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Turkey Dinner Edition

A thread about vtubers growing to gigantic sizes (or shrinking others), and having tons of fun!

Previous thread:
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Smoc is epic, I wonder if people here are interested in her, or there is something she lacks?
We talk about her ever thread now, so i assume there is interest
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get eaten
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where's the kikkericock penetrating the building?
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I feel like it actually needs to be seen to believe that this MV is almost 50% of Mori being giant
I got similar level of sizefag jumpscare during a Talyor Swift concert. Music Videos are a different beast
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Big Friend!
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I started watching her thanks to these threads
Wish i could watch her live, but she mostly steam during my work and is purely visual with next to no commentary, so i can't multitask like with a podcast

i doubt she is a woman
Depends on if the voice is real. Imo it sound more like she's ESL than pre-recorded.
There's repetition, but it sounds more like she lacks words.
The character is pure sexo, but the person is a complete charisma void. Good for just getting off, but I wish there was a bit more to it.
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Beeg brats
i think she've said on stream that size shit helps her with extreme insecurity and such. If I remember it correctly

so be nice to her!

she likes calling people "the funny"
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Smoc's cute, but I wish she did more than stomping. Seems like that's like 80% of what she does in VRC, even though there's destructible worlds and stuff like explorable tiny worlds. Her chat seems to like it, at least.
I think it's really charming when she is trying to be lewd and then suddenly drops everything to point out some random detail.
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you know what, close enough
Dooby is now a giant of her species
I think i saw that trope in a cartoon somewhere
All brats should have shrinking powers to abuse people in a petty manner
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Mori talked about how she tried to explain what a giantess fetish was to the director of her recent MV:
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Considering Jerboa are typically 2-6 inches in height and she was turned into a human-sized and human-shaped one, it makes sense.
>"some people are gonna... replay that bit over and over"
>"isn't that what we want?"
Based MV director
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If any of you ever doubted the girls know about this stuff
Lewd Saner

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Board is realy fast right now. You Anons better keep watch
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>no giant mumei will ever kidnap you
why live
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she probably wants you to live your best life before she does so. never give up anon
do it for beeg moom
Giga Kronii realy attracts planes
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>You're attending a concert for giantess Mori
>Guy next to you decides to crack a horse joke about her, and you bust out laughing
>Suddenly Mori stops singing, crouches down, and looms over you with an ominous stare
What happens next?
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Where's Ina
>A: realize that the chances of her hearing not only the joke but also me laughing is next to none due to the venue being loud as hell so i just stare back
>B: realize that she in fact did hear me and the joke, resign myself to my demise
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Point at the guy that made the joke.
Look, there's being a snitch and being turned into tomato paste.
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>check the large indies general
>they are not actually large

i hate /vt/
have a large indie (she is a russian 80view)
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I almost got baited by their OP as well
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smoctane is online
she decided to stream purely vr rampages now (no gaming part): https://www.twitch.tv/smoctane
her speech patterns are kinda weird, i can't exactly describe it
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Official Vtuber height power ranking:
1. Miilkywayz measured in lightyears (at least over 9,5 trillion km)
2. Darknesss La + max height 12 billion km
3. Sana 1,697,840 km
4. Yutori Peke 148km
5. Hime Hajime 26,5km
6. Nyanners 1,6 km
7. Vexoria 914m
8. Korone 156 m
9. Jira Jisaki 143 m
10. Elira Pendora (dragon) 14,32 m
11. Kiryu Coco (dragon) 7m
12. Purity Valentine 6,7m
13. So-yaPoya 6m
14. Kurameki Kyou 3m
15. Spite 274 cm
16. Nihume 248 cm
17. Juna Unagl 213 cm
18. Buffpup (werewolf) 205 cm
19. Makina Erina 190 cm
20. Kson 189 cm
I kinda liked the gaming, but I guess she saw that her viewers jump when she changes to VRC.
I believe she would just separate gaming into their own streams. Streaming for 7 hours every day is taxing, so it might be better for her to do 3-4 hours rampaging streams, and then scheudle a couple of days for purely gaming streams.
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>you will never be a giant brat's plaything
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Why even live...
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Let her in?
turn tables
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Top 10 is impossible to show, but here's what bottom 10 looks like (more or less)
That would probably make for a good video
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Me in the middle
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why is kiara representative of the giantess fetish
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Dunno, she barely has any size art.
If we would choose the represantative of the giantess fetish among ALL vtubers, it would undoubtedly be Smoctane.

If we would choose it among the Holos instead, I would vote for Ollie, since she retweets blantant size fetish art, even if it is not under her tag
She's representing Thanksgiving turkey actually
I prefare hags
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Soya had cutter design than Cecylia
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>>check the large indies general
>>they are not actually large
False advertising
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They don't call her toe-wa for nothin...
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Is she a fairy?
Oh no...
This but replace the pikmin dude with Burj Khalifa
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Me on the shoulder
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I'm ngmi
Is the graduation thing true?
>Serious announcement stream
>Stream getting retweeted by several other members
>Other members postponing streams as to not overlap the announcement
>Did a bizarre stream yesterday saying hello to all her subscribers
Nothing but red flags. Hard to imagine it's going to be anything else.
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What's your prefared size for Fauna anyway?
>She's actually graduating
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Please post all your big Faunas
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Fauna should simply stomp on Cover
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i want her to take me from this stupid computer where im sending this message, scoop me up in her hands and tell me that everything will be ok
but that isnt gonna happen

i get 4chan is a place where id get called a fag for acting like this but i loved everything about her
and it wont be the same without her
gn /beeg/. here's to surviving the night.
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as a sanallite, i've been in your place before, my sincere condolences
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I think Fauna should eat me so that I can be one with her forever.
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Board is moving too fast...
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If this thread dies tomorrow, hope to see you next week.
My motivation is kinda sapped right now.
Yeah, I think I'm done with hololive.
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Vtuber: https://www.twitch.tv/severinasoda
Artist: https://x.com/Muka288/status/1857121186628444319

makes me sad that i can't shill my russian oshi on an english-speaking board
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she's leaving us... UUUUUUUUU
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wait what?
fauna leaving?
oh shit-
what the fuck is happening with hololive?
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I mean we talk about JP-speaking chuubas all the time, I'm sure you can find a way
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Is she actually big?
No, but she sorta enjoys this topic. She got visibly excited during sizey moments in games. Like during Shrek stream, when she was controlling the huge gingerbread man, she was laughing a lot and called the enemies she kicked "her annoying followers"

I think the first art was inspired by her saying on stream once - "fuck, I wanna be taller than those mountains" or something.
oh, and she also were generating giantess AI art on stream with herself

basically, I doubt that it gets her horny or anything, but she does enjoy the topic in general
The only good that comes of this is that Sana can have all the Fauna feet she wants, now that they both live on the farm upstate
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found the clip btw: https://www.twitch.tv/severinasoda/clip/KindTameBatLeeroyJenkins-6AwBDujjik9XTXIL?featured=false&filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time
I'm not into this whole deal but I saw this on the 'log and thought that it was really cute. Is this just from a drawfag here?
Honestly i don't remember where it comes from
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Reminds me a bit of the time where Selen played an Alice game
you just KNOW that those socks are mega stinky
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We're surviving so far
Asking a question that's been on my mind since yesterday, now moreso than ever given the other nuclear-level separation that happened not 24 hours later:
>Do you still commission/draw/render/write size content of chuubas who have graduated or otherwise left us?
I have a story I'm working on with Chloe as a central character, and I feel indebted to finish it now before the 26th of Jan, but after last night, if any of the rrats on Cover turn out to be more fact than fiction, I need to have a conversation with myself on how invested I want to get in doing Hologirl size stuff in the future.
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Sana still gets new stuff years later.
Graduation is irrelevant when it comes to fan content, only official
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Feet soft. Want the toes to palm my head and hold me in place while I shrink from contact
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moona can you please end the world 2024 sucks
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How are we on page 4 after 30 minutes?
I bumped the thread a little earlier
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The post+delete strat?
Or was the post too spicy for jannies?
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Post+delete, I don't usually do it unless the thread is REAL close to getting bumped off
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With no image limit i just throw in a picture when i see us low.
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I always see the girls as fictional characters separate from their actresses, so even after a graduation in the real world, the girls are still all together and having fun in the fictional realm, in my head at least
I share your sentiment.
The vtuber avatar is a fictional character, all the drama is about the voice actor.
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my search attempt ends at this >>45644241
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Tell me your favourite size scenario involving Fauna
Fauna puts me on a pop filter and begins to try various "uuu" frequencies that would resonate with my whole body
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discovering me shrunken in the rain and having her take care of me
afterwhich i get turned into a potted plant or something
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we must not let it die
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Being nestled between her breasts, falling asleep to the gentle sound and physical thumping of her heartbeat.
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From the thunbnail this looks like 2 cartoony feet
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For purity valentine (the white haired catgirl) it is actually the angel model that is beeg
She drew this on her twitter, the cat is normal human size
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if a certain design+voice+vibe works for someone, then that's just how it is

another thing I thought about is how vtubers are unique in how fanart often seeks to portray them as way more fantastical than they really are
the sky's the limit, basically
Sorry, i just went with the names from the list. Didn't know all of their lore.
I think we should add (angel) to her name if dragon forms are highlighted
Yeah sorry I didn't think about it when I first shilled her to this thread i just used the image of her angel model
Adding (angel) is a good idea
Still a cool chart I just wanted to clarify
>i get turned into a potted plant or something
That took a turn
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>fanart often seeks to portray them as way more fantastical than they really are
Fanart of them sitting in front of the PC for 1-3 hours wouldn't be all that interesting
Unless they're sitting on top of someone
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Don’t look at me like that
What are you gonna do, little man?
>equips poison needle
In all seriousness if a girl bigger than me looked at me like that I’d probably hide and be totally scaroused
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git yerself a giant chuuba that looks at you like this.
Need a giant brat to crush me
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Girls this big would die of dehydration and starvation. They have no viable food source and their only good source of drinking water is large lakes which they would very quickly burn through.
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Alright mister biologist, whatever you say.
That's cool and all but I really don't remember asking. Plus a lot of them are fantasy beings who could theoretically live without sustenance
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Have we ever actually seen a vtuber eat something on screen?
Maybe they just don't
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not yet
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I think i'm running out of Faunas. I hope >>90562820 is satisfied with the thread
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