*makes your penis small*
But nothing happened
risu would never do this. how else would you bust nonstop nuts?
from micro to microscopic, damn...
It grew
Put it back how it was
>>90164956still big enough for this size queen
>>90165321ask kekfeet.
>>90168426I don't get it
She took it straight off and she didn't even use the magic for it...
CBT always has the most unrealistic art
>>90165221Post your tits
>>90164956*casts uno reverse spell*
>>90173553The Risu cock.... no...
>>90173585Don't worry, it reversed the effect of the spell too so now the risucock is even more huge
>>90164956>wants me to nut nonstop>makes my PP smalltreerrat please decide yourself
>>90168478he willingly posted his micro penis.