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Holy boobers edition

Production kawaii:

First Live Concert:
Second Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


Art Archive:

▼ Talents
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】
【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】
【Nene Amano 天野寧々】
【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】
【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】
【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】
【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】
【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】[Graduated]

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】
【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】
【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】
【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】
【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】
【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Phase Connect >>>/vt/pcg/
Prima >>>/vt//ppg+/
VReverie >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Felynne deRouge - https://twitter.com/lynnerouge

Previous Thread: >>89775358
first for acti love and incline
Miyu probably auditioned for kawaii
wouldn't even be the worst whore here
POV you are
>her little bo- her little brother
>cali techbros at 2am
grim for flayGOD, that yuno is an abomination
I'm only here for the yuno love
based 1view male vtuber
i am in love with my wife Tomoe
I miss lonlidood
i miss friendly elephant
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This was the worst collab I've ever watched
>most of this thread is one guy posting and replying to himself
grim kawaii fanbase, literally zero presence on 4chan.
It was fine after they abandoned crab game. Grim if someone was expecting a large event with a big cast however.
thats a name i havent heard in a while kek
i see borna is in other chats now too, grim for [insert fanbase]
How long was Tomoe in the collab for? I want to know how long to mark her down for.
Are people really jumping ship now that kawaii is officially dying? I guess people really need a logo to worship and dont actually care about the girls.
2:08:30 based on Koha's stream
I am dropping everybody besides who I liked. I gave pity support occasionally to other girls because of unity but that's gone.
>zero presence on 4chan
That is a good thing, I can tell you most chuubas would prefer not to be talked about at all in this den of drama trannies
Him specifically, i think he dropped kawaii months ago or at least i havent seen him in months
I have been afraid that if they don't keep the kawaii girl group strong both the girls and fans will fizzle out.
They need to do more collabs more than ever.
aren't all the girls sticking together somewhat as their unit or is that just Ephemira? i dont expect collabs every single day etc but a few here and there would still be nice
some people are happy they can finally stop pretending they give a fuck about other kawaii girls, which is good because some will definitely go up in yab flames as indies and you can point and laugh from a distance with your oshi who is not a yabbing whore
Eonia is planning a concert and sharing revenue on their group songs. Gen 1 unity is strong.
Nano is my girlfriend
youtube recap just show's who the inner circle or keked viewers are
Youtube recap makes no sense, I have Kohaku and Nami in my top 5 but I must've watched Koha like once and Nami only when Nene raids her
nano vill cancel
Same, I have the dorito green woman in mine but haven't watched her since February as well as Hiyo who I only watch from raids
It only counts "gaming" streams
whoever else you watch probably didn't fall under that
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am i fucking retarded or how come shee is here? thought her lore was that she works at a puppy cafe thing but is just a human
Nano is in it too
Nano isn't even dog-adjacent
that makes even less sense
shee fucks dogs
Still waiting on top donator rewards
KEKED lmoa
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Does she love her fans?
sauce? cute art
I love her
It's three separate fanarts shopped together. You can find them in the mega in the OP
Probably not she hates men
only boring movie guys in canada
Nene Amano is my wife. She is mine
it's funny that there actually is someone out there that believes this, bless them
we know, yiman
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grim for longboarders
i can only wish that vtubing for a bunch of men has cured some of her man hating ways as it did with my women hating ways
>hates men?
Why is it the country of nice guys has the worst women.
clearly you don't know because she is not yiman's wife, dumbass.
Canada also had the worst men outside the frontier, which is the majority of their population
Doesnt matter since the entire country has been taken over by arabs and asians
Come, gather and bear witness to my opera, now in the making.
I'm not into SPH this just makes me feel like shit
You mean indians.
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>Lisa did a "tour" of USS Hornet on stream
Kawaii girls could never.
lisakek keked by skaterbois
Also they are leftists they hate military things so long as it isnt tribesmen from africa since they hate their own kind
>Mari had her ass in my face for 2 hours
Kawaii girls could never.
apex homo sloppy seconds
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Minna no tenshi idol Amano Nene starting
also here https://www.twitch.tv/amano_nene
>nene karaoke
Her sololive model is so fucking sex
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New Meimi cover!

thought i was gonna get a weeb remix of abc by jackson 5 from the intro
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The acapella version was really good
>have a model as pure sex as this
>hate fans pointing it out and calling her cute
>hate fans pointing it out and calling her cute
For tourists: Nene never hates that. She does hate blatant coomer posting in chat. Be a coomer inside your own head.
I love Nene
I want to cum all over her naval
nene always seems like she's playing a character rather than being herself, moreso compared to other girls at least, so i can never watch her because of that
barely 2view raid!
>ywn have a girl laugh at your penis and still have sex with you
are u gay?
>"i want the girls to incline and succeed but how DARE someone with a fraction of their subs raid them and introduce new viewers!!!!"
I only support reformed whores
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>14 chats in 14 minutes...
great googly moogly though
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The jiggles are out of control
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Ah yes, Nikke
Youtube thought my most watched game was Terraria. Probably because Nene plays farming games all the time and confuses it.
nano will breed
why lie
Nene is cute enough to be taken backstage after a concert and is the kind of woman that would do it... grim
Charzu I can think of no one but you that I would want to start a family with
Charzu should collab with twisty and talk about their father
People say Nene is Woke but she casually homophobic ngl
Despite my oshi having a deep seated hatred for me I will always love and cherish her
twisty is not a sistah
Answer that for yourself, retard. Why are you always lying? The person you replied to told a verifiable truth. You can not find an instance of her telling people not to say she's cute.
meimi always seems like she's playing a character rather than being herself, moreso compared to other girls at least, so i can never watch her because of that
I never got that notion. Can you elaborate or give an example?
Just kill yourself already, retard. You clearly aren't living for anything.
Meimi has that modern woman sensibilities if you know what I mean
nta but dunking on nene's singing thread culture, leave him alone.
Shee got into the canine karaoke because of DEI
nah Shee got that dog in here yuno what I mean
randomly and stupidly spewing insults is not what it means to dunk on.
there's nothing more to elaborate on, it as exactly as it sounds
It sounds like you can't demonstrate your claim. Very well, enjoy your opinion.
so...ten last days in kawaii huh?
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I really don't want to think about politics when I'm watching my anime girls.
woah charzu being very feminine right now
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I got Tomoe as my Top Streamer for the Youtube Recap. Runner ups were Reina, Shee and Nami.
Haven't you been complaining about the jannies for 2 - 3 years at this point? Why not take matters in your own hands and apply to be a janny?
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Soon. ;-;
FARTpoo doing good tonight
if she ain't lotte i ain't interested
miss me with that weak bait fanpires
shee is 4% dog
nta but you need to use dicksword to be a janny and no sane person would do that
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That was what kept me from applying. Not willing to have a janny sergeant looking over my shoulder. They would probably cut me right away anyway for deleting the shitter on sight like I think should be done.
eepy anons?
too busy destroying isla
Someone wanted to poach Charzu
yeah me
Charzu could have been a Phase Invader...
the reason why she told the story was very funny
nano will scuff and it will be kino
Charzu is a top tier woman and I'm glad people recognize that
>still have sex with you
are u delusional?
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other corpo management teams are already sexpesting kawaii talents grim
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It is a visable lie to everyone who knows her and watchs her streams to see how she acts when faced with that kind of stuff. Or you know i guess maybe just maybe we can read since she states so in her rules.
Lua is such a hag trauma dump about her office woe
overworked OLs are my fetish
I can't believe Pippa wants the Charzu collab that bad!
charzu is lower tier (sadly) so the others must be getting offers too... its over.....
As least they're safe from PixelLink heh
EPM are young enough they should get into an invaders gen
I have no idea why anyone else would join a corpo since they were already coasting in kawaii anyway
With what charzu said about how the ceo was acting it is 100% phase
Interesting you think its other corpos and not the lot of these whores scrambling to find a corpo adoption out of pure fear that they will likely die a slow sad irrelevant death as indie Vtubers
SEAnig-kun PLEASE at least watch streams so you dont look completely braindead
i like islas snotty unlady like sneezes!
If clara pippa and fishman start dropping vague hints about kawaii talents a year from now or whenever the new phase invaders thats been in the works happens i will believe it
Nene tits on skeb main page
I supported them in kawaii and will support them even more as indies but I will not support them in other corpos, especially corpos like phase they will be influenced to content change and drop the idol like behavior
Why would sakana even go for kawaii talents in the first place he is the premier normie/cuck experience
Do better threadshitter all that you have tried to hurt these girls has fallen short and they are motivated to pave their own path going forward
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Holy boobers
There are a few normie/cuck coded members of Kawaii if you know what I mean
To be this delusional is a admirable skill worthy of a clap or two
1. I am not the infamous threadshitter that guy is built differently
2. The only one hurting the girls is themselves certainly not me the trash fire has been fun to watch though to bad the party is over in 10 more days
Shee has been live for two hours btw
coalknights are in for a rude awakening
Spoken like a true threadshitter
bad rei won
What will Charzu's next game that she plays 4+ hour of each week?

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