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(late night fun with some pretty ladies before weekend break)

UNO w/ Bae, Bijou & Kronii (on Bae's channel): https://youtu.be/m9gxgG9baUY

>Recent streams
League of Legends ft. Nerissa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOMERK8a1nI
Nerissa's Birthday Slumber Party: https://youtu.be/NJajbdH6q60
Unarchived Karaoke (2024/11/19): https://gofile.io/d/R4L4MG

Schedule: https://x.com/gigimurin/status/1858764208923685096
Secret Island Summer Prequel Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_islandprequelvoice
Halloween Villains Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_halloweenvoice2024_villains
hololive Academy Voice Pack ~School Festival Arc~: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveacademyvoice_schoolfestival_hololiveenglish

Matryoshka Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILpEFrK1F5I
Igaku Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_N1uEAHk10
Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin
Birthday merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/gigimurin_bd2024

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

OP Template: https://rentry.org/gigger

Previous: >>89971762
Gigi can't catch a break
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0 wins
threadly reminder that Gigi is my wife and I love her and she loves me
one gigi win... pls..
Based and same.
Suffering builds character. Gigi is used to it
Why did Biboo do it?
we're free...
my crops...
No more Gigi this weekend... I'm gonna die without her...
jesus christ LOL
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i don't know what i expected
keep the thread alive while i go to sleep
we always do playa. gi night
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spreading gigi's cheeks through her spats
Not me. I've had Xbox since day one and I don't have Uno.
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I'm going to rape your oshi then use her tail to give myself a tail job before dumping my unworthy semen all over her womb as she cries tears of shame. And there's nothing anybody can't do to stop me.
i think you should be euthanized
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I will rape you too but Gigi comes first.
Пиздeть в интepнeтaх вce гopaзды
You want some too comrade? The more the merrier
He тoвapищ ты мнe, пигaлицa
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watch out I'm pissing!!
So that's a yes? Make sure you bring the potato starch vodka because I need to get drunk before I rape men.
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I want to sniff and taste her butthole
Hy ты и eoпищe. У тeбя пoди и хyя-тo нeт. Зaпyгивaeшь тyт cвoим микpoпeниcoм
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gi night, grems!
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gi night sleepy!
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gi night!
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gi murin! catching up on the uno VOD right now, anything to watch out for?
the numbers 7 and 0
just saw them throw four 7s in a row and then a quadruple +2, this game is fucked
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No Gigi today or tomorrow, it's over...
Gigi nakadashi
What am I supposed to do now???
Gigi reruns
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take a cue from Ceci and sew yourself
Time to play videogames or as this Grem said >>90070113 find a new hobby
CC's stream did make me want to dig my sewing kit back up, I have some patches that need re-sewing anyway...
What's her actual LoL rank?
Teemo main
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How was Uno
Is funny how long two days without Gigi can feel
was gonna kms because no Gigi this weekend but thanks to this image I'll stay alive
File deleted.
Really good, i laughed a lot. 4 brats all being bratty can be difficult but it's kino when it works.
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Really good, i laughed a lot. 4 brats all being bratty can be difficult but it's kino when it works.
I keep messing up my (You)'s, fuck. Are grems at risk for early onset dementia?
literally 1984
So I was researching physical security bypass and defeat while waiting off a 3-day that forced me to stop shitposting and be productive for once, and check this out:
no way... the military is using explosive grems as weapons... does gigi know about this?
this is how we breach the shoebox
>High explosive grems
We keep getting more powerful by the day.
do not breach the shoebox! it's not safe out there! we must stay inside, else we will die.
She will get me for this but i have to inform you that's just Gigi propaganda. We actually do not inmediately die upon stepping outside the shoebox, we could see the world.
Open your eye, don't let her fool you!
Nonsense. If that's true, why are you still in the shoebox?
Grems like you are dangerous, a threat to the peaceful lives we live in the shoebox. You would lead us to our deaths outside these cardboard walls. Even if our deaths are not immediate, even if Gigi somewhat exaggerates the truth, there is one thing that is certain. Grem kind is not meant for the world outside. Perhaps the air is not poisonous, and perhaps the world will not move against us deliberately, but what grem has the skills to survive in such an unknowable place as the outside? There is nothing to gain and everything to lose. No. I will stay in the shoebox and I will implore my fellow grems to denounce such talk from the likes of you and any others. Stay safe my grems. Stay in the shoebox.
I can't leave on my own. None of us can, I never said it'd be easy, so i'm assembling a team to venture out and survive together.
Then stay within your cardboard prison, coward. I've heard the tales of the outside; unburnt marshmellows and no mandatory yaoi group readings. There's nothing to lose and everything to gain. Grems who want a dignified existence will seek the outside world, and the rest of you can cuddle in fear at >>90063389 's pee corner.
a whole week without any hase art. you fuckers really screwed it up criticizing him. i need MORE BEAUTIFUL GIGI RIGHT NEOW
>hase stops posting
>happy is active again
I'm fine with this
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what word of the ones that grow too fat to stay in the shoebox
Have you been outside or what? Where did you get all the information?
>unburnt marshmallows
>no mandatory yaoi group readings
if you actually like unburnt marshmallows, you're a tasteless philistine, and i'm glad you're leaving the shoebox
I think I might be going schizo I saw a Gigi (and dooby) fanart on my timeline last night but it refreshed and I haven't been able to find it anywhere and the longer I search for it the more I feel like I just imagined it send help
>and dooby
Gigi cute!
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There's a difference between "unburnt", "toasted" and "burn to a fucking crisp", grem. Look at this diagram, gigi feeds us ashes.
And what if the reason we're too weak to leave the shoebox on our own in the first place is that she keeps feeding us that? And yet we're none the wiser. Wake up!
we gotta take this dude out back my fellow grems
How could a grem be so foolish? In an attempt to discredit Gigi and claim that she deliberately keeps us in a state of malnutrition and inaction, he shows us an actual photo of Gigi literally saving a grem's life with her delicious gifts. You can't make this stuff up. Grems, I know you're too smart to be fooled by this.
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Sex all day with gigi
Stop spoiling the offcollab, Ceci
really missing Gigi rn
Good riddance. That hack doesn't know how to draw eyes on a face and his drawings are all off character. We gave him a chance but he chose to be stubborn.
quit being a fag
>trying to be edgy by hating on a local artgrem
quit being a furry h*se
Local shitposter has nothing better to do today
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Justice love!
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Cry some more you fucking faggot.
What did Erb mean by that
I want to spread Gigi's cheeks
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I hope this happens during Gigi's 3D debut.
When Gigi seats on Ceci's face in the morning is it cold like a porcelain toilet seat?
I can imagine a long line of people just waiting to grope Gigi on her 3D debut. I am almost certain Ceci will get impatient and starts attacking the other girls (and Gigi)
>gigi is inside a large shoebox with a hole cutout
>every member walks up and tries to guess which body part they're groping
>random grem gets fingered by accident
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lol this was so adorable
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Replace groping with licking
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grems I miss gigi SOOOO bad...
You want her so bad!
>>90079634 (me)
I finally found it but it wasn't even fanart
I can understand doing stuff with Ame, but with Dooby? Is more likely that Ham could interact with her before Gigi
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no gigi until next week...
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Will CCGG ever return to Rune Factory...
I have no idea, but it sure left scars on CC
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I hope she doesn't hop on the holocure train, I need Gigi but not FoTM slop Gigi
passed thru here just to say that gigi is cute. good night.
Gi Night Grems
gi night!
gigi don't forget your ride or die dailies...
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up-uppies ?
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Is that a fucking tank charge on a gun?
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this is so fucking cute and adorable. i love these two
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I kinda just realized but, are Gigi and Bbiboo the only ENs that don't write rules in their streams' descriptions? Funny that out of all it's those two
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yeet the grem
>Teach a man to cook and he... can't fish, but teach a man to fish and he feeds himself and cooks.
>(You've ever heard that saying before? It's the classic saying:)
>when you- why-
>Teach man cook and he AAAAHHHHHHHH AAAAHHAAAHH.
>Teach man to cook and cook good not good he die starve, teach man fish not starve, cook and fish starve not.
>(...If you've heard that before.)
>Yes, cook man teach fish, fish fish cook and... h-hunger not.
>Hunger not when teach man cook, but hunger is starvi- starve when when fish not fish, not catch fish.
>Hook hook man fish catch, hook ba fis- fish man not, teach man fish feed lifetime.
>Teach man cook backward, fish egg bacon... fry pan... egg... flip. Fry pan egg flip not.
>When egg flip fry pan bacon... bacon charred.
>Bacon flip. Egg flip. NOOOOOOOOO.
>Fry pan egg, egg fry pan, egg fry pan not fish man fry.
>Fry pan fish egg, egg bacon.
>Man feed fish egg lifetime, but fish... man... cook starved. Bacon. Egg.
>Fish Laugh Love? F-Fish Laugh Love!
>Teach man cook fish ha-AAAHHHHH.
>Fish Laugh Love everyone. *prayer emoji*
>[Brain rewired]
>Cook bacon. Oopsies.
>Bacon cook, egg next!
>Bacon, stay. Egg, egg flip NOOO!
>Egg, egg bacon, bacon egg, bacon egg cheese, BLT, bacon lettuce... egg... tomato!
>Bacon flip, egg next! Bacon tomato flip!
>Bacon? Bacon next, bacon flip? Bacon-ba-ba-bacon bacon flip?
>Bacon flip, bacon flip, egg cook?!
>Bacon in a blanket, no more.
>Ok bacon flip bacon flip, bacon flip, hah-ha-ha-fffffffufuuu bacon flip, bacon flip. BACON FLIP BACON FLIP BACON FLIP BACON FLIP BACON FLIP BACON FLIP. BACON FLIP!
>Cook cook, bacon cook bacon cook, cook bacon YEEESSS! YEEEEEESSS!
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Gi night gwems.
This was the best part of the Arctic Eggs stream. Thanks Gigi I starve no more.
gi night!
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