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>official Cover media
What does it mean?
It means they need to create cute mascots for it
They are edging the fans right now.
another blak rokc pozzzed update
its basically going to cover vtuber and vtuber related news since niji closed a lot of the other sites with lawsuits due to the aftermath of the kuzuha drinking saga
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You didn't just fucking use the word Edge, did you? Without paying me?
More pointless stuff that no one cares about.
do you rike it?
seems to just be a site to post their company bullshit on so they don't have to use note or prtimes.
>management beating off over their own power instead of doing something constructive with it
Many such cases in corporate environments
DEI rot seeping in

>“VTuber culture will become Japan’s new export industry”: The potential for economic growth found in the VTuber culture that is spreading worldwide
ーWhat do you think are COVER’s competitive advantages in the global market? Also, is there any particular reason or episode that made you decide to take on the challenges of the EC business in the VTuber domain and other parts of the entertainment industry?
I think that the fact that the VTuber culture originating in Japan is being accepted around the world could make it a new export industry for Japan. In particular, the collaboration between the Los Angeles Dodgers and hololive production that was held at the beginning of July 2024 was an impressive event.
There was a line of people waiting to buy merchandise that went around the stadium, and some fans waited in line for nearly five hours.

Seeing how content from Asia is accepted by people of all ages in the United States and has become a part of their daily lives, I am convinced that VTubers are a new form of entertainment that can be enjoyed around the world. I think the reason for this is that the anime-like appearance of these characters makes people less aware of race, and the diffusion of the Internet has led to a greater sense of real-time entertainment and the democratization of language.

The Grand Design and Action Plan for a New Form of Capitalism *2, approved by the Cabinet in June 2024, also announced a new content industry revitalization strategy. According to the document, the overseas sales of content originating from Japan are comparable in size to the exports of Japan’s steel and semiconductor industries. In addition, half of the top world rankings for characters are from Japan. For a long time, Japan may have had a strong image as a manufacturing nation, but with this kind of trend in the country, the globalization of content has become a hot topic recently. Furthermore, in the context of the Cool Japan Strategy, Japan has started to focus on exporting its culture, including anime, manga, and dramas, and this year could be called the Year One of Global Content. With that background in mind, I think that the VTuber business has great potential to create global companies originating in Japan.

We should be considering about this from a broader perspective, rather than just trying to win out over our rivals. Japan currently has a surplus of imported digital services, with many services provided by overseas IT companies such as GAFA being used. Against this backdrop, I feel that we can contribute to correcting Japan’s digital deficit by enhancing the presence of Japanese digital content through VTuber culture and increasing its influence in Asia and the world.
>As the workshop began, employees chose between the three values, “Bold-spirited,” “United without boundaries,” and “Outcome driven,” and were divided into three teams. They were then split into groups of four to five to discuss these two points: “What specific actions or words embody these values,” and “Why do you think so?”
>While some groups engaged in serious discussions, others digressed and engaged in small talk. Overall, everyone was relaxed, and conversations were lively. Groups were formed twice with different people to exchange opinions, which allowed employees to interact with those they do not usually speak to. There was also a segment to experience the values physically by asking everyone to “strike a pose that they think embodies the value.”
clearly i have not been hating hololive's middle managers as much as they deserve
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they want you to make it through NNN
COVER was listed on the growth market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Growth Market in March 2023, and it is aiming to transition to the Prime Market. Publicly listed companies have additional responsibilities to society. Moving to the Prime Market means more responsibility and more accountability to investors.

As organizations become larger, they become more pyramidal, which also makes them harder to strengthen. Also, a higher level of discipline is expected of us. As a listed entity, I believe COVER must fulfill its social responsibilities and become a company that is respected.

With this in mind, I would like to raise the level of management so that the entire organization is moving in the same direction. From a business side, the most important thing is to deliver good products to customers as quickly as possible. To improve communication within the organization, it is key to find people who are highly motivated, self-disciplined, and able to see things through to completion. I would like to recruit and train such strong talent
Sounds like middle-management buzzwords honestly. Every fucking time they do this whole dance of "we introduce to you the concept of 2DEEP4YOU which will convey PRETENTIOUS and MEANINGLESS, please support us a lot", and it results in nothing of value being produced.
In my view, the most important consideration when working at a COVER is whether you can respect the creative process. Our mission is to deliver good products that our customers will be happy with, and I would like to work with people who can take action.

Because this is an industry that has never existed before, I feel the appeal of COVER is that there are no precedents to refer to when driving the business forward. This also means that you will have many opportunities to stand in the batter’s box. A lot will be delegated down, so I would like our people to be aggressive in taking up challenges.

And because the COVER has top-class talent from various industries, there is an environment where you can learn from a variety of perspectives. I can also say with confidence that it is a place where you can take on global challenges, so I am excited to meet candidates who want to grow in this environment and communicate with the world.In my view, the most important consideration when working at a COVER is whether you can respect the creative process. Our mission is to deliver good products that our customers will be happy with, and I would like to work with people who can take action.

Because this is an industry that has never existed before, I feel the appeal of COVER is that there are no precedents to refer to when driving the business forward. This also means that you will have many opportunities to stand in the batter’s box. A lot will be delegated down, so I would like our people to be aggressive in taking up challenges
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>There was also a segment to experience the values physically by asking everyone to “strike a pose that they think embodies the value.”
Reading this was a physically painful experience.
absolutely soulless. no surprise the girls have gotten sick of this shit.
>copying again
Yagoo please stop making more unnecessary shit and focus on improving the existing tech...
It's just a blog anon
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Brilliant move by Yagoo to control the media and public opinion without having the antitrust scrutiny of taking over the lamestream media.
He'll have total control rather than having to wage internal proxy battles against other billionaire shareholders.

Its your move Tazumi!
I hope Gura is actually graduating. I cannot handle anymore cringe.
That seems pretty normal for your average company's workshop. I honestly don’t see what the issue might be
Hes polrotted and thinks normal company activities is cover for dei
>clearly i have not been hating hololive's middle managers as much as they deserve
Failing to protect Mel from her harasser was bad enough, but this soulless corpo slop is beyond the pale
Define soulless
>Failing to protect Mel
Nigger, her female highschool friend literally almost raped her.
It's amazing that mel didn't get sexually harassed.
Protecting mel is impossible.
She's the embodiment of sex and stupidity
Not having an issue with corporate teambuilding activity bullshit means that you're probably too Asian and/or not autistic enough
>literal propaganda
Something something thunderous applause

Mel's situation has been distorted through memes and nijinigger slander, what happened was
>Mel had a manager who made advances on her
>Mel reported it to upper management who fired that manager
>that manager continued stalking her
>cover was like "Well we already fired him, what more do you expect us to do"
Then the story leaked and suddenly it became "mel's manager raped her while cover stood by and did nothing" and nijiniggers being nijiniggers jumped on it to pump up their "cover is a black company" narrative and now here we are.
Hololive needs to shut the fuck up, they havent even released the game they hyped us about like 3 years ago yet.
Did they give support to nene when someone killed her beetles?
I know Cover has a small apartment.
If I like it its not propaganda
A device that help people edging to their oshis
the beetles were fine you fking tourist, watch the fucking stream or atleast clip.
>it's good because it normal
What's the purpose of this garbage? It's nothing but a management circlejerk session run by an oversized HR department that has run out of actual work.
Kuzuha what now? Spoonfeed me please, warosu isn't telling anything
>Cover Edge vs any MAGA
At least they are trying to maintain morality, rather than ignore it completely. in hololive, Of course, it doesn't help if the job sucks and the pay is shit, but that's not the case at Hololive.
>morality is practicing fealty to middle management by humoring their mandatory group buzzword initiatives
tell us you're from east asia without telling us
Teambuilding is very rarely teambuilding, it's ritualised humiliation to traumabond you to your coworkers to make up for terrible your company pays and treats you.
If it's the one I'm thinking of, it was when he had an energy drink sponsor, and someone recommended mixing it with alcohol at a 1-1 ratio.
Some kids got hospitalized, and the government had to release an announcement telling people to be careful when mixing drinks. If it was something else, then idk.
"Outcome driven" is the opposite of moral.
Oooh that one. So the shitposting got so bad back then that anycolor nuked gossip sites? Weak.

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