Thread for the pon, cute, hardworking artist mamma (and pizza with french fries addict), italian pink gatta.>Channel:>X:>Last Stream:> 【hololive TCG】GATCHA GATCHA GATCHA! Handcam stream! #CiaoRaora>Next Stream:>Chattini DaySchedule below!>Original Songs:>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】>Covers:>HIBANA / ヒバナ - 【Raora Panthera】>ECHO - 【Raora Panthera】> マトリョシカ (Matryoshka) - 【Raora Panthera x Gigi Murin】>Lore and Debut:>Merch:>Fanarts:ラオーラ・パンテーラ>Divegrass:>/ciao/ OP Template:>Previous Thread:>>89671901
>/CIAO/ SCHEDULE ANCHORReply to this post with schedule updates, errata and stream links!Also, please provide links a/o screenshots if possible!
>CHATTINI DAY SCHEDULEStarts: November 19, 9:00 PM ESTNovember 20, 2:00 AM GMTNovember 20, 11:00 AM JST>
Studio stream confirmed
>>89800514I knew it
>>89800424rancid lasagna farts
How many signed cards is there even
9th box huh...
>>89800745I think mori said 1 in 30 boxes, no idea if that is true though
>>89800786wow then I am extremely that I got it in 4 box (I brought from different TCG vendors online)
Its moomin time
rare owl spotted in big cat territory
>>89800786She needs to buy 20 more boxes then
how many boxes did mamma burn in this stream
Don't leave...
>>89801481Chattini day soon dont worry
>>89801538CUTE PAWCAM CAT/10No signed card/10
>>89801538Gamba gamba gatto/10Nice art cards stream/10
>>89801538Strawberry cat/10Oh hi/10
>>89801538cute/10sad gamba noises/10
JWUHow cute were the big cat's paws and Italian gesticulations?
>>89803292She waved at the chatbox to say hi (she does that even in regular streams according to biboo)
>>89803591Waving at the chat instead of the camera
>>89802998Pebbles get lasers and mechas and we get to have a singular aint fair
>>89804280Why does she love to call us retarded when she is? day streams.
>>89806896Dont call her retarded or she will break your mugs
>>89808275You did vote for pekora right chattini?
When will SHE cook for Ririka? Poor woman needs to eat a proper high-calorie meal.
>>89811864Next time raora definetly needs to pick the recipe last time was some weird shit
>>89811864Last time she mentioned lasagna but ririka calories all go towards her booty anyway
>>89811864They will make a real borgar in the future
>>89813932Ahhh too cute
>>89800459Damn Chattini are lucky bastards
>>89815133she loves us hours
>>89812143For real. That cake, by all indications, must be enormous.
>>89815133Big cat means big schedule
Good night /ciao/, wake me up for chattini day zzz
>>89817222Good night chattino just not too long
I'm going to take a nap. See you when the stream starts.
>>89818914Good night chattino.
>>89815584she's disturbingly hot in 3D
>>89819253Cant wait for justice 3d
>>89823359Can't wait for her keeping the promise with GG about this.
>>89825076GG will remind her even if she forgets
Good night /ciao/ thought i could stay up but i just cant
>>89828210Good night chattino, same here.
>>89828210>>89828390Good night chattini
Chattini doko
>>89828210>>89828390gn chattini. i'll do my best to keep the thread up.
>>89821439don't put me in the washing machine mamma. the otomo asked for it...
>>89815133beeg cat means beeg streamiing raoooooooo
>>89808988pekora winning that awards show would unironically be the only highlight of that event
>>89803591can't wait for mamma 3d room
how long did she say she was gonna wait in btween chatinni days? a month?
>>89836178Monthly, on the 20th IF she can do it.She said there will be times where it will get too busy, so dont 100% expect it to happen every month
goodnight chattini
>>89837515gn chattino
Ameno cover confirmed
What is this emote?
>>89842416Chattino sitting, I suppose its purpose is waiting room or brb screen spam
>>89842416Combo emote with the dead chattino to get your workout reps in
Good morning chattini.
>>89844406Good morning chattino
>>89844406Gm chattino
>chattini give flowers to ---She sounds like a bona fide mamma whenever she says that
Design time!
I want police, but its so obvious that chat will vote maid
>>89848583I voted police because maid is overused, seeing something different is nice.
I was expecting more votes for nun
>the dead mom cutpeak
>Princess designYou mean empress design right Mamma?
Doesnt cecilia have a lance? That aint a spear
>happy 4 yearskek
>>89849088I want to see a roman toga design at some point, but its probably difficult to innovate on that
>>89849659It doesn't need to be a toga, it's romance empire nor roman.
Not those glasses pls.
The design reminds me a little bit of the overlord maids with the halberd
>>89852451Dress looks similar to Yuri Alpha one.
Nonna said ciao to us.
I have to go. Enjoy the rest of the stream, chattini.