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On The Spectrum Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>Who's live right now? going live soon?

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
Pixel VSMP:>>>/vt//vsmp/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ thread: >>90168822
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Lisa schedule
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Yuuho singies!
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Essie Scheddie
>Liars bar is uncertain
>will ASMR
>3 work days
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Para frenchdule
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thread so eeepy lately
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Good morning and happy thanksgiving shaggers
>>90388185 gm

Esila's here to play GTA V.
>Esila didn't know it was thanksgiving.
>Esila thinks turkey is gross.
>Esila doesn't like deep fried food either.
>She also mentioned referenced the recent controversy where PETA accused butterball employees of fucking the turkeys.
oh, i heard about that too
According to Rita the next stream is in 5 hours. Should I give up on bumping and just make a new thread when is it needed? Or dunno, should we discuss some meta stuff?
How do I actually see liked maros? Essie and Wisu said they use the like feature and they responded to 1 or 2 I sent but I don't see any way to check that, unless they didn't click it on those
can't, have to have notifs on and hope you actually get them
chrome might be more reliable
Frieda Nox is streaming, she is apparently /wool/ chuuba but I dont see her stream often and never see her discussed. Can you tell me something about her?
dominant Lisa
>Esila didn't know
story of her life innit
she doesn't really have /wool/ vibes
Bed comfy help
sorry anon i too am attempting to sleep through the family thanksgiving reunion
thats an oxymoron
congratulations to her.
She is very pon.
By the way why do you anti esila?
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Momoko space!
Why indeed? Why would I anti a grifter who keeps not fulfilling donothon rewards from the anilive era despite raking in the money? Why would I anti someone who is supposedly a big fighting game player yet chastised her fans for asking to play one on stream after running out of excuses? Better yet, why would I anti someone so bad at policing her community that she allowed that one guy to run rampant and kill the vibe for everyone else yet she always refused to ban him?
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>pulled a couple of allnighters with the girlies
>we were being silly and fake arguing
>Lillie joined and was like wtf are you guys are talking about
>and we were discussing washing your hands after using the bathroom
>Wani said she doesnt if it's #1 but i think that's CRAZY
>Raki joined after her stream and she was trying to be a mediator saying it's okay to NOT wash your hands if you're at home
>then Mori (dawg) joined, she explained that she only washes ONE hand cause the other is holding a phone

>speaking of hygiene, yesterday Mori atted @everywhere asking if she could post pussy hair
>Wani and i were doing another allnighter
>Mori pulled this giant chart of celebrities pubic hair and started rating them like a tier list
>it looked so weird... Ayu and Essie saw it
>Miuna opened it in class

>so since you guys watch cute girls you HAVE to ask your oshi if she washed her hands after an idol meeting
Thank you Momoko Nuihara for your wisdom
man I love pillow
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>working in VC with Wani, we start talking about ARCANE
>your cane, my cane OUR CANE
>then valo came up Wani was like what if we open one of them and just streamed?

>Kara joined the call, she's really good at league
>Wani mentioned Eri plays LoL too
>everyone is talking in VC and manwhile Wani is setting up her stream
>it was 4AM when we started streaming
>we made accounts with the same tagline
>we all made out mics sound really bad


>there is now a whole League channel in the server and roles for LoL players
>wani tomoe eri kara ayu bini have it

>i need to play games i havent played a game in forever i want to play guilty gear....
>you know how extrovert get their energy from being around people?
>i get my energy by playing games okay
>i socialize with video games okay

>might pull another allnighter tonight
>not really an all-nighter cause im sleeping but
>i'll fix my sleep schedule soon okay
>how do you guys sleep lately?
>lately i sleep on my chest and with a Pillow (TT o TT)
>well, of course i sleep with a pillow but like, with two pillows
>but maybe i should get a body pillow
>built my whole schedule around momo morning streams
>feels really weird, like a void without them
>i want to do one but im gonna have to wake up real early
>and it's so cold in my house because the heater broke
>we have a fireplace thing and i've been laying in front of it a lot
>also taking a lot of hot baths too
>i need to stop doing spaces with my eyes closed... my eyes have been closed this entire time
>i have to go now, i cant take too much of your time
>happy thankgiving, i am very thankful for momodachis
>i love yoouuuu

>we dont celebrate but all my siblings are home and the house is very loud and i have so much to do
>thank you for coming and yapping with me
>i love you so much
>thankful for you all, thankful for all the support despite all the scuff, i'll do my best
>dont forget to tell the peop-
I love how spaces just cut the las few seconds like that
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>i never thought i could ever be loved or appreciated
pillow really got out of her shell in the past few months and it's amazing to see
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>being at family reunions feels like being an alien
>i dont understand how people small talk
>im just sitting there being quiet like
>i just dont know what to say
>even when i was little and they would ask about school all i could say was "good" cause i couldnt say "i have no friends and im getting bullied"
>my mom had me when she was 20 and her siblings are younger so for the majority of my life there weren't any other kids at the dinner table during family gatherings
Pillow said a lot more but i dont need to confirm existing biases about bad mothers and great chuubas
is it weird I want to see pillow and momoko become friends?
maybe it’s because i’ve started watching momoko more and noticed some similarities, but they’re just cute girls trying their best. i think they’d have a cute older-younger sister dynamic.
Why do you hate moms so much
most people are bad at most things
it's warranted and also survivor bias
>was doing something with Olive and we were chatting
> and we were talking about it's crazy how Europe's biggest country can fit twice within our biggest state
>and i was like "it's crazy to think about a country that small having states..."
>and she looked at me and was like,
>>no other countries have states Pillow...
>and i googled it and it wasn't true! Mexico has states... and other countries...

>if i laid down my arms would not be able to touch from Florida to California
yup, that gives a good sense of the scale of it all for sure

Pillow then tried to name all the states and included France, as a joke, allegedly
there is a ton of well documented evidence in this thread alone
it's very personal to all the girls and today is no the day to bring it up

my own family is seemingly well adjusted compared to chuuba horror stories and that's why im amazed by how frequent it is in this space
seems you can only forge angels in the fires of hell
unlikely, they just don't fall here
and we don't hear about the ten devils generated otherwise
>they’d have a cute older-younger sister dynamic.
yes and momoko is the older sister

it will happen, pillow is in the only friend group that matters in vtubing at the moment >>90411902
>and we were talking about it's crazy how Europe's biggest country can fit twice within our biggest state
What about russia?
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Pillow is thanking the alphabet
>i'm thankful for:
>ALLLL the piwwos
>bees for producing honey
>cats for living in my house
>everyone that's here with me today
>g *giant sneezes* groceries
>how much you love me
>never gonna give you up
>mwah x3
>often i stare out the window longingly, waiting, watching~
>p pu-ppu-pu-pepper in my food
>so many piwwos
>udders for milk
>you thankful for you you you~
>now i challenge YOU to do it
Pillow doesnt really know her alphabet
>roos are deers that went to prison
yeah that's what australia is duhh
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>really wish i could have you listen to me 24/7
>wish i didnt have to go
>i really appreciate having
>even if it's awkward with my family, it can get a little bit lonely on thanksgiving you know?
>i love you piwwos
>i'll see you for comfy morning okay?
>thank you *mwah* thank you thank you *mwah*
>thank you for spending time with me
>and sorry if i sound a little sleepy, because i am
>gonna go to bed
>*whispers* you can join me in bed whenever okay? bye~
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>no liars bar
>no asmr either
>maybe a space
i need my essie fix
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Lisa ate
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