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>What is /tingles/?
/tingles/ is a thread to discuss and find English-speaking vtubers who do ASMR. Be it short audio roleplays or lengthy audio trigger sessions.

>Can I shill my oshi here?
If she does ASMR somewhat regularly at least, sure. The minimum is at least once every other week.

>Can I talk about corpo vtubers here?
As long as they fulfill the above requirements.

>What about lewdtubers?

>What kind of ASMR is the best?
It depends.

>Who's live right now? Any lists?
More lists to come. Probably.

>How to archive?

>Friends of /tingles/

We have yet to find more. (´・ω・`)

Previous thread: >>89898101
Menace fell off.
... my cock
Menace fell on.
Menace is a 10 USD whore...
The recent Menace paid memerstream. Just google decode64 and decrypt this line of text ;)
... my cock
gatekeepers seething :^)
15 in some countries
i love menis
really wish we could see IP counters in here
the coomer kingdom is expanding
cheaper over here
in mine is 7
Browns thinking they're masterminds for solving the basic level of gatekeeping will never not be funny.
B-bros, how do we stop the leaking??
I kind of want to commission some shortstack menace porn but I need to figure out which artist will do it justice.
imagine paying for membership to support a content creator and getting mad when their content gets public for free. who even are you? why do you care? actual retards
please talk about other cute wholesome chicks like miwa and nene or that german cutie I watched the other day
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Mono's armpitussy...
Sexy tomboy tiger.
SHE'S HAPPY! We make her happy bros

Literally no one is mad, we just enjoy seeing you sperg out everytime Menace does a member stream.
Miwa cute

off of my cock
then back onto my cock
SEA mongoloid doesn't even know what encryption is
we need to split and create /cipher/
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is this menis oshi mark?
Felt something genuinely primal at the end of that second countdown
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nise, my girlfriend's happiness is above all else.
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2 billion IQ gigahackers pictured
No it's me cumming in your tea
how do i decrypt this?
Helping her get off from her helping fetish makes her happy, we're just lending her a hand
masturbating for free while other's pay for it can't be topped
It's so easy to make you retards seethe. Someone's gonna post it on /asmr/ anyway and you'll lap it up like a dumb dog. You don't have to sperg out when we want to mess around for a bit
no matter how much you paypigs want to gatekeep the links will always be posted on here or sc lmaoooo
The lalilulelo?!
>bragging about getting secondhand pussy
based cuckold
chimping out over 10 dollars rumao poorfags
Brave of you to admit jerking off to her getting others off man. Whatever floats your boat.
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Green sex machine
When did this general become this toxic...
can we do the puzzle thing next time I'm to dumb for ciphers
I assume the schizo started coming here because he doesn't get the attention he craves in /asmr/ anymore
It's just Indonesians who get on around this time. You have to ignore this place during these hours.
Pirate gooners won.
it's /asmr/ shitposters
Have finished my third nut to Menace (first two were while she was live) and am eager to see how she raises the ante next week or even better yet if she does another unarchived guerilla
Seconded, jigsaws are fun
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Just title it yapping
we should do puzzles regardless, it's fun
Guys no... the hacker found it...
We used our best encryption too fuuuuck
thank you sir! very much appreciating this!
why isn't this thread just called /menace/ btw?
/asmr/ will just ruin the fun anyway. why bother.
Why are people surprised this VOD is still up? I don't think she did anything beyond her usual scripts
she's whispering she loves you, it's different
>I masturbated
Good girl.
when SEA hours end no one posts about her
I blame the autistic baker for continuing to bake during SEA hours
holy fuck that was amazing.. god I wish I wasn't poor..
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you keep posting the same thing. what's your angle, i don't get it
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First time making a jiggie
whispering is peak asmr trigger need more girls to do this instead of shitty ear cleaning
the moment two newfags made up a boogeyman and decided they run this place and try to "gatekeep". futile attempts so far. even /asmr/ is laughing at them. you lost. you lost hard.
he's trying to get people to anti her, i don't get why he just doesn't make a catalog thread though
he's probably trying to get it banned
>less than 100 posts in nearly 24 hours
Are you just alternating between here and /asmr/ while screaming about how you're totally owning us?
So, you're telling me that we had like 4 or more different archives of her last tier 3 stream posted because of retards that wouldn't and couldn't shut up about le gatekeeping?
That's kinda smart.
baiting people to massreport
Bragging about jacking off at the same time with a bunch of other dudes. As opposed to being on your own video where you know no one is stroking to the same parts as you...
What does that have to do with the jigsaw of Menace's tits?
he unironically is lmfao, I don't get why shitskins think they aren't extremely obvious with their posts
How many bakers do we even have? The thread is up 24/7
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no wtf are you on about, I love Zenya
i'm sincerely curious. i listened to it yesterday and it's just the same as other streams she has done
Menis should invert the tiers. Put the wholesome GFE content on T3 and the garbage gooner shit on T1.
Post proof you're a T3
>suddenly not so smug anymore after the base link gets posted
Why do you still keep shitting up the threads regardless? Nobody cares about your gatekeep talk.
isn't it past your bedtime toast?
just post her on the catalog already. zenya doesn't have fans on /vt/. no one likes her here. i don't think she even does collabs, she just keeps to herself so she doesn't have other fanbases to back her up either. everyone just makes fun of her and her chat on /lig/ and /tingles/. you're free to shit on her in the catalog. no one will defend her.
NTA but all of those things are wrong, hell I found her from a collab. All the pengoons just use /lig/.
>staring at menace bush in the jiggie
>anon takes it away right as im about to finish
bwo... why did u cwuck me?
i like zenya
she puts a lot of effort into her website which is pretty cool
isn't asmr supposed to be relaxing? why is this place turning into a schizo den?
All the normal people went to bed or are jigging
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My wife Lulu is doing heartbeat ASMR rn. Kind of an amateur, but she’s cute and unicorn-friendly

The answer is always that it's one guy freaking out because people made fun of him. All I wish is that he'd put on a trip so I can filter him.
brown members angry menace stuff gets shared
Her doing the baby talk at the end made me feel really nice, I hope she does more of it
now she's got my attention.. I like her accent too
Really cute. Let's hope she won't whore herself out like Menace and keeps her chuuba purity.
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well you're in luck
rope yourself tranny
looking forward to this
babytalk + her verbal tic is going to melt me
SEACHADS can't stop winning
thanks for manifesting it bro I didn't want to say that I liked that too
he posted that way after her tweet
>unicorn friendly
w-what? Didn't she debut with like 20 males?
all me and my clones
Maaaaaann Menace is amazing. That was incredible.
Sage time while I'm half way through the VOD as made me realize, she non-lewd ASMR is so much better.
Anyways, I'm going back in o7
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im gunna masturbate to her
I slept through my 4am alarm...
let me know when stops yapping and humming
can the pajeetbros please do their magic key link whatevers so we can gatekeep the 4chans from getting menace content? please?
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goonai /menace/ behold my magnum opus in the jiggie
feels like she's not very good at the actual ASMR part
I dont know about you but im getting the tingles.
bite mark sex
Jokes on you, soon as I found her, I archived her whole channel.
nahh she's not great at ASMR but I can still fap to her close breathing and kisses
kisses whispers pretty good but replies to indv chatters by name
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Holy shit, The heartbeats at the end are the best she has done yet. Actually the best part of this stream.
Maybe we should stop baking during Menace's streams
wtf shes hot. I want to fuck this green rabbit
I want to fuck her big ears
look at this fag lying to himself. Zenya is the best girl ever and she tries very hard, as the other anon said her website is fucking based.
I like when vtubers have cute little websites
yeah seems like she's going for the parasocial schizo speedrun
you realize you're in the asmr thread right?
yeah but smart girls usually avoid acknowledging individual chatters since it rapidly increases the rate of schizos per chat
brings me back to when the internet wasnt such a shithole like it is now.
the second a girl starts sucking on ears and saying she loves you she's already making at least a dozen chuds into schizos
Fuck, if I wasn't already committed to another vtuber Menace would have me by the balls
This is an intervention. Did you know that the #1 cause of being a faggot is giving (You)s to bait posters? It doesn't just affect you, it affects everyone.
>Zipper sounds
Menace unlocked this in me and now this one is volleying the serve.
New to EN, only familiar with JP sluts. Are there any who do the JP style of lewd content but with a lot of dirty talk or explicit stuff? I saw the one at the top of the thread and was surprised to hear her do not just a countdown but even a pyu pyu, but she wasn't very explicit besides that. Whereas the other more explicit ENs I've seen don't do it in the JP style at all like she did.
>menace stream
>fill up the thread with liveposting
>shitpost everywhere
>make the thread unusable
>menace stream ends
>thread activity completely dies
We really attracted catalogfags huh.
Should've just made a menace split t b h
She's the only one that gets liveposted. Otherwise it's just /asmr/ again
To be fair, someone made a Menace bait thread earlier
And she talks to literally none of them. Their level of unity is even worse than NijiEN’s
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can use these settings if we do it again.
1k pieces is way too much i think, 400-500 is nice.
ignore the rotating pieces, it should be left off until like 10~ constant jiggers
I set it at 1.5k thinking it'd be a lot less kek, I feel bad as I've just had it in the background while working on stuff but I'm glad to see it's mostly done. Will keep in mind for the next time there's a post-nut jiggie.
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Potentially erotic!
Might want to choose images with less than 40% whitespace in the future also.
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In my defense I thought it'd be funny
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>Will keep in mind for the next time there's a post-nut jiggie.
i'm always down but it's gotten too late unfortunately. if it weren't for the whites i'd finish it but whites will take a LONG time.
also there's a cyan piece in the top left corner that won't move, might be bugged
yeah, with less pieces it's fine but as it stands it's more than half i think lol
Cyan piece was locked, it has been moved
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god bless, it was pissing me off to no end
/gfe/ refugees
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Just a random post-nut clarity thought. If we create a /menace/ split then it would fix the problem of the threads being too fast and maybe of it's shitposting.
The downside is we'll end up exactly like /asmr/.
It's lose-lose outcome and /tingles/ inevitably merging back with /asmr/
nothing is stopping you whiny niggers from talking about other chuubas
just keep talking about her here, it's no different from any other general for any corpo.
there's always 1 girl who's more popular
Reminder that ASMR sluts (affectionate) have done more to improve the young male suicide rate than any hotline or counseling program
>You guys actually did it
Good job
i don't know what I did but thanks
You didn't do anything, it was all me. And you are welcome.
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Tell me what do you think it is, then.
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im so excited for kanna's patreon stream
ill give you a brief tech lesson:
encryption requires a private key to decipher, it's used for security purposes.
base64 is just encoding, its not secure. it's literally just a way to transform data so that it can be processed and transmitted easier.
you can also represent the same data in base16 (hexadecimal), or base2 (binary), same thing.

Why is her voice pure sex anon? I don't understand how she keeps draining me over and over and over.
>can't even spell encryption correctly in the file name
> rot13 is just encoding, its not secure. it's literally just a way to transform data
Any substitution cipher is "just encoding", so where do you draw the line?
god I hate how much of a zoomer she is
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encryption in the context of cybersecurity requires a key to decrypt.
whatever you're referring to is irrelevant.
literally if you google base64 it tells you it's an encoding scheme
Blown way too many loads to this semen demon.
Menace should say "now unzip your pants", and then she unzips whatever she's wearing for dramatic effect
are we okay with male ASMR?
You did cum twice right anon? You didn't disappoint with just a single load right?
I pretended to cum twice but theres no way I can do it that quickly. It felt like she was really getting into it so I wanted to make her feel good.
I limit myself to male that uses a good voice changer or a male that only licks my ears and doesnt talk.
I shot the biggest load of my life, and then a normal one again.

That girl is a witch.
based, even better when they do intrauterine regression
my time is worthless
I only managed to get hard in time by thinking back to all the loli hentai I've seen
I'm gonna jerk off to Wagashi's new Doujin with the stream playing in the background tonight.
Why the fuck did menace do a countdown 20 mins in? This cheeky fucking slut has no idea how the male body works.
I'm gonna stroke my stinky brown chode to Menace without spending a single rupee
Good night jabronis
I CAN, but I need lube for it to do it twice.
I got close but alas I could not in time.
I'll cum again before I sleep now to make up for it
actually just realized the audio would go with a mesugaki doujin very well
Calling all /here/ chuubas. Please for the love of God post your links. We need new girls to talk about here

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