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>Devil May RyS 3 Finale
>STREAM TwiLight!

>Smelly Cheeb eurobeat merch
>Promise Anniversary merch
>Promise Mini series
>ME and my bean wifeRyS
>Jet tag
>SmolRyS plushie rerun
>Clear folder
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie

>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)


>Moment of my life Remix
>Moment of my Life
>One Step at a time
>Quarter Bravery

>Covers and Collab songs

>Channel / Twitter

>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs
>Previous Thread
Report all "irys" posters, numberfags, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs
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*sip* Ah...
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IRyS will join Nerissa's 'slumber party' tomorrow btw
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She's also in Bae's 24hour stream, that's what the Pico Park stream is (Mumei can't come sadly)
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Isn't the promise Collab tomorrow? Or is that later?
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mario party with bae and Raora 22 jst bae 24 hour stream
That collab is a day after, part of Bae's 24h stream (sans Mumei)
Also Mario Party with IRyS, Bae, and Raora
>Bae plans to drink during Mario Party
Bae is also drinking so maybe IRyS might be pressured into doing the same
Hope not
Well RIP any TwiLight art then, it'll be replaced with more shipfag garbage.
>3 collabs in a row
members stream never...
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with a little luck bae drinks herself to death
This is because we didn't stream TwiLight enough, isn't it?
last time she struggled staying up 12 hours, we can only hope she passes out before the second collab happens
She's retarded if she's going to drink in the middle of this, she can't even handle 1 shot.
Only 12 hours? Weak. Isn't she supposed to be the fit one?

IRyS could go for 48 hours if she had to. It'd ruin her though.
at least the collab's will be in English...
>22 jst

at least it won't be JP only I guess...
im fine with that i like nerissa
Ina is staying over with her to watch over her during it
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The members stream......
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im honestly excited
Raora's fun to hang out with so it will be fun to see them together again
If IRyS liked Raora she would drop in on any of her streams, she's always awake for them and most of the time not doing anything.
She doesn't want to establish a precedent of being available during those hours.
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I love IRyS!
She already has newchama
Raora does mostly art and single player games
also this slightly >>89914536 she wants to keep those hours for jops only and this collab will be an exception
Since when? The odd Splatoon stream is not a precedent.
>Holo collab right before the Promise collab
Christ Bae I was ready to give you a chance
I mean homo because I was baiting tehe
Sure you were
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/95818113/post/114834689 Wtf I love AI now?
It's literally just pre-recorded karaoke duets with "Holopro"
I actually had a pretty long Bae members streak going for a while, I dropped it after like a year or so alongside Mumei since hers was very not worth it. Kronii I dumped after like 3 months but the Truman show watchalong was very good from what I remember, Fauna is...definitely not worth it but I'm still at 3 years.
Love it enough to join their Patreon and pay for it? They put a lot of effort into typing that prompt into a text box and already spent all of their money on a 4090. Your charity is greatly appreciated. Please help.
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Why would I pay money for lewds?
Somebody did. It wouldn't be on Kemono otherwise…
Well yeah and it's the same for the unsung heroes who upload all the stuff on panda that other sites like nhentai then steal. I'd never pay for porn unless I went to Japan and got some doujins though
you got a timestamp from the stream?
check fireblaze's newchama
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Stop being new
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i forgot he existed
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>i forgot
stop making excuses newfag we're all anonymous here
The "He just started spamming all over my ass" was good too
fug i burnt my grilled cheese
sounds so gross in her voice
incorrect opinion
She barely died too it was just fanservice and le clippable moment since she was on the last fight.
No she was genuinely pissed considering she almost killed him and then choked hard
IRyS should streak dead space 2. And then dead space 3 coop with Biboo. I'd they line up their 2 playthroughs with perms...
All this of course after Dino Crisis 2 Rebirth mod
Because she didn't just continue a combo and intentionally tried to do a flashy finish
>IRyS should streak
Wrong, purityschizo.
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English swears just don't sound good in her voice.

I can handle when a girl swears and I don't mind her swearing in Japanese.
you is gay
I'm on my phone...
I have the overwhelming need to nuzzle this thing
Swearing is a masculine behavior.
If anything you're the faggot
Unbelievably shit take.
Objectively the right take*
If anything it's the exact opposite, I've never heard a woman who sounds as good swearing as IRyS does, she's a born natural
Walking through a haunted house at the fair with IRyS and she gets scared and squeezes your arm and holds you close
Yeah it's pretty gross and I hate when she forces it so much because of how impressionable she is.
you're a huge faggot ngl
Stop projecting anon
Only ESLs and the twitter lesbian types want her to swear, dudes hate women who swear excessively it's not attractive.
>no you
thank you for conceding
Keep coping
>She lets out a loud “Shit. That fucking scare me, anon. *uwu*” as she squeezes your arm
oh it must be mad IRyS didn't swear at all during dmc kek
IRyS has a potty mouth
>Didn't swear at all
you just blatantly admitted to not watching streams lmao
Made worse by ENs
She's been swearing for years, there was once a time where she didn't even censor saying shit
i just mute the stream if she starts swearing
Retarded threadreader.
she swears all the time in jp
i honestly like the change of pace
He's right though. I've seen enough foul mouthed women in my lifetime and all of them are single, and not in a good way. You know the type, the unironically "I don't need anyone else in my life" type of person. The depressed and repressed woman.

To be fair, some of that certainly applies to IRyS in some respects. She is also a singles woman. But it's not always nice to see.
japanese swears just sound better
I would know because I have seen those ancient streams
I don't it's fucking tryhard clipbait trash like Bae does, it's like a 12 year old who's trying to be cool.
she also swears all the time
schizo hours, IRyS being the purest really pisses people off
>But it's not always nice to see
IRyS' mouth is for my potty training
Japanese swearing sounds gross, especially when they roll their Rs
its just the corruption faggot and his phone
No there's actually like 4 different people who showed up, I don't know who these anons even are
>IRyS being the purest
IRyS swears all the time just not on stream
if you want someone who actually doesnt swear watch Fauna
What's wrong with Niggero?
Japanese swearing is barely gross in comparison to english or other languages with much more advanced swearing.
Nice cope, purityschizo.
discord blackup maybe
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Fauna and FWMC and Bijou are the only people who actually don't swear off stream. Ina doesn't swear on stream but she definitely does outside of it
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i blame the Raora's fans for this
She rarely ever swore
using shit and fuck is a crutch for someone with a poor vocabulary
She wouldn't say the f-word but she'd say shit very casually
*breaks spaghetti*
That'll teach them!
not its not, people who use creative language instead of swearing just come across as nerdy pussies
Honestly, I hope she drinks something with Bae to make the Mario Party more fun. So she can cut loose and let off a few swears
Anon I hate to break it to you but IRyS has a poor English vocabulary
Yeah you never grew out of middleschool
IRyS is a nerdy pussy.
adults swear bro
im talking 80iq vocabulary poor
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Go back to your circlejerk discord
IRyS is cute so everything she does is cute
except swearing
After you
the discord must be really bored today, thankfully no matter who is around IRyS she stays pure
are swear beggars the most annoying posters here?
The people who get upset at swearing are because they never shut up about it
I think IRyS should drink and swear a lot and also do ASMR, then she should play Megaman
t. swearbeggar
I've been waiting all year for the next one
Swear begging was just a ruse for clipfaggots. Naruhodo
IRyS should play Deus ex
Uh-oh the purityschizo is going to have a melty now
See what I mean, look at how much it bothers them like this guy
Only children fetishize swearing because they perceive it as "grownup and cool" regular people don't like it. You just come off like a douche irl
Regular people swear, you sound like you never went to fun parties
But she wants to be clipped???
I could give her a clip…
>Only children fetishize swearing
Adults just swear and they don't think it's cool, it's just part of their ordinary vernacular
i dont know any adults who swear unless they stub their toe or something
Are you one of those sheltered Asian manchildren
no I'm a 33 year old white guy with a job
People online have a warped view because they mainly only see online interactions. Not regular day to day stuff
thats really strange, I don't know an adult who doesn't swear
are you black
American and white
no im white
are you a mechanic
Maybe it's a religious thing and Christians don't swear
I do IT work, most of the IT guys I know swear like sailors
Why do we derive pleasure from corrupting IRyS?
Not true even then, you'll still hear the most strict Christians say hell, ass, damn, and shit
>terminally online autists
Yeah that checks out
That's because you're forced to work with shit IT systems.
Imagine thinking the internet invented swearing
It's not corruption if she already does it in her free time without our input
>religious thing
>Christians don't swear
The only adults I've seen who don't swear were religious
Swearing is natural.
Everyone who has posted in this thread in the past hour is a bored retard
Common SEA fetish
I've grown up with plenty of religious types and a lot of Christians. They 100% swear, you just don't see it
im agnostic and dont swear
i am mosty likely autistic though
You need look no further than Donald Trump. The perfect role model for Bible thumping America. Imagine not wanting to be like Trump.
hes not christian
He sure ass says he is.
>Suggested video is Subaru, Mio and Miko going to the US to shoot guns
What the
Migo had hers taken away
They went to a shooting range on their US vacation, Mio is surprisingly an ace shot
What lacking a K does to an idol comedian...
Jokes aside goof grief Miko was so bad ai kinda felt bad for her, remind me to never mess with Mio if she has a gun nearby.
When will IRyS watch Kill la Kill?
Mori would have to talk her into it
Damn IRyS is going to be in 3 different collabs back to back
she could have time to slip in the memba stream after Nerissa bday but i doubt it
we're not losing any solo streams because of collabs btw
You're right. We're just not having a solo stream.
we've only had like 2-3 streams a week for the past few months it's hell
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You're right
there was no solo streams to begin with
There are no solo streams behind our walls :)
I'm a solo stream btw
She's not having you because she's having me.
Pic unrelated.
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begone she-elf
Comfy threads today desu
>Mori convinces her
>Watches it offstream
>Ends up liking it
If IRyS escapes this blight without getting tainted by the cancer powder I never want to hear a word complaining about paypigs again
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Would you?
IRyS should do a nuggie review like her soultomo
>no mumei
what blight?
Is Faubae even a thing?
It was for October a few years ago or something
No it's going to be a FauRyS and KroBae double date actually
It's more realistically FauBaeRyS since nobody likes kronii
Kronii would enjoy being bullied by the others, yes
>he doesnt know
yeah i dont know thats why i asked
>thats why i asked
can’t they leave her alone for one fucking month atleast? For fucks sake I just want to watch my oshi without some vapid whore trying to leech off her
>without some vapid whore trying to leech off her
isnt that what you're doing?
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this crap
but I need to see her id first
why would irys get one of these?
Easy sponsorship money?
I love you IRyS but if you get that sponsor I wont get that expensive slop + the cheap shirt. just get an R1 sponsorship instead
No that would be your whore oshi trying to prob up her numbers with spamming collabas and leeching off IRyS , faggot
my oshi is IRyS
Is this like GFuel or something? I want a Hope Soda flavored drink collab.
Suuure thing, retard. Nothing screams IRyStocrat than being a faggot collabeggar after all!
It's Gfuel but tastes even more disgusting
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find a noose stat
I guess a struck a nerve? Also trying to falseflag with cheebs is just sad
why would i be here if i wasnt
holy fuck you're retarded
yes you struck the make me want to vomit with the words you type nerve rope number tranny rope NOWWWWWWW
Damn, you didn’t have to project, you’re this close to joining the 41% with how hard you’re seething
you have to be 18 to post here
Oh what I’d give to have those orbiters fuck off with their shitty collab spams and leave IRyS out of it.
I sentence you to 6 more months of collab spam
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this but JP collabs
>trying to prob her numbers
Is that why they do those collab spam events? That’s pretty sad if that’s the case. I’m glad IRyS doesn’t resort to such low effort slop

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