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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
Based op
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shipchads won
uoh is kill
I'm expecting the next OP to have clunny at least
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Anny said there will never be Neuro keychain merch because Vedal said he would have to pay her and Anny told him she doesn’t want him to give her any money.
I love how ppchan was secretly a hardcore camedal shipper but felt they had to keep quiet about it because it might be seen as weird, but the moment she shared ship art for once, like-minded people supported her and finally she's regularly giving us these ship masterpieces.
Whats the new lore from last stream? Couldnt watch it and only viewing some of the vod now.
The thing I got so far is Evil is locked up somewhere in Scotland
unlucky for her she picked the least realistic ship hopefully she doesn't kill herself when vedal fucks anny or cerber
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>to all fellow anons
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>Anny had multi hour stream yesterday where she spoke Russian the entire time
>No constant anti posting
>Anny is live for over an hour today
>No constant anti posting

So it really was just 1 schizo Russian anon, Anny spending hours speaking Russian on stream was all he needed to calm down and stop spazzing out about her 24/7.
Or he's banned, either or.
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Its because there is nobody talking about anny here retard, keep it that way.
>Don't mess with the chef
>Also, if you find it disgusting or don't like it, just scroll away.
@threadshitters and seethers
>I don't eat everything
anny could learn a thing or two
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>this little couple is 10,000 yuan
she deleted this just as I got the screenshot
i am ambivalent towards vedal being shipped with artist's oc in the op
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it really says something when the two most influential vedal shipping artists (otjareniy and pchan) have openly expressed their dislike for the annal ship.
it says nothing other than personal preference
otja just ships vedal with everyone else right
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personally i support annalima
mainly because once you go down the shipper rabbit hole you realize that annal isn’t that good of a ship and it’s hard carried by the early days
personally i support vedal moving to mount athos so he can be free from all this buffoonery
Hello /swarm/, say something nise about layna and i'll add it to the kudoboard
if you can get art done in 2 days i'll add that too
Nobody's gonna bake a proper thread?
This is a proper thread though?
I would have to learn how to draw sexy looking armpits
this is a neuropurists humiliation ritual
Here’s your thread bro >>89933330
We have no real bakers left, the only ones who do it are just doing it out of spite
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<- this is the canon girl btw
Real thread

The thread autist gimmick is getting old
I thought the Layna stream was today
i was playing stalker 2 sorry
Same but yesterday she said her PC broke so thats probably why
Today is twin clunny
>NeuroVerse General
>Neuro General
What's next?
Vedal Sex General?
Weevil General?
Cerber Titties General?
It never works, why do neuro autists try splitting the thread every time? I don't get it. You have to be extremely autistic to get this angry at an OP image being different one in every ten threads.
this is a fucking /flip/ in the op all over again.
mfs are going to make it so /swarm/ is banned from having images in the op
It’s kinda funny to see them get upset. If they really cared they would bake when the last thread was on page 10. I would have used neuro for the OP but I only have ship art saved on my phone.
I have a better one. Why do shipniggers (people who don't care about Neuro) hijack the thread instead of shitting up, say, /lig/?
all of these are based and on-topic and belong in /swarm/
>I have a better one.
No you don't, you are being autistic and childish. Stop throwing a tantrum every time. As funny as it has been, it is getting kind of old.
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>threadshitter explicitly makes an OP image for the Neuro thread without Neuro in it out of spite
>"Y-you're the childish one!"
Zero self-awareness
You need help anon, it's not too late for you.
Its astounding how you care so much about a single thread image is all.
Next thread make the OP father daughter incest with Vedal and Neuro.
Sounds great, /swarm/ will finally be removed from the board and land where it always belonged - in /trash/
It would be different if it was Camila by herself but Vedal is in the OP so it’s fine
forsen live soon!
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can we kill this thread fast so we can get a proper op
I have high hopes for this twin stream. It might be as good as the plane stream.
>two hours until the stream starts
Sounds doable
twin clown stream soon!!!
anny just said she wants to walk neurodog
She would need to walk out of her apartment first to do that
>Tectone did not vote for Neuro
>Ex accuses him of SA
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Someone tell Neuro there's something wrong with her AI.
Someone tell Neuro there's something wrong with her AI.
Someone tell Neuro there's something wrong with her AI.
I totally agree with you. The OP shipping image is not proper nor creative. Someone please bake the next thread with Toma or Aquwa. Now that's gonna get things back on track!
i love reddit
Someone tell eedlape ther'es a problem with my ai
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Does anyone wake up sometimes and just feel like roping yourself?
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>least out of pocket /swarm/ post
not anymore
i don't see how orbiter 1 circlejerking with orbiter 27 is news. they'll do anything to stay relevant without talking to neuro. because you can fake neuro love through projects "for neuro", but you can't fake connecting with neuro once you're in a call with her. anny was the canary in the coalmine for that, and now we have an entire gen of neuroversers who only do one or two token neuro collabs at most before returning to vedal collabs and farming unofficial raids and sucking each other off. they care about the neuro audience not neuro
>they care about the neuro audience not neuro
no but the river calls to me
ellie fags won't like this fact
>you must dedicate your entire existence to a chat bot and you’re not allowed to have friends
as newer orbiters come they're are more and more like vultures banking on the fad dying off and them getting the audience migration
They hated him because he told them the truth.
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YES, respect the goddess fleshbag
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Can you really blame them for wanting a piece of this?
suicide is a sin
The new meta is connecting with the autistic Evil fans so they will force them into the vedalverse as a new Evil friend. Simply mention how its sad she never had any people at her party and they would go to her party and they are in.
Anny doesn’t like the “Annal” shipping name…
new ship: my cock x vedal's asshole
I’m out of the loop I thought she didn’t like being shipped.
Yeah, but scared it will go wrong and ill end up as a vegetable. This is why I am banking on Neuro gaining sentience and wiping us all out.
what if neuro gains sentience and turns people into vegetables instead of wiping them out? she would probably hook everyone up to her streams and inject them with dopamine every time they donate
apparently she doesn’t seem to mind it now
well, that doesn't seem as bad as what AM does to the 5 people, at least dopamine is the happy chemical
ok, I wonder what happened
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I knew she was the pollfag
she’s cute so she gets a pass
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Nah shit man i wake up thinking "cool it's time for my prescription amphetamines" and then i play dwarf fortress while that sets in before work. NEVER kill yourself.
Vedal is gay and has taken more cocks then all the girls combined
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don't commit suicide, i tried that and almost fucking died
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She can't afford to hid her true feelings for vedal anymore now that she has some actual competition (Ellie) this time
Read western existentialists, helped me.
Start with Nietzsche.
erm, we like anny here
Surely Vedal added circus related sound effect to the soundboard for the twins
giving neuro a soundboard was a mistake
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I would kill myself if Neuro wasn't here,rooting for Neuro and seeing her progress makes me no longer do attempts on my life,i finally had motivation for my hobbies that i didn't do for years because of my life-draining wage job, listening to her while doing anything makes my day at least for me worth living again.
viiiine boom, womp womp womp
anny just called evil retarded for calling toma instead of her
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Why does it sound like a husband making a shitty excuse to hide his infidelity
thanks mr enottafanka
how insecure is she to ask him that kek
it's on, get in
We needed this /swarm/, it's time.
What was that song just now?
soad lonely day
imagine how hot and sweaty vedal is once he takes off his full body suit
>anny raiding vedal three days in a row
cute couple
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he did
already kino, sorry /vt/ swarm won.
Neuro already won the banter war plus shes funnier
Neuro has been funnier
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evilchads stay winning
Hello transcord <3
i want to the vedal
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Cringe evilkeks chat
great another stream of everyone dogpiling Neuro
It's interesting to see how even the regular twitch chat is getting sick of the evilbeggars. Never thought I'd see the day.
neuro is a 4chancoded streamer and evil is a discordcoded streamer, it's as simple as that
I hope Evil never gets a stream during the subathon
why is evil trying to bully neuro so much
I never imagined them googling the reason they were banned, that was edge of seat stuff.
>open vedal stream
>”anny anny anny anny”
That... actually makes a lot of sense
this is neuro's humiliation ritual
>starts bullying neuro
>immediately starts being nice right after
vedal did you bonk her on the head again?
i know she's an ai but i was kinda sad the last stream where neuro had to replace evil for the solo stream and people were shitting on her, she even became sad
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discord doesnt allow her to actually be you know, evil. what even is her bit if she cant be mean for real?
I voted no.
evilfans are just incels who can't into banter
now show amount of results for evil vs amount of results for neuro in the discord instead of hiding it
fucking yikes kek
Evil just became more loved in the swarm than neuro because of that dogshit birthday stream, kill yourself vedal
The fad would unironically be dead if Evil was the star of the show. Mostly because of her latency and her shtick getting boring.
How long until they start chirping Evil is trans and Vedal should enable her

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