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I'm gonna be honest I didn't think she would actually deliver
I thought she was all talk
Quick rundown?
she does porn now
We talking actual Melody teir stuff or just lewd ASMR?
from "PARASOCIAL FUCKS" to "please be my top paypiggy and i will dm you personally!"
Call me when it's fleshposting.
ew, please no
If you retards don't share, then I don't care
Why ew?
There are far uglier Asians than her
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>bao's ass on that vaporeon "cosplay"
Think you got your wires crossed holobrony. Wrong whale.
too bad her personality makes me want to fucking puke
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is this not bao?
What personality to speak of
But she's fat...
That's not "PARASOCIAL FUCKS," she's already at the paypiggy stage in that one.
Her personality now is wanting to be a living sex toy
She is like a couple steps away from being convinced to do gangbangs for her fans
>a couple steps away from being convinced to do gangbangs for her fans
Ah, the "Koopa special".
I thought Koopa groomed a small harem of men and picked one to finally date
Still want to put it in her fat Vietnamese ass, cry about it
>Her personality now is wanting to be a living sex toy
bao and mel collab on cb when?
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You are not supposed to talk about it
She talks about it as if it's her innovative invention, even though prostitution has been around for God knows how many years
Kill western whores.
She doesn't strike me as a stupid person from the small amount I've seen of her but expecting no one to talk about it and for things not to leak is incredibly retarded.
Once again.. it’s not hot when an obvious already whore does it.
what a pain in the arse whore
just don't do NSFW then
Someone leaked one of the audios on /BIG/ a few days ago, but it was a litterbox link so it already expired. They're pretty good.
She would probably have sex with Mel live
I regret ever knowing of this whore through Neuro
>but it was a litterbox link so it already expired
>even though prostitution has been around for God knows how many years
Pretty sure it predates society.
Bao should just do regular porn already
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god i wish
Same. Neuro is the only reason I even have the twitch app, and I hate some of the ethot grifters that pop up sometimes, especially Bao
mental illness
imagine being this much of a horny fucking degenerate skank, that you go through this entire circus just to be a slut. Just do your Bao thing, make money, and then go be a ho in your free time like every other chuuba.
so i listened to all her NSFW ASMR and... it's pretty average, nothing really special.
Like Boy Girl porn? or solo stuff?
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People are going to share the links anyway.
ASMR porn, for now.
I look forward to the leaks
When my friends and I turn black
Wow. That's terrible. Can I see?
her hypersexuality is only getting worse
sooner or later the free use con gangbangs will happen
she already set her price, it's only a matter of time really.
VAllure forcing moves I see
>it's just ASMR
So she didn't actually deliver.
The people in the gangbang? All me
>Acting like an AI chatbot run by a faggot is any better than the twitch whores
You are both of the same ilk.
Riifu won
just asmr isnt doing anything.
i need pics of her ass or i dont care.
kill all whores and cucks who give them money
god bless this whore
whats the point of making this thread if nobody fucking leaks you fucking retards
So many western chubas are a bad day from slipping and admitting they despise men.
Which is understandable and all, but they really should make a private menhera account for this stuff.
What did the earliest prostitutes get paid with?
Whatever form of early currency they had, but it's a gray area based on what is society.
>western chuubas
bitch please the first people to do that shit was the japs on niconico and some of them are even in that beloved idol vtuber group of yours lmao
Food, water, shelter, protection etc
There must be at least one job that's older than prostitution then...
giving womens rights was a mistake because all it did was make em demand more for sex
Thing :(
Thing, Japan ^_^

I don't make the rules, gomenasorry.
Make sure to read up on her rule list on fansly so you dont get yourselves banned Baoble Buddies. She seems to want no mention of her SFW accounts or her streamer friends anywhere near her nsfw accounts. Doing that will get you banned im not even sure she wants to be called bao on her fansly account she said something about prefering pet names instead.
After seeing what shes become i am convinced she was just rage baiting. its very hard to believe this is the same girl that became the super saiyan gooner that she is now.
Back from whence you came.
Why are you posting fleshies?
Hold up, this is LITERALLY just findom and you're getting mad it
It's like being upset a dominatrix calls you a pig or shit lol
thats even more sad
Kill all whores and cucks
>findom chuuba
I wish
>unironically defending findom
why do twitch cucks love eating shit so much?
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Based Bao. I knew I liked her.
based cuckbro
Bao sex
no sex for you, only cuckoldry allowed, lil cuckbro >>89906776
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I'd rather get pegged than participating in whatever this is
It means feeling pleasure from giving money to a woman who berates you in return. Literally an even worse version of normal cucking.
Intercoure with Bao.
*watching like a cuck
My penis inside Bao pussy.
based self insert cuckbro
Insert my penis into Bao.
What does "cuck" even mean in the context this anon is trying to use it in, you guys reckon?
If you see nothing wrong with findom then you are beyond salvation.
I love whores.
Mid as fuck asian bitch 5/10 but for virgins like this cesspool 9/10
no one asked or cares retarded normalfag
just post the shit already so we can all go home
Nothing borgor
Those 5 guys? Me
Her ass is 10/10 though
western vtubing is a cargo cult example #831801503

thank God Holo and it's walled garden exists to make western women conform to some actual standards instead of none at all
how unexpected
Is she on kemono?
10/10 thread bumping bait.
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damn right
Wake me up if she does stuffing or something.
It's crazy how much of a goon slut she is. She masturbates like crazy I hear. Must have an incredible amount of testosterone
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>Audio only
bao is possibly the stupidest vtuber out there, every month until very recently she was melting down or in a new drama or scam since her debut
vids or didn't happen
>westoid fleshwhore
>thread gets raided by the /trash/ agp goonsquad immediately
Say thanks to this retarded moff for encouraging Bao to be more open about this stuff. She's worked hard, and she's also going to do same to Numi(her words).
It's just ASMR RP shit, so it's basically nothing.
are you retarded?? she's been getting plowed at cons for years already now.
>You will be asked to leave by security.
She thinks she's running all the cons now.
>for a large western indie vtuber not
It was one thing for Melody to start offering that kind of content. She's porn coded through and through, so everyone expected it from her. Bao has learned to embrace the gooner inside of her over time and finally took the plunge. There are plenty of girls out there who were or are throwing around the idea of doing adult content, but are too embarrassed or insecure about themselves. Now people can bring her up along with Sarui to encourage their oshi, who might be on the fence, to give it a shot too. Just like Doki managed to shatter the PL taboo, Bao and girls like her help bring down the idea that vtubers have to be either seiso or lewd and can't be both.
That literally already happened at a con
Fucking dumb whore, just don't be a slut. She wants all the benefits with none of the consequences. Either commit to being a cheap whore or kys
My fantasy is taking her to the French countryside and having her help me find truffles.
Whore Clan W
Thanks, Yuzu
She won't even show her face. What makes you dipshits think she'll show her tits? Hell, she DID show her ass... and had it scrubbed from the internet.
men was a mistake evolution should have let us re-produce asexually
Silence, rib

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