Post your YouTube recap Top5
>>89848265you post the one that doesn't matter, post the gaming one
where do i even find that?
>>89850590>TO GET YOUR RECAPgaming: Go on your phone, click the compass on the top left, click gaming and it'll tell you that a recap is theremusic:In YT Music mobile app: tap pfp, tap "Your Recap"In regular YT mobile app: tap pfp and then tap the Music Recap banner below your history
>>89850628>on your phone>YT Music mobile app>regular YT mobile appwho the fuck uses their phone to watch youtube?
how to get that from pc??
>>89848265where do you see this
>>89848265It's so fucking cute that this is even a thing. "I was one of the Dragoons who tuned in to support indie VTuber Dokibird."
>>89851220why are you brown?
I don't actually use youtube music, so the top tracks is wacky, but I wouldn't object to the top artists too much.
>top artist>Kendrick Lamar I don't even like Kendrick Lamar why the fuck is he on the list
>>89848265Are you female?
>>89850802people who go outside their house and don't have laptops
>>89848265Isla Coleman my beloved
>>89853537I use brave browser on mobile
>>89853597>scotts stash enjoyeryou're probably 15 years younger than me but still, based
>>89848265Only good song here is Help
>>89850628>music>gamingwheres the normal one for normal people
>>89851729I got the doki one and this
>>89853997>normal people>on vtOgey
>>89854610I'm normal!
>>89854701No you're not
>>89854954shiori rapist?
I fucking LOVE Chiku Taku
>>89848265I don't listen to Vtuber music.
I barely watch Kiara but she streams during work hours and I put her in the background for the pity view.Guess I watched a little too much of the Palworld arc. One of the few instances I was paying attention to a Gura stream and I got to witness the rare Gura Bijou interaction
>>89855357You watch kiara, bijou, bae, and ina
>>89853812I'm sorry to hear that
>>89855462congratulations, you can read
>>89855504So can you
>>89850628How come I don't get it? I have both YT and YT music apps and even Premium but I don't see this
My music top 5 is nothing vtuber related at all, so I won’t post that one.
>>89848265criminally underrated track in my opinion
>>89855589Nigga's time to lose the belly fat.
>>89855589Funny, I have the exact opposite problem. None of my gaming recap is vtuber related, I think only Sara Nagare shows up there. Such is life for the 16% youtube gaming content enjoyer.
>>89848265discord screenshot farm threadkys
Notices that I'm a chumbud
>>89856291But what happens when she doesn't stream
>>89850802People in third world shitholes don't have computers.
>>89855589Post them anywayI'm curious
>>89856856>SEA without disguise
it's not on revanced? cant find it
>>89856927No shit
I love Kanade
>>89856927It's on youtube mobile app
It do be like that
>>89857166>maleI thought Russian hate faggots
Man I Love Fauna
>listening to Mori unironically shiggy diggy
Another Chumbud acknowledgement.
oh shit, i wasn´t even aware i watch this dude that muchusually just got him on the background while i game, while i actively watch my oshis streams, so it felt like i watch vtubers way more
>>89857972>Top 0.1% and 22x the average viewer.You are a real fan.I didn't even get that acknowledgment and he's my top creator since the shork hasn't been streaming much.
i think i need help.
>>89858437>he's my top creator since the shork hasn't been streaming muchsame problem. i watch actively every single stream of my oshi, but she won´t show up just because another channel i don´t even watch actively and just use as background noise shits out new content dailyThis recap is a bit flawed in that way, but still interesting to see how my watch time is actually distributed. In my personal perception i would have said i watched Kiara 4 times as much, just because i interact with her streams
>>89858612Does that mean that you watched more than she streamed? Double-dipping?
>> her actual channel image the aftermath of a blowjob cumshot?
>>89858693nah i just keep watching her stream as background while playing games.>>89858738yeah my cum.
>>89858346You know it, love me some retro brats
>>89858612jesus manI only have 46x for my oshi.
>>89858961the funny thing is i dont watch there listen when she live.
>>89858612I kneel
My oshi didn't make it to the top 5 tracks...>>89855350>IFA Wartburgbased
>>89857972>Asmongold in first and second place I kneel anon truly you are his greatest fan
>>89848265>phone appno thanks lmao
>>89855589God, I'm so sorry anon. I hope you get well soon
>>89850802go outside.
>>89853812You should be using youtube premium(or twitch nitro if you use twitch), no ads AND your video/stream watchtime counts as ad revenue for your favorite content creators.You get to have no ads WHILE supporting you favorite chuuba, what's better than that? Surely you want your oshi to get paid for entertaining you right?
Stack vtuber debut when
My baby, my wife.
I do feel like it's always just counting recent things on these
>>89848265Unfortunately, I don't watch YouTube signed to any account now so this is inaccurate.>Striveewww... Wait, I guess Smell of the Game is the only decent one from that game. Xrd mogs Strive hard in the soundtrack department.
>>89857822A+ choices
>>89857822retard love
VGC is one hell of a drug.
>>89864602I'm not spending a dime to a Jewish company
>>89848265Lads, not a single vtuber in either the music or gaming one. Maybe it's high time I move on from here.
>>89864602If you're subscribed to your oshi on twitch, you don't get any ads on their channel anyways
>>89848265is there a way to get this on desktop? I dont use a smartphone
>>89848265It got my top track atleast.
My watch history has been turned off for a few years, so yt won't let me have a homepage, let alone a recap. Would be interesting to see how I'd measure up to other gachikoi in terms of raw watchtime.For the music, I wouldn't doubt Id see at least one Kyoufuu All Black on there, as well as Biboo's Palette cover.
>>89873741Shigure Ui is my oshi, but she doesn't stream nearly enough to make it on my list.
>>89848265Oh we're doing the music one now properly.
>>89850802about 95% of the userbase of youtube
I do love my green woman
>>89857972>Turk>Enjoys AsmonHehehe
Not a single vtuber. I thought sure Hajime or Nene would be there.Maybe I have distanced myself from the hobby. Sad.
I definitely listened way more than this. Do they not count the one that's animated?
>>89850628>Mobile appCall me when you can do this on desktop like a civilized person
da kiwin
>>89890027They do but they are counted separately, and are not combined.
>>89857822tiddo kiddo OLEV
>can't find any way to save the slides>download button does literally nothingyeah fuck this>how do we force everyone to use our shitty app?>I know let's just add an exclusive feature and FOMO everyone into using it!
>>8989190250 IQ right here lads
>>89891902Lol retard
I love Kaela I guess
>PalworldI kinda miss this one..
>>89898169Get used to it old man, it's our world now
>>89851729Doki is officially bigger than hololive
>>89848265I don't even remember watching that much Koyori. I don't know how she got into the top 5 over, for example, Sora or Kanade.
>>89873741>>89874372>>89901963Why no EN? You are not japanese
>>89902366>Why no EN? You are not japaneseSo? English isn't even my first or second language. Why would I watch EN?
>>89902502Oh so you're one of those brown last samurais
>>89901292Yes retarded redditors normalfaggots in here pagpag eaters.
>>89903302Yeah yeah grandpa, let's get you to bed shall we?
I hope this isn't gonna single me out
r8 my taste m8
>>89855589Man, how are you not ashamed of yourself
Kinda surprised at some of these, but proud of my top at least. I do need to watch more Fauna and ERB though, I'm disappointed they aren't top five.
>>89907489You are so brave to post thatin before the hate train
>>89907489your taste in stars are wacky, on one hand you got one of most passionate stars Ruze and our favorite retards Axel and Jutard BUT THAT SLACKER NIGGA BETTEL FUCK OUTTA HERE
>>89907854Looking at the streams to see which I watched, looks like I mostly like Bettel 2 collab streams. The GTA RP streams pushed the numbers up a lot too I think.