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>whine and cry like a spoiled toddler brat on twitter about something completely irrelevant because it irks your insane autism
>devs see it and change it for some reason

She's only gonna get worse because of this.
>i dont like it, so i wont do it
Sex with chocolate elf
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>You will NOT depict me with a bow.
>You will NOT call me a dark elf or coffee elf.
>You will NOT depict my home as a forest.
>You WILL depict me as cute and not cool.
>You will NOT depict me in my old outfits.
>You will NOT depict me showing off skin.
>You will NOT say china, ship or hentai
>You WILL draw my skin tone at least 3 shades lighter than it actually is.
>You WILL ignore my lore.
>You WILL listen to me complain about how much I hate my model.
>You WILL remove any and all Clownfish from your video games
with the way you're hung up on this, I'd assume you're the autistic one
Holo yaps are rare, if they don't spam this, how are they gonna claim this is the literal fall of Hololive in two more weeks?
Why does she hate clownfish....
what fish was it and why would someone hate a fish of all things? I can understand bugs and spiders but a fish... lol
irys really need to get better friends
>soggy wet clownfish fins typed these posts
you should have an AI draw her in all those situations.
the more i think about it, the more i hate about ir
Anon. As strange as Flare is with all her idiosyncracies about her depictions and odd rules, if she's terrified of clown fish to the point she can't even look at a tiny pixelated version of one and has give up playing a game because of it, then that doesn't sound like something she can help.
Like if it were arachnophobia, I'd just say to suck it up and get over it because spiders are everywhere and you can't live your life in fear.
But for something as unusual as clownfish of all things, it's such a rare and strange phobia. I just feel bad for her. I had no idea this phobia even existed.
>I hate freedom of speech!
fuck off
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fearing spiders is completely normal and justified as their usual appearance are hardcoded in our brains as possible danger
a specific type of completely harmless fish that humans aren't even supposed to see isn't.
she's just a bitch being a bitch like she always is
you are posting this as if holoantis care about this shit
Explain what aspect of her behavior is bitchlike.
This is how I find out Flare has a crippling fear of clownfish kek.
nta but i guess she dont have to tweet about "i hate clown and i will not play this minigame again"?. you can hate thing but tweet something like that after the dev work hard making it is bad look to me
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I can't believe this is actually a thing, lol.
She didn't say that. She said she wanted to but couldn't.
She doesn't hate them. She's afraid of them. She has a phobia, you stupid retard. You're basically the retard that goes up to a mentally ill person and says, " have you tried just not having a mental illness?"
She's afraid of clownfish? What the hell?
I will fuck the autism out of shiranui flare. I will pound her roughly and pull on her hair, pull open her mouth and also choke the autism out of her while roughly manhandling her until she is forced to orgasm with me.
>You will NOT ship me with titty knight any longer
U forgot this one
she demands all that but just the second day of the suisei daisuke’s drama she was throwing jokes and insinuating shit to suisei, who was visible uncomfortable with it. Rules for thee but not for me. >>89719197
She’s not terrified. She explained to fubuki and watame that it’s related to chain mails she received as a kid (the ones you had to forward to 10 other people). It’s not a phobia, stop romanticizing her autism.
Nemobros... not like this
Her singing streams are still my favorites out of all of holo. I don't watch anything else from her. It's amusing to keep learning how unironically autistic she is.
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*plays splat with fuera*
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She's always had weird hangups. She should be grateful that she was born a woman, people automatically put up with you.
Bakatare should force her to do a Finding Nemo watchalong
This kind of shit is why the average indiechad laughs at holowhores
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Anon, phobias are, most of the time, irrational. There are people who absolutely lost it at the sight of a ship propeller or a half submerged staricase.
so that's why people don't tolerate you
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you should use newer reaction images, your oshi already sent his ass into the shadow realm and wouldn't like you distributing forbidden content.
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flare is so cool
This brand of autism is not cute at all
Iirc it was childhood trauma of some sort involving chain messages. People get stupid phobias for all sorts of valid reasons.

Did Flare say something when the Hololive Alternative video depicted her using a bow and arrow?
She commented that she had no input in that, as well as her figma with a bow. Basically anytime she's officially depicted with a bow is without her blessing.
>You will NOT say china, ship or hentai
errmm based
They called gen 3 the golden gen, but it was actually the menhera gen.
Guess I can't ever take her to meet my parents since my dad is actively trying to get clownfish to breed in his home
Who other than Rushia and Flare are menhera?
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I know clownfish are agressive but how did she develop a phobia around clownfish? You can crush them like a bug
Please post this to her art tag, PLEASE
They're all extremely menhera
>You will NOT depict me with a bow.
>You will NOT depict me in my old outfits.
>You will NOT depict me showing off skin.
I know what I'm drawing next.
>He's never seen Noel lose it
>Nor Marine becoming legit desperate

Its very damning when the cartoon rabbit who bought a monkey is the most mentally sound member of your gen.
Well crazy women are the golden ones.
>whine and cry like a spoiled toddler brat on 4chan about something completely irrelevant because it irks your insane autism
>anons see it and reply for some reason
OP's only gonna get worse because of this.
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Chat, is this real? Was she raped by a clownfish or something?
I get it's funny to dunk on her but the developer is not an anti and it's an easy fix to her specific problem that doesn't take away the fun out of the game. It's such a weird thing to get upset at. I don't watch or care about the JPs either.
thats it raping Flare is hot now
>You WILL ship me with my wives IRyS and Ina.
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Flare is just "NO FUN ALLOWED" hell that image of the robot might as well be replaced with her hammering the sign, "IT'S JUST A BIT" cope she's been doing this shit for years it's obvious it's actually her not a bit, there's a reason why her kouhai are surpassing her and she's the least popular 3rd gen.

She's a nice woman I have nothing to say on her morals but at times she's a bit too uptight a total stick in the mud and it's killing her popularity. If she was an actress of standard japanese woman she'd be great but as a streamer she's boring.
I think it's cute how actually fucking cripplingly autistic Flare is. I think I can see why it is growing in society, autistic girls are cute and get bred hard.
I find her strangely endearing.
she literally can't help it, it's a genuine phobia of hers
see this for when she gets jumpscared by seeing one:
>lotus collage
so she basically got punked by one of those chain emails sending trypophobia images and has been traumatized ever since by association
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Skin too dark, this image does not meet her requirements
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is this true or is anon just exaggerating
>finds a bullshit excuse to not stream game
>devs patch the game just for you
>now you gotta play it
Poor Furea...
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>Do you play splat?
>Did you know that my first design was shit and I hated it? I had to threaten management with murder to get them to change me
>My first design was horrible and the old management forced me to go to therapy for my depression and I almost killed myself, but I ended up winning, they changed my design and I got omega and his entire team fired and now management has nothing else to do but respect me
>You're my soulmate
Best love story in hololive
>ENTER Takotime
>at first think, "Wow, what a bitch."
>then I realize this is a catalognig
Just a chain letter. It's not even something dangerous. Fuck this bitch for being overdramatic.
Flare needs people to be much more harsher with her instead of enabling her autism
>the old management forced me to go to therapy for my depression and I almost killed myself
Schizos sure have active imaginations.
So if IRyS just bitched about how disrespectful the character select screen is for not putting her with her Promise genmates, and for calling the gacha Council + Promise instead of Promise + Council, the faggot would fix it? Gen branding is more important than clownfish if you think about it.
So does she have to research whether Disneyland has a seasonal Finding Nemo attraction before going?
Both are old women though
They have a lot of voices that are active in their heads after all.
The Bow, Dark Elf, Forest or Cute not Cool things a re very much fucking REAL.
She refuses to be Gap Moe or Cool-Cute like Botan is. After all Botan is very cute while still being very cool. Stupid elf is stupid
I'm actually going to pamper her more.
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Flare is like this fish
I thought hes filipinx?
You fucking retard, she literally said it's a phobia and she described it as a phobia in >>89721031
It apparently stems from some kind of chainmail shock image she received in the past. It's doesn't make sense, but it's not suppoaed to. That's literally what a phobia is, you dunning kruger retard. You sound more brown than she is.
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Flare is kinda funny honestly
i love this retarded elf!
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oh shit new holocure frame from flare
please someone flood her art tag with pics of clownfishs carrying bows and arrows!
Typical dark elf behaviour.
whoa please no more of that racist attitude on blue board
this is the kind of shit that led to the pronoun bullshit
people that think everyone should bend over backwards to cater to their weird quirks and eccentricities
This is exactly why hiring elves is bad. They're all like this, it's biological.
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They make great cocksleeves though
Clownfish is such a random phobia. Finding Nemo has to be a fucking horror movie to her
It's racism is what it is.
That too, but I remember reading on here that she refused to play her game because the creator's ripped music from another game (which they didn't and it was Cover's fuck up) and she hasn't touched the game since.

Don't forget how she wishes she were a NORMAL highschool girl (who's an idol) and that she WISHES she were just like Re:gloss.
>sudden tranny obsession
more of sperg than the brown elf
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>she's terrified of clownfish
>dunning kroger
Spotted the midwit.
Who does she want to be then? Herself? Unless you already base your personality on an anime strerotype, or a huge fucking autist on something other people relate to, being yourself simply doesn't sell. You have to be a lot more.

I am genuinely asking anyone to sell her as a streamer to me.
Sometimes I forget japanese girls can really be a little crazy like event else
Is "she" trooning out?
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Oh yes that dangerous clown fish chain mail instilled Vietnam levels of ptsd in her it sure did.

Reality is she doesn't want to play the fucking game that's it. She can't tell her audience to shut the fuck up about the stupid game so an excuse was made.
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noel hasn't really "lost it" since Dark Souls 2 at the start of this year, and that was her going "yeah im not dealing with this bullshit".
>fear of falling into the water and being chopped up by a boat propeller
One of the worst ways to go, not irrational just unlikely.
>submerged staircase
Genetic memories of the Deluge, humanity fears God's reprisal for our sins.
Fuck finding Nemo.
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Erhm exsqueeze me saar, she is a half-elf not a dark elf- her father is coffee, which is why she has tan skin (not dark!).
>She's no where near the water and or boats think about propellers and submerged staircases flare is just a cunt.
She's a hag that wants to be a cute loli wearing cute clothes drinking tea cutely together with all her cute friends while talking about cute anime while taking a cute break from practicing singing her cute songs.
Flare is obsessed with cuteness. And Germany for some reason. She's a huge Germaboo too.
Freya is the equivalent of a western woman who feels the need to tell you how she was "almost raped" one time and that she has 5 prescriptions for xanax to manage her various mental 'problems', unfortunately not being a bitch is not one she considers manageable.
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sorry anon, flare is COOL
The thing about phobias is exposure therapy is one of the only ways to overcome them.
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>And Germany for some reason
Because she's a huge chuuni dork. She thinks European myths and literature are the coolest shit ever.
This is a girl that tried learning German in her free time just so she could read the OG Nibelungensage and can quote Heidegger.

She LIKES cool stuff. Loves it even.
It's just she herself that wants to be cute.
She should've evolved that thing into an enormous bear or something, turn it from panda to a polar bear with and eyemask and have it act as her personal butler. Feels bad for lack, having a thing he considered a cute mascot thrown into garbage like this
Not like she just invented it for this game though, there are clips and pics of her complaining and being jumpscared by clownfish before, even ITT. Still weird af.
is she the Kiara of Gen 3?
The only difference is that Flare is JP and its perfectly okay for her to be autistic. She (Flare) also doesn't have the infamous 'chicken voice' that /vt/ hates with a BURNING PASSION!
No? She's just upfront about what she doesn't like. Also if you noticed none of that stuff is ever directed against anyone else, it's just stuff concerning herself - the polar opposite of Kiara.
Holy shit anon, spoiler that
t. manatee
Yeah I don't like Flare now. Didn't care either way before. She's this extreme but acts like a damn pervert to Ina in public. Couldn't even cut her own fan game maker a break. Triggered by darker skin tones living in a sea of pale. Did she even try Holocure before? Fucking insane.
Ina is a loli and Flare LOVES loli's so its okay for her to be a 'pervert' in public.
you can play as ina so she probably tried it before
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> <85 IQ retard: i drew you as a wojak lol
> 85-115 IQ midwit: Look I drew you and your argument as a midwit on a graph of a bad measure of intelligence while I, who has a high IQ trust me bro, share my views with low IQ retards therefore I win checkmate atheists
> >115 genius: i drew you as a wojak lol
>You will NOT call me a dark elf or coffee elf.
coffee elf sounds cute
>You will NOT depict my home as a forest.
Elves live in the forest you dummy
>You WILL listen to me complain about how much I hate my model.
>You WILL remove any and all Clownfish from your video games
Honestly, pretty based. I guess we hate clownfish now.
She would probably call someone an n'wah under her breath, so yeah.
>honestly, pretty based
Pretty sure you would call this a snowflake or a tranny if this was coming off Twitter.

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