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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Common Trolling techniques in /here/: https://pastebin.com/24DaTTvm

Previous Thread >>89838765
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you're all losers
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The NuclearCraft Minecraft VTuber collab continues in Part 3.
Last time we were able to complete the advanced solar panels and created Uranium.
We have to use PPE or we will die from the radiation.
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/asp/iring doodles
I miss my fp so much.
You all just need some old fashioned encouragement
first penis?
Who's gonna be the first to make a draconic reactor and nuke the entire server?
Ripping a fat piss and I felt my asshole pucker.
How does Omo crab Kyuu for his bad singing when Omo is an even worse singer than him?
Who is Jesstilence and why is she in every /asp/ie stream
stfu. stop naming viewers.
No males can sing to save their life. Singing is a woman's expertise.
Nanase... Prof Bloom...
uwo is unironically a pretty good singer
I hope he watches my stream today...
Give us a name
If it's me I'll try to be there
As bad as their reputation gets here, Abby and Shania are good at singing.
No one can resist naming viewers. SAY MY NAME
hi aypop!
I don't think he comes here...
anymore or ever?
>Omo singing like shit but crabs Kyuu for his alright singing
Hint at who
Talented cute and funny
Name starts with?
ends in a vowel
How many letters?
Odd number
Middle letter
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the world do be horroring and stuff
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a handful of little toys found in a box, what kind of stories do they hold?
come join me on with this surreal little game, live in 5
Why would you watch any of them when you could watch a girl do the same thing but better?
once you realize men are better at everything you'll have your come to jesus moment
Men do it because they love the thing, women do it for attention from men. The difference is everything once you aren't simping for women online and have actual relationships irl.
Message them
Does Omo sing bad on purpose? As a joke?
There's no way someone can sing that bad when trying.
But the women are better at it and more fun to watch
>hey guys why are you changing the subject lets keep crabbing
i respect your opinion and will not seek to change it.
is there a way to set your karaoke in a way you hear the music with vocals but the stream hears it without them, i am bad at remembering when to sing
you need to get in ear monitors
Omo literally sings so bad.
Have sex with a woman and then try to watch a female vtuber. It's impossible.
I think he's doing it bad as a joke, right?
if its an actual issue of you not remembering the song well enough, just dont sing that song. any song you dont know well will just get butchered, happens any time i request songs in karaoke streams and the chuuba is like "yeah i think i know that one" and then they sing exactly none of the words at the right time, and even if you could hear the proper timing, you'd be lagging behind it
Maybe set up a virtual audio cable if you can
The number of moving parts to get karaoke versions and originals synchronized with the right bpm and pitch, then setting up virtual audio cable and playing both tracks at the same time in separate channels for stream... you might as well just practice and learn the timings.
and all that just to sound like shit anyways
Buddy the point of karaoke is to sing, it doesn't matter if you sing like shit (despite what the nigga crying right now says).
You're not a corpo, stop trying to do things the way corpo tubers do.
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Chrii cucked again
I need Fwofie to dote on me as an older woman
I'm worried about Haru.
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Frenchie...no need to crab just because you missed out on his mandingo sized yogurt slinger.
Do you guys also have the disease where nobody ever talks to you so the moment any girl acts like a human being toward you you start thinking that it has to be because she wants to bang
yes i do have autism thanks for asking
Men are extremely lonely.
No I'm normal
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Is it really just you or whoever the fuck is following her?
What does Pgi stand for? And why is she posting about black dick?
ummm explain this then??
Fwofie really wants to get shouted out/raided by Shindigs, doesnt she?
I showed up in someone's youtube recap I want to cry, it makes me happy
Within the next week I'll be wiping the rentry and starting a fresh list compiled of people who have contacted me so far about it. That way, we have everyone who wants to be included and everyone who is still actively /here/. Please contact me at boop147 on Discord if you would like to stay on it and have not already chatted with me in the past about it.

Why do you go by boop?
Is there a way to request being added without having to use discord?
No, you have to become a discord tranny
Next month I'll hit you up about adding me
remove coyote knight

add rebelearthsky
add yourself to an early grave
Yes, and then I remember that she’s nice to everyone and I’m not special.
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Thanks to everyone who stopped by!
We have built the shell and are very close to turning the reactor on.
Jamie's discord tag was boop as well, I wanted to make it similar. I feel Jamie handled things very well, so I want to do things similarly.
Discord is the only way someone can message me privately, and I can verify they're the streamer because they have their Twitch account linked. I can't think of really any other ways, besides saying it live on stream/in your stream chat, but that just sounds like a hassle.
name choob
there is no way he has anything more than a peashooter
So camui is targetting fwofie now, what happens?
wait, you aren't jamie? seems a little fucked up to literally adopt his discord name, will cause confusion
Iriya and Camui dping Fwofie while Cheen and Chrii have a sad fuck in the cuck corner
Hes gonna get ntrd by ugly bastard uwo and playboy iriya
I don't get it. All he did was watch her stream.
They are astroturfing, just filter their posts.
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vita will try to play stalker 2 and stream at the same time or something like that
why am I talking in third person bro, this shit is cringe
one time I watched a vtuber because she was doing a listen along of one of my favorite albums, and then for like a week had some faggot posting about us flirting.
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It's a different discord tag. Jamie stepped down. There was a metaphorical passing the torch many threads ago. New list steward is Janie. They've been nothing but transparent and honest if not a bit timid, but that'll go away with experience.
Jamie x Janie ship art when
When you stop being a worthless coomer
total shipper death
Shipping is fun, I miss the days of Daiya x Keitaro.
gm ubume
Not Ubume.
just because you got a janny position does not let you shit up every thread. Its astroturfing, you don't even stream anymore you colossal faggot
Guess the rumors were true, he got over Rottie pretty fast
What they don’t know is Camui is in love with me!
Fire alarm went off on Fwofie's stream and she hasn't come back yet. She's weak to fire......
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God forbid I wanted to support her stream! Make no doubt about it, Rottie's got me whipped like my name was Kunta Kinte! Besides, I can't pleasure a woman properly because my dick is so small it's basically a clit! We ain't fuckin'!
Close enough. Welcome back, Koopachaneru.
That pic made me read it like it was a wrestling promo
Camui can you read it off for us fans and haters
you're not jerma, you're not vinny, and you aren't welcome here or anywhere else.
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>you're not welcome here
>"heh that means le crab in le bucket"
too stupid to live
You're one to talk.
>/asp/ has been a thing for several years now
>No actual crap themed vtubers have emerged from the thread

This is our greatest failure
Has there ever been a male vtuber with a full modeled penis underneath his clothes? Not a lewdtuber. Just like, having it there underneath. Do artists ever do that?
Need more pooptubers
Males, no examples come to mind, the few I've seen with toggles for the entirety of their outfits are usually like picrel, dont ask me why I remember this specific akuma character concept art exists - its burned into my brain somehow.

Women though? Yeah I've seen a few seiso tubers accidentally toggle to reveal nipples or slits.
wasn't that Melfin before she became a pariah?
I just have to get this out of my head, here goes:
oshisex oshisex oshisex oshisex oshisex oshisex oshisex
Ahhh I feel better now.
You're the only one that sees what's in the account, stop posting edits of my stuff :c
Full frontal nudity of Tornkite!
I wonder what Geltaran is hiding under his cloak. Wonder if he’s got that penis on him. Wonder if he’s just a floating pair of eyes, like a spectral spirit under his robes or if maybe he’s got a cock too.
I haven’t heard anyone mention Sin recently. You’ve gotta wonder what kind of heat he’s packing. What size penis do you think he has? I feel like he’s about average. Normal dick.
Is Haru Mizuko Haru Mizuki’s alt?
Fuck Power Nelson all my homies hate Power Nelson
I hate Savvy Avenue more. Already didn’t like him because of his stupid name but after interacting with him a few times he’s a prick
That he’s one of the few older gen aspies still going infuriates me
No there's literally no reason to bother.
It’s a stupid name but there’s no reason to be that mean. He’s just a faggy puppet.
Puente might be the least cared about /asp/ie of all time
That’s a funny way to spell Milo Molson
I've at least seen people talk about him a couple times. I've never seen anyone talk about Puente.
Oh so he fakes screenshots now too?
Whew, I thought my name would be talked about as least cared about, my paranoia has let up a bit
that npc box is streaming right now btw
Rebelearthsky I SUMMON YOU
Johann going viral again.
Omo is seething because his singing got called bad
Which /asp/ do you think would still shill /aspies/ if they made it
Omo if you're here, post banana on twitter
Skab seems nice, he keeps showing up in random chats I'm lurking in

...or maybe he just likes the same cute things I do, either or
Keitaro and Alpin
Which /asp/ie do you think would disavow every person here if they made it?
me and camui
Is this because you don't want to bother with all the descriptions? Be honest.
Sad state of /asp/
Game recs doko?
Apex Legends.
dota 2

Poop Killer 8
Furry Hitler 2
Cuckold Simulator: Coomer's Delight
they're both free
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Non shitpost suggestion, Balatro is my GOTY followed by Mullet Madjack. Peak vidya gaem.
Slay the Spire
Bullet madjack is great but it will test your ability to keep up with chat and yap over a tion it's a game that doesn't let up for even a second
Nope! :3
The gym bro sings well.

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