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Ghost Maid Babel Edition

>Her YouTube channel
>Her Membership
>Her Twitter
>Her Bluesky

>Twitter Spaces, Event Streams, Unarchived Karaokes, etc.

Virtual Vacation - https://shop.oshispark.com/



>Our Divegrass team

Previous thread: >>90020205
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Minto's Cobra Unit name: The Freak
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I love 3.0 like it's unreal
I love V1 like it's unreal
I love classic Chocomint like it's unreal
I love Chibi Minto like it's unreal
>this game isn't like the msx ones right?
Oh boy...
Why are there so many married wisps?
>Wisp has a wife for 9 years
More ojisan Wisps means more chance some of them are married
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Lots of Wisps are 30 years old plus
We are OLD anon.
My wife doesn’t know I watch minto and neither do my sons. Thank god for iPhones and blue tooth.
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The Divegrass match before ours just concluded, so yeah /mint/ is coming up!
Sure, it's awkward to watch when Minto is live, but trust me you want to see the HYP.
Nuclear holocaust...
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V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!
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This dialogue pacing is more my speed
Campbell is a flatearther...
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>Mint saw ass
I love her old-timey announcer voice
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She's so tired...
I fucking hate all these attention whores asking for HBD songs.
Sounds like you never had Minto sing you Happy Birthday while clapping with her tiny hands.
My birthday is in a couple days and I would never do that, it is pretty cringe.
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I'll ask her to do one for you
realistically speaking how frequently could you visit a maid café and claim it's your birthday on every visit just for a little extra attention? once a month? weekly? would japanese autism prevent them from ever becoming tired of your antics?
Well I never said which day so good luck!
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You can ask us here...
In Mint's case it's always the same people so it's clear she's easy to fool.
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Then I'll say it's soon
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It is short for les enfants terribles...
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Don't understimate gilfs
There's some materials, either in an artbook or the extras in the game itself (can't remember), that point to Ghost Babel being the VR training Raiden passed before MGS2.
Isn't she younger than Minto by like a year or something
Is there a response to the japanese maid greeting"okaerimasu" or do I just stare at them like a mega autisit?
Seems like that can be used as a catch all reason for any entry that can't properly fit into the canon
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Footie Wisp, I want the report on today's matches in this thread after the stream!
Mint is either 30 or 31, I don't remember, I have no idea about matara
The real move is to make a bunch of alts, donate every single day that it's your birthday
Oh then Mata is older, she said it was 32
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The 2nd one ended 4-4. We scored 2 offside goals in the 1st 10 minutes or so and the 2-0 was the most ridiculous goal I have ever seen. At half-time, we were up 2-0, then they lost steam hard yet again, were trailing 2-3, turned it around to make it 4-3, but /hfz/ equalized in the last few minutes. Those matches for sure gave some insight. I'll describe what I saw in detail after the stream, yes.
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It's the game's secret ending, IIRC you have to go through all the VR missions and the guy in the codec who's been giving you the missions calls you "Jack".

But the same call also says your combat ability surpassed Snake's at the moment he took this mission. Which implies the events of this game actually happened so even that's questionable.
he's holding hands with MY wife...
Thanks for baking anon. I was napping
Anything before I should be aware of?
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amazing art.
V1, Chocomint, 3.0, Lilac, Spaghetti-chan...
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I am thinking about Minto's very small flat chest
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Listening to her heartbeat!
Why are people mass blue superchatting?
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The Flatminters won... Ayamy's Holy Crusade for all that's good and busty failed.
I unironically couldn't even ask for a "better Mint" or whatnot, Minto is perfect as she is.
We already did this before she joined that JP corpo whenever she went to the bathroom. Is this really just a Mint thing...?
It's not just a Mint thing, I've seen it everywhere
"Flushing" whenever a vtuber goes to the washroom. It's one of those things Coco made popular.
Hey anons I have a question. I'm a candle maker and I'm making a minto themed candle.
I have two different types of chocolate, mocha and hot chocolate, which do you think would be better with peppermint?
this is the gayest thing I was asked here in 9 years
welcome to /mint/
I'd say hot chocolate.
>he missed out on cock worship hours
I would go with mocha
Thanks anon, appreciate it!
Maybe I should just do a combo, 5 drops of each......
hard choice, although I think mocha gets paired with peppermint more frequently

i don't know why, but I actually laughed reading this
Wisps can be gay and freaky, but Pomudachi are on a whole other level
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I am 98% straight up
Why did I say up even though my brain wanted to say though...
nobody outgays me.
at least you were honest and left 2% for when you see a Mint or Pomu cosplayer at a con
As a male, I have only met 2 other males that I would fuck in my 30+ years of life. What does this make me?
A faggot
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98% straight too
bi, but very picky
Fellas is it gay to fuck another guy if they're dressed as mint?
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Let's be real, who wouldn't fuck a cute femboy cosplaying as Minto or Pomu for you. You have to be extremely straight to resist that.
>You have to be extremely straight
You have to be extremely gay to resist a cute Minto crossplayer
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Only if he actively clings to me I'm very shy
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traps are getting advanced these days
I'm not sure I could differentiate if I was drunk enough
I just got reminded of some rap song which was popular 10+ years ago.
Some group rapped about drugs including alcohol. The rapper said he wasn't an alcoholic since he only drank at the weekend. The same way, the listener wouldn't be gay since he only fucked guys at the weekend.
>or Pomu
why are pomies so gay
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>Want to marry and live a happy life with this cute woman
I think both are valid answers. One side is mad there's no Mintussy, the other side would rather be fucking/getting fucked by a Snake cosplayer
>Jimmy the Wizard
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Wisp the Wizard
but do they emphasize ass?
Mint defending the CIA plots...
It would be un-American not to
Wisps how long is left of this game? I need to go out for a bit but don't wanna miss the end.
She's in chapter 4 out of 12, maybe 4 or 5 hours left if she doesn't get stuck on anything
>Kickstarter only half way to getting Mint as a host
I'll be honest I'm not sure if I should support Minto hosting the livestream since it means she'd be stuck in a room all day and couldn't enjoy the con.
Yeah but if it doesn't get to at 75k it won't happen at all and she will get sad
It's been a while since I followed Kickstarter funding trends, but typically campaigns are frontloaded, followed by a lull, and then picks up again at the tail end. So there's still a decent chance it'll reach, but of course no guarantees.
She's been at the con already, I'm sure she doesn't mind skipping it this time
Hag Wisps...
>complaining about penguins north of the equator
my autistic hag maid maid...
Why did you write "maid" twice?
she's literally me
Maid Maid, my oshi.
meant to write "oshi" but I got tarded
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I agree with Mint.
Fuck this retarded "meme".
w-why's matara topless in this image?
minto is a southern belle, so how long until she says the n-word, full ER, no stopping?
Which one the hawk tuah shit?
nah, the "chill guy" meme
This guy is not chill
>3 hours for chapter 5
Can she really beat it today?
I know Ami the retro spider hag took multiple 3-4 hour streams to beat it
seems like the real question is how many times 3 hours she may need
I can't wait for Minto to play Snake's Revenge so I can see her reaction to the jank side scrolling stages
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Minto you're so mean
Just like Liquid Ocelot!
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Lmao did she just call doki a fatty?!
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Why did it take so long for you guys to react
Almost how many years now from her debut and she's still making her personality metal gear, jesus christ
Fist she called her flat and now she called her big and round fatty bo-batty. Bad enough she did a racist Mandarin impersonation while squinting a week ago.
She was defending the US military complex early this stream... Chudminto...
How much longer bros?
>he missed it when she called her "Chinki-Bird" and did a racist chinese accent on yesterdays DMC 2 stream
2 maybe 3 days
Jimmy was right.
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Wisps called Jimmy are crying right now...
Jimmy is literally me
Minto wants it in the third hole
BTW, Owl is a guy
I bet Jimmy is a 4chan user
I accidentally clicked on Millies stream cause I thought it was Mints...
I wanna massage Minto's tongue to make her feel better..
Eww fucking why, I never forgave her for that secret GC shit
>Eww fucking why
I literally told you why...
do you know how to read?
If you're interested in buying a Mint patch
Purchase link if you happen to not have twitter
He's SEA of course he can't read
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Jimmy jerks off to cartoon horse porn so yeah
Should we add to OP?
I want to see a big Wisp plush. One you could punch.
I dunno, it's not official
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>the ammo box
Oh, I remember posting it too here. Didn't know it was the same people
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This idiot
what ammo box?
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oh ok, thanks.
>Matara's coming over next week
>Mint's solo Patreon stream is next week
I don't understand.. Why don't they just do a group one while they're together then do a solo the week after?
Her neurons are activated
So does Mint wanna fuck snake or just be his really good comrade?
>And after you finish streaming what are you gonna do?
>I'll work at a grocery store
Bandana underwear for infinite ammo for his... canon
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Truly a Dante move
She is so silly...
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>2 and a half hours left of this full playthrough
Honestly she's been keeping pace pretty well.
I'm jealous of 1 year Wisps..
but why?
I want a cool badge too
But if she did 5h of playthrough in 7h, that means those 2h30 are gonna take longer as well (3h30 obviously if she keeps the same pace).
Sounds like a lot, I don't know.
He is insecure
I am jealous of pomudachi...
I'm jealous of mint's boyfriend (it's me btw)
I am jealous of Mint's bedsheets
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Just enjoy the present
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For Wisps who want a cool badge
Holy fuck look at the size of that lad
Naomi hate! But Naomi love!
Mint biting bait...
Mint you cant say that about Ame
The most fearsome unit
Marionette Owl
Pyro Bison
Slasher Hawk
Black Arts Viper
...and Chris
Minto always falls for it
Imagine being a Naomi apologizer.
I think Naomi is cute not the MGS one though
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I have to wake up early tomorrow but Minto
Minto's losing it
Ara Ara Voice
I should have woken up already...
>"My father was French."
>Minto bursts out laughing
My little goast maid cannot be this Based!
That erection she's talking about? Yeah, mine
I gotta go to bed so I won't be able to catch the end but I gotta say, I don't know if other people are enjoying this game or not, but I am pretty impressed with it being a GBC game.
I never really cared about the side games so I never even looked at it before.
final big stage
Yeah, it's better than you'd think. Goodnight Wisp!
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tfw you jork it and it just comes out
She said she was sorry that it just came out
Reminder of the time she asked us to jork off with her on stream
I think she needs to do games like this and dmc2 in 2 streams instead of 1
DMC2 was doable in 1 stream and she was only one hour above average on that. Ghost Babel should've been split into two.
I kinda like having late night Minto though, accompanying me while I'm up late gaming
It's selfish but I wouldn't want to miss out on any of the mindbreak and rage
>timing out a mod for obnoxious backseating about a fucking ration
Final boss time
Late night Minto is comfy
I wanna make Mint pregnant
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Get in line
I don't understand the hololive references..
she is pregnant
yeah, with me
Kronii is an Always Sunny level of narcissist and claimed to be the queen in their Minecraft RP week. Queen Tam Gandr, as it were. The Italian kitty cat could not comprehend this strange narcissism and called her many things, like Tam Tander. I was just there to watch Fauna and Ame and inadvertently picked up other BS from it
I miss playing games for 12 hours straight. This is nice.
The time warden is aware of her standing; It just happens to be above everyone else
I will do the one of the things I hate most in the world, and quote Gura:
>but you're the one that would go to Subway and get a tuna sandwich, you be like, "this is good, this is where it's at"
Gura doesn't go outside, but if she did, they'd be in the same boat as socially inept white women
Also to avoid off-topic
Kronii isn’t white, and hates peanut butter
Kronii isn't white?
She's a Korean who lives up north in leafland
That certainly explains a lot.
why not both
Fun fact, those beyblade ass looking drones are called WISPS.
gonna be crazy when you find out she's also an enby who keeps getting big tiddy models all the time
Nice moans from minto this boss
There's another boss after this
Not as difficult, just run around and shoot Viper
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The walkthrough says it's really easy though
Of course, what self-respecting Metal Gear game doesn't have a mano a mano with the bad guy after the big mech is destroyed?
To preface this, I have not been able to bring myself to finish V, but does V have a rival showdown at the end like the rest?
V literally just fucking ends because it's unfinished
V just ends
It's been a while but I remember it just ending with a "here's what the last chapter could have been" trailer
So listening to my friends who said it wasn’t worth finishing was the right choice, got it
The only thing in 5 worth playing for is the actual gameplay. Once you're tired of that and the excessive Mother Base grinding, you can just stop and lose nothing.
I think its still worth playing. No other game will play like it and its still fun for what exists
mintos big box...
The fight is actually really easy she just refuses to stop hitting the back https://youtu.be/-sfiOKwL694?t=26446
>Silently deletes the comment saying she feels terrible at every last boss and asking why she keeps doing this to herself
this but on my dick
Mint, please stop trying to endurance games like this one
I have like 50 hours in it and it feels weird. Peace Walker was a ton of fun playing coop with a friend who had been into the series since forever, but V just feels like the minute-to-minute gameplay got dialed in, but everything else about the game suffered save for maybe the base aspects. She'll still probably play it again before MGS4...
She didn't think it'd take as long as it's currently demanding. Not her fault they decided to go that hard on a gameboy game.
Kojima is literally the man most likely to go this hard on a portable game
I remember playing it around when it came out
I got bored and stopped
Apparently they go to iraq or something, I didn't even do that
I was going to pack it in but she finally got the strat down
Wisps I don’t think I’m gonna make it to the end. I’m already hallf asleep. Congratulate her when she finishes it for me lads.
>The only thing worth playing a video game for is the gameplay
Yeah no shit
This is rage bait
Still, she was already tired around the pyro boss, that was a good stopping point, just finish other day
is it? I thought that opinion was common
I wanna hug her
>doesn't care if the VOD lives
That's annoying ngl
she lacked the critical information
She needs to end the stream soon and start a new one or part of it will be cut off and unviewable. I don't know why she thought it'd be a good idea to finish in one sitting, when all the others were like three or more parts. It's only served to make it less enjoyable to watch as she gets titled and less competent. Plus she was complaining of a headache and sore throat earlier.

Aaaand just as I was typing that, she said she doesn't care if the VOD gets saved and she doesn't want to start a second stream. She clearly hates this game, but punishing people who wanted the watch a full VOD is selfish.
Actually, Gandr was Kronii's original name before it was changed to Kronii.
My beloved sleepy ghost is a retard who's never read a non-fiction book in her life and struggles to pronounce hegemony.
The VOD gets saved, it just gets cut off at around the 12hr mark. If worst comes to worst, she can just upload a video of the final part.
>owen wilson vs ben stiller
Mint is going to war against us..
Doki pov for the collab tomorrow
Wonder if it'll get cut off or not
>Mint is advertising MGScon
>isn't even listed on the MGScon streamer page
She's fine
She's a stretch goal I thought
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Minto hosting the MGScon livestream is a stretchgoal
>EXACTLY 12:00:00
Is Stefanie Joosten involved in this at all?
>Starting screen, ending screen
Almost perfectly fit.
>livestream of Kojumbo snapping foot pics of her
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Minto is gone... I miss Minto.......
I miss Minto. I wish I was eating Minto's pussy right now.
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Last 5 minutes might be missing, but it's really nothing important, as long as the rest stays
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Eating Minto pussy after a stressful stream... My dream...
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It's funny to think about how people from the con started watching Minto when she was crying and having a time with the boss
The Game Boy was so cool.
>ending got cut off
That sucks. Entirely avoidable, too.
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but not as colorful as the game boy color or as advanced as the game boy advance or as... sp(?) as the game boy advance sp
No reason to watch it then. Why play a game if you're not gonna show it to the very end?
depends if you're there for the game or for mint, I guess
I'm for both, and if one thing isn't working out then that's already makes the stream significantly less enjoyable. And knowing how her endurance streams go, the Mint part of the stream also isn't gonna be enjoyable after some hours into the stream.
>And knowing how her endurance streams go, the Mint part of the stream also isn't gonna be enjoyable after some hours into the stream
I hate this is true
idk why she does them when she ends up getting upset every time
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I think Minto was enjoyable this stream. She was a bit grumpy towards the end but nothing too crazy.

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