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VHistoric ARK is a whitelisted ARK: Survival Evolved server for vtubers hosted by PixelLink. The server has 40 members and will last from November 23rd to December 7th.

More info can be found here:



>VHistoric ARK members
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt//v4m/
VSPO! EN + Specialite: >>>/vt//fpspec/

>Previous thread: >>90076457

Meeta: https://youtu.be/ugwFSXmF84M
Lyko: https://youtu.be/ohf9UV8THzU
Kokone: https://youtu.be/6KZNHyXBkOY
Terra: https://youtu.be/lUEmujeHaGU
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Kokone tamed another mount
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Anchorpost for streams

UOOOOOOHHH ToT (no reply to not fuck up the anchorpost)
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Meeta has suffered so much abuse ever since she killed that monkey.
Next up on Kokone's tame list: Ankylosaurus
>trying to ko a trike with a slingshot like it's 2015
Based Meeta
Truly spectacular. She managed not to kill it. Now let's see if Meeta can keep the trike from waking up. The trike would be such a good tame for fighting off those raptors and scorptions that want to bite her. The trike will also be good for finding some longrass, and rock carrot seeds for getting some Freya curry going.
Since Meeta tamed a female trike that means she might be able to collect some delicious trike eggs.
The dung is great for crops too. Though since this is a multiplayer server that means if she wants to start crops Meeta will need to regularily tend to her crops, and he sure to fill them with real fertilizer before logging off.
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Meeta solved Terra's mic issues!!!
and they immediately blew out all the windows in the base
I think Meeta has played elder scrolls games where tamed daedra can still turn on you. I think her cautious nature would make Meeta an excellent giga rider.
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New buddy
Kokone gave Terra some bolas(not a whip) so that she could attempt to tame a dino of her own
Terra is a fucking menace
Cyon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBWL8VfXWBg
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>Oh I want you
>...but you're level 20 though
>tfw you're a level 20 trike born onto a difficulty 5 server
your level vs the level of the guy she tells you not to worry about
Cyon got screwed by a dildo
yeah mine
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Kokone's for the birds
Not enough, she wants a dildo army now
>Other girls ask how Kokone's hair is so long
>Cyon says length is based on time spent on the server
A little addicted
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Uh oh
i wish i were a t-rex so i could chase cyon around in the woods
I wish I was a titanomyrma so Cyon would step on me
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holy moly
....and then it timed out
That's not an item, the supply drop works as a crafting station for a few items like that.
The real drop was the leather armor and a leather pants blueprint.
She's getting farmed...
the meat of tanuki is in demand
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after solving world hunger Cyon caught a tech raptor 3 mins from server reset
There were some server issues that made the restart take a long time but its back up again
The alternative is that the girls try to survive a server that never has a resupply of wood, or boulders to hit. Maintenance is important.
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Watching the Lyko VOD. Looks like she started off with getting slain by a hog in the snow biome.
Lyko eats cooked meat when she's hungry. I find that berries are best to eat when your hungry, and that cooked meat is best saved for when you're at a loss of hp. That said I do appreciate that she eats the cooked meat that was prepared with special care before it spoils.
not yet dinos
Watching the Lyko VOD. From what I'm seeing Lyko knows how to hot bar food. I think this part is the part where Meeta runs across them.
Lyko decided to hunt a moschops. The moschops is a more tanky dinosaur. I find that using the torch to lower the health of the moschops and finishing them off with the spear if effective, but on official settings the bow, and bola can make quick work of a moschops.
Lyko, and terra tamed a dodo. They can use dodo feces to make fertilizer if they craft a few compost bins. Lyko doesn't carry many berries so I would guess she's more of a hunter than a gatherer so farm crops might be a more accessible source of plantae for her.
Lyko seems to like to craft. She might want a beever, or a argentaivis to be her mount. Terra seems to like to battle. She might want a spinosaur, or maybe a carno.
Ideally Lyko could go about harvesring, and crafting with her beever while Terra work to battle enemies with her carno. This would really only lead to trouble if they ran into a giga, or pulled aggro on a brontosaurus in which case they both might want argentaivis to be able to flee if things get too sticky.
Stone masonry got Lyko a level. Could be the narcotics she cooked up too though. I want to say cooking pots give a bit of xp too. You can store them away for later use, and outside of the stone they're pretty cheap to craft. Lyko seems happy to be building her house. She might really enjoy trap building.
Terra knocked out a trike with her firsts. That is awesome. She just rattled its tail until it fell asleep. That's dedication.
I found a few clips on twitter. the first guy posted 5 other clips

Reina soon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBEoyQw9Tno
She's been playing a little off stream but hasn't met anyone so far
>reina noticed more dinosaurs
Yeah. As you explore the dinosaurs spawn. They seem to follow a random algorithm too. Sometimes you'll get alpha raptor after alpha raptor, and sometimed just dilos.
Since Reina wants to build a house I would suggest taming a argentaivis to reduce the weight of her resource gathering.
Reina made a character with really big arms, and skinny legs. She looks sort of like a buff female SpongeBob SquarePants.
Reina has a survivor not nearly as fast as the other players who've played on this server. Might explain why she wants to use hikki style. By using a house for protection you don't always have to be so fast. Like the turtle.
Reina might want to build some thatch scout towers around her house to serve as observation points as her house is not very tall.
Looks like a pelagornis spawned by Reina. If she can find some prime, or cooked prime fish meat then that pelagornis is as good as hers. The pelagornis is a famous organic polymer harvester, and can also serve as a living fishing bench raft on the water. The only trouble is the pelagornis is a pescatarian, and Reina doesn't seem to be surrounded by sharks.
I know Reina is not even done with her house, but she might want to also build a stable to keep some horses. Reina seems like she would appreciate some equus, and iguanadons. Especially since she's not very fast.
Oh. I know. The procoptigon. The kangaroo would be perfect for Reina.
Reina might want some water skins to keep on her since she seems to enjoy stim berries.
Reina needs to place a blank note in the cooking pot if she wants to make food from that raw meat.
That bear browsing by Reinas house could pose a threat. She could also use the pelt for fur armor if she can slay it somehow.
If Reina adds tintoberries, a waterskin, and narcotics to her cooking pot she can cook medical brews.
Reina chows down on raw meat. She's going to need medical brews if she wants to survive on such a diet.
reina just sharted
Reina is resupplying on berries. Thank goodness. She was running low on raw meat.
Reina is getting a new outfit next sunday btw
If Meeta was live she could help Reina bait the iguanadon into the trap.
The compy corpse has a incredibly bad harvest hit box. Reina managed to harvest it, but it's got that problem.
Reina might want to build a storehouse/shed/warehouse to store her excess fiber until she needs it for spears/bolas/arrows/chutes.
Reina using the freezing night to take cover indoors, and strategize is very wise.
A feeding trough to hold food, and perserve it might be a benefot to Reina since she has the raw metal to spare.
ARK just crashed while Reina was exploring. I hope she doesn't wake up to raptors, and dilos.
If crashes will be common Reina might want a shoulder monkey to tank some damage for her while her body is unconscious.
I wonder if Reina has enough speed to trap the carno?
Poko in around 6 hrs
Reina needs a bow. Flyers are weak to projectice weapons and sabertooths, and Reina doesn't have a sabertooth.
That's a 135 argentaivis that attacked Reina too. Imagine the bad luck. If she managed to tame the big eagle that bad luck would be good though. 135 is an exceptional tame.
dinos, don't eat too many narco berries...
You can' tell me what to do
What's the worse that could happen
fuck you hippie ill eat all the narco berries I want,
you post all yorr slopaganda about narco narcob errys but theres LITERALLY wrongwti hemnothign evrhapens honesthwly wnenevr i se this sthsr witf htensm \rptfanglt rying to jeept iffsjehtselvv
There's a lot of pooping, and not a lot of gardening going on. Seems like a lot of perfectly good spoiled meat gets discared too. These girls need: the ARK coach.
I tried to warn him... now the npc is gonna tame him...
I like that Bonnie is comfortable at the you were killed screen. She would be a great tribemate on pvp where being killed by a player punishes you by having a respawn cooldown timer.
Bonnie announced that she'll be working on her own house. I wonder how tall her house will be?
Bonnie found where someone was making real fertilizer. Looks like soon there may be crops growing for cooking recipes like Enduro stew.
Bonnie has the bow, and arrow unlocked. She might need that to protect herself from the dilos that seem to be ever lurking about.
Death by bad weather. Bonnie is going to need to center herself into the house, and resort to making brief excursions outside if she wants to wander the nightscape naked.
Chiaki status? Roberta status?
Kanna's last stream at the start showed that even though a dinosaur had got in and killed most of the people in the spawn; Chiaki, Poko and one other person were safe.
Not sure about Roberta, did she leave it out?
She also had the Pixel staff come on and replace the ceiling for stone to stop of happening again.
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She put Roberta in a cryopod before ending her stream on Day 1. She played a bit more after that so not sure what may have happened, but some faggot bitched in her maros about playing offline so wouldnt be surprised if we don't see her play again
Ah Bonnie is falling for the classic pillars without foundations trap. Classic.
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Bonnie's an engineer, not an architect...
Bonnie is a nord/orc class ARK player. All fortitude, health, and weight. Very little speed. I want to say it's 800 damage points that is the maximum fall damage one can recieve from the highest high to the lowest low. The server speedsters would not survive what Bonnie is currently doing with their high movement speeds. At least not without parachutes.
house on the hill is looking pretty good
Bonnie is doing great. Very little casualties, and she's made progress on her craft. Hopefully Bonnie can keep it up. I'm thinking based on the playing style Bonnie has she might appreciate a gigantopithicus, or a megalania.
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forgot the pic..
I hope some of the others playing on the server are able to learn from Bonnie on how a player can avoid death. Of course every playing style is different, but Bonnie has managed to keep herself free from the jaws of death for a better part of this stream.
Poko and Yae should both be starting streams shortly

And in 3 hours Arya and Narin from VSPO EN
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBM7cpJB2PI Yae
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asaECahhcKM Poko
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>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBM7cpJB2PI Yae
Picrel sussy ninja doing sussy things among dinosaurs
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asaECahhcKM Poko
Expecting Rakun behaviour
Suri on Pogo's stream
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Pogo sporting the fashionable pant-less style too
Pogo tamed a parasaur!
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Yae skipped leg day
what the FUCK Yae
The parasaur is a pretty effective tame for hauling around stuff. Holding food, and perserving it. Even swims fairly well. I think Poko will enjoy the parasaur. The parasaur even has the ability to use echo location to identify enemy dinos.
Poko might need to build a stable to keep her new dinosaur safe, and well fed.
Poko found a therezino (one of the few dinosaurs that can destroy stone structures). Hopefully he doesn't destroy everyones houses.
Poko is getting bullied by a diplo. Too bad her parasaur isn't around. With a whistle her parasaur would slay that diplo, and collect the trophy for Poko.
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Poko and Suri are being BRATS
Nvidia really needs to fix that checkerboard shit jesas
Kokone https://youtu.be/Mxc3iNbNCzQ
Meeta https://youtu.be/_z5M2YW5vLc
Poko is doing so good. She keeps surviving, and living. She even has her own dinosaurs. Fantastic.
Yae ate poop
Did she at least use narcotics to recover?
Meeta just logged in
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finally trapped this guy!
Poko Rakun on /#/monkeys
>Poko: aren't the northern lights *brings camera in and cozies up with chat* beatu*shits self*
Reina is on Kokone's stream, she finally found the spawn area
Meeta's titties are out and running at very hihg speeds
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Meeta is PURE SEX!
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big birb get
Arya https://youtu.be/nZsV77g1zZE
Narin https://youtu.be/lnQHdCaF90M
someone pleaae help narin
Arya has arrived so at least she won't die alone
DK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d60YFyFEs20
Yae seems interested in the cooking aspect of ARK. She might want a theri with power harvesting leveled for wood gathering to fund her cooking experiments. Maybe a baryonix too for hunting, and fishing.
Currently she's doing pretty good though. Hasn't gone picking fights with beevers, or a giga. Managed to keep from starving as well. She seems to have a excess of fiber. Spears can use fiber up pretty quick. If you can supply the wood necessary.
huh so that's how you get a girlfriend..
With a low movement speed yae might want stamina brews to slam when she is running marathons.
Looks like yae has an interest in water tames. She might need medical brews for water exploring on this map as it seems to be freezing more often than not.
Looks like yae pulled aggro from a raptor, and met her doom. She might need a better set of armor, and perhaps a mastercraft, or at least journeyman sword, or pike if she wants to melee raptors without a bola. Some medical brews might be helpful too.
Yae just fell victim to a theri. Things are looking grim. Hopefully the therizino doesn't cause too much absolute mayhem.
Meeta has been dedicating her whole stream to killing the therizino to no avail
Lucky for yae wooden structures are rather tanky. It's going to be awhile before those dinos can dismantle their foundations.
they killed it
A "vtuber" who hasn't played ARK is like a grilled cheese sandwich without any cheese
Now that yae knows how to deal with a therizino I wonder if that will make things easier when presented with future obstacles.
Narin and Arya were blessed with some waterskins from Kokone

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