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What whent wrong?
Stream hort
She hoped having the anti-creep rules would prevent holocreeps from following her and resuming business as usual, but it failed
the what rules
The absolute state of California.
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Nothing. She is what she always was. Just no excuse for being busy due to nippon homework now.
She put lines in her chat rules specifically telling parasocials to fuck off, streamer won't be your mommy, no sexual comments, etc
marry kill rape
If only she hadn't come here for advice and done that Superliminal stream she might never have gathered that kind of fanbase.
She never improved herself
She's lazy
Nothing. That's just the way she is. Now she just hasn't got the "muh bad corpo managers" excuse.
Ui's smug aura makes her incredibly rapable.
doesn't like streaming, simple as
She hated her fanbase and thought they wouldn't follow her to a new persona
She was wrong
boobs too small unironically
Doing homework for the new year concert. She'll be back to streaming daily in February.
>take the money
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Based fuck teammates
>new year concert
It's a pretty good joke that she didn't want to do some silly song for hundreds of thousands of people in Hololive but will now sing and dance for half empty venue with some indies. I guess that's her dream.
she likes planning, preparing and making stuff for videos
she doesn't like the actual streaming part
No, those kappas or whatever they are.
Lack of father figure growing up, honestly
fart noise

emmy pleaseeeeee
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>Signed up to be a streamer
>Wants to do quirky VR content
>Hololive pivots to idolshit
>Cover refuses to give her support for VR content if she isn't in Nippon and it isn't idolslop
>Builds her own studio so she can throw herself at walls and shit
>Still has to waste time doing idol reps she never wanted to do in the first place
>Corpo perms autism means she can't just drop new models without faxing letters back and forth 10 times and waiting 7-8 business days
>"Why am I still here?"
Unironically this
so she saw how filian was grifting and was like yeah that's what i wanna do

and now is too fuckin lazy to do even that.
>signed up to be a streamer
>doesn't stream
wow this poor bitch
>Set out rules to prevent people being parasocial and only have them care about your content and not you as a person or your life off stream
>Unnecessarily dox yourself and give out lots of personal information about your life off stream in your debut
>Don't stream or make content
I don't know how this plan failed
>Signed up to be a idol/streamer
>does not make idol content
>go to indie
>doesn't stream
>joins a concert as an indie
Ogey but she's she's free now. With a really special deal from Cover too. She can do anything! What has she done?
woke corrupt commie scum letting lying ISP companies run monopolies and scam customers
forgive anons their youthful naivety. they still think that people can change.
>joins an idol concert as an indie
Unless Doki and Mini are going to be doing stand up and taking questions for 90 mins this is the thing that throws me for a loop the most.
Wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. She and Gura both prefer smaller groups of audience. Not everyone likes the spotlight in front of dozens or hundred thousands
We're going to ass kiss and bend the knee for Russia and China now so it doesn't matter if some women with blue hair made you mad in a videogame you won't play anyway.
I doubt Dooby is going to sing Chiku Taku, so it's going to be that other song she knows. Purin something?
>Doesn't like audience of thousands
That is propably the only thing she still likes about Hololive
Money is the only thing she still likes about Hololive
Nah. I still think she loves shaking her tail on a huge stage.
>What has she done?
Her indie activities now should really debunk this stupid cope
But I was just told that she wants to be more than a streamer. That having to stream was why she left Hololive. I don't know who to believe here.
Lmao what
Her model is 1:1 amelia watson from cover corp
Being immediately confrontational and accusatory with your audience is an important part of being an indie
Old habits die hard
Dokibird doesnt do that
She hates streaming as a girl
Are the voices who told you in the room with us now?
Here's my thing. I just want her kicked out of Hololive so every upcoming event isn't shadowed by teamates or whatever they are called these days, spamming everything with "Will Ame be joining. Will Ame be joining. Will Ame be joining. Will Ame be joining." And if Ame cared even a little bit of her former coworkers, she would fuck off for good. But she doesn't.
Because it's boilerplate discord rules shit and people here are not only degenerate but retarded about it.
She can change her model but she can't change who and what she is. Lazy for one.
Because she HATES people wanting her to be their e-girlfriend / wife.
Medium is premium
Expecting a good ISP in America.
No, really, what the fuck.
Blame the designers.
Alright so where's the streams then?
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>Doesn't stream for 10 days
>Comes back for a Filian collab
Motherfucker, she is indie. She chooses what she wears.
she would need a rushia tier YAB for them to cut affiliation ties with her. they make too much bank on her merch for them to walk away from that.

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>she would need a rushia tier YAB
Nah. Mel tier yab is enough. She will babble about Hololive plans to some of her indie friends and it's over. And it will happen sooner rather than later. Thankfully.
I don't want watch her but I assume she just isn't streaming and taking huge breaks, right?

how do I put this
it's called the backslide. The act of coming back to your ex who dumped you/you dumped, because of wanting to re-live fond memories that you had with them in the past.

but then it all fails because you didn't realise nothing changed, and you are still the shitty person who did not improve/molded themself and that ex and you are still embarassed about eachother and they end up hurting and hating you even more,
so you quit.
internet hort is a lie lol.
she wants to get paid by doing absolutely nothing like the shark friend.
Nothing. She's streaming right now.
Not true anon, her last stream was 10 days ago.

also she is cussing. ayaya, not gonna attact the hololive audience that way :(
she is streaming on youtube, not on Twitch.
>being afraid of cussing
Too bad they still didn't improved themselves, eh.
no blue dorito mark
Running back already? There must be at least 15K people watching her amazing indie career now.
You're crossing your wires, anon. Gura is the one who wants to do anything but stream.
>Gura is the one who wants to do anything but stream.
Funny because she's not even making tweets these days.
She's doing perfectly fine.
>Cover refuses to give her support for VR content if she isn't in Nippon and it isn't idolslop
nice fanfic
>Still has to waste time doing idol reps she never wanted to do in the first place
Other holos seem to be avoiding idolshit just fine.
>Corpo perms autism means she can't just drop new models without faxing letters back and forth 10 times and waiting 7-8 business days
That sounds awful. I hope she can mentally recover, especially when she’s already so weak from having to wait the normal few weeks for a model to even get made in the first place.
She wants to expand her audience away from teamates and is latching into anything non-hololive she can find.
>"We're fine," said the crewman looking at the giant hole in the hull. "The ship is only sinking a little bit. It’s the expected amount of sinking, really."
anon out here transcribing newspaper comic strips
the average teamate iq is so low i cant tell if this is bait or just retardation
That's like setting up a candy store and going "no samples, do not touch the candy, do not talk about how good candy is, do not ask us to talk about the candy. you the customer must stick to a healthy diet to be in here." It's like sure, you could do that technically, but you probably ain't gonna sell much candy pretending your customers are something they are not.
In other words, delusional. All chuubas who think their biggest fans will all be totally normal reasonable people and also want to give them lots of money at the same time if they just ask, definitely do not understand how people work. Everything is transactional, some people just pretend they are better than that.
On Twitch we call losers like (you) parasocial retards
catty dramatard women finding this website was a disaster
The act of watching a streamer who talks to their chat and that you can communicate with, who treats their chat like a mutual buddy back and forth, is parasocial. Only children and delusional insecure people (which does overlap with many streamers however) don't know or what to acknowledge the truth.

To be a non parasocial streamer you must completely ignore chat. Hell, might as well drop the avatar and turn off the camera - why be cute and appealing looking, it serves no function for your totally neutral entertainment, other than to make watchers want to hang out with you for reasons other than what is directly going on on stream. It is damn near impossible to be a non parasocial vtuber.
>Unironic simps
Touch grass or better yet, talk to a woman
>telling retards to fuck off from day 1 and avoiding false expectations is a bad thing
That doesn't do or mean anything to say here. The truth stings.
That is a lot of words for
>Aieeee streamers I watch must adhere to a set of standards that I set
You are just lonely and insecure. I watch streamer for their entertainment value, not to dictate their life or shit
Nothing I fucking said amounts to dictating their life you fucking moron. Nothing. Nobody forced them to do jack fucking shit. These people pay thousands of dollars for models and rigs and set up dedicated work stations to voluntarily use their time to provide content for anyone who wants to watch. Nobody forced ame to redebut and go through all this effort, nobody forced her to pick another cute avatar. We are not to blame for her choices. Stop this gaslighting shit, it will never work on anyone who actually understands what parasocialism actually is.

It can be a lot of things other than vtubers too - politicians, athletes, anyone you admire but do not personally know. Stop misusing that word, stop pretending chuubas have some kind of righteous justice at play in lashing out at people they themselves went through great lengths to attract to come watch and sub and donate to. It's just childish and you should not respect it but rather see it as a sign of someone delusional about the nature of themselves and what their work is.
The internet is full of weird people. You would think people who dedicate their entire life to being online would already come to this realization and that no amount of rules will ever change that, yet here we are
>Twitch the website know for simps and e-whores
>Not educated enough to know the meaning of the word parasocial
Firstly, there's free dictionaries on the web
Secondly, get off the high horse
Kek. Fitting
It's pretty normal to make mistakes in your second and third language, aren't you embarrassed an ESL knows more English than you?
Yamete kudasai aieeeee
I don't know man, you are deflecting because you have no argument, I think the one seething here is you, also I think you are underaged so I will stop wasting my time with you
She needs to hire a vocal coach.
Her singing skills are fucking garbage.
If you or Ame actually and unironically believed that telling people to stop being creepy on the internet would work, you shouldn't be on a computer.
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Just a matter of time.
>Yagoo-sama, let me go back!

>Only if you accept us to take 40% of your profits!

>I will accept Yagoo-sama!!!!
oh so this is Cover's fault too?
The reality is that she's burned out.
No excuse can be made for her not streaming right now.
Streaming is hard when you don't want to stream.
She wants a new career and everyone should respect her for that.
I'm genuinely afraid for her safety. I don't watch her but wishing her the best and hoping she's all right
She never streams.
>leaves for creative work
>copies Nene's model
>Make don't fail my vibe check rule
>Viewers decided that the rule violated their vibe check
>Ditch dooby en masse
>Dooby has to crawl back to holo
LOL guess dooby failed the vibe check
I wish people threw 1/100th of the love at me that they do for dooby...
I've been a plumber for 6 years, I have a good wife, an infant son, and I work hard for 40-50 hours a week but the average person won't even thank me for digging out their dirty tampons from the drain. They'll be disgusted with me and scold me for wearing boots in their luxury bathroom.
If I had the love dooby did maybe I wouldn't hide in my truck drinking tall boy beer cans after my family went to sleep because my chronic back pain makes laying down unbearable.
I haven’t followed her at all, can I get a qrd on how she’s doing lately?
>several streams
>no content whatsoever
californian isp's are the actual worst
>t. dealt with verizon and then frontier for close to a decade
She finally realized how much more money she'd have if she would've been Gura's sidekick.
>What whent wrong?
According to the low T exaggerated schizos here? Everything.

In reality? Nothing. She's going at her own pace and enjoying what she's doing.
but enough about Hololive
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She refused to play Gwent and didn’t repair her armor. Oh, and she broke Joseph’s heart when she dropped the Nier game.
>>Hololive pivots to idolshit
they always were an idol group
Lazy mexican
shit streamer, shit fans
Average holodrone: CAKE! BOOBA! MOMMY! SNIFFA!
Yagoo cut her internet
She's lazy. She thought she would get away with it since Dokibird and Mint did, but she lacks the discipline, ambition, and work ethic. On top of that, she was too arrogant to think image recognition would carry her no matter what.

At the end of the day, she was the one who did not improve herself.
Fate off all Hololive talents once Cover stops botting their streams
I'm honestly just sick of hearing about her at this point, she's really nothing special as a streamer and got carried hard by being part of Myth
Pretty much. I tuned in to her debut and some of her streams, but found her kinda boring.
This. I'm genuinely glad she's gone so I don't have to pretend she was ever anything other than a lazy, disinterested underachiever coasting on myth's good will.
She won't be streaming her perspective apparently due to net issues.
Doki might not show up either because she's sick.
She's herself, it never had a chance of going well.
That's why she's winning.
>dooky already leeching from Doobz
Once a nijileech, always a nijileech
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Mein Catalogsis...Dooker....
I will never not laugh at her monkey ears..
She's lazy
i just noticed that
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This thread reeks of Nijisisters, Phasefags and /jp/ refugees.
>panders to coomers on day 1 with her undershirtless model
So many female content creators want the coomer money but none of the drawbacks.
It doesn't work, it pisses off coomers and anti coomers. Just pick one.
Anyone use her consulting thing yet?
she can't stop having sex with her brother
I said she'd crawl back to hololive in 2 years. But she literally did everything I said she'd do in 6 months in her first 2 weeks: including: taking a long break, not fixing scuff, collabing with the worst ironic weeb twitch indies and going back to fps slop. So she'll probably come back way sooner than I expected.

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