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ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Schedule: You tell me

ϟ Upcoming Streams ϟ
>Lia is still on international break. Also her kitty is not feeling well, so please keep it in your thoughts in prayers!

ϟ Current Events ϟ
>Lia has a new acrylic stand up for sale
>Lia was in the studio recording 3D idol stuff, so keep an eye out for that finished project in the future!
>Original Song SOON™

ϟ Lia For Sale ϟ
>Marketable Lia Plushie WOW!!
>Chibi Lia daki pillow OMG!
>Lia shirts WTF
>Charms, Pins, Stands & Prints!

ϟ Other useful links ϟ
>New to Lia and are looking for VOD suggestions?
>Cytube channel:
cytuDOTbe/r/VODclubhouse (replace DOT with .)
>Divegrass team:

Remember to only love Lia, and never watch other girls. Only Lia will ever love you. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

Previous Thread: >>90595048
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thinking about Lias pink angel butthole
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i just came here to like Lia, hit dingers, and have a good time. that's about it
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replace DOT with .
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After all, Lia is a teen idol sensation
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ristmas_on_easter_island encouraging
>kitty pray
I hate kids
Is that the dude from dawsons creek?
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Gordon Bombay is manesan
Liaschizo trying to get a countdown out of Dizzy
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ϟ Lia Friends ϟ

Phase Connect>>>/vt//pcg/
Phase Gen2 +>>>/vt//pcgia/
Maid Mint>>>/vt//mint/
Rurumi -https://ixopod.uwu.ai/#
Haruna Swift -https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber -https://twitter.com/kkcyberai
Maple Alcesia -https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesia
Aoi Moi -https://twitter.com/Amoi_moi_moi
Nyaru -https://twitter.com/nyaruchuuu
Obake PAM -https://twitter.com/obakepam
Kamishiro Rita -https://twitter.com/RitaKamishiro
Ushio Ebi -https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Reina Sun -https://twitter.com/reina_kawaiii
Punkalopi -https://twitter.com/Punkalopi
Bonnie Barkswell -https://x.com/BonnieBarkswell
Nova Aokami -https://twitter.com/novaaokami
Kureiji Ollie -https://twitter.com/kureijiollie
Bao -https://x.com/baovtuber
Uto - https://www.youtube.com/@amatsukauto
Da Michi -https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru
Hakushika Larry -https://twitter.com/hakushikaiori
Hasekura Muumi -https://twitter.com/hasekuramuumi
Faye Mata's perfect tits -https://i.imgur.com/imT0dGn.png
Phil Wizard -https://www.instagram.com/philkwizard/?hl=en
Sam Hyde & Nick Rochefort -https://www.youtube.com/@PerfectGuyLife
L.A Flights -https://www.youtube.com/@L.A.FLIGHTS

ϟ War Time Traitor ϟ

Ayase Yuu 絢世ユウ -https://twitter.com/ayaseyuuu
did he get banned I don't see him
Lia from Phase Connect?
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I was doing it for the lovebugs and the poor sap who awkwardly supa'd about a countdown to make him not feel so alienated and cringe. You'd have to be a fucking rube to think that I can't (and dont) go to the appropriate vectors to receive that kind of attention/validation.
we are watching a movie.
you are watching other girls.
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this isn't even good cope bro I expect better from you baka
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liaschizo is our Fulton Reed
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thinking about sodomizing starknights
I miss Lia
>the Ducks made it out of the group stage before we did
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michibro you better come back for song of the south
[Sad News] Lia fren Adam Banks has been ruled ineligible. He is not a JP and he must play for the EN side
Liaschizo is the definition of the guy who scares all the hoes
would you suck easy cheese off of michbros nipples if lia asked you to?
I would do it if she told me not to honestly
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This has left me with a 500% success rate with the hoes that do remain. By design, et all.
would you suck easy cheese out of himemiya rie's butthole if lia asked you to?
Yeah, with a pool pump.
absolutely not unless I could cheat like >>90677851 and use mechanical means and rubber gloves
yes. i would tongue kiss hexa is lia wanted me to as well.
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I will wait for Lia
I will pray for Lia
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>Lia is still on international break
so real for this
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If it could be held off for another night that would be nice.
Liaschizo said he will melty
liachzio is counting on watching it tonight.
we watch it tonight unless the sound is messed up
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Oh geez...
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cam on bby plz...
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come onnnn
tactical flying v deployed
I want to triple deke Lia if you know what I mean
I want manesan to give an inspirational speech if we ever make it out of group stage
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credits rolling on mighty ducks, after Lia sings the feels is song of the south
disney movies used to be legit good
this movie had nudie mags and a joke about blueballs. I was surprised
a movie so good it spawned an actual NHL team
is this movie as racist as it's hyped up to be? will I be disappointed?
this is the Makinist's father btw
you tell me.

zippity doo dah is gonna become our victory anthem after this, isn't it?
We need a vtuber who sounds like this
in another timeline, Rinmama is old south and her family owned a plantation
I'm shocked Disney hasn't remade this with white people as the slaves
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I wish I was Rinmamas white whipping boy and personal servant and footstool
damnit i was supposed to be making manesan a goal keeper kit and got distracted watching movies with the boys
People stupid enough to engage in racial discourse are rarely able to meaningfully occupy the thought space of the actual individuals occupying the time and why they might hold those positions.
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we goin to atlanta
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Good post.
i need to go back there. it's been about a year. maybe take a lia pin with me this time
Lia has had a lot of zippity doo dah days as a vtuber
this was the first anime
is it really racist if it is factually how they used to talk?
I miss Lia
honestly? no. especially since it's a period piece
I want to stick a frog down Lia's underpants
all those dogs are dead irl now
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All their puppies too!
Rinmammy > Rinmama
imagine southern plantation princess Lia
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Being part of a corpo is basically being on the plantation.
lia hates the south albeit
that's why I said imagine it's not real
Lia has never been to the South
She'd like certain parts of it.
That Rinmammy is powerful wolfish and should not be trusted around her young master without supervision!
what would Rinmammy look like?
what a sick depraved erotic sexy fantasy
what is a tar baby? did I just learn a new slur from a disney movie?
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what do you think it is brother
An ancient slur derived from the old briar patch folktale, yeah.
i miss lia
i wish i could push lia into the mud
Uncouth peckerwoods such as yourself get their asses tanned around these parts.
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I would have violently assaulted you the same way
lia is too cute and pretty to get all messy and yucky
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Gays out!
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>The mocap suit:
phase is just a coffee plantation
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a chinese coffee plantation
zippity doo da
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The opium wars never ended.
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who's side you taking in the war on drugs?
public enemy hime is making a cake btw. I want her to spill the batter bowl all over her keyboard and cry
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Don't be fucking retarded an-non, it's all the same side. Pushers vs Users, and the Pushers were always going to win.

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What is that?
I don't have a problem I can quit whenever I want. Lia doesn't hurt me, she makes me stronger
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It's funny because the people without problems want you to think youre cooked for having problems when in actuality it's true! There are people who go through life without having to worry about basic fucking aspects of existence!
I wish I could smell Lia at her stinkiest
>or how to cope

Go on, explain it.
who are you quoting
Yippe_addict_shoot_up.jpg an-non.
The one that has harnessed Lia in a capacity to strengthen his position and not as an exploratory dive into his own psyche as to why a figure such as Lia provides a respite from the cognitive burden of past failures that prevents one from moving past the necessity of internet sad girl coping.

How does he do it? Why does he do it? Is he... compensated?
Sometimes I wonder which anon makes the crackhead yippees
I do it for the love of the game(Lia)
that anon is hella based I love his work
I hope Lia has masturbated to the Destiny vid
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Do you think Lia ever considered these crossroads before she began her journey to this point in time?

Catchpa: P8000
That Bone Thugs and Phil Collins collab was a banger
going to defer to fpbp on this one cuz

Anyways. I understand why they banned Song of the South now.

It's a cautionary tale to White Fathers about putting business before family and letting your child be spirited away by negro spirituals and cheap peckerwood pussy.

Walt Disney truly only cared about advancing the plight of the white man and our forefathers did not deserve the purity of his guidance.
I hope they unfreeze him and he starts making kino again
In high school one of the chinaman used to endearingly refer to me as a "secret asian" and a "reverse banana". His father abandoned him to go back to the mainland and perform his sino duties and all he had to show for it was a pristine ''00s era Long Beach Blue Acura NSX".

He didnt end up getting run down in any bull pen, though he only has a Championship White S2000 to his name these days.

Catchpa: JDADY
Funny cause his name was J. Lee. (?)
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eating left over pumpkin pie rn
cool cars
sound like fun, I jave never had those
Yeah, he ran with a bunch of well to do chinese kids and made the mistake of defering to his Christian indoctrination of giving me a ride home way day and this is his how I thank him.

Also correction: J. Lee was the defense contractor I inadvertently pulled into my VERY specific mumble mumble when he invited me to "house sit" his family members East Bay property. His "uncle" gave him an MR2 just like the one I eventually took a loan out to buy and got hosed on/didnt know what I had/shoop da wooped from those nice chinese fellas off Craigslist in the Hercules hills.

Live in the big city! (Bay Area)

Still waiting on my piece of pie.
how have you never had pumpkin pie
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lilpip.... we need to get you a green card
I want to stuff you full of Thanksgiving food and southern bbq
I keep pissing all my pants because I forget to pull them down at the urinal
Thats really inconsiderate for whoever is doing your laundry.
your mom doesn't seem to mind that much
I really liked Lia and Bao. I kept jumping between different streams and their team was the most fun to watch even if Uto didn't speak. Lia seems cute in a very zoomer way.
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Lia is the eternal youth of phase connect and half the company views her like a little sister, especially the hags
You're way far removed from my current lore cycle to be making such belligerent statements.

Baos immediate release after x Lia collabo was a IRL flesh stream mushroom hunting with Pirate Software's Thor (son of South Park WoW guy), and Juniper ( dead eyed SCP bug girl sex pervert solo pro girl). Really made me raise eyebrows at the stack. Kind of like Temmas normie adjacent flesh tuber thust. Bao's sweaty bahn mi were on full display while two white presenters faked sacrificing her to the ancient pagan fungus network.
More like Michibottom.
More like has-no-bitch, oh.
Michi doko?
Hime doko?
Toes doko?
Hoes doko?
Right here albeit >>90699047
In your head, albeit.
there's a vid?
yeah it's hot
thinking about Rinmama's vantablack butthole
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I miss the Makinst
I piss on the Makinist
I dont think hed appreciate that
He might
He seems the type who'd like having his body hair soaked with piss
I miss Lia
>a cups
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why is she riding a poopy horse
only if you're erina
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new Waterbros / Hermanos Agua model. I might use the crackhead yippee for /lia/'s Yippee too but the static Yippee model doing flips is too funny
buddy has never heard of leg day
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I’m awake, but at what cost
Tree fiddy
cute crack head
I hope Lia’s kitty is doing better today

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