How do you deal with feelings of wanting to abandon your oshi? I loved Fauna but now that flame has died out.
>>90201693Since I'm sane, I simply move on from watching that particular entertainer.
>>90201693Step 1: place all your money in front of your keyboard
>>90201693post feet
>blue homohiatus>clown homohiatus>groomer homo'will be back soon'not looking good homobros
Why does she hate her fans?
>>90201693>Unsuscribe>Unfollow>Do not recommend channel >Blockthere, it gets easier after
>>90201693>feelings of wanting to abandon your oshiWhat are you on about? You lost interest, that's all there is to it. Stop being dramatic about nothing.
>>90206090It’s not nothing.
>>90201693Pillow is no replacement but she's a good buffer whilst you find someone special and she only streams on youtube. CC is probably the best for Saplings wanting to move on if they're not willing to step out of Hololive.
>>90202051>>90202129basedkys OP>>90208542it's absolutely fucking incredible how transparent (You) are, kys
>>90202689Isn't this good though considering this board hates them and wants them to graduate?
>>90207753It is.
It's fine op the saplings enjoy being belittled and treated badly by Fauna just look at them lashing out ITT they can't help themselves at this point
>>90212086Are saplings maso?
I dont see myself as very parasocial but the lack of streams ruins my perception of her a bit, i dunno. I still enjoy them when they come though
>>90201801Yet youre still posting about them on vt
>>90215657this is a nonsensical response. what did you think my post was saying?
>>90209639Can someone explain this meme image to me?I've seen it too many times.
>>90217973Saplings have been getting trolled for years by one anon, but others joined in for fun after they saw how easy it is to get them to bite. The person who took that disgusting photo was most likely an angered Sapling and created the ultimate falseflag by pretending it was the sapling troll that posted it, so everyone laughs at the troll and so it deflects away from his constant criticisms of Fauna. Some criticisms are just outright lies, some are valid. Lately this falseflagging sapling even went as far as taking a photo of his foreskin and balls pressed against the same desk with the same keyboard to refuel this meme for it was wearing thin after being posted in every Fauna seethe thread for months. No matter how many times it gets posted, no matter how many people believe or disbelieve the falseflag, the sapling troll continues on his path. Both sides are utterly schizo and hated in /uuu/. Every day the two fight in the catalog. The troll turned Fauna's 'we cannot be friends' statement into a meme and the falseflagging sapling created the kekfeet meme. The end.
If she was still streaming regularly or if I didn't enjoy her content anymore, I might feel some guilt about dropping them. Since it seems that she does not give a fuck anymore about either her fanbase or doing her job, as long as she keeps that attitude, it's not worth supporting her
>>90219135>getting trolled for yearsIt's not "getting trolled" it's dealing with a schizo who won't shut the fuck up.
>>90219426Real or not, those photos haven't worked. The only way to stop it is to ignore and report.
>>90219514>reportJannies are working overtime on this board, it just means that jannies allows retardation like this if it persists.
Fuck Fauna
>>90219135>brownfanta revisionismIf you didn't want people to laugh at you, you shouldn't have posted the pics.
>>90219426You've never been to /uuu/ clearly
why would you feel bad about no longer oshi-ing someone who doesn't like or even care about her audience? throw your money to a girl who would at least be thankful for the support you give her and not take it for granted
>>90201693>Make a compilation about her>Post it somewhere>When you miss her again, read that post
>>90201693I just leave her, got used to it.>gura>ina>cuntsonIf they cant commit to their jobs i take my business elsewhere. Currently supporting biboo as she seems to enjoy playing games and interact with her viewers.
>>90201693Post fleet