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So Back Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>Who's live right now? going live soon?

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
Pixel VSMP:>>>/vt//vsmp/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ thread: >>89679667
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sleepy nurse (not evil) monster steals your energy and makes you sleepy too
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Essie Scheddie
>coworking and mic fixing
>not spa asmr just needy kissy asmr
>HL2 long stream
>holocure update
>making slimes handcam
>slime asmr
oi dont actually sleep tho
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Esila Shephdule
> 1bit heart
> cats organised
> amnesia
> espresso
> skyrim
> Master Duel!!!!!!!!!
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Momoko Scheduihara
>Gartic collab
>Web fishing
>Momomorning / GGS
>MMM / Fears to Fathom
>Late night ASMR
I want to sniff her feet
what do they smell like
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what a peculiar thing to say...
something like this but with more sweaty notes
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Yes but she decided to skeb loli Para
Like hooves.
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Maru Nanamona talks about being 3 years old and the celebration stream(s?)
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>i wanted to make a hot drink for stream
>but i forgor to press the button on my kettle and ended up with room temp water

>let's talk about the anniv streams from yesterday >>89798255
>even though i knew all the answers the guessing game was fun >>89798556
>i was my idea, collecting the pictures was fun
>i cant show the other pictures in this stream but i can show my own stuff
>turns out my stuff and Sera's stuff was very similar
>the lamb thingie has a silly sticker on the other side that says "gangster sheep"
>isn't your oshi's perfume something you are curious about?
>they say that perfumes have top, middle, base notes and the smell changes over time >>89860147
what the fuck are the odds of this topic coming up????
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>*model freezes*
>please wait a moment
>*comes back as a PNG*
>I'm home! I'm back from school
>I might have to change my plans for members streams later....
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>*model comes back to life*
>we're good, the members stream is safe!
>*goes back to the schoolgirl RP anyway*
>Otoha would be the president of the Students Council, and because she is she gets to have a wild hair colour because rules don't apply to her
>Itsuki would be in the archery club and she would the vice-president who greet people with a lot of energy at the front gate, and makes sure people follow the rules
>Uno would get told her skirt is too short but would get away with it
>Otoha would be very popular because she plays guitar
>waaait my spilled my drink, wait for me while you childhood friend Nanamona stands in for me
>im so cold... and my drink is cold too now
>isn't the school uniform art so cute?
>you can get the cards for free is you play the VEE veellage community fan site
>you can get the passwords in yesterday's VOD
>thank you to everyone who sent pictures of their merch for the stream >>89800558
>since organised everything ourselves for the 3rd anni, we had a lot of freedom
That does not sound very promising for the future of verse...
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>i could not sleep at all after the anni streams even if i felt relieved everything was over
>i feel im just starting to realise now that it's all done
>i can try to pull up the slow motion surprise cake video but i took it on my phone so the resolution is crazy...
>*starts playing it it turns slowmo*
>i cant understand anything *cant stop laughing*
>and then it turns back to normal speed *still laughing*
>when i noticed i yelped but it was too late so we rolled with it
>we didnt want to put candles in the cake itself so they went into an-donuts (doughnuts with anko paste?)
>when we got the stuff for the party Uno bought donuts too just as a snack
>but we ended up using them as decoration to hold the candles
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>and if you are wondering how we ate it...
>i have the perfect picture to explain it...
>left is Uno, right is me
>we just dug into it with a fork each
>it felt like a picnic or a welcoming party
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>there's merch from the first and second anniv in the backgroud
>for the main colour of the cake we went with sky blue because it comes up in the art for VERSE group songs
>the taste was fine, a normal sponge cake with icing and strawberry jam
>we ate the whole thing but if you're not into sweets it would probably be too much
>and the only thing left almost ended up being that horror movie slowmotion video...
>*plays it again and laughs just as much*
>if we play it at double speed would it sound normal?
>let me try...
>now we sound like chipmunks...
>it's easier to understand but even worse some how...
>let me tell Uno real quick
>"if you put the cake video on 2x its crazy (yabai)"
>maybe this should be the guessing game for next year, we record everyone and play it at different speeds and you have to guess which VEE talent it is

>getting eepy *yawn*
>since we have a members stream after let me gift the 5 free memberships i get from youtube
>next month i'll try to send out the gifts on christmas
>i'm not doing that to make sure you show up for the xmas stream or anything
>it's not like i already told all your friends you have plans on that day or whatever
>i wonder if the sheep who lives upstair will be home on xmas i dont want to bother them by being too loud like last time

>if i am santa then my reindeer is Itsuki
>i'll just ride on back her with a whip
>>she might carry you in her arms like a princess instead
>i wonder what would be faster...
>in Findland there's a wife carrying festival and they say the fastest way to carry someone and run is to have your neck between their thighs
>they have to run through water like that too, so the wife has to hold her breath
interesting sport!
taking notes for the sheepover

>>can you swim Na?
>i can swim but i dont float at all so it's a lot of effort to stay afloat for me
Nanamona's marus arent good floaters...
>i feel im forgetting something..
>what else did i have to tell you...
>check out our songs of course
>and thank you for putting pictures and nice messages on the twitter tag
>talking about twitter made me remember!
>i was shadowbanned for a while on twitter and it seems like some of you guys are too, looking at the replies
>it seems that you get tagged as "violent content" based on what you like and interact with
>i could confirmed i wasnt shadowbanned anymore but i will be careful to not like and reply to everything
>we're not even sure if that's how the system works
>it's sad that i cant clearly tell you "hey i saw your message" even by leaving a like...
>so please understand if you dont see any reaction from me, that's why
>>the veelage stays winning!
>for now that's the case, yes
>*explains in EN*

>there's one other thing i've heard
>if you post a lot of food or pet pictures, it helps lifting the shadowban faster
>im not sure it's true but if you are shadow banned you can try posting pictures of sheep!

>and there have also been shadowbans on YouTube lately especially if you post from PC
>it seems to go through easier if you comment from a phone
>there used to be a lot of perverted bots on YT but we dont see them very often anymore
>i do have filters for those
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>*reading super chats*
>being in your 4th year for a vtuber is a big deal
>wait how old is youtube?
>YT will be 20 years old on valentines day

>talking about merch ideas and how important input from viewers is
>thinking about doing a second mug
>i also want to do something horn themed
>like maybe an ear warmer but you guys dont wears those do you?
>>how about a croissant-case?
>oh like a banana case or an onigiri case? that's a fun idea
>let's have a stream where we talk about merch ideas next time

>in 1h i will be hosting a letter writing members stream
>*clearing some complications about schedule*
>gonna be playing liars's bar with viewers but if die people watching the stream are gonna be bored so for you guys it will be a game of trying to read the room and keep me alive

>ending stream here
>gonna raid Otoha's waiting room she's gonna talk about the anni stream and the planetarium she went to
>see you later, otsumona
>*disembodied ending screen voice* how about a croissant plushie? or a plate for croissants?
>bye bye~
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Raki's brattier little sister would like to show you her penis, that is all
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Nanamona schedumaru
>3yr countdown
>VERSE 3yr anniv
>zatsu and members
>Liar's Bar
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Kiki le french raccoon is making a carrot cake...
something about this thumbnail seems odd...
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i have no idea what to expect here
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that one time kiki tried to make hotdogs or hamburgers
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Para frenchdule
>Torture Tuesday
>movie night
>Karaoke w/ guitar
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Krum skrumdule
>crazy taxi
>krummunity canvas
>backshots with elio
krummunity TF2
>geoguessr + crane games
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Pillow shediow
>block game
>block game but deadly
>comfy morning
>live asmr
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Nino roachdule
>yapping DS2
>Piglet's Big Game
>Bunker Invaders with girlies
>media share
>donu handcam
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Lisa schedule
>morning sheepy
>kouhai doodles
>enlisting stream
>encore + membas
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i see some carrot and some rabbit bait too
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off to the oven
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momo morning
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Esila is playing an otome game to try and attract girls to her stream.
Esila just lost the game.
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Para is live!
sorry I was sleeping and so do other parasites apparently
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Para got a new emote donated to her.
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Para meal, now with extra estrogen
She actually take appetising pictures now wtf
>Para knows everything about emily in paris but has never heard about classic french novel count of monte cristo
Para can actually cook, she just showed only the pics of failed attempts and rotting leftovers instead of successes.
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Momoko Nuihara is in danger
this pinoy pest will make every stream she catches a glimpse of about her
including members streams
do not give her attention or suffer the consequences
>im the person my sister loves the most im pretty sure about that
she is so devastated over her sister having a BF
I think Momo might be the few non lurking chuubas, you should send her a maro or something if you care enough.
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>cannot draw on paper anymore
>paper feels good to draw on
>but no flip no undo...
also Dollie is drinking piwwo juice i think
The solution is simple, just do not make mistakes. Works for me.
Also piwo = beer in polish.
>starting to use instagram
>cause the META algo is actually good
>using the "i dont wish to see this" actually works
>and no i have a really good supply of solid brainrot memes
dont nino about this
>it's funny, when i think about it id did spend an entire stream gambling and got depressed huh? >>88870346

>so i had a case of the sads and i still do
>when to welfare people they said go see a shrink so im doing that next week
>my streaming schedule has been spotty since last year
>i was listening to spotify music, lost of white girl pop
>i looked for the tag midwest emo
>and i found this song called mimi's delivery service
>and i saw they were from ontario, so they are from the midwest... of canada
>while i was looking them up i saw they got their popularity from fortnite streamers
>and they have a policy on people streaming their music, and essentially they let people stream their music
>and that is kind of based
>they did a cover of a song called from the start and that's the one i like the most so i feel kinda bad
>it's genuinely very good
>i also really like: nomu, no time to explain, bubbly
someone do tell raki about this and nino and kotmi
i think lisa and essie already know this one
>>playing the cover NOW
>>89884857 >>89884241
chibi cozy dolly covered in redeems
also the beer is floating now i guess
>i want to cover this version of from the start, i like it better
>with good kid they songs are kinda samey but it's samey in a way i like there for it is good
>i need this song 100 times but not the exact same song, Good Kid is essentially this
someone got that sad emo white boy in her
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>now in game
>misses the obvious trail of paperclips (coins) leading to a jumping platform and instead builds a tower out of cartoon boxes to reach for her first gun
Dum bnnuy with 0 STYLE
>Para put beer in a freezer and asked parasites to remind her about it in 35 minutes
>to a single second, several parasites post reminder at the same time
the most loyal fanbase

Also the game is reddit trash seriously it hurts.
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>i am drawing... literally armpits right now...

>everyone has a book idea in them right?
>i used to write weirdly high quality cosmic horror fanfiction
>it doesnt exist anymore you cant find it
>the evil thing is pretty much incomprehensible and indestructible
>i was 16
>the monster was not a sexy man BUT
>...but it was a man
>i mostly write men, but i dont know much about men
>no it wasnt TF2 medic, i didnt know about TF2 until i was 20 (that was a year ago btw)
>it was about people who had NDE whithering away

>have not written in a year (TF2 BTW)
>i write very slowly
>i need to read more to get my style back
>my main issue is that i mostly write dialogue
>to write better, you gotta read

>today i was playing with novel writing AI that's supposed to help with brainstorming
>the way it branches out between events is kind of dumb but the AI was consistent and getting good, much better than chatGPT where you have to remind it of the main theme all the time
>thinking about hosting my own AI to play with it
>>i like AI because it makes twitter artists mad
Dollie has interesting ways to use AI, and doesnt share the AI BAD AND SCARY WHY DO YOU AI WHEN VTUBER dumb twitter stance
She's on the winning team of having skills and working with the AI tools AGI within 2 years btw
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Much symbolism very cool.
Reminded Para of someone posting in discord...
>para thinks some dude in the US BBQ'd a giant AI rat or something
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Americans grilling this creature. Small tangent going over what it can possibly be, I think it is a puma.
How do you check your own prostate can someone demonstrate
>thinking about calling the BF "mr sheep" cause some viewers dont know and learn when they join the discord
>was worried about parasocialism at first, so i would tell viewers to go get bitches
>and it worked

>wouldnt mind being part of a corpo one day, not one of the big 2
>glad to not be too big, glad to be indie, while im not in the best of head spaces
>but morale will improve

>have rare condition, extremely rare to develop it as a teen
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Para learned to be cool
and is gonna brag about it every time a friend shows up in chat
Now we need to teach her about E and X
What is the condition, ligma?
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>first ever dollie chatter was french, still remember his username
>started streaming cause didnt want to play horror games alone
>surprised so many stuck around
>being thankful to chat
>having fun right now after being depressed for 2 weeks
>feeling extremely lucking every single one of you is here
Dollie cute
also is france secretly a country of sheep fuckers or something??? istg every fuckign time
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Lisa joining the Navy and exploring the USS Hornet
>gonna be part of a Gmod RP server 50+ chuubas
>havent thought of the character yet
>maybe a gremlin coded little guy

>breast milk tastes like watered down chocolate
no it does not wtf
maybe like the US vomit choco milk
I did not actually think this was going to be a real live tour of the ship this is pretty neat
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The power of this nuke pales in comparison to the power of the PPIFD
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Certified vtuber moment:
>one day i'll have it on tap and i'll figure out
>i will know what it tastes like and i will report results
this is crazy wording but i appreciate the scientific spirit within with first ever cloned sheep girl
added a Dollie breast milk reminder to my calendar
the guide has great energy
kinda wanna enlist and get a piece of that ass
Fun fact: human milk is a mild laxative
i cant believe Lisa correctly identified an anti-sub aircraft
I like how he's getting the chat involved with it too and not just talking to Lisa this is really cool
sheeple are really into this with the autistic questions huh
i wonder if we'll get more content like this
>heavily dislikes the sexualisation of halloween
>Dollie also hates coomer shows and all the media ever having "vigorous sex"
that's is not a british way to phrase things
not in a prude way but because it makes good content shit
I wonder why they picked Lisa for this tour and not one of the other girls that did the concert
>guide bro loves planes but is too tall to become a pilot
i know your pain brother
Probably because army men are Lisas type.
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This makes sense
>We love Miss Lisa here
The USS Hornet is now an official /wool/ vessel
Say what you want but do other threads have their own aircraft carrier? no. We are the best.
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>drew this on an a7 samsung tablet without palm rejection or pressure sensitivity
>had to hold the pen real weird
>still feel like it's my magnum opus
/wool/'s combat ability in that vtuber worldbuilding thread just went up massively
it's probably as simple as they enjoy her immaculate vibes
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Dollie is making the cock handler dance
>really proud of the rigging
>the canned motion is too big for the chibi legs
>the creature is 2 feet tall
Because she asked
>2 feet tall
How much is that in hooves?
>dies to a boss
>literally reeeeing in anger
>will not give up, is not an upgiver
this game is trash, its very existance offends and disgusts me on a personal level.
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the gremlin creature is happily coloring and giggling
>the one time i went to a club i didnt like it
>it was a uni event, whole class there
>i had a bloodtest to take the next day, that test always would turn up with liver issues re took it several times
>i drank a lot, for liquid courage and all
>and go take by bloodtest 5 hours later
>and my liver is fine THIS ONE TIME it was okay, i was wasted
>when i walked in to take the test, i was still drunk
bri'ish liver innit, dollers a chav
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The USS Hornet is such a girlboss
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dude was a bro, really fun tour
>Lisa brought up an ipad tour of the ship at the concert
>Was a soft no but became a hard yes
>Now Lisa wants to do more streams like this
I really hope she does that was an awesome stream
>calling it "fall" rather than "autumn" is a dysfunction
>also it snowed yesterday so it's in fact winter and therefore christmas
this little gremlin has even more controversial opinions than her taller twin sister
>been planning it for a long time
>got the offer post concert
>really been wanting to do it
glad Lisa got to do this, really fun stream
>Today was a good day, you deserve dessert
The queen of the ship has spoken, eat some dessert tonight shaggers
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rare Sion non singing stream
coworking & studying stream!!
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so uh, Dollie is peeing and this is on screen
it's so funny to me that Lisa says very common words silly but pick up JP or chaos language pronunciation just fine somehow
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>im not intolerant to lactose, lactose fears me
interesting cope for a dairy sheep who swore she will try her own breast milk and report back
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>Encore collab tomorrow
>gotta record for a super secret project coming soon
>will be most likely resecheduling the members stream
got a bit coughy at the end but Lisa clearly had fun and that's always great to see
>it's unavoidable, might as well learn the new tools
>it's kinda like when photography came around, photography can be art
>need to train a dino concept into AI
>i want to see silly anime triceratops pictures
a very dollie take
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Today Pillow is streaming on X.COM and trainig for the block game hunger games
>wanna win the MCHG for the piwwos not confident
>started voice lessons over zoom
>feel ugly when singing
>but gonna do my best to get really good at singing
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>it's late, getting loopy
>gonna finish the rendering offstream
>not gonna dwell on it too much but
>thank you for being here
>you guys are cool
>not sure when next time is gonna be but i hope everyone will be there
>is it raiding? here w go...
Dollie raided Jerma, naturally
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>getting called a bot
>looking for a server with HG mods
>worried about pay to win on some servers
>slowly loading onto Hypixel
>failed to launch
>picking a different server running v1.21
>finally in game for real
>playing with 5 piwwos
hop in if you wanna get murdered by your oshi i guess
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>used to play a ton of MCHG back in the day
>gonna try to play smart on friday
>rewatched the HG movies last month

>i liek the battle royale idea
>the concept of people slowly dying is kinda neato
>was hunger games the first thing or was there something before it?
zoomers dont know what Batter Royale refers to... .___.
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Essie plays her comfort crowbar game
>life. see u!
playing bedwars trios now
>you have a bed and you have to protect it
>still trains combat
>used to play a lot of it, havent played it since middleschool
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>did not mess with the mic
>listened to the VOD it sounded fine
>tried to eat dinnor got nauseous
>got a protein drink and an energuee drink instead
>need hydration, so look at me
>do you have camera implanted into my home??
>it's okay... because that would be mutual
essie might be a bit of an exhibitionist perhaps
>during quarantine, essie put on a silly halloween costume and played Left4Dead for 8 hours straight
she might have been more of a gamer then
>never played phasmo, lethal company or content warning
>never been invited to
paging para and miaelou
I really like the Essie growls
Essie's mind is being blown by wolf pack facts
>If Essie was a furry she would be a green and purple wolf-dragon-bear hybrid thing
A mighty foe for the purple psychic ice fire dragon
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>sudden southern pillow
i like this a lot
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where momo anon at?
there were delays but she's live now
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today essie is a glowie and playing HL2
Essie makes such funny noises when she get scared
>essie is explaining that sometimes ladies get a sharp pain in their tits cause there's an air bubble somewhere popping in of of the glands/fatsacs
playing with your own tits regularly prevents that btw
>CS is valo for people who are pretentious
or for people who dont cant anticheat software to fuck up their computer
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you need to cheer her on so she can win the hunger games on Friday
>i'll go back to school in 5 years
>that's my plan
essie is really into yomama and she will specialise in endoscopy to prove a point
>life is not meh, life is what you make out of it
>maybe half life is about finding the full life at the end of the game...
must be why half life always brings this sorts of topics
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welsh seep's doing a poll on what song she should do a cover of
Essie wants to see her stream being played on of of these ADHD vapes
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>deleting nhs links
based honestly
essie goes from weak and squeaky to terrifying and manly in half a second
roach doing piglet's meme game for today
>randomly testing the singing on the new mic
she wants to karaoke sooo bad
>would pick fights with people as a tomboy kid
the absolute destructive power of her 50lbs
essie really wants you to watch her dance and sing for you NOW
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>Essie danced her little heart out and now she's dizzy...
she is so silly
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ant vs crabs, the game
>oh my god im sweating...
sweaty ugly bastard karaoke time
Thanks for the arrow, anon
she probably found out she can't play the game at some point before the anchor was posted (one hour late (by me))


ninoke time
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sudden ninoke btw
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>women dont play half life because there is no opportunities for fujoshis
>where is the yaoi??
Essie, that's what G-man is for you silly
>nino admits to doing GF-E when it comes to regurgitating tiktoks to BF who doesnt watch tiktok
she must have done a lot of thinking while she was gone
>just one more
we're so fucking back
>hand hurty, stopping here
>doing spa ASMR on top of holocure
>3 ASMRs this week
>7 streams in 4 days
>making baachis beg for a space too
raiding silvi who is playing xenoblade
essie confirmed she would space
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but maybe she didnt
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Noitan singies and maros, i think
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>she's doing the emotional singing thing

aaaand she's fine now

>today i'll give you advice on your troubles but it's also a live house
>i think i slept too much and now i cant talk properly...
>it happens all the time, i know
>also i feel like i cant open my eyes properly
>time to read some maros!

>>i cant get out of bed, what should i do?
>bring your bed around with you always

>>i want a noitan plushie
>is that something you can just me?
>*looks it up* seems like you can!

>>my workplace is going bankrupt in February
>that's tough
>come to think of it the place i used to work at also collapsed it seems
>when i walked past it the other day it was gone...
didnt know angels, fallen or not had regular jobs

>>i need a big noitan plushie, 100cm
>>so my question is, what dish do you recommend post break up?
>jirou ramen
that one one maro from plushie to breakup food

>back to singing
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more maros
>>should i go to Tokyo? i dont have any plan
>this is a tough one...
>when there is nothing back home you really dont have a choice

>>im afraid of aging
>work out!

>>there's a girl i love in our friend group how do i tell her i love her?
>find some courage and tell her

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>>fell in love with someone i should not
>give up, there is no future there

maros are getting sillier than i have the patience for but basically Noitan is picking songs that "answer" each one, in a very loose way

>will be part of a "dark princess relay", this time i won't be the last boss but i will start the relay
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Maru Nanamona is playing liar's bar, with viewers
Essie said she was interested in playing this
Essie's ASMR is so good it puts me right to sleep every time

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