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If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Alt Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis

Schedule: https://x.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1859025279512891666

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters and divorcees. It's easier than you think!

Previous thread: >>89882738
I’m a loli.
shondo add that as a 7tv emote
buddy… ask anyone else if they think i live in a third world cave man country. im in the fricking AZ suburbs mister. the place with the most delayed important election results lol.
shondo add apeJAM as a 7tv emote
That isn't nice.
That's nice.
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fucked up
From 1-10 how good is az
6 tb h
No one cares
It's impossible because she sucks.
better than cali i guess. and better than florida. id say its a hotter, less swag Colorado.
so 8/10
whats shondopolis’s opinion on “flat is justice”?
flat is best
i can take it or leave it my favorite are the small tiny perky breasts
Uooooohhhhhh ToT
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I love my flat wife
time is ticking shondo
hope nina finds someone too
kek made me exhale out my noise
i smiled lol
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yeah me
omg shondo hi!!!!!!!!
yet another regular is quitting, we are living in dark times
me, bye faggots
i think they are just becoming a vod bro for a while based off their post on discord sent not long after the tweet
That's one of her best artists, she won't take it well.
where did he say that
he responded to the clipper retard by telling him he would be on the lookout [for clip timestamps] while watching vods
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now that's worth a laff
basedwars man probably just got fed up with shadowmamas shit
she's mentally a child like shondo, probably not fit for relationships but less reason to be that way
he's winning...
Don't look now Shoggers but LTD is getting back to back direct responses from her in Discord
who john? yeah he'll win the shondobowl judging by the actions of past mom bfs
it's retarded when she gives relationship advice but it's even worse when you faggots give it
shondo wouldnt be interested in him she already shot that idea down on stream plus he is poor so he fails that criteria
id actually be good at giving advice compared to most here ^_^
I'm not listening to her insights on her mothers relationship when she thought for like a month they weren't having sex kek
I've actually never said anything wrong the entire time I've been in this community.
me neither that's why shondo hates me
pussy must be like a vice grip for him to stick around through her insane family and constant shit
wow maybe the other guy didn't leave "because she wouldn't put out" since she seems to put out just fine
mentally ill pussy hits different
>responding only to evil groomers and their newly recruited groomer
Grim. Why do I even bother reading the discord anymore.
critter pussy hits different ^__^
kill yourself
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What’s new in the discord?
kill yourself already
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LinkTheDot is winning
grats tuffy
she was going to take a shower but shadowmama is in the bathroom getting ready for work tomorrow so she'll just take the shower tomorrow before stream.
she actually cares about a mans well being she is ahead of most women
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why she giving me that look?
Stop using my beloved chibishon you lazy shigger
cute shondo I want to impregnate her
This rrat is retarded. Tuffnar wishes he were even 1/10th as likeable as LTD.
(Who isn’t even more likeable than average tuffnars just that insufferable)
MODS theres a groomer anti fetish post in discussion
twasnt me, i dont use vulgar language about girls.
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Good morning, anything happen in the discord?
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I can shower her in my love and clean her with my tongue
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goodnight shoggas
Sleep well!!
dewd, you can have big critter. ill take lil critter
You'll take none, you're in a relationship, you adulterous pedophile
its not for reals! but i do call dibs.
You shouldn't make those jokes either
doesnt change the fact that id win the critters.
appreciate the thought but I think she should accept there's things she doesn't know very well
which she never really does
perchance her sisters are smarter?
so far i think FT and big critter are the only sane people in her family
You should take your faith more seriously, if you don't radically devout yourself you'll be left behind and destroyed when God makes new earth and throws the old into the lake of fire, you'll fall asleep(1st death) and Jesus will not wake you up to take you with Him, because He won't know you
I say this as to correct your ways, for i am concerned
anyone suggesting they win shondo is way more serious than me mister. go pick on them!
i will win
so gary, are you ever gonna explain what's so sus that your parents are monitoring your icloud and you have to clear it out to hide things from them? seems like a very interesting topic that has relevance to you talking about wanting to fuck kids on twitter. considering that's the stuff you say publicly i can only imagine what you're keeping private
… cosplay photos. did you read all the tweet mister?
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>go pick on them
I have, but you shouldn't deflect, since you're in the faith as well it's my job as your fellow to correct your ways and to guide back to the righteous path of God
As Christians it's our duty to be more like Jesus and to be a good representation and headstone for Christianity, for our conduct will be perceived by others and they will associate one with the other, so if we act in sin despite our faith and show no remorse or anything, then we're painting our Lord and His teachings as not enough
Going around even joking about little girls isn't Christ-like! And it definitely isn't a good look on Christianity!
I used to make those sort of jokes myself, but I took it way further, i humbled myself and allowed the Lord my God to work on my heart to change it
In the same way, God can change everyone here for the better, if they let Him! I urge everyone to repent and to put their trust in God, if it's evidence you want look and you shall find, if it's not enough for you it might be an emotional problem, you have to humble yourself and Jesus will comfort you and show you the right way and will shower you in His love and mercy once you do!
I pray daily for you guys and shondo so that you may not be left behind... It'd sadden me too much... And it'd sadden the Lord much more deeply...
also they were just clearing storage at the time. cuz were at 1.8/2TB somehow.
also i take the least amount of space in my family lol. only 60gb
>all sus notes and my cosplay photos
casually going to ignore the sus notes mention?
oh notes, thats everything shondo/zman/stuff i copy to twitter related. of course i dont want those on icloud.
>>89918440 (me)
and LOTS of RJ codes for loli ASMR
i think you should tell your parents all about the fact you want to molest children since you're so proud about it that you'll tell everyone on twitter :)
>cosplay photos
yeah something tells me it's not actually cosplay. this is from the same guy who brags about how much he deliberately tries to give false information to people and denied the existence of his "bestie" for months before shifting to she wasn't real then finally admitting it was a real girl he was talking about the whole time
youd like me to prove it wouldnt you ^_^
i'd like you to fuck off more than anything personally
well its not what you think it is? why ya gotta assume the worst!
Thanks, I think?
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Lolicon website. Lolicon hobby. Lolicon streamer.
The audacity!
fiction vs reality. hope that helps
goodnight shondopolis. dont think too much on the image deletion crap. have nise dreams
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Catching up on last nights vod
Shondo filtered this dramanigger LMAO
she's so mean to people that helped her getting unbanned
You mean a dramafag digging up a month old incident? We’ve had enough of those negativity farmers leeching off of her and then moving on when things get better to go find the next big incident.
She likes to cause drama and then shit on people who pick it up. It's win/win for her
i really don't get how dramafags are still coming back to this 2 months later. fuck off and leech off someone else. you'd think they'd be too busy getting involved in political arguments or something considering half of them are politics grifters as well

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