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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Previous: >>90647978
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I love my wife so much!!
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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Day 62! Give it up for day 62!
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she can't keep getting away with it
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What da chumbies eat for dindin?
The thread archived as I was hitting submit
My dreams tend to change directions quickly, I was at a gas station and was talking to this girl about a car that wasn't mine. Eventually we ended up going after a dog, and when we had the dog cornered it grew larger and became aggressive so we ended up being trapped in a room together over a few hours. We got to know each other over the time in the room and randomly the roof opened and we made our escape from the dog. After it felt like we were old friends and we decided to spend more time together. The girl was short and really cute, with dark brownish hair I think. It was just one of those dreams where you wake up with a good feeling from it.
She uses the internet
Your mom
Copium. And also, what i mentioned is just the tip of the iceburg of everything she has said in Hololive
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Reading this made me >mfw vicariously
I'm sorry chumbie
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I ate a honeyed ham sandwich
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gura needs hugs
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It would seem to me that you are in fact the one huffing copium, cuckposter-kun
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Last night I had a dream where I drove around town again. I wouldn't mind getting a new dream every now and then
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Bet me on this: Gooba will stream tomorrow...
Mandatory stream to pacify the situation
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Nah, management reaped what they sowed
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I dont dream at all. I think the weed stops them.
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How wholesome. I think I know what you're talking about. One of those dreams with a classic movie, Shawshank Redemption-esque happy ending. I've had a few dreams like that. Leave you feeling nice and warm and fuzzy.
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nothing bad with having a recurring dream, for years i've had like a good 10 recurring dreams every so often, they are all nice but all i can gather from them is my anima calling for me to find her.
dude WEEED bro
calm down bud, dont be mean to the retarded.
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but I want her to beat her old record...
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I still liked this work from dinoaibud
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It's relevant to the conversation. DUDE WEED BRO is for when people bring it up all the time randomly.
it's ok but it does need a bit more work so it stops being jarring on some scenes.
Nah Gura’s been fighting against management. You seriously think she’s gonna want to help them?
I rarely dream, I think it's becuase of caffiene. I drink a lot of coffee but I don't use drugs.
are you black
I know how to change smoke detector batteries and maintain my credit score so no.
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The dream definitely ended with a happy ending :3
i was only curious, that's good.
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Chumbie, I just did a college research paper on Jung a couple weeks ago after never looking into his work all that deeply, and this is the second time since that I've seen a random persom explicitly mentiom the anima/animus archetypes - specifically that one - both online and irl
Is this synchronicity
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Gura fights her sleep paralysis demons and management but sometimes she forgets which one she fought last night.
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I drink a lot of caffeine too. It's not really a bad thing to stop dreams though, feels nice to not wake up with a raging boner or depressed from some nonsense.
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on 3 occasions I have dreamed that I was in front of a huge crowd holding a saxophone. Neither my real self nor my dream self has any competency with the saxophone.
>get home
>gura trending on twitter
>it's just a bunch of fan art and AI porn
After the Fauna thing I was getting nervous.
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Was brown-haired girl cunny
If something happened we would probably be at 1000 posts right now chumbie
Gura will join Faunas stream tonight to help finish her stupid Minecraft tree
I hope not. I'm busy.
Theres another stream tonight?
Did she mention playing minecraft earlier? I don't see anything about it on twitter or her channel.
Its called the internet and watching meme shit, cute little tard~
My wife is 8mths pregnant and I had a weird dream last night that I was changing Gura's diaper what does this mean?
You're gonna have a daughter. Good luck, you will need it.
He already knows that, there's no way he was being serious. Don't even bother replying.
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after learning about jungian psychology and analyzing my own self through that lens i see things that my subconscious have tried to tell me since young and it makes a whole lot of sense.
i still got a lot to learn
this is what I like but fauna's breasts should be bigger
Im guessing she was in her twenties like me, and beyond that I just remember her being on the short side. Funny enough from your image, Mumei's height probably would have been close.
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Off, once again, to the nightshift
Forgot to post earlier whoops
Okie dokie
I feel the same
Also Jung mogs Freud, change my mind don't @ me
Conjure her for the sequel dream and wife her
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Stay safe bud.
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I'm running out of things to watch
Sex with a fembud.
Goob luck chumbie
Read books then.
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I had two Gura-related dreams a few months ago. I forgot what the first one was about and the second one involved all of Myth. I haven't had any dreams with her in them since.
Impossible. There's enough anime out there to appeal to every possible taste for eternity. Look harder chumbie
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forgot where i read this but didn't jung say that freud was only scratching the surface of a deeper basement.
freud was alright but he couldn't see broader like jung did. i wonder what the world would have turned out like if instead of frend and it's contemporaries, took jung and neumann as the root of psychology during the boom of psychedelics.
Seems like everyone who talked about Fauna's graduation said that everything is fine with Cover and management and basically Fauna is stupid for leaving. Ngl kinda scummy that they would just throw their supposed friend under the bus like that, maybe there really is bullying and cliques in Hololive
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never gonna read
Will Gura change from light blue to dark blue?
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They are trying to save their own skin. I'm on fauna's side on this one
I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm starting to believe Gura's minimum effort approach was actually the best call she could've made. She never misses, huh?
Got mad at sparking Zero and I deleted it.
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Is it tough chumbie?
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Gura ugly Gura ugly!
what were you watching until now?
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>I am forgotten...
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had this in my backburner, bought now.
It really goes to show that Gura is a true princess and the rest of the vtubers are wimpy peasants who can only act on animal instinct, too unintelligent to realize the poison needle is what kills them rather than the pain induction box.
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
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u also gotta read the essay on wotan that jung did huhaha
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what the chumbies talking about
It could be that Fauna had to deal with some bad managers in particular that Cover won't do anything about. Not enough information to know really.
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link me up bud.
You're not alone in thinking that. Here's my rrat with absolutely no evidence: While top management wants her to remain for the merchandising, other alliances in Cover are just trying to push her to retire. Indefinite hold on this project, remove resources for that project. Then she still refused to leave, so they went after her allies. Even though it's not too important anymore, someone is still jealous the shark is holding the most subbed crown. My apologies for the schizo conspiracy theory.
I beleeb
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I don't like imagining this scenario
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i love and adore gura
Some what if requierements are basically impossible just to make you gather the dragon balls to make it slightly easier. The dragon balls are random drops with a miniscule drop rate from any fight. It's terrible design just to make you waste your time.
sleep well chumbie
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I just want to pet this creature is that too much to ask?
It's copium that she *checks notes* understands basic sex jokes and edgy internet humor?
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The Bible and now Jung, God this is great. Chumbies you're alright, needs a twinge more of Miguel Serrano.
wife soon
yeah she certainly doesn't miss her fans ;3
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ty buds
After consorting with my coworkers it would seem we all agree that a particular room of the clubhouse, specifically security's after-dark break area, is haunted/demonically possessed. One of them is a former cop who has seen some shit, would sweep pitch-black buildings looking for perps, and so on without hesitation... but this room has him legitimately spooked. They aren't certain if the spirit is malevolent, but as for me, there are times when I can definitely sense an overwhelming miasma of hatred, malice and despair.
I will be unironically asking my priest for advice on spiritual warfare and exorcisms, and in the meantime I shall be avoiding this room.
... so how is your night going chumbies? :3
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you clearly don't miss her farts.
gura, you don't have to come up with these elaborate stories to let us know you're here...
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I'm just relaxing but you should absolutely avoid that room bud.
I do, but she refuses to give them to me
I want to suck on Gura's dual phimotic futa shark cocks.
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I love my fellow outlier-high-IQ-buds <3
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Have you tried bringing a dog near it. I hear dogs are sensitive to spooky stuff
wrong, those are cats.
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I watched a bunch of youtube video recommendations where a guy and his dog go into the woods but then the dog gets really spooked at nothing
in the woods, dogs are more alert towards other canines, so there must have been coyotes out there.
cats will literaly stare at a wall and follow something that doesn't seem to be there.
Gura I am aware that you have been working on a sololive and that you just discovered it was a malicious ruse by management to make you stay. However, you must continue to advance in order to demonstrate to the management dogs that their efforts are ultimately in vain.

Bae won't get a sololive, she is too much of a runt
Kiara has given up as she approaches 30
Bijou doesn't have any talents like you
Fuwamoco might have some popularity but they are overrated and will never be able to produce good music

Show them what you've got in store for your sololive, for Fauna.
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Hello I am Gura. I am eating kit kats right now
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Ye, I'll just hang out in the foyer instead. Kinda spooky in its own right because it's pitch black and there are doors on all sides, but there's a fireplace and the wicked spiritual presence seems much fainter so I'll take it <3
I know some people onsite have a dog, maybe the landscapers, but I haven't seen it since summertime. And I'd be surprised if management would be willing to take an animal up there for something like this. God knows I would if it were my call.
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Gura dont listen to this guy just do pic related on stream and all will be well
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>Conjure her for the sequel dream and wife her
I don't think im capable of that, but unless that was my brain's way of depicting Gura then you're not getting me to leave her that easy.
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I've played Sata no Uta before. I can work with this.
I want to cum inside gura

That is all.
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how is gura such a sweetheart?
i love her so much
time for her to go back to the sea.
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Chumbie are you doing this specifically to mess with securitybud?
Because after I made last post my mind started flashing images of rotting shrieking disfigured corpses not unlike your picrel.
Now I'm imagining spindly arachnid-like inky black fingers closing around my neck from behind.
Alright you know what fuck this I'm getting out of here, screw the cold
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she may love all ebies but she loves me the most
pink ebi bad.
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Am having spam and egg today
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I do not want her to become a affiliate. I want a graduation live
All this commotion and anxiety and fear after the most recent graduations but Gura chooses to continue staying radio-silent instead of trying to calm the waves even a little bit. Thats kinda scummy not gonna lie.
Now is not the time for that. The girls are trying to downplay fauna's callout
We'll be lucky to even get a prerecorded video announcement at this point.
Gura would like this
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The trees are bare of their leaves all about me. Withered, desiccated, skeletal husks of coiling fiber behind which hides an empty yawning void of darkness and demonic delusion. I smoke my cigarette by the public road with only the solitary light of the streetlamp and the fire of the almighty in my heart to keep me company, to keep me warm.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want...
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I like this too
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Bae talked about it. Change means growth, Fauna doesn't want to accept it, Gura obviously hates it. They're stuck in a bubble, and so do we.
what a sellout
Change is good becuase change is good becuase change is good becuase change is good becuase change is good
Bae drank the corporate koolaid
She already made the move to japan. She has to brown nose management now.
We love the company

The company

Even if we die we love the company!
change is bad. i must make gura eternal.
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Agreed. Precisely why her word is suspect
Would sexually bully and ryona this critter T u T
Told you it's a change that only whores don't accept. Literally all the whores are the ones bailing.
so bae is compromised...
I'm playing wc3 customs.
>all the whores are bailing.
All the people that have quit this year are non GFE chuubas?
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She said equally as dumb when the homos are debuting. I remember her baby talking to her chat and saying change is good and that da boiz are welcome.
A whore is a whore if they're a whore. What they stream has nothing to do with that.
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I might be in the minority opinion here, but I like the rat, I really do. That said, given what I know of her and her background, I think it's clear that her values are a bit shallow and that she has a childishly... I guess you could say "progressive" outlook on life. I get the impression that she's the sort of person who, if shown pictures or video of cities like London, Paris and San Francisco in 1900 to 1950, would talk about how there have always been problems, things are "better" now than they've ever been, people have rose-tinted glasses for a world that never existed, etc. Not in those words, because she's not an ideologue - she's better than that - but that's at least her disposition. I think that is also reflected in her framing of this obviously negative development as being "change", and she "wouldn't want Hololive to be the same as it was two years ago" because, uh... "growth".
"Growth for its own sake is the ideology of the cancer cell." Never forget that, chumbies.
She'd make a great pointless middle manager.
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She is one of the younger holoENs so I guess I understand.
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>everyone who talked about Fauna's graduation said that everything is fine
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Man, I really wish I could peek behind the curtain and get a full understanding of what's really going on with Hololive. Only getting bits and pieces and vague, often conflicting statements from different people is very frustrating.
Money and greed is what changes people. If you don't want to see that company grow and see statistics go upwards, then you better off leaving at once.
Given how much I like Ame and Fauna, and obviously given how much I like Gura, I don't think it'd make me any happier. I'm pretty sure that knowing would only piss me off more, since whatevers going on seems to be in direct opposition with my interests.
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At long last I have returned to my station at the gatehouse. Nice and warm while also totally free from demonic influence. Sweet relief.
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I am curious about this demonic clubhouse. Maybe I can visit it one day
I think Gura has used her Holo-money to buy and old-timeý settlement so she can spend her day RP her cowboy fantasies. She's all in with no electricity and all, that's why she can't communicate with us
Imagine if she graduates before movie may?
She just needs time, Arthur.
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Also it's the corporate world, they're NOT going to bend to your pleas. It's all about making profits, and they see talents are nothing but money-making tools, so some of them are not pleased to see the new contract to be outrageous and unfair.
Dear god not movie may! Thats sacred!!
I don't know how corporate NDAs work, but if the girls do leave and Cover eventually croaks as a compzny, do you think they would finally be at liberty to explain what was going on?
A rrat occurred to me just the other day - what if Gura refused to do an anniversary stream this year because she KNEW that Cover would shill 4th anniversary merch regardless, and wanted them to expose themselves? Give themselves enough rope to hang themselves with, so to speak? It would make too much sense, and no I will not take my meds.
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I actually agree with your theory chumbie
my thoughts exactly
Posts EXACTLY 1 minute apart, can you be anymore obvious?
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I can't say too much for opsec reasons, but other than the demonic infestation it's a nice place. Opulent, in a rustic sort of way. If you do get the chance to visit someday it's a sign that you've made it in life, and who knows, maybe I'll be on duty that day :)
You are by far the most boring poster in the history of /ggg/
r u ogey chumbie
I think Gura wants to leave. But due to her mascot status, it will make the company look bad to the share holders. So they're delaying for as long as possible. At least until the graduation backlog is finished.
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We shall see chumbie
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I sure hope so. I'd love to see a tell-all book or documentary about Hololive someday. And you could be right with your theory on merch, but I'm really not sure what to think on that for sure.
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Dont be mean to securitybud chumbie. I like his stories
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Stop, you're hurting my feelings
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Thanks chumbie, I like you too
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Goob night.
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Sleep well gamer
I can't believe we actually have a living breathing retard posting here, not only did you have to remove the letter "u" from words like colour because you Americans were to retarded to use such an advanced spelling for your peanut brain, then you also hade to reduce time into 2 distinct parts because your peanut brain could not count to 24, which is the actual amount of hours in a day

Holy moly, i feel icky just thinking about people like you watching a sweet girl like Gura :S
nighty night bud
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>Seething Britbong falseflag
>Over ante meridian and the u in "colour" of all things
Whyye arrghe yewgh lieyke thisse?
Seriously I'm like 60% on this being a joke please say you're joking
She needs to be protected at all costs.
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Huh, I was not aware of this before. It sucks because going public definitely sent things in a bad direction, but I don't blame Yagoo if that was his only choice besides selling.
The longer her silence continues, the more probable this is. They don't have to grant her graduation request mid contract, but she can refuse to do anything.
I hope so, otherwise I understand better now why Gura always mocks the British.
I always liked yagoo. I think he has a genuine love for his talents. But going public means dealing with out of touch investors.
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>had to sell
Big time bullshit. He could have downsized (if Cover was even in the red, which I doubt) but he wanted infinite growth just like the investors do.
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>Finally check back in after weeks
>Fauna is graduating
Fucking why? why does this keep happening everytime I check in?
From what I've read here I think he owed initial investors from when Cover was starting up, and they wanted him gone unless he sold to get their money or went public. I understand people who aren't fans just wanted to see a return on their investments, but holy fuck has it absolutely caused Cover to take a nose dive.
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I've been playing a lot of Holocure lately.
I'm not knowlegable on investing stuff, but from what I read it sounds like the venture capital companies force the IPO. What I don't understand is why cover couldn't buy up a majority of the stock at that time. Is that illegal or something?
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When would her contract have been renegotiated? Presumably sometime before Myth's 5th anniversary, surely?
I get the impression that she was at least trying to make things work for most of this year, probably up until she learned about Ame going copeffiliate. If contracts are renewed yearly that would mean she'd have to wait until well into next year then, no?
Well Kiara said Ame told them in like June or July that she was leaving, so probably around that time. She would have to wait until the end September to leave im guessing. Basically the same time Ame left this year.
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Sorry for the bad news, bud. At least we get to be here in her final month, and for Christmas.
Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPyLnwSXqkA
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>Is that illegal or something?
Shouldn't be unless there is a specific contract stating they must pay back the original amount, but I doubt that because of the option to go public.
She's barely been around at all all year long, how is that trying to make it work?
sleep tight buddy
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shut the fuck up
No, I'm being serious. Maybe that came out too aggressively, but really. She's been around about as much as last year, which is to say not much at all.
Who do you think Terry Davis' oshi would be
Reminder Mumei is the only one that's left for Gura, if she leaves, she would be extremely devastated and will never recover.
Would've been Ame
okay schizo
I don't want my favorite girls to stay in that shithole anymore honestly
She leans on Kronii too.
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>Intermittent streams, members posts, and/or communication
>Near dead fucking silence as soon as they learned Ame was leaving for anything not directly involving Ame
Like two thirds of Gura's streams since June involved Ame somehow - Amesame Spelling Bee, Mario Party collab, ENReco, old DMs stream and the DRG collab the day after... only a handful of things like the 2.0 reveal, FNAF spinoff and daughtermaker otherwise. And complete dead silence since DRG collab of course.
Seems to indicate an effort was being made at first, despite Cover making things difficult, but after Ame she threw up her hands. And as time passes we're getting more and more indications as to why.
Fauna was Gura's favorite member of SNOT. It's already over.
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>Like two thirds of Gura's streams since June involved Ame somehow
>Outside of 2 collabs with her and a cameo in Bae's live, Gura has been nothing but dead silent since Ame's announcement

Further proof that They Are
I've heard Mumei's been on another long hiatus. Is there any clue as to why, beyond the usual "civilization duties" i.e. college? From briefly lurking in /who/ I get the impression this is unusual, even for her. She wasn't having any corpo perms autism getting in the way of songs like Gura and Kronii right?
Myth one block was organized because Ame was leaving. Kiara pitched the idea in May. Most of Gura's streams this year happened after that. I don't even know where you come up with this shit, if anything she was dead BEFORE she learned about Ame's graduation, not after. The entire first chunk of the year was a handful of streams followed by japan fes taiwan etc
Its during these long periods of droughts that I'm actually happy with all the world's happenings going on that distract me and keep me occupied. I pray for Gura's wellness.
>She wasn't having any corpo perms autism getting in the way of songs like Gura and Kronii right?
The Fauna Mumei original has been held up somehow, and it now seems questionable if it'll ever get an offical release.
Another Full Color-type situation.
Gura definitely nepod ame makes sense that she doesnt feel like working with anybody else
Middle aged women creating and singing an emo song with lyrics of a 12 year old, holy cringe. Hopefully it doesn't get released
For song covers I could maybe understand, but I genuinely don't understand how original songs can be running into issues. It makes no sense at all, no matter what angle you try to look at it from. It's a perfect example of how incompetent Cover staff is now.
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You're misunderstanding me. The fact that so many streams since the announcement involved Ame is specifically what I'm highlighting here. She gave up after the announcement, and only came back from the dead for Ame, almost exclusively - remove those streams from the count, and Gura was way more active earlier in the year across the board, factoring in streams, Fes, communication, etc. Especially since the breaks inbetween weren't nearly as long as the break between Luigi's Mansion and Daughter Maker, or DRG and now - it's not just about the sheer number of streams, but how much uninterrupted dead space there is inbetween.
Hence, why I am proposing that before Ame's announcement, she was trying to make things work for her own sake and Cover's; after, she gave one last hurrah FOR AME, but otherwise has given up.
If Gura's really somehow less dead now than earlier in the year - then where the fuck is she, anon? Besides following NotFauna on her other account, of course.
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Cover's retardation knows no bounds
Since when is someone in their 20s middle aged? I don't think your old enough to be on this website anon.
middle aged is 38 or something right?
Anyone that is older than 15 and still sings emo songs are middle aged, no matter what their actual age is are am
0-17 = kid
18-36 = young adult
37-55 = middle age
56-74 = elderly
75+ = ancient
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When you get a little older you'll see things different little buddy. You'll mature and learn to just enjoy the things you enjoy.
Counterpoint! The rust programming language isn't worth beating the face in of apostates!
do you guys burn incense? what's your favorite type?
my mom does but I don't like the smell
The Bible isnt meant to be read and interpreted alone
Not burn, but i have one of those urns with sticks in them, smells really good; saffron, vanilla & oranges or something, smells like a bakery, sooooo goood <3
>No wars
I talk to a guy that codes AI as a hobby and he fucking despises Rust devs more than you could possibly imagine.
That sounds really nice I just grabbed some Lavender to start off with but I think I'll diversify as time goes on.
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Gura please post and update us on twitter, stop shitposting here
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Ironically, I've seen codemonkeys arguing over languages before and they'll act like you killed their dog or something
A baby is just a fully baked creampie
Those retweets weren't skinwalked. Notice how she only retweeted Fauna's tweets and the japanese version of Chloe's tweet. It was her way of giving the EN management troglodytes the middle finger. She also followed Fauna on HER account around the same time
does Gura have dildo?
no she likes vibrators
At least it seems like she's still employed. I was worrying she was getting terminated before releasing her last projects
Maraccas to be specific if you know you know, "You can put them in...places, "shaka shaka"
There's no way cover is prepared for the pr nightmare that would come with terminating Gura.
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I've always found it interesting how seriously some people take coding. I'll never quite get it as I tried to learn coding, but just couldn't stick with it. While I understood the basic concepts pretty well, the syntax and minutia of exactly how you had do stuff was too much for my brain.
Even retards can learn Go, even easier than Python, and it's an actual good language. Have you given Go a try?
How often does gura goom?
No, I haven't even heard of it before. It was quite a few years that I tried. I don't even remember what language it was.
I love my silly little goomer
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Guras favourite flower is Hydrangea:

"Sadly, the entire plant, including the flower buds, is quite toxic to pets and children. All parts of Hydrangea contain traces of cyanide. Accidental ingestion could cause shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, and a rapid pulse. Severe cases of poisoning could also lead to convulsions and death"

Gura has Pica, she ate sand & shewed on marbles as a kid, she also licked countertops & also said she used to ate wild catnip

In one of her streams she mentioned her moder planted the most beautiful Hydrangea in their backyard

Given Gura has Pica it's safe to say she munched on those flowers, she has mentioned having ALL these sympoms of hydrange poisioning:

"shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, and a rapid pulse"
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I'm in a similar boat, though mostly due to permanent generalized burnout than anything to do with the subject of programming itself. I think it's helpful to actually start with low-level, bare-metal fundamentals like what hardware components and memory addresses high-level languages abstract down to, and the assembly commands they compile to, etc. than using the high-level abstraction as your starting paradigm. That way you can view the mechanics going on a bit more clearly while bypassing what our intuition would have us believe the language says "should" happen and things like that.
That edification is a major reason arbitrary code execution videos have caught my interest as of late, like these for example:
I don't give a shit about ants, foreskin, food, shemales, british people, robots, ducks, key switches, lesbians, boobs, YouTube notifications, headpats, earbuds, Ames parents, paranoid acoustics, chameleons, wavelength, ID male collabs, deceased bees, butt-wiping, chinese invasion of taiwan, missiles, shake-weights, subnautica, Dodgers, baseball, pan fried salman, cockatiels, air fryer, condoms, s’ghetti, birdcages, wc3 customs, bleeding, meron pan, oyasame, eggnog, baguraette, cold sandpaper, foreskin again, dreams, time zones, programming…i just want my Gura back, is that to much to ask for?
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Its nice to see the memory of my chameleon live on
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We must never let this ritualpost die
It may as well be a UNESCO World Heritage site
Onyo, did it die? I miss him already
You the bud who's been taking a break for a few weeks? Sorry you came back to yet more bad news chumbie.
I'm not sure if that would actually help me with learning coding, but I do find that kind of stuff fascinating. I'll check out those videos later.
I want to "know" how to code, but learning it feels tedious and overwhelming
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He died a couple weeks ago chumbie. I buried him underneath his tree
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Coding always felt like one big puzzle to me. It always felt like I lacked the creativity to solve problems.
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Yeah, this is truly the worst timeline :(
Rust sucks bud. It's about as applicable in the real world tech as Haxe.
>>90701629 (me)
ooops, just saw that she smiled at the end, that was not my intention or sentiment, disregard the ending
>It's about as applicable in the real world tech
Yeeeeeeeaaaah, the real world disagrees with you, pal https://thenewstack.io/rust-on-the-rise-new-advocacy-expected-to-advance-adoption/
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Psychopathbud my beloved
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He is climbing the great Fauna-world-tree in the sky now bud
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There there, this timeline isn't ALL bad. For instance, Papa shark and other MAGAlodons like me have something to be happy about at least.
I just realized, if DOGE's mission of cutting back on seventy years of regulatory accumulation is successful, maybe that would make it easier if the ex-HoloEN girls decide to get together and form their own corpo? Show the JPs how it's done, without the autism, bloat and red tape.
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what happen
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I just changed some awkward wording that was bothering me, sowwy for the disturbance
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I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face, it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice, it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
I wished someone told me to never shave all of my ass hair. They are starting to grow back slowly and my ass is so fucking itchy right now
That's why you get them lasered, laser hair removal is the best and last for a long time. I love having no ass-hair, especially when pooping after exercise so my butt cheeks are sweaty, the turds just fly out of my cheeks like a slip-n-slide <3
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Yeah thats pretty much why I keep mine. I don't see the point in shaving it anyway
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Has she really never done this for karaoke?
AIDinobud, I would like to request Dino Gura as Amy Lee in the My Immortal music video
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I have immense hope for the future
Remember last years anniversary when she was incredible medicated, confirmed her tail was plugin type, then walked on water

I wonder how much trouble she got into after that shitshow with mana-san
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I remember
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im eeping too much
she should've gone even further
Remember when she said "Mommy, daddy, it's time for my milkies, go go ga ga", which stream was that?
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I'm getting pretty eepy too
that was last night after she fell asleep after i nutted in her
Why is she so retarded? Hahhahahahha lmao https://youtu.be/VDE9T4iSL5Y?t=2531
Please go on a date with me Gooba
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Gura is gathering the members of the SNOT cast. Trust the process, 2025 will be a big year.
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Back off, she's mine.
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Good. I want all of them out of that shithole asap
>Hail Fauna, full of green
>Yagoo forsaketh thee
>Blessed art thou amongst kirin
>And blessed is the fruit of thy milkers, Jes/uuu/s
>Man I Love Fauna, mother of saplings
>Do ASMR for us squeebers, that's all we will ever be
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wazzup again, losers!
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Why you heff to call me a loser? :(
I like how she turned around, kissed Miku then honked her boobs. Why is Gura so extremely lesbian?
Baguuuraette squeebsqueebsqueeb
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For Kirin and Cuuunny!
Why are you here?
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I can't believe I nearly forgot my ritualposts this thread
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Time for me to hit the sack. Nighty night chumbies
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Goobnight bud
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Who me
just to suffer
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No he means me!
You mean whorecast
Gura often chew hydrangea leaves like chewing tobacco
It's time, I'm going on silly tavern to roleplay as Gura's son, I'll also activate my Gura tulpa just so I can listen to her voice and immense myself more
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Based. Fuck management, I don't want gura putting more hours into hololive with all the other snakes in EN
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Damn. Especially sad and grim to see it visualized like this.
After what happened with fauna, I think its a good thing chumbie
Gura slowly fading away is a good thing? If finally she actually leaves and comes back as an indie that's more active, then sure, I'd count that as a win.
I wished we go back to the old days of debating about her bucci pucci instead of graduation rrats.
With the state that management is in? Yes. I dont want her interacting with management more than she has to
Hoping I get dino dreams tonight
Unless she somehow decided to opt out from holofes, we should get news of when she's performing tomorrow
Is tomorrow 47 hours away? I thought 1 day was 24 hours
Ah, that's good. A little crumb of hope in these dark times.
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i'm retarded
Well, the day after tomorrow to look forward to, then.
It's good that's it's visualized. Makes it easier to share how bad it is.
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Another nightshift another dollar
Reminder that Gura stopped streaming regularly way before the shitshow that is currently going on with Cover happened
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She stopped streaming regularly about two years ago, at a frequency seemingly inversely proportional to Cover management's gradual shittification

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