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>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
EIEN Extended: >>>/vt//eiex/
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/
VSPO! EN + Specialite: >>>/vt//fpspec/

Previous thread: >>89721698
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Sayu imminent!
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I love that group of girls, it's missing raki tho
>Chilla's slop
It's not just scary, but whatever hope she has a good time.
I'm getting used to her with big tits by desiring paizuri
Was it this stream that Sayu was supposed to start doing more kayfabe?
Pina, I had the assumption — the TRUST — your extremely tame daki would feature a hijab yet I was LIED TO
she won't go full 100% kayfabe, just lean more into it
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shark sex
Absolute whore, just like her bitch dog friend
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winter fox sex
>s*** posts
>less a*** posts
wtf went wrong? will the sexercise stream save us?
i want a threesome with alias and mako, no comdom, no pills, all week
I could be wrong but I think its because one is streaming and the other isn't
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>Only I can joke about this thing I said publicly
one of them has more ccv than every other chuuba here combined
I dont know why they're here instead of just making their own general
cant wait for sayu to be on /unity/ events
What a fucking bitch holy shit
she's in Kattarina's crab game collab
Sayu's boobs bouncing rigging is terrible, right boobs jumps all over and left barely moves.
>pander to coomers
>get coomer retards
What did she expect?
right boob is accentuated by the crystals while the left boob has the magatama on it.
EverAfter orisong
women are retarded and can't comprehend the consequences of their actions
so it's not her fault for pandering to coomers, they should just give her money and act normal
ugly asymmetrical tits
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Did you get yours? Only 150.
She's gonna have at least 3 mental breakdowns
150 bucks for a dakimura wtf... it's cute af at least.
>switches to an actual major instead of meme gamedev classes
>"wtf this isnt actually easy"
cute retard
sounds like she works hard and is good at her classes though so she'll be okay
She's not worth that money
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Haha dum cat
You meant to say it's only limited to 150 dakis ESL-chamma.
HOLY MAMA!! I really wasn't a fan of her previous model.
I want to like her design so bad but it's so overdesigned and the eye element is annoying.
Sayu's doing unban requests and roasting the ever living shit out of them
she's starting the game now
can't believe you fuckers are getting me to watch Sayu, fine, I'll watch your chuuba
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please explain
cheap chinese rigging
Sayu's boob physics are perfect. It's like a hammer-and-anvil situation. You place your dick between them, then the right just keeps hammering your cock into her more stable left boob.
Oykeli is Turkish you absolute retard.
that's even worse
>chilla's slop became motion sickness simulator
I wanna rip the dress off and suck her titties, what else is there to explain?
>mad about the internet
how do we reach these kiiiiiiids
will they ever learn
I wonder if she's doing electrical engineering
i fucking hope not, for her sanity
everyone should stay away from engineering majors, it's not good for your mental health
We could help her.
but i cant even help myself...
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Spica reading your fortune
t. skill issue

I got a mech eng degree and learned to fit in with the dude bros and nepo'd my way into a good comfy job where I don't worry about money that much, and can spend my discretionary income on mentally ill women on the internet.

I hope woozie is getting a proper STEM degree, it'll set her up to potentially have a good life.
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>18 plus emoji in handle
You can't make this shit up.
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Spica's chibi piano is a go
pre-chat spica my beloved
Spica likes tarot cards lore
/corpo/ darling streaming
>Be internet whore
>Make entire existence sexual
>Tell community about literally anything
>Expect it not to be sexualised
I'm not going to defend coomers, they should all be executed, but I mean, what did she expect?
Why are women like this
double raided by Spica
Spica is too nice for her own good, she should drop her completely like the other two
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someone's roommate? DK posted the same thing on YT. suspicious.
what's happening with V&U? are they about to dissolve?
new link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5WXGeYsbGU
you should at least be smart enough to google that and find the answer anon
so smart I tricked you to response. i did search the archive.
this is the last time you're getting a (You) from me
or at least a lot of them are leaving
does anyone here actually like the whorse or is it just one guy posting her so others can shit on her?
Seems like it at least for some talents, hopefully is not a eien situation
She’s literally never had a fanbase here
>apologized like a cuck afterwards
I'm trying to find out why the vnuggers aren't mentioning anything
why would they
You forgot how they charged that one girl for the wages of management? It's definitely like an Eien situation and maybe even worse.
didnt happen
she deserved it
Oh, it's a vnugger, true to form!
Well, the corpo's death isn't my concern, I'm just curious why they're ignoring the death bells.
>Elia talks about being a hikikomori
absolutely ruthless bitch, kinda respectable
shy introvert shut-in who goes to overseas vacations every month and has met every single vtuber IRL
she has no reason to stop as long as the grift works
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Why would you watch Elia?
I want to see what Lumi would be like if she was actually evil.
>and has met every single vtuber IRL
time for me to become a chuuba I guess
no reason to talk about it until something actually happens, we don't know what's going on and it might cause problems for the girls
this maro is so autistic I'm starting to believe it's actually from a purityfag trying to teach her a lesson about pandering to coomers
Lumi used to be an evil pickme bitch around Yuri's termination and before that during the cyberlive, mostly stemming from her friendcord that leaked like a sieve (I'm fairly certain she had to close down her friendcord -NOT her official groomcord-). BUT it seems she's toned it down a ton since (or her shit talking isn't being leaked anymore) and she has salavaged some of her reputation by being kind and giving to her friends.
Pretty sure she's still evil against her enemies though.
give me that maro link. if this is what it takes to stop whores from whoring, I can cook up 1000 characters about jizzing her barren womb full and it never mattering because she's a biological failure.
What will my chocolate queen Acti cook for me today?
thanks Menace, VERY cool
everything in this post is true
menace is also evil btw
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i dont understand how vnu is a black company
it's not, they kinda half asses gen 4 then just ignored them though
people have differing opinions on what entails a black corpo
the blackmailing they tried for serafi. but other than that, i'd say they're just too incompetent
Incompetence and black are one and the same in the small corpo world.
best v&u girl and your reason for choosing her
sex with suri
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she's tomomi
Suri obviously and it's not even close. Best boy is tomomi though
she doesn't like being called a boy
Too bad, he's my boyhusband.
*chomps into your arm*
Love u too hubby
explains a lot
Listen, I like Tomomi a lot too, but I prefer Mimsie. Now that's a girl to fall in love with! Nothing like a short tan cutie to sperg about not taking her meds or having nightmares about male collabs. I miss her...
Sex with infertile hags.
My autistic browife whom I will tenderly make love to and fulfill her biological urges.
you'll never have better sex than with an infertile hag still in denial and desperate to get preggers.
I already have a proper STEM job. All she needs for a good life is to be my eternal loli bride.
Fair enough, I'd be someone's loli fucktoy if I was a loli and it meant not having to work desu.
she needs a proper STEM job to look after my hikiNEET ass
I can cook for her and clean the house and cuddle her and praise her
Sending Acti off to school with a kiss on the forehead and wishing her a happy day! Also telling her not to talk to boys.
I wonder if the anon who made AI Mozzu lewds is still around...
There were several of us. I reformatted a while back and never bothered reinstalling everything.
mivi because i love her feet
Is there really anons that lust over br*tish women? Why????????
her crying the next day with a negative test on hand. hot
Sexy accent and smug attitude
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what about fertile hags?
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please listen to isla-chama's new cover!!!!!
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Yeah but what about latinas
Breed the duck!
Fuck off Kanna, vtubing is oversaturated as it is
then you get to console her and have emotional sex.
I'm rock hard now
How can menace be evil if she pleasures my penis weekly
Alias, Mako, that's two chuubas who you can have infinite irresponsible creampie sex with.

That's two more than I expected desu
Too spicy for me
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You forgot someone.
but she's single forever...
VSMP Signs of life
Bonnie tonight: https://youtu.be/QYCbo1RZEvk
Spica Tomorrow with Roro: https://youtu.be/TL0e2IqjLss
It would be nice if more people started again but I imagine the Ark arc will be another reason for others not to join in for a while
I am NOT looking forward to the Ark arc
/vsmp/... gone too soon...
kson and yura won
Wait Shee is Latinx?
the source for that is /pkg/ so no
her spanish is shit so no
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Sayu’s British sister is live
all but confirmed yes
/pkg/ are our friends.
/vrt/ are our friends.
Acti egosearching during school recess, reading this post, laughing nervously and looking like an idiot in front of everyone
Last night Suri ASMR was pretty good
I'm almost certain 'suri' is a Japanese onomatopeia for rubbing soft skin in porn
They even put us in their op.
Yeah mine, on hers
>I'm not going to defend coomers, they should all be executed
Every other vtuber has a smoking hot model. Do you really think that is just a happy accident?
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There's being a coomer and there's being vocal about being a coomer. The latter seem to love the "well the vtuber has a sexy model" argument to justify their poor social skills. Curious!
>and there's being vocal about being a coomer
Like all these so called lewdtubers love to do on main, but hate the moment it's someone else saying it to them
What does Acti do in her membership streams? She mentioned that she would rather do recorded videos for members. I'm curious about small vtubers that dont really have that many members. I mean, if they have 20-30 ccv on regular streams, how many do they have in membership ones? Its probably a struggle to get a multiplayer game going with only 5-6 people showing up.
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If I had to stream to a couple of annoying coomers and cringe groomers that make chat so boring that browsing 4chan during stream is more entertaining I wouldn't do membership streams either.
Cera's first asmr stream
gooners welcomed
Also,considering her health,she may end up being the 3rd infertile one
So many names I recognize in the chat already. ASMR fags really are the biggest whores in vtubing lmao. Including me btw
Acti so lazy bro omg stream woman
he can't get the thread to hate acti so he is trying to make acti hate the thread
new fauna?
Truth. Why are her groomers like this?
She already hates the thread, she just can't abandon her att whoring side
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>rape fanart
bold, I like it
Fish sex
I don't know why I thought she's a fish
>take 4 semesters of hard math courses to weed out brainlet shitters
>breeze through the rest of the program and graduate never having to worry about money again
>oh but the mental health can't forget about the heckin mental healtherino doing difficult brain work really hurts my heckin brain. Not sure if guaranteed financial stability is worth it totally not a brainlet btw
>pretending mental health doesn't exist in 2024
I'm sure the boomers will save a spot at the baseball game for you bro. Keep encouraging people to do engineering when they have no interest in it because it pays well and you'll keep getting shitty engineers amd a glut of them that eventually drives down demand and wages in the field. When I was in highschool basically every kid with good grades, especilaly those who were well off or full of themselves, who didn't know what they wanted to do defaulted to engineering because of this constant push for stem jobs on anyone with a pulse
>totally not a brainlet btw!
>immediately do ASMR
is ASMR the new "making up for lack of talent"?
NTA but the reason STEM continues to be a lucrative career is because not everyone can do it. Plenty do try, but the drop and failure rates for math classes is obscene.

When school comes down to it, you need the discipline and drive to succeed because it's less about being "smart" and more about being able to learn the material and apply it to your exams.
always has been
same with lovebombing during/immediately after debut
One z
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Zeli. Based gaming taste, funny gremling, cultured music taste and good singer.
>I'm sure the boomers will save a spot at the baseball game for you bro
bewbs too big
She's a slime girl. She can have as much booba as she wants.
>The asmr is good
>The asmr isn't good but they said they know and want to improve
>The asmr isn't good
>The asmr isn't asmr and is mislabeled roleplay audio
>The asmr is just zatsu but with a 3dio
I agree with you but you didn't have to write it like a woman
I love zeli but I wish she'd play more fnaf
Bonnie is live now.
>Getting ready to move, expect an echoey stream until the middle of December or at worst til the new year.
>Has seen Spica's call for arms but timezones don't really align for them currently.
>Saw that up until a few weeks ago Lillie was still active and automating lots of things, wants to visit today.
>Fixed an issue with her warp plate / teleports that didn't fully load her clock tower and made it out of sync.
>Wants to continue work on a British Pub and a Green house as Lillie gave her one of every seed.
>Planning today to maybe just do a bit of a tour around checking other peoples stuff for now
>Will start with Lillie's once she's pee'd.
>I wish she'd play more fnaf
I wonder if this is the first time in history that an adult person has uttered this specific string of words
You haven't been watching Shiki.
I was a kid when FNAF was 1st really a thing. I didn't get the hype, and watched videos where people would make fun of it too so you grow up assuming no one actually liked FNAF or it was a phase. Then a million more games come out. Then you realize that yeah you grew up, but guess what those millions of kids that grew up loving fnaf, watching theory videos about it, also grew up and still like fnaf. So yeah that statement has probably been uttered plenty of times. Actually I know it had because I think I've seen it said at least a few times
>Needs lots of copper and clay for her planned builds.
>Thinks Lillie or Kokone have a clay farm - will investigate.
>Found a TP named "Come her Diaya and Scarlett" and "Scarlett's Resting Place", Bonnie missed the funeral.
>Left a message at the Scarlett's resting place referencing their CK3 collab.
>Plans to head to Killia's next.
>Walking around spawn, thinks it would be nice to have it tidied up for when people come back.
>Realised that lots of members (Zumi, Navi, Fuyo) won't be coming back, will make them something today.
>Heads to Killia's and read her message she made previously.
>Points out an extra bit she added of some lily pads leading to a tree.
>Explains during Killia's funeral they had a big warehouse that they all took turns shooting with fire arrows and planted a dragon tree there.
>Trying to work out what blocks she wants to build some shrines with, may also use the photo to block tool.
Sir, this is /corpo/ you're not supposed to livepost, you're supposed to post vague one line hornyposts
Pinning Acti to the bed, holding down her wrists over her head, masturbating her with my other hand while I kiss her small breasts, and I guess that's more than one line already.
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On that note, Menace tummy
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Ok, reminder: Take care of your self.
liveposting has always been a thing fuck off, I liked reading spica poster
If she's to play games at all it should primarily be boomer games.
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>Goes for a drink and comes back saying she has a good idea for what to write for Zumi - but will keep it a surprise.
>Updates Zumi's sign with her graduation date.
>Goes to Zumi's
>Uses the tool to turn a picture into a map. her first time actually using it but Lillie taught her
>Needs cows for picture frames so goes to Kanna's to explore noting her big building she was mid completion.
>Wants to get people back on the server after the Ark Event.
>Wants to ask for the server to be updated as theirs been a few to the base game since everyone stopped coming around.
>Finishes a quick shrine for Zumi
>Was going to make something for Fuyo, but she didn't have a linked warp plate, will move onto Navi
bros her ears have physics it's the cutest thing
>Acti late again
talk about not giving single fucks
She is adorable but sadly aussie accents are a hard filter for me
Airi’s ASMR no I don’t care if you don’t consider this proper ASMR
Sensational thread darling Acti Matatabi will be expertly cooking microwave meals for (You) today
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>Navi grave made.
>Is now just going around and checking others from the members hall.
>Had left Spectra beans on toast which are untoched in her warp plate chest.
>Adding a small shrine at Scarletts base as well.
Love my sweet daughter, please encourage her cooking even if it comes out bad.
With how long this woman takes to bake would she have to keep our kid in the oven for more than 9 months?
gravekeeper bonnie...
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>Decorates Scarlett's grave with an additional head she found from Tomomi.
>Visits Furi's Sand Land and does a grave(?) with her current scuffed twitter profile.
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>Will explain to Furi if she ever comes back why she has a grave.
>Estella is next for a grave
A lot changes in a few months...
>Hopes that's the last one current count is 7.
Does anyone have an archive of Airi's deleted asmr?
>does not like dogs
fake FUWAMOCO fan Acti!
>not into pet play
How long until the inevitable Acti reflection yab in one of these streams?
just happened
Controversial stoner Blaise has been yappin
Acti sounds so pissed off today
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>Estella Grave RIP.
>Now looking at spawn, wants to tidy up but not remove stuff people have worked hard on even if they were for small events like the Pink 2024 building.
>Finds a WIP project from Nikki of a Cannon?
>Wants to do a memorial garden using blocks from everyone to keep a piece of them all together
>Takes some petals from Killia, Bamboo from Navi
>Gets screamed at by goats at Navi
>Finds a load of Jelly from when they pranked Scarlett by putting it everywhere.
>Admiring how crazy Furi's base is.
>Discovers the outline of the massive castle Furi was going to make and finds another grave someone else had left.
Wrong EIEN
>into big dogs
comes from her mother I guess
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Tomoe raided notScarlett singing Fallout songs

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