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How did she overcome Doki's massive lead and end up being the more popular chuuba?
Mint is an actually funny streamer who appeals to older sensibilities and has interesting stream choices
Doki is reddit incarnate
cute and funny (now both meanings) hag that actually seems to enjoy streaming and spending time with her viewers who she also respects or at the very least doesn't openly shit on them
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>Ex-Niji vs Ex-Niji
But enough about enna/milLlie/finana/vox/vanta...
By far the stupidest post i've ever seen on /vt/
I wasn't old in 2020, society just left me behind.
Mint has aura.
Dokibird has whored herself out too much and is involved in everything that her name has become kinda meaningless and less special.
She is the Youtube version of Filian and not in a good way
post tits, ladies
>Mint vs Doki
You aren't even subtle sister
Doki loves spamming collabs and events to the point that most of her viewers show up only for those.
Meanwhile Mint does like maybe 2-3 collabs per month, everything else is solo streams.
>>90139680 (me)
Oh and also when it comes to solo streams Doki tends to stream whatever FOTM buff game is streamed by 99% of other vtubers at the moment, meanwhile Mint streams whatever she wants.
you are a real comedian, you should join niji
Doki has no real personality of her own but just collabs a lot. In a way the whole Niji thing really boosted her. Mint is genuinely entertaining.
She’s actually entertaining and not just her own laugh track
i gave a shot to dokibird but her hyena laugh that happens at random interval at nothing is kinda off putting, mint is just naturally entertaining.
Because Mint has always been a good streamer while Doki is a menhera that surfed on her drama wave, once that died down she reclined.
i couldn't watch her streams because of the almost constant laughing
>once that died down she reclined
yeah onto my COCK
not watching luca's cocksleeve you can stop the shilling now
but enough about rosemi
Mint looks like a cute girl and Doki looks like a tranny. The sexy fanart cope won't convince me that she has a very male physique with her official model.
Why the fuck she always laughing? What's so funny?
>What's so funny?
The tragedy of the human condition.
low number of yabs
usually takes the day off instead of ranting about her mental health on twitter
consistent engagement (morning minto etc.)
anal advocate
That's a very Hololive mindset. You know what to do, Mr Yagoo.
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she wasn't even talking to him
Unironically Dokiburd's model "update" killed her momentum, it's just straight worse in every way and no one wants to look at it
>Hololive mindset
yeah it makes sense why anons say she's 'hololive adjacent'
Doki is constantly collabing with twitch male ecelebs and garbage like filian
Mint is just straight up superior.
naah, it not about that
mint wants to be idol, doki wants to be content creator
It's the opposite for me and probably a lot of other older dragoons. Her long comfy solo streams of games she liked was always her best content imo, I always found these giant collabs boring.
Not watching mint i dont want to fall in love with another streamer
i agree, i don't really remember if doki likes idols as much as mint, or aspires to be one
there are hundreds of thousands of girls who just want to be content creators but only a few who are serious about becoming idols
Not being a pity child pays off in the long run
Appealed to Phasefags
Talent always wins
Yeah, Doki's collab with pippa made me drop Doki.
why are mint/pomu fans the biggest snakes on this board? they shit on holo when she was in niji and now they shit on doki when she's indie lol
>catty SEAsters gossiping mint vs doki
>literally spoke to Doki about how she has a harder time getting opportunities because she has a low subcount and that’s what companies like to look at

Dramafags and catalogtards all need to drink nitroglycerine
More talent less annoying better model
By being a les-whore, Doki holds back too much
Mint is a more typical kawaii uguu~ waifu material chuuba that attracts parasocial andys. Doki is a fembrotuber gamer. While they're both entertaining, Mint is the kind of girl vtuber fans want to fawn over while Doki has BDE (big dyke energy).
Doki comes of as more of a tranny than a dyke desu
>one is Luca's cocksleeve , the other isn't
actual good chuuba with tastes and a personality
business networking woman with modern hustle mentality

that's about it I think
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imagine a world where doki used an upgraded version of her hot bimbo model
Keep seething Millie, Mint got away from the nijicult and you have no future lmfao
There's not a single wisp here, this whole thread reeks of /lazu/shittery.
>the more popular chuuba?
By what metric?
The only thing numbermonkeys and catalogfags seem to be able to throw against Doki these days is peak CCV which isn't even true half of the time.
Anyways, Mint had a slight boost recently due to the redebut and Holo collabs but overall Mint has a smaller and more dedicated fanbase compared to Doki's mass appeal but casual fanbase
Doki is annoying to listen to due to her voice.
Mint is annoying to listen to due to her opinions
>whiteknighting a whore
/vt/ reaching new lows
I have been telling you guys since the beginning in 2021.
Mint is the best vtuber. She embodies what vtubing is all about. In fact the entire phenomenon of vtubing exists specifically for her to express herself. She is the perfect, absolute vtuber. The main character
but enough about millie
buy an ad faggot , everyone in nijien was a cocksleeve kekaroo
OK but what does this has to do with the topic at hand? This thread is about 2 indies.
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She didn't? She's still trailing in subs and ccv. She got a boost early on because 'le pomu' but that's starting to fade. Doki of course got a massive boost because of the kurosanji controversy. Anyway, once their concert comes around, expect both of them to get a notable uptick in views. They both deserve it.
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Her laugh is a pleb filter.
>trailing in ccv
you sure about that?
Don't bother, tourists will just spill whatever shit they hear from catalogfags without doing their own research then get surprised that Doki suddenly has a Funkopop sponsorship even though she's "reclining"
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>Doki's last streams: 4k, 15k
>mint's last streams 3k, 2.8k
LMFAO this is your oshit mintcucks?
>Doki vs Mint
you're not subtle falseflagger
What are popular tourist destinations in Venezuela? Been thinking of taking some time off to see South America.
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Not my fault mitfaggots can't into numbers retardo
Doki's model is actual garbage
Dooki and her retarded fagoons are cancer
It's good to see /vt/ finally open their eyes and see the truth
Mint's collab with lia made me pick up Mint
She didn't, in fact she shot herself in the foot multiple times and is now complaining about not having enough subs to get some opportunities. She does have a more dedicated audience because she isn't shilling herself through collabs as much as Doki but that seems to be not enough for her. Well, good luck fucking off to Japan for another two weeks without streams
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mints new model is sex so that helps
better model, voice and personality. not that complicated.
she looks like a child now
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Where do you think you are?
out of 10!
The dramaniggers who were latched onto doki stopped paying attention to her so her numbers dropped
Mint never had those dramaniggers attached to her in the first place so shes doing just as fine as usual.
Simple as
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and anytime she moans I arrive
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god I hate newfags like you so fucking much
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It's cool if you're gay bro
both have a history of flirting with creepy brown dudes on stream so it makes sense they get along
One is a serial male collaber and the other isn't. That's basically it.
>One is a serial male collaber and the other isn't
you going to just memory hole pomu’s last 3 years at niji?
She didn't earn her fans because of attempted suicide. Doki did.
Who's Pomu?
She's way more entertaining and doesn't do shit with fleshbags like dookie
dookie also keeps putting her on going playthroughs on hold for whatever new thing that comes out or some fleshbag tournament or project she does
Minto also isn't sponsored for literally everything she does and feels authentic
Dookie basically locked herself in as a corpo streamer as a fucking indie
Doesn't help that her dumb fanartists keep giving her a cock with futa garbage
Mint actually streams
Doki just organizes random events all the time and laughs at nothing
She hates us
>Mint actually streams
The same Mint that randomly fucks off to Japan for several weeks without notice?
I wonder who could be behind this post.
The 2 times she fucked off to Japan were
-and she streamed almost daily while there
If anything it's Doki who doesn't stream when she fucks off on trips (like the recent trip to commiefornia she did)
Doki goes on trips?
Very rarely, but yeah. This was the 2nd trip she did (1st being for recording for U-san's concert months ago).
She went on a trip literally 2 weeks ago. Do you not watch her?
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Ignoring homos. It’s that simple. Don’t do male collabs and we will support you.
i feel like doki could litterly marry mint and the shitters would still try to use mint against doki :D
mint is an unapologetic mgsfag and her choices in vidya are mostly kino, doki got filtered by the most casual friendly mgs entry in the franchise and only spams apexshit
it's an easy pick desu
>only spam Apex
Retarded Nijinig
cope, seethe and dilate faggoon
>out himself as a Nijinig
Pottery lmao
Reminder that Vivi will eventually fuck off from your shitty black company
i unironically stopped watching doki because sometimes when she laughs she sounds like darksydephil
>the faggot who is on the fan base who cried and harassed one of their organs because of a McDonalds post
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>he doesn't know
lmfao retarded faggoons really don't watch anyone else
I accept your defear Nijinig
>falseflagging with Mint
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>no argument
I accept your concession cuckgoon
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remember that faggoons bullied one of themselves in twitter and pushed him to commit sudoku
What triggered the nijikeks this time?
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altare and gavis being bullied by management
wait those are holos tho?
more ccv =/= more popular
What is this cope lmao
no he's right. numbers only indicate there's an advertising budget.
Mint and Doki are traders

Fuck Mint and Doki
Talent meanwhile doki got there on circumstance
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I don't enjoy collabs with flesh fags and twitch tournaments.
pure skill
>she streamed almost daily while there
Bruh, you're just lying
I've been here since before pink cat and parasocial wolf were in VShojo.
Doki is a leech. Look how quickly she pounced at tha opportunity of leeching from notAme.
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well it seems to me that they're in fact holos
Holy newfag
not an argument pagpag eater
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Both are good, Mint is a bit better and her model is 10x better. I don't like new Doki at all she looks like some faggy guy. Also Mint is a real otaku who knows more about anime and anime culture than 99% of people here while Doki is more into esports and esports are garbage for a while with no good new games in fucking years.
>pagpag eater
>said the retarded nijikek
Mint's model is not that sexy desu
lmao, keep crying Nijinog
see >>90149924
Mint lacks the intelligence to make her accumulated tidbits interesting. Knowing how many times Snake farted in every MGS series is useless if you can't engage the themes
it's crazy i used to love esports but now you couldn't pay me to watch anything even semi professional
Because Doki feels like I’m watching Nijisanji still while Mint does not.
>still projecting
why are you gay?
what are they trading?
She actually has charisma
Sad cope. Her Akiba tour videos are some of the best in vtubing history.
This. So much this. Mint saw the light of CGDCT and is now fully pandering to unicornchads.
Meanwhile doki is spamming collabs not only with male vtubers, but also male fleshie ecelebs.
I might change my mind if i were to see any pics or evidence of her supposed sexiness
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You could go back 5 years and it would be the same fucking list. It's crazy. Nothing new in forever. AAA game industry imploded.
Sounds like she gets MGS perfectly. Kojima has been more preoccupied with shit like wind modifying in which direction enemies piss or putting gravure idols in his games than making a good story.
Yeah I actually agree. I'm fucking tired of flesh e-sports faggots so much. They barely make any money for a reason.
mint never pretended to be a "le gamur gurl xd", she's very aware of her limited gaming skills and still manages to deliver very entertaining content, while doki always presents herself as "le competitive fps gamur gurl xd" and despite that she even sucks at her schtick needing to be carried in apex. how to forget the mgr fiasco, the most menhera moment in vtubing history
He's not wrong.
Nice fan-fic bro, where do you post your fantasy novels?.
>never watched a single stream
at least pretend you're not a tourist
uh oh faggoon melty
As someone who has both on his top 5 YT recap thing. I feel Minto is easier to digest, while I find Doki enjoyable in smaller doses.
maybe but he failed the task to actually engage in the conversation and just started his own in a reply. previous post never mentioned skill
>Tourist calling other tourist
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cope harder faggoon
Having more substance, which isn't hard.
>post headcanon
Do Nijinigs really?
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how do i see it?
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I find it hillarious how bringing up the MGR stream always results in dragoons having a meltdown
Doki's strongest role (outgoing tomboy collab organizer) is already taken by Filian, and what she does better than her(having an IP, corpofag appeal) Mint is even stronger in those aspects.
She is stuck with a niche fps audience with little space to maneuver. On top of that, staying on Youtube guarantees that Mint will outperform her since EN corpofags there have much less to stomach crossing over to Mint's content.
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Minto thread
Minto ass
The problem with Doki and her fps schtick is that she keeps clinging onto dying OW and APEX instead of moving on like the other people that played those did because she's "good" at them
Look at her try anything else
She always ends up calling it shit when she can't git gud. She expects to jump in and immediately be top 500 or something. Like she started seething about Deadlock because she solo queued and lost every game because she's a one trick
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Every Mint thread is an ass thread.
She has a nice ass. I tapped it 10 years ago I would know.
Dookie is shit carried by leeching of talented people and drama
>watches one doki and filian collab once
shes is fery far away from filian both in personality or content. filian does a lot of react and challenge stuff, moves like crazy, doki just plays games and spams collabs and events. Filian does best on her own, viewership wise, whereas Doki does the worst when solo.
i too, enjoy a meal of warm pagpag 3 times a day. Literally nothing wrong with that
she got 2k on her last stream that wasnt an event or some very popular game that just released. then again like 90% of her streams now are events and collabs, what the fuck, can she not stream on her own do like a normal yapping session?
i wonder how long the twitch community will continue letting her grift when they dont get anything out of her events and collabs, at least dooby and mint are on youtube, but other than those two, she almost exclusively leeches of other twitch streamers.
This thread is boring
I just wanna fuck Mint and Doki in their asses
Good luck. You'll need a spatula to separate them once they're in the same room.
I guess for anal it doesn't really matter though.
Genuinely, morbidly curious, what opinions?
She prefers cunnies over hags even though she's a hag herself.
wait a minute.. thats based fuck hags
She almost got 4k, wtf are you talking about?
>fuck hags
don't mind if i do!
Source? Cause if it's that flip they are very much still active
She appeals to holokiddies and /jp/oldfags
The only good post in this thread. Back of the line though we have to pry them off each other first.
I think they're both cute and they both should worship my dick.
Mint always had a cult following because of her weeb fanaticism. Mint is to /jp/ where Doki is to /co/ or /vg/. that isn't to say either of them or doing poorly as indies. They're still at the .01% of streamers out there. The fact that this is their full time job is a miracle in itself.
stop comparing my wife and her girlfriend
Your pedo brain has shit taste pre-built into it
It's my fault. I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule as a EU fan, I can't catch up to Doki's 3am streams. On the other hand I've noticed Mint's streams put me to sleep.
My perception is that Mint more what you'd expect a genuine vtuber to be while Doki is more like a flesh streamer who just happens to use a character model instead. Which isn't to say Doki is bad, she's quite good as far as that goes, but Mint is better at fulfilling the expectations of dedicated vtuber fans.

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