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>enters your area
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We're Back Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive tomboy zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
A Kid Requested Filian for Make-A-Wish
Frog Ridah!
/flip/ on da telly!!!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Dance Archive
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:05 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream
THE WORLD'S DUMBEST DEBATES w/ Pippa, Kirsche, & marimari_en


>Previous Thread
blessing this thread with blelele
Filian is based
blelelessed blesser
post gilian NAO
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reminder: gilian is mine
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love me bleleleleles. simple as
I wrote this post
i wrote this post
>>89830981 (me)
KEK that was not what I thought it was
filian is based
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I wrote your post
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Stacked schedule. Wonder if we get bits of VTA news during the Lily collab
Maid Filian my beloved...
ewww, get that whore away from me
Yeah, the schedule is looking great. I'm looking forward to the game night room review with Shondo.
I woudn't count on getting a lot of news on the VTA.
There has yet to be a game night stream that was less than an 8/10 imho, so yeah really hyped for that.
But she’s really sexy
I really just don't care, unless she's sucking my dick.
that model was bonkers
>There has yet to be a game night stream that was less than an 8/10 imho
I hope it's not going to be Uno again, I didn't really like those streams. Hoping for great guests
That’s how jerking off works. You imagine the sexy hoe sucking your dick in your head
CAH was my favorite but I liked the Uno streams. Both Uno streams had very high quality yaps.
sounds fake and gay and also mostly for people who don't get any pussy
that's everyone on this board anon. you wouldn't be here if that wasn't you too.
How am I supposed to fuck the orca vtuber IRL genius
I have sex all the time, it only costs $150 for a QV. I despise women, anyways
I was ready to make a joke about paying for it but you went and just said it so that's fair I guess.
What’s a qv
Context clues.
Quick visit? Idk anything about prostitutes, all the sex I’ve had has been free
was there ever a soundpost made for that flip kiss near the end of stream?
This one? Another anon made one, too
that was it, thanks anon
it's /vt/ bruh, you don't have to put on a mask, you're among friends here
based on what?
Speak for yourself
if you've ever had sex for free and still ended up /here/ that's an even bigger L ngl
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I like shitposting and vtubers are cute. Don’t be weird man
>dropping the snacka with the hard R
why you getting racist
honestly this, if you were always an incel and then you gave up and resorted to prostitutes that's one thing, but if you almost made it that must be 10x as humiliating
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>if you've ever had sex for free
in each case, I wish I hadn't
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anon... your %s...
wait that's illegal!
can someone post the long version of that one, then i can just resave it correctly
here's your filename

You don't need the https%3A%2F%2F at the beginning. You can start it with files.
sounds posts are arcane to me. I have it saved with that filename and I know it works kek.
thread theme song
It would be a lot nicer if chinkmoot would just enable sounds for .webms on every board
Where's the guy who fights with you about this? We haven't done this timeloop in a little while.
And a 6MB limit as well. It's stupid that different boards have different limits for all sorts of things. It should be universal. If someone doesn't want to listen to audio they have a half a dozen different options.
soundpost niggas won, soundpost anons are merely overseeing a decrepit dying status quo
fuck, streamable niggas, I'm like 8 drinks deep
Vtuber piss is that good?
I'm sipping on bacardi mixed with fresca
I think this is the first time I ever said this, lol
you guys fucking love the retarded streamable vs. soundpost timeloop, don't pretend otherwise
>you guys fucking love the retarded streamable vs. soundpost timeloop, don't pretend otherwise
No, both are shit workarounds for having .webms with sound when other boards are allowed to have them and I say this as someone who makes soundposts.
There's room for both I think. In the end it's better to have everything backed up in as many different places as possible so that we don't lose these little pieces of filly history.
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what does this mean?
She saw where you hid your fruit snacks.
anon is powerful
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I hide them in a super secret underground bunker though??? wtf
She can sniff it out regardless.
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so demure
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don't wanna
I wanna
What games do you hope to watch her play tomorrow?
Starcraft 2
smug FRICK
Space Marine 2
Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader
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Filian plays games?
she plays games with my heart you feel me
I am Kirito and Filian is Asuna
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she should suck my cock
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I should see if I can track down my ancient /tg/ folder, I got 40k memes in there that probably haven't seen the light of day in years.
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
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based and same
I want to throw hundreds on it
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my friends hate this girl I've been seeing what should I do /flip/
call them nerds and troons
Tell them you hate their oshis too
you can listen to your friends and be happy or listen to yourself and get laid. they choice is yours.
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just submitted my room for filly to look at
typical low quality ass filian post
yall virgins watching filian aint gonna get no pussy
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yardy kno brotha im saving myself for marriage anyway
i don't get it
the comment is talking about the band bts but the op means the original meaning of bts (behind the scenes). the op is talking about a music video they made whil the comment is asking about a kpop band collaboration. since twitter has a high population of kpop fans, they often see everything through a kpop lens and misinterpret things (also theyre young an average so dont know old acronyms)
Same ye
That's the joke? This has to be the unfunniest one posted there yet
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thats the joke. dont care if its funny or not. filly posted it so it is good
Doesn't swika handle her yt channel?
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My favourite interaction
thx for the rundown snacker
i wanna go on a magical adventure with gilly...
>cant watch the next stream
its over... no liveposting from me.....
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filian went out of her way to make a schedule filled with cool streams and you can't even bothered to watch, baka
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i must kill myself out of shame now... fricking work......
What does Fil think of black men?
i feel you, i'm always vodgang.
sometimes i curse being from EU but then i remember it could be much worse.
gilly a cute
EU kinda sucks, but at the same time rarely do I have a risk of not being able to watch since there is nothing to do at night other than sleep. No work, family or anything can really get in the way. Though lack of sleep does hurt sometimes
i have to get up to early to pull stunts like that.
I can't believe Filian's Korean cousin got a holo collab before her
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*cums on her nose*
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god i wish i was that chair
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damn why do you even keep coming back. unless....
fillyButt is glorious
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gilly > filly
for me its the og filly
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Imagine being this dude. Most likely hetero, having to pose like ready to take some D for moneybux. Sadge and smadge
If that guy is from some less affluent place lika South America or smth I think it's a W. A bit of humiliation for easy $? Way better than slaving away for the local wages.
I'm getting dragged out before filian's stream today so I hope that I can get back in time for all of the fun stuff.
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gl brother
Bless you anon
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need a crazy gilian to latch onto me and never let go
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gn anon
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Cute autistic waddle
Hope life is treating you well guys, have a good day/night and I wish you the best bleleles
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her face after she blelele on my pp
You too anon, later.
what is filian doing today?
Live 2d model with an eye tracker thing and games
i still can't belive bao is a grandwizard of the kkk
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I knew, I always knew.
just look at that menacing monster.
im just glad asians arent allowed to hold office.

You too anon! Stuffs going pretty good for me. Kinda wish my wednesday nights were free to watch the streams though.
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what are they looking at
My pp
Someone stuffing fruit snacks up their doodyhole.
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MariMari_EN's girl dick.
Why is she so autistic?
extremely high quality bleleles last stream
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because she's perfect
This thread
This one hasn't even been bad, we've had much worse.
what was the worst ever in you opinion?
I dunno, probably one of the ones where we were getting raided hard.
I can't believe Filian face revealed by giving us full body nudes on fansly
Filian, just buy an ad
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Those blades... I know you... God killer
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what a weeb
Is he alright?
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He is decreased.
Four (4) hours until fillyOnline!
Why is she so manly?
scale one to ten, how much would you like filian to rape you(without consent)?
It's part of her tomboyish charm.
nonsensical hypothetical, it would always be consensual, cannot answer question.
Birdian my beloved
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"big collab"
Interesting. Never heard of the service.
They did a sponsored stream with Camimi. It's like omegle but for Vtubers, altough I am not sure how they want to enforce that
finaly a new place where i can show my dick to strangers. signing up right now

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