've done him normally with a str build, the main thing to remember is that you gotta let him do his thing and only then go for an attack. Oh and also blitz his clone every time he summons
She's cracked
If Ceci isn’t alive, in her own words, does she have to consent?
This trio has great chemistry
I was doing magic with a side of whip cracking, his attacks were too fast and relentless, especially the second phase. Also I did not do enough damage since I barely had any chance to attack him.
this stream brought some good group dynamics first cc biboo and raora now this
Popeye's reputation... in tatters...
>blitz his clone
I agree, but it's also kind of indicative of how BS it is when he gets going. You gotta sucker punch him so they take double damage.
They're pretty fluffy on the inside, bit more like a pie I guess. Very easy to make though
All of the groups have been fun so far. The only hiccup is moris need to fill every second of dead air, but even that was fine
Every group has good chemistry when CC is involved.
True, she's a pro socialization enabler
>immediately asks if Ceci likes fisting
Never change shiori
Well, it's not like it's unfair with the clone, since they do the same moves but on a slight delay, just learn to dodge a bit sooner so you got time to do it again and don't get caught by the 2nd one. It's the same shit as 2nd phase Abyss Watchers or Gael where moves have a delayed 2nd hit
In the business, we calle that type of people extroverts.
CC Shiori is kino
I don't like how she keeps shitting on Raora though
Why does everyone start with dark souls 3
I'm surprised how fast she broke Gura's shell
Not all extroverts go out of their way to encourage everyone to interact
One day, I will find a cute girl that knows stamina management in a Souls-like game. Today is not that day.
It's the most popular one, not a hard question.
Best qol for newbies until er
I agree wholeheartedly.
Demons Souls is locked to the PS3/5, DS1 legitimately sucks, and DS2 has a bad reputation
It's a good entry point. DS1/2 age shows and ER is a bit daunting with the whole open world and franky a much bigger time commitment
And BB is coming in 2 more weeks...
I dunno man, some extroverts are just stupid. Being extroverted doesn't mean you know how to connect with people.
>DS1 legitimately sucks
worst post I have read in a while
We have officially passed 10 hours
Why is Ceci catnip for cute girls?
Is there a single Holo who does?
Zoomers find DS1 and DeS too old. DS2 is just weird and difficult. DS3 is a good level of difficulty and polish.
>DS1 legitimately sucks
What the fuck?
didn't he just say he's still looking for one?
CC? that's just banter, Raora seems to enjoy it and even punches back, that's good!
I lost track of time. I’m going to have to put some pancakes in the oven
Have you played it recently? After O&S, everything that isn't the DLC blows
Whips are notoriously slow so I'm not surprised you had issues with it. As far as magic, IIRC he's a bit resistant to it so you'd probably have to stick to something like Deep Soul or Great Deep Soul (have to farm the deep clerics or invade for Dregs -> give to Aldritch Faithful covenant) if you wanted to cast him down with dark damage.
>CC? that's just banter, Raora seems to enjoy it and even punches back, that's good!
I know, I just don't enjoy listening to that kind of banter
The closest I've seen is Biboo but when she panics she still bwehs because she can't roll.
Yeah, I played it last year. It's still a great game.
Well, no accounting for taste I guess.
>Shiori asked CC if she’s an alcoholic
>are you an alcoholic?
She really went there
Aww, Shiori is so sweet.
>dead ass asked if I was an alcoholic and I said yes
Uhoh teetotaleranon was right
Different strokes, but would you seriously recommend it over a tighter experience like DeS or DS3?
Is this how north americans see european drinking culture
>Shiori has never been drunk
Yes, they're all a bunch of pansies
Most germans stop drinking when reaching 21
I'm one of them
Imagine the yaps

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